OSM Objects with URLs to check in area Landkreis Dachau ( 62556 )

ID Type Name Tag type URL Status Analysis Edit Links
OSM n Dr. Schultes Apotheke website https://drschultes-apotheke.de 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://drschultes-apotheke.de": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Getränkekauf Haagen website https://getraenkekauf-haagen.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://getraenkekauf-haagen.de/": dial tcp: lookup getraenkekauf-haagen.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Geisenhofer website https://www.baeckerei-geisenhofer.de/ 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Brunnenapotheke website https://www.brunnen-apotheke-dah.de 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Mamma Rosa website https://mammarosa.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://mammarosa.de/": EOF

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Katrins Vitamin-reich website http://www.kathrins-vitamin-reich.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.kathrins-vitamin-reich.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Heizung+Sanitär Rainer Schwarz website http://www.rainer-schwarz-heizungsbau.de/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.aufmass-nehmen.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Taverna Kipos website https://restaurant-kipos.de 911 Error doing request: Get "https://restaurant-kipos.de": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match restaurant-kipos.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Buddhistische Gruppe Dachau website https://www.diamantweg-buddhismus.de/zentren 503 Service Unavailable

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Zahnarztpraxis Alte Molkerei website https://www.zahnärzte-in-der-alten-molkerei.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.zahn%C3%A4rzte-in-der-alten-molkerei.de/": EOF

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n chilihair contact:website https://www.chili-hair.de 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n InCenter Dachau website https://www.incenter-dachau.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.incenter-dachau.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.myrdbx.io, not www.incenter-dachau.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n due: website https://www.due-online.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Namaste India website https://www.namasteindia-marktindersdorf.de/ 303 See Other

Redirect URL: http://www4.namasteindia-marktindersdorf.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Mittelschule Dachau-Süd website https://mittelschuledachausued.com/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://mittelschuledachausued.com/": dial tcp: lookup mittelschuledachausued.com on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Pikler-Spielraum website https://www.freilernen.com/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://aktive-schule-petershausen.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Srithong Thai Massage contact:website https://www.thaimassage-dachau.de 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.thaimassage-dachau.de": EOF

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Dr.Stoiber - Zentrum für gesunde Zähne website https://dr-stoiber.de 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://zahnarztpraxis-johanning.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n W+G Einbauküchen website https://www.wohlfart-giebken.de 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Praxis website http://hp-goetzelmann.de/ 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Waffen Hetzel website https://www.waffen-hetzel.de 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Zum Gasteiger website https://www.zum-gasteiger.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.zum-gasteiger.de": dial tcp: lookup www.zum-gasteiger.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Zweirad Eck website http://www.zweiradeck-dachau.de/index.html 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Katholische Volksbücherei Hilgertshausen website https://pg-tandern.de/buch.htm 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Yogaraum Dachau website https://yogaraum-dachau.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://yogaraum-dachau.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.alfahosting-server.de, alfahosting-server.de, not yogaraum-dachau.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n anima FINEST SPORTS & SPA website https://www.anima-dachau.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.anima-dachau.de": dial tcp: lookup www.anima-dachau.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Zahnarztpraxis Dres. Cipa website http://www.dr-cipa.de 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.dr-cipa.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w A.T.U website https://www.atu.de/filialen/280-dachau/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://autowerkstatt.atu.de/bayern/dachau/kopernikusstr-1

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Schreinerei Eichinger website http://www.schreinereieichinger.de/index.html 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.schreinereieichinger.de/index.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Holzmüller Heizungsbau website https://www.mein-altomuenster.de/mitglieder/holzmueller-thomas-9.html 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.mein-altomuenster.de/mitglieder/holzmueller-thomas-9.html": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.kasserver.com, kasserver.com, not www.mein-altomuenster.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Freiwillige Feuerwehr Altomünster website http://ff-altomuenster.de/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://ff-altomuenster.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Engelbert Strauss Workwearstore website https://www.engelbert-strauss.de/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.strauss.com/de/de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w FFW Großberghofen website https://grossberghofen.feuerwehren.bayern/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://grossberghofen.feuerwehren.bayern/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Freiwillige Feuerwehr Petershausen website https://petershausen.feuerwehren.bayern/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://petershausen.feuerwehren.bayern/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kinderhaus Sonneninsel website https://kvdachau.brk.de/angebote-fuer-dich/kindertagesstaetten/kinderhaus-sonneninsel 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Stillbegleitung Am Storchennest website https://www.amstorchennest.com 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Grabmale Bahnmüller website http://bahnmueller.com 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://bahnmueller.com/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r Altbaierischer Oxenweg contact:website https://www.tourismus-dachauer-land.de/oxenweg/ 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.landratsamt-dachau.de/landkreis-kultur-tourismus/tourismus/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

ID Type Name Tag type URL Status Analysis Edit Links