OSM | n | website | https://wasserkraft.lew.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://wasserkraft.lew.de": dial tcp: lookup wasserkraft.lew.de on server misbehaving |
OSM | n | VR Bank Augsburg Ost-Allgäu eG | contact:website | https://www.vrbank-augsburg-ostallgaeu.de | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.vrbank-augsburg-ostallgaeu.de": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer |
OSM | n | VR Bank Augsburg Ost-Allgäu eG | contact:website | https://www.vrbank-augsburg-ostallgaeu.de | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.vrbank-augsburg-ostallgaeu.de": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer |
OSM | n | VR Bank Augsburg Ost-Allgäu eG | contact:website | https://www.vrbank-augsburg-ostallgaeu.de | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.vrbank-augsburg-ostallgaeu.de": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer |
OSM | n | St. Anna Apotheke | website | https://www.apotheke-sankt-anna.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it |
OSM | n | VR Bank Augsburg Ost-Allgäu eG | website | https://www.vrbank-augsburg-ostallgaeu.de | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.vrbank-augsburg-ostallgaeu.de": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer |
OSM | n | Sühnekreuz | website | http://www.suehnekreuz.de/bayern/inningen.htm#1 | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.suehnekreuz.de/bayern/inningen.htm": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.webspace-verkauf.de, webspace-verkauf.de, not www.suehnekreuz.de |
OSM | n | ESG-Cafete | website | https://www.esg-augsburg.de/cafete/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Feneberg | website | https://www.feneberg.de/no_cache/markt-finden/in/augsburg-3/markt/ansehen/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | IT Systemhaus Inningen | website | https://it-shi.de | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://it-shi.de": net/http: HTTP/1.x transport connection broken: malformed MIME header line: X-XSS-Protection 1;: mode=block |
OSM | n | Kristall-Apotheke | website | https://kristall-apotheke.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://kristall-apotheke.de/": dial tcp: lookup kristall-apotheke.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Dimos Gaststätte Hochfeld | website | http://www.gaststaette-hochfeld.de | 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it |
OSM | n | Dimos Gaststätte Hochfeld | website:menu | http://www.gaststaette-hochfeld.de/karte.html | 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it |
OSM | n | Reisebüro Viktoriapassage | website | https://reisebuero-viktoriapassage.de | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://reisebuero-viktoriapassage.de": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for alpha.easynet.travel, not reisebuero-viktoriapassage.de |
OSM | n | Sching Schong | website | https://www.schingschong.de/ | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.schingschong.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for wd50.extern.regiohelden.de, *.wd50.extern.regiohelden.de, not www.schingschong.de |
OSM | n | Schuh Schmid | website | https://schuh-schmid.com/schmid-augsburg | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Douglas | website | https://www.douglas.de | 400 Bad Request |
OSM | n | Zahnarztpraxis am Vincentinum | contact:website | http://www.zahnseite.com | 911 Error doing request: Get "http://www.zahnseite.com": dial tcp connect: no route to host |
OSM | n | VR Bank Augsburg-Ostallgäu eG - Hauptgeschäftsstelle Augsburg-Innenstadt | website | https://www.vrbank-augsburg-ostallgaeu.de | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.vrbank-augsburg-ostallgaeu.de": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer |
OSM | n | Claudia Naumann Friseure | contact:website | http://www.naumannfriseure.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.naumannfriseure.de/ |
OSM | n | Staatliches Rechnungsprüfungsamt Augsburg | website | https://www.orh.bayern.de/der-bayerische-oberste-rechnungshof/staatl-rechnungspruefungsaemter/augsbu… | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Brammer GmbH | website | https://de.brammer.biz/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | VR Bank Augsburg Ost-Allgäu eG | contact:website | https://www.vrbank-augsburg-ostallgaeu.de | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.vrbank-augsburg-ostallgaeu.de": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer |
OSM | n | Apotheke am Schlössle | website | https://www.apotheke-am-schloessle.de/ | 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.apotheke-am-schloessle.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-15T10:24:26+01:00 is after 2024-08-14T23:15:25Z |
OSM | n | H2 Zentrum Kunst für Gegenwartskunst | website | https://kunstsammlungen-museen.augsburg.de/h2-zentrum-fuer-gegenwartskunst-im-glaspalast | 307 Temporary Redirect |
OSM | n | Halle 1 | website | https://kunstsammlungen-museen.augsburg.de/halle-1-raum-fuer-kunst-im-glaspalast | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Ilsesee Taucherbucht | website | http://www.dive-links.com/tauchplatz.php?id=1 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | conspace | website | https://www.conspace-augsburg.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.conspace-augsburg.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.conspace-augsburg.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Schaezlerbrunnen | website | https://www.augsburgwiki.de/index.php/AugsburgWiki/Schaezlerbrunnen | 401 Unauthorized |
