OSM Objects with URLs to check in area Landkreis Miesbach ( 2168231 )

ID Type Name Tag type URL Status Analysis Edit Links
OSM n Motel Irschenberg Süd website http://hotel-irschenberg.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://rast-hotel.de/irschenberg-sued/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kreissparkasse website https://portal.ksk-mbteg.de/portal/portal/StartenIPSTANDARD 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://portal.ksk-mbteg.de/portal/portal/StartenIPSTANDARD": dial tcp: lookup portal.ksk-mbteg.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Reifen John website https://www.reifen-john.com/ 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.reifen-john.com/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-15T08:22:45+01:00 is after 2024-03-04T23:45:00Z

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fahrschule Potkowa website http://www.fahrschule-potkowa.de/standorte/standorte-otterfing.htm 303 See Other

Redirect URL: http://www4.fahrschule-potkowa.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Nitrion website http://internet.bodycote.org/deu/standort_detail.asp?cont=location&ids=65 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://internet.bodycote.org/deu/standort_detail.asp?cont=location&ids=65": dial tcp: lookup internet.bodycote.org on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n BayWa website https://www.baywa-standorte.de/baustoffe-warngau/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.baywa-standorte.de/baustoffe-warngau/": dial tcp: lookup www.baywa-standorte.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Klosterstüberl contact:website https://www.klosterstueberl-fischbachau.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.klosterstueberl-fischbachau.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.klosterstueberl-fischbachau.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Eni website http://www.auto-schwarzer.de/tankstelle/ 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n IST website http://www.ist-tech.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.ist-tech.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.ist-tech.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Haus Demmel website http://www.haus-demmel.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.haus-demmel.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.haus-demmel.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Grundschule Bayrischzell website https://gemeinde.bayrischzell.de/oeffentliche-einrichtungen/schule-bildung.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hotel garni Königslinde website https://www.koenigslinde.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.koenigslinde.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for dogado.de, *.dogado.de, *.dogado.net, dogado.net, not www.koenigslinde.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bahnhofskiosk website http://gemeinde.bayrischzell.de/wirtschaft/betriebe.html?tx_wtdirectory_pi1[show]=20&cHash=331705938… 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://gemeinde.bayrischzell.de/wirtschaft/betriebe.html?tx_wtdirectory_pi1[show]=20&cHash=33170593…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Pfarrheim website https://gemeinde.bayrischzell.de/gemeindeleben/kirchen.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website https://gemeinde.bayrischzell.de/oeffentliche-einrichtungen/gemeindliche-einrichtungen/kegelbahn.htm… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Gemeindebücherei website https://gemeinde.bayrischzell.de/oeffentliche-einrichtungen/gemeindliche-einrichtungen/buecherei.htm… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Landhaus Alpina website http://www.landhaus-alpina.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.landhaus-alpina.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.landhaus-alpina.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Haus Unterbrunner website http://www.haus-unterbrunner.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.haus-unterbrunner.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.haus-unterbrunner.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienwohnanlage Haus Schönbrunn website http://www.fwa-schoenbrunn.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.fwa-schoenbrunn.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.fwa-schoenbrunn.de on server misbehaving

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kurmittelhaus website http://www.kurmittelhaus-stiegler.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.kurmittelhaus-stiegler.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.kurmittelhaus-stiegler.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Haus Pöllinger website http://www.haus-poellinger.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.haus-poellinger.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.haus-poellinger.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Alperie website https://diealperie.com/restaurant/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://diealperie.com/eventlocation/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website www.gaestehaus-hatl-gach.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.gaestehaus-hatl-gach.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.gaestehaus-hatl-gach.de or http://www.gaestehaus-hatl-gach.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Gasthaus am Gasteig website https://www.gasthofamgasteig.de 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.gasthofamgasteig.de": remote error: tls: handshake failure

