OSM | n | Go Sprint | website | https://go-sprint.de/ | 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://go-sprint.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority |
OSM | n | website | https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/das-uba/standorte-gebaeude | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/das-uba/standorte-gebaeude": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | n | Burg-Apotheke | contact:website | https://www.steinbach-hallenberg.de/wirtschaft/firmen-branchen/apotheken/burg-apotheke/ | 503 Service Unavailable |
OSM | n | image | https://www.jugendherberge.de/upload/webcam/image.jpg | 403 Forbidden |
OSM | n | website | https://store.totalenergies.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://store.totalenergies.de/": dial tcp: lookup store.totalenergies.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Clubkino | website | http://www.kinozm.de | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Autoservice Göpfert | contact:website | http://auto-service-goepfert.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Autosalon Suhl | contact:website | http://www.suhl.mini.de/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www.suhl.mini.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | n | Lärchenstube | contact:website | https://www.wildganz.com/unterkuenfte/1377-pension-eberhardt | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Pension Eberhardt | contact:website | https://www.wildganz.com/unterkuenfte/1377-pension-eberhardt | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Venter-Glocken | contact:website | https://www.venter-glocken.de/ | 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.venter-glocken.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2024-09-14T09:30:20+02:00 is after 2024-09-12T23:59:59Z |
OSM | n | Asphaltwerk Zella-Mehlis | website | https://www.amo-debus.de/standorte/details/asphaltwerk-zella-mehlis-38 | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.amo-debus.de/standorte/details/asphaltwerk-zella-mehlis-38": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | n | Heizungsbau Maurice Fuchs | website | http://www.klempnerei-fuchs.de/ | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Volksbank Thüringen Mitte eG | website | https://www.volksbank-thueringen-mitte.de | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.volksbank-thueringen-mitte.de": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer |
OSM | n | Hauptzollamt Erfurt - Dienstort Suhl | contact:website | https://www.zoll.de | 302 Found |
OSM | w | Evangelisch-Freikirchliche Gemeinde | contact:website | https://efg-sm.de/ | 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://efg-sm.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2024-09-14T09:37:13+02:00 is after 2024-08-18T23:59:59Z |
OSM | w | Seniorenzentrum "Hildburghäuser Land" | website | https://www.regiomed-kliniken.de/seniorenzentrum-hildburghaeuser-land.aspx | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Flugplatz Westhausen | website | http://www.aeroclub-suedthueringen.de | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www.aeroclub-suedthueringen.de": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | w | Kirche Wahns | website | https://www.ekmd.de/kirche/kirchenkreise/meiningen/unterkatz/wahns/kirche/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Sch(l)afstall Bedheim | website | https://archiv.iba-thueringen.de/projekte/bedheim-schlafstall | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://archiv.iba-thueringen.de/projekte/bedheim-schlafstall": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match archiv.iba-thueringen.de |