OSM | n | Runner's Shop | contact:website | https://www.runners-shop-online.de | 403 Forbidden |
OSM | n | Sausalitos | website | https://www.sausalitos.de/stores/augsburg | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Seven Five | website | http://www.seven-five.de | 922 Domain is for sale: found string domainname.de in it |
OSM | n | Easy Apotheke | contact:website | https://www.easyapotheken.de/augsburg/ | 303 See Other |
OSM | n | Erdgastankstelle Stadtwerke Augsburg | website | https://www.sw-augsburg.de/mobilitaet/erdgascng/erdgas-tankstellen-netz/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Büro fokusarch | website | https://www.fokusarch.de/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Zentrale Rückkehrberatung Südbayern (ZRB) | website | https://www.zrb-suedbayern.de/wirueberuns/standortaugsburg/standort-augsburg | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Grundfos Serivce Partner | website | https://www.grundfos.com | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.grundfos.com": stream error: stream ID 1; INTERNAL_ERROR; received from peer |
OSM | n | Reinhardt Grafik | website | http://www.reinhardt-grafik.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.reinhardt-grafik.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.reinhardt-grafik.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Bürgertreff | website | https://www.freiwilligen-zentrum-augsburg.de/freiwilligen_zentrum_augsburg_o_1_1_0.htm | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Cutting Friends | website | https://cutting-friends.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://cutting-friends.de": dial tcp: lookup cutting-friends.de on no such host |
OSM | n | BoConcept | website | https://www.boconcept.com/de-de/stores/boconcept-augsburg-am-rathausplatz/ | 308 Permanent Redirect |
OSM | n | vomFASS | website | https://www.vomfass.de/augsburg/ | 500 Internal Server Error |
OSM | n | wgv-Versicherung | website | http://www.wgv-augsburg.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "http://www.wgv-augsburg.de/": dial tcp connect: connection refused |
OSM | n | Nuklearmedizin Schaezlerstrasse | website | https://augsburg.die-radiologie.de/praxen/schaezlerstrasse | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Schreibwaren Brock | website | https://schreibwaren-brock.business.site | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Pantheon | website | http://pantheonline.de | 500 Internal Server Error |
OSM | n | Hexenbrunnen | website | https://www.augsburgwiki.de/index.php/AugsburgWiki/Hexenbrunnen | 401 Unauthorized |
OSM | n | Private Schulvorbereitende Einrichtung (SVE) | website | http://schwabenhilfe.de/kinder/private-schulvorbereitende-einrichtung-augsburg-buergermeister-bohl-s… | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | CHI FU | website:menu | https://chifuaugsburg.de/speisekarte/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Dr. med. dent. S. Abbasi - Zahnarzt | website | http://zahnarztpraxisamstadttheater.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://zahnarztpraxisamstadttheater.de/": dial tcp: lookup zahnarztpraxisamstadttheater.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Haarstudio Maier | website | http://www.haarstudio-maier.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.haarstudio-maier.de |
OSM | n | evang. Jugendzentrum Göggingen | website | https://jugendleiterdfk.hpage.de/ | 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://jugendleiterdfk.hpage.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-15T10:27:44+01:00 is after 2022-08-12T23:59:59Z |
OSM | n | Altuntas | website | https://altuntas-backwaren.de/ | 500 Internal Server Error |
OSM | n | Gasthof Zum Bärenkeller | website | https://www.grill-augsburg.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it |
OSM | n | Vino - Der Weinmarkt | website | https://www.vino24.de/vino-weinmarkt-augsburg | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | BOB`S Rock & Bowl | website | http://rocknbowl.mein-bobs.de/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Mehrgenerationen-Treffpunkt | website | http://sozialstation-lechhausen.de/mehrgenerationentreff-mgt | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Bob's | website | https://mein-bobs.de/standorte/maxstrasse/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Bob's | website:menu | https://mein-bobs.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Maxstrasse_Speisekarte_April23_compressed.pdf | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Schmidsche Buchhandlung | website | http://www.internet-buch.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string domainmarkt.de in it |
OSM | n | Sport-Gaststätte | website | http://mbb-sg.de/allgemein/gaststaette | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Bella Italia | website | https://www.bella-italia-augsburg.com/ | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.bella-italia-augsburg.com/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for bella-italia-augsburg.com, not www.bella-italia-augsburg.com |