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Villa "Toscana" website www.hoteltoscana.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.hoteltoscana.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.hoteltoscana.de or http://www.hoteltoscana.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hotel Die Alpensonne website https://www.hotel-alpensonne-tegernsee.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.hotel-alpensonne-tegernsee.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.hotel-alpensonne-tegernsee.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Wirtschaftsschule Pasold-Weißauer website https://www.pasold-weissauer.de/home.html 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fitnessclub Xundheit website https://www.fcxundheit.de/index.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Raiffeisenbank website https://www.oberlandbank.de/wir-fuer-sie/filialen-ansprechpartner/filialen/uebersicht-filialen/schli… 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.oberlandbank.de/wir-fuer-sie/filialen-ansprechpartner/filialen/uebersicht-filialen/schliersee.html": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Krottenthaler Alm website http://www.krottenthaler-alm.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.krottenthaler-alm.de": dial tcp: lookup www.krottenthaler-alm.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Trachtenmode Jäger website http://www.trachten-jaeger.de 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://outlook.office365.com/mail/?realm=trachten-jaeger.de&vd=www

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Blickwinkel website https://www.atelier-blickwinkel.de/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.franzis-blickwinkel.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Landgasthof Grub website http://www.gasthof-grub.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.sonnenschutz-karlkotz.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Landhaus an der Au - Zentrum für Senioren website http://www.landhaus-an-der-au.de/ 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Beim Zotzn website https://www.zotzn.de 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.zotzn.de": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.kasserver.com, kasserver.com, not www.zotzn.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n HypoVereinsbank website http://www.hvb.de 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www.hvb.de": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n HAIR No1 website https://www.hair-no1-by-kristina.de/index.php 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.hair-no1-by-kristina.de/index.php": dial tcp: lookup www.hair-no1-by-kristina.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Raiffeisenbank im Oberland eG website https://www.oberlandbank.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.oberlandbank.de/": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fristo website https://www.fristo.de/no_cache/maerkte/info/getraenkemarkt/hausham-rathausstrasse-1/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Al Lago website:menu https://www.allago-schliersee.de/speisekarte/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Malerwinkel website http://www.seehotel-malerwinkel.de/restaurant.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bücheroase website https://buecheroase-schliersee.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://buecheroase-schliersee.de/": remote error: tls: unrecognized name

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website http://schliersee.de/buecherei0.html 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.schliersee.debuecherei0.html": dial tcp: lookup www.schliersee.debuecherei0.html on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Operator: Augustiner Ratskeller website https://www.ratskeller-schliersee.de/biergarten/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Elisabeth website http://www.gaestehaus-elisabeth-schliersee.de 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.gaestehaus-elisabeth-schliersee.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Zurück zur Natur - Stefan Fleig Naturprodukte website http://www.zznatur.com 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.zznatur.com": dial tcp: lookup www.zznatur.com on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Gut Schwärzenbach, BMW Bildungsstätte website http://www.gutschwaerzenbach.bmwgroup.com/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://s536146543.online.de/schwaerzenbach/": dial tcp: lookup s536146543.online.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Le Vie website https://www.levie-restaurant.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.levie-restaurant.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.levie-restaurant.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website www.tauchen-tegernsee.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.tauchen-tegernsee.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.tauchen-tegernsee.de or http://www.tauchen-tegernsee.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Tom's Car Service website www.toms-car-service.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.toms-car-service.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.toms-car-service.de or http://www.toms-car-service.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Lacrouts Innenausbau website https://www.lacrouts-innenausbau.de/ 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.lacrouts-innenausbau.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-15T08:26:50+01:00 is after 2024-01-06T04:32:36Z

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Irschenberg Supercharger website https://www.tesla.com/findus/location/supercharger/irschenbergsupercharger 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.tesla.com/findus/location/supercharger/irschenbergsupercharger": stream error: stream ID 1; INTERNAL_ERROR; received from peer

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Lauber Beach website https://www.schlierseeschifffahrt.de/kiosk-am-see/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Wörnsmühl website https://www.fischbachau.de/erlebnis-ausflug/fischbachau-und-seine-ortsteile/woernsmuehl.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n La Vela website https://lavela-tegernsee.com/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://barcely.gallels.fun/?utm_medium=9eb2bcdc89976429bc64127056a4a9d5d3a2b57a&utm_campaign=cid:11…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Dietl-Bräu website https://www.bier.by/brauerei-guide/dietl-brau-1.3502406 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://bier.by/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienwohnungen Lochbihler website https://haus-lochbihler.vpweb.de/default.html 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://haus-lochbihler.vpweb.de/default.html": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Karl Jäger Bayerisches Trachtenhaus contact:website http://www.trachten-jaeger.de 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://outlook.office365.com/mail/?realm=trachten-jaeger.de&vd=www

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Strandbadkiosk website https://www.wieser-catering.de/strandbad-kaltenbrunn/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Natalies Blumen website https://www.servicekdn.de/natalies-blumen/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.servicekdn.de/natalies-blumen/": dial tcp: lookup www.servicekdn.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n KORTÜM website https://www.kortuem-rottach.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n MILOU website https://www.milou-milou.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.milou-milou.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for vs-18.webhoster.ag, not www.milou-milou.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n EC Schliersee website http://www.stocksport-schliersee.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.stocksport-schliersee.de": dial tcp: lookup www.stocksport-schliersee.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hair & Beauty website https://www.haarwelt-huber.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.haarwelt-huber.de/": remote error: tls: handshake failure

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Beach House website https://www.tinos-beach-house.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.tinos-beach-house.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.tinos-beach-house.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Berggasthof Lieberhof website https://www.lieberhof.de/restaurant/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Schuhhaus Angl website https://www.schuhhaus-angl.de/haeuser/tegernsee.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n AOK Bayern Miesbach website https://www.krankenkasseninfo.de/krankenkassen/aok-bayern/geschaeftsstelle-83684-tegernsee-25855 410 Gone

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Wiesers Kegel-Bistro website http://www.wieser-catering.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.wieser-catering.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Il Gelato Scapolan contact:website https://il-gelato-aus-warngau.business.site 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n SZABO website https://www.szabo-mode.com/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.szabo-mode.com/": dial tcp: lookup www.szabo-mode.com on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Weyarn Supercharger website https://www.tesla.com/findus/location/supercharger/weyarnsupercharger 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.tesla.com/findus/location/supercharger/weyarnsupercharger": stream error: stream ID 1; INTERNAL_ERROR; received from peer

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Johanneshof website https://stayfritz.com/type/johanneshof-schliersee/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Landhotel Das Maximilian website https://www.landhotel-maximilian.de 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.landhotel-maximilian.de": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ganzheitliche Zahnarztpraxis Schliersee website https://www.za-je-wo.de 503 Service Unavailable

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Zum Flieger website https://flieger-biergarten.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://flieger-biergarten.de": dial tcp: lookup flieger-biergarten.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n DAS BECKER'S website https://www.sanderbecker.de/dasbeckers.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Novita Modem website www.Novita-Modem.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.Novita-Modem.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.Novita-Modem.de or http://www.Novita-Modem.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n wohnArt26 website https://wohnart26.de/bistro/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://wohnart26.de/image-shop-wohnart26/kleinmoebel/bistro-bartisch-70x70-cm/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hausarzt Zentrum website https://www.haz-hausham.de 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.haz-hausham.de": remote error: tls: handshake failure

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website https://www.mein-zugvogel.de/holzkirchen 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.mein-zugvogel.de/holzkirchen": dial tcp: lookup www.mein-zugvogel.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n TESLAIR Wind Turbines GmbH website https://www.teslair.energy/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.teslair.energy/": dial tcp: lookup www.teslair.energy on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienwohnungen "Am Ganglbach" website https://ganglbach.typomedia.de/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Gemeinde-Kindergarten website http://www.kindergarten-otterfing.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.kindergarten-otterfing.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.kindergarten-otterfing.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Megastar website http://www.megastar-fotolabor.de 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.pixyfoto.eu/ilogin2

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Suttenbahn contact:website https://www.alpenbahnen-spitzingsee.de/ueber-uns/unsere-bahnen/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Birdie Golf Tegernsee website http://www.birdie-golf-tegernsee.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.birdie-golf-tegernsee.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.birdie-golf-tegernsee.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Freiwillige Feuerwehr Stadt Miesbach contact:website https://www.feuerwehr-miesbach.de/ 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Spiralschacht Thalham contact:website https://www.swm.de/wasser/m-wasserweg 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.swm.de/unternehmen/magazin/leben/wasserweg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hagebaumarkt website https://www.hagebaumarkt-muenchen.de/standorte/miesbach/mn_19128 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wasserschloss Reisach website https://www.swm.de/dms/swm/dokumente/m-wasser/wasserweg-broschuere-ausschnitt.pdf 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Aiblinger Hütte website https://www.alpenverein-aibling.de/de/unsere-huette.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w DAV-Haus Spitzingsee website https://www.davplus.de/haus-spitzingsee 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.alpenverein-muenchen-oberland.de/haus-spitzingsee