OSM | n | Zum Schober | contact:website | http://www.zum-schober.de | 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it |
OSM | n | Notaufnahme | website | https://www.uk-augsburg.de/kliniken-und-institute/notaufnahme-kvb-bereitschaftspraxis/ueberblick.htm… | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | VR Bank Augsburg Ost-Allgäu eG | contact:website | https://www.vrbank-augsburg-ostallgaeu.de | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.vrbank-augsburg-ostallgaeu.de": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer |
OSM | n | Goldschmiede Haunstetten | website | https://silberschmiede.de/filialen | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Die Haarschneiderin | website | http://www.diehaarschneiderin.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.diehaarschneiderin.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.diehaarschneiderin.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Deniz | website | http://www.friseurdeniz.de | 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it |
OSM | n | Michels Biergarten & Kneipe | website | https://www.michels-biergarten.de/ | 924 POI without feature |
POI has a |
OSM | n | Coopers Friseure | website | https://coopers-friseure.de | 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it |
OSM | n | Dein Finanzcheck | website | https://www.deinfinanzcheck-tasdelen.de/ | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.deinfinanzcheck-tasdelen.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.alfahosting-server.de, alfahosting-server.de, not www.deinfinanzcheck-tasdelen.de |
OSM | n | tip - Jugendinformation | website | https://www.sjr-a.de/tip-jugendinformation/ueber-das-tip | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | ASIG Quality Services GmbH | contact:website | https://www.asig-qs.com | 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.asig-qs.com": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority |
OSM | n | Sonepar Deutschland Region Süd | website | https://www.sonepar.de/sonepar/handwerk/ansprechpartner/?suche=86199&kategorie=handwerk | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Dr. Ines Burkard – Frauenärztin | website | http://www.frauenarztpraxis-burkard.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Viva | website | https://viva-backerei-konditorei.business.site/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Reim Tours Exclusiv | contact:website | https://www.reim-tours.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it |
OSM | n | Dr.med.dent. Barbara Mattner | website | http://www.zahnarzt-mattner.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.zahnarzt-mattner.de": dial tcp: lookup www.zahnarzt-mattner.de on no such host |
OSM | n | NKD | contact:website | https://www.nkd.com/ | 924 POI without feature |
POI has a |
OSM | n | Deichmann | contact:website | https://www.deichmann.com/ | 924 POI without feature |
POI has a |
OSM | n | Lotto-Toto | contact:website | https://www.lotto.de/ | 924 POI without feature |
POI has a |
OSM | n | phone GmbH Telekommunikation | website | https://www.phone-gmbh.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.phone-gmbh.de/": read tcp [2a02:810d:3b3f:fc59:f64d:30ff:fe67:5eb6]:59820->[2001:8d8:100f:f000::200]:443: read: connection reset by peer |
OSM | n | Sching Schong | website | https://www.schingschong.de/ | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.schingschong.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for wd50.extern.regiohelden.de, *.wd50.extern.regiohelden.de, not www.schingschong.de |
OSM | n | Pension Lenzhalde | website | http://www.lenzhal.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.lenzhal.de |
OSM | n | Radio Mierbeth | website | https://iq-radio-mierbeth.de | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Großtagespflege Drachenstern | website | https://www.drachenstern-aux.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.drachenstern-aux.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.drachenstern-aux.de on server misbehaving |
OSM | n | AVV-Kundencenter am Hauptbahnhof | website | https://www.avv-augsburg.de/service/kundenservice | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Curry Junction | website | https://curryjunction.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it |
OSM | n | K.I.D.S. Nordwest | website | https://www.augsburg.de/umwelt-soziales/kindertagesbetreuung-in-augsburg/kindertagesbetreuung-fuer-f… | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | TEDi | website | http://www.tedi-discount.com/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www.tedi-discount.com/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | n | Berufsfachschule des Klinikums Augsburg | website | http://www3.klinikum-augsburg.de/1485 | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www3.klinikum-augsburg.de/1485": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | n | Berufsfachschule für Altenpflege und Altenpflegehilfe | website | https://pflegeschulen-diako.de/berufsfachschulen-fuer-altenpflege-und-altenpflegehilfe/berufsfachsch… | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Bismarck Bistro | website | http://www.bismarck-bistro.de | 423 Locked |
OSM | n | Casa Cuevas | website | https://www.casacuevas.de/ | 303 See Other |
OSM | n | VR Bank Augsburg Ost-Allgäu eG | contact:website | https://www.vrbank-augsburg-ostallgaeu.de | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.vrbank-augsburg-ostallgaeu.de": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer |
OSM | n | Auto Kubiak | website | https://auto-kubiak.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://auto-kubiak.de/": EOF |
OSM | n | Berufsfachschule für Physiotherapie | website | http://www3.klinikum-augsburg.de/1770/Berufsfachschule_fuer_Physiotherapie.htm | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www3.klinikum-augsburg.de/1770/Berufsfachschule_fuer_Physiotherapie.htm": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | n | Montessori-Kinderhaus | website | http://www.montessori-fuer-kinder.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.montessori-fuer-kinder.de/ |
OSM | n | Mr. Onions | website | https://www.mronions.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.mronions.de/": EOF |
OSM | n | CityLife Sportsclub | website | https://www.citylife-augsburg.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.citylife-augsburg.de/": dial tcp connect: connection refused |
OSM | n | Operator: VR Bank Augsburg-Ostallgäu | website | https://www.vrbank-augsburg-ostallgaeu.de | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.vrbank-augsburg-ostallgaeu.de": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer |
OSM | n | Zirbel Reinigung | website | http://www.zirbel-reinigung.de/geschaeftsstellen.htm | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Glas effect | website | http://www.glas-effect.de/ | 500 Internal Server Error |
OSM | n | Bike Bert | website | http://bikebert.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://bikebert.de": dial tcp: lookup bikebert.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Eiscafe Dolomiti | website | http://www.dolomiti-augsburg.de | 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it |
OSM | n | Pizza Avanti | website | https://pizza.de/pizza-avanti-heimservice-augsburg-friedbergerstr-125 | 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare |
OSM | n | Karin Bauer Schmuckgalerie | website | https://karinbauerschmuck.de | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://karinbauerschmuck.de": EOF |
OSM | n | Hans-Beimler-Zentrum | website | http://www.hans-beimler-zentrum.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.hans-beimler-zentrum.de/ |
OSM | n | Calzedonia | website | https://www.calzedonia.com/de/geschafte/bayern/schwaben/augsburg-innenstadt_annastrasse_34/CAT6.html | 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare |
OSM | n | Optik Gronde | website | https://www.optik-gronde.de/optiker-marktkauf-bergiusstrasse-goeggingen/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | 7 Tisch Café | website | https://7tischcafe.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://7tischcafe.de/": dial tcp: lookup 7tischcafe.de on no such host |
OSM | n | TK Maxx | website | https://www.tkmaxx.de/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.tkmaxx.com/de/de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | n | Propangas Augsburg | website | https://propangas-augsburg.de/ | 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://propangas-augsburg.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-15T10:34:36+01:00 is after 2024-10-14T08:03:53Z |
OSM | n | Nawrath + Kempf Metallbau | website | https://www.nk-metallbau.com/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.nk-metallbau.com/": dial tcp: lookup www.nk-metallbau.com on no such host |
OSM | n | Vodafone | contact:website | https://www.vodafone.de/shopadressen/Ort_Augsburg.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Sparda-Bank | website | https://www.sparda-a.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.sparda-a.de/": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer |
OSM | n | Multicopy am Dom | website | http://www.multicopy.de | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www.multicopy.de": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | n | dean&david | website | https://deananddavid.de/standorte/augsburg-phil-welser-strasse/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | website | http://criticalmass-augsburg.de/ghostbike-in-gedenken-an-chiara-annia-sophie-roider | 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it |
OSM | n | Die Insel | website | https://ayurveda-lounge.de/ | 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://ayurveda-lounge.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority |
OSM | n | Rot-Kreuz-Lädle | website | http://www.kvaugsburg-stadt.brk.de/brk-laedle/lechhausen | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | MR. & MRS. Friseure & Kosmetik | website | https://www.misterxmisses.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.misterxmisses.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.misterxmisses.de on no such host |
OSM | n | abc-Parkhaus, Bohus Center | website | https://parkhaus-bohus-center.de/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://parkhaus-bohus-center.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | n | Haunstetten | website | https://www.haunstetten.de/ | 500 Internal Server Error |
OSM | n | Klassik Radio AG | website | https://www.klassikradioag.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.klassikradioag.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.klassikradioag.de |
OSM | n | Zentrum für Pneumologie und Onkologie am Diako, Hämatologie Allergologie Schlafmedizin | website | https://www.praxishellmann.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | website | https://www.cityink.de/studio-augsburg/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Wohnzimmer | website | http://www.wohnzimmer-augsburg.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.wohnzimmer-augsburg.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.wohnzimmer-augsburg.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Mauser Club | website | https://www.mauser-augsburg.de | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.mauser-augsburg.de": EOF |
OSM | n | Schmuck mal | website | https://www.schmuckmal.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.schmuckmal.de/": http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client |
OSM | n | Schlegel Gartengestaltung | website | https://augsburger-christbaum.de/impressum.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Hort (ev) | website | https://evki-augsburg.de/angebote/hortgruppen/hortgruppe-im-holzerbau/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Bukowina-Institut | website | https://bukowina.phil.uni-augsburg.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://bukowina.phil.uni-augsburg.de": dial tcp: lookup bukowina.phil.uni-augsburg.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Pizza Da Laura | website | https://www.pizzaservice-da-laura.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.pizzaservice-da-laura.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.pizzaservice-da-laura.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Mix Shop | website | https://mix-shop.store | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://mix-shop.store": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for default-ssl.default-host.net, not mix-shop.store |
OSM | n | La Diva Brautmoden | website | http://www.ladiva-brautmoden.de/ | 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare |
OSM | n | COSY Coworking | contact:website | http://coworking-augsburg.com/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://coworking-augsburg.com/": dial tcp: lookup coworking-augsburg.com on no such host |
OSM | n | Europabüro | website | https://europa.augsburg.de | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Markus R. Becker | website | https://www.gyn-becker.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.gyn-becker.de": dial tcp: lookup www.gyn-becker.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Bundespolizei | website | https://www.bundespolizei.de/SharedDocs/Webs/Web/Organisationseinheiten/BPOLR/Augsburg.html | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.bundespolizei.de/SharedDocs/Webs/Web/Organisationseinheiten/BPOLR/Augsburg.html": net/http: TLS handshake timeout |
OSM | n | Blumen Albrecht | website | https://blumen-albrecht.jimdo.com/ | 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare |
OSM | n | Almwelt | website | https://www.almwelt.de | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Neubarth 1800 | website | https://www.hut-neubarth1800.de | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.hut-neubarth1800.de": EOF |
OSM | n | JuS Rechtsanwälte Augsburg | website | https://www.jus-kanzlei.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.jus-kanzlei.de/": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer |
OSM | n | BOB`S Bowling | website | https://mein-bobs.de/standorte/hammerschmiede/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Foot Locker | website | https://www.footlocker.de/de/filiale-3188-augsburg-anna-strasse-33-86150-augsburg | 400 Bad Request |
OSM | n | Fuggerei | website | https://www.fugger.de/de/singleview/article/info-fuer-besucher/31.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Radio Burghart | website | https://www.radio-burghart.de/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.radio-burghart.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | n | 7Z Friseure | website | https://7z-friseure.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://7z-friseure.de/": dial tcp: lookup 7z-friseure.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Kinderkrippe Neißestraße | website | https://www.augsburg.de/umwelt-soziales/kindertagesbetreuung-in-augsburg/kindertageseinrichtungen-in… | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Violas' | website | https://www.violas.de/nuetzliche-links/violas-standorte/violas-augsburg/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Greenpeace Augsburg | website | https://www.augsburg.greenpeace.de/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.augsburg.greenpeace.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | n | De Luxxx Nail Design & Sugaring | website | http://www.de-luxxx.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it |
OSM | n | Linderhof Augsburg - Pension und Apartments | website | http://pension-linderhof.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://pension-linderhof.de/": dial tcp: lookup pension-linderhof.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Polizeiinspektion 6 | website | https://www.polizei.bayern.de/schwaben/wir/organisation