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Rathaus website https://gemeinde.bayrischzell.de/buergerservice/rathaus.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w url http://gemeinde.bayrischzell.de/oeffentliche-einrichtungen/gemeindliche-einrichtungen/minigolfbahnen… 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://gemeinde.bayrischzell.de/oeffentliche-einrichtungen/gemeindliche-einrichtungen/minigolfbahne…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Raiffeisenbank im Oberland eG website https://www.vr.de/standorte/W/Wa-Wm/raiffeisenbank-im-oberland-eg-geschaeftsstelle-warngau-9243.html 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.vr.de/standorte/W/Wa-Wm/raiffeisenbank-im-oberland-eg-geschaeftsstelle-warngau-9243.html": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Domicilium website https://www.hospizgemeinschaft-weyarn.de/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://domicilium.de/hospiz-gemeinschaft/?from=hospizgemeinschaft-weyarn.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wertstoffhof Weyarn website https://www.vivowarngau.de/index.php?Wertstoffhof-in-Weyarn 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.vivowarngau.de/Wertstoffhof-in-Weyarn

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Klausenhütte website https://klausenhuette.jimdoweb.com/ 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ruine Bayrische Reitbergalm image http://www.flickr.com/photos/kogo59/10019154645/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.flickr.com/photos/kogo59/10019154645/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w St. Margareth website https://gemeinde.bayrischzell.de/gemeindeleben/kirchen.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Warm-Freibad website https://gemeinde.bayrischzell.de/oeffentliche-einrichtungen/gemeindliche-einrichtungen/warmfreibad.h… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Warmfreibad Kreuth url http://www.kreuth.de/themen/aktiv-sein/schwimmen/warmbad-kreuth.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.tegernsee.com/kreuththemen/aktiv-sein/schwimmen/warmbad-kreuth.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Warmfreibad Kreuth image http://www.kreuth.de/typo3temp/pics/0b4cb2bdb7.jpg 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.tegernsee.com/kreuthtypo3temp/pics/0b4cb2bdb7.jpg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Aral website https://www.aral.de/toolserver/retaileurope/fuelstationhomepage.do?fuelstationid=19135300&categoryId… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Strandbad Tegernsee website https://www.monte-mare.de/de/tegernsee_strandbad_q_a-2662.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Bognar Kfz website https://bognar-kfz.business.site/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hasenöhrl-Hof url http://www.hasenoehrl-hof.de/ 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w St. Leonhard website http://www.st-josef-neuhaus.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.st-josef-neuhaus.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.st-josef-neuhaus.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Landhaus Mali website http://landhaus-mali.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://landhaus-mali.de/": dial tcp: lookup landhaus-mali.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Irschenberg Süd contact:website http://www.rasthof-irschenberg.de/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.serways-hotels.de/de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Domicilium website https://www.hospizgemeinschaft-weyarn.de/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://domicilium.de/hospiz-gemeinschaft/?from=hospizgemeinschaft-weyarn.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Neureuth-Kapelle image https://www.tegernsee.com/images/0zczfztghme-/neureuth-kapelle.jpeg 404 Not Found

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website url

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Allianz Agentur Juffinger website https://vertretung.allianz.de/josef.juffinger/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website https://www.beimpfern-kreuth.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.beimpfern-kreuth.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.beimpfern-kreuth.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ferienwohnung Tegernsee website https://www.fewotegernsee.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.fewotegernsee.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for sv12.domainunion.de, not www.fewotegernsee.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Operator: EC Schliersee website http://www.stocksport-schliersee.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.stocksport-schliersee.de": dial tcp: lookup www.stocksport-schliersee.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Spitzingalm website https://www.spitzing-alm.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.spitzing-alm.de/": remote error: tls: unrecognized name

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wertstoffhof Neuhaus website https://rathaus.schliersee.de/1145.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wertstoffhof Bayrischzell website https://gemeinde.bayrischzell.de/oeffentliche-einrichtungen/wertstoffhof.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ödberg contact:website https://oedberg-camper-stellplatz.business.site/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Da Francesco website http://www.restaurant-da-francesco.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.restaurant-da-francesco.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.restaurant-da-francesco.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r M-Wasserweg contact:website https://www.swm.de/wasser/m-wasserweg 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.swm.de/unternehmen/magazin/leben/wasserweg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

ID Type Name Tag type URL Status Analysis Edit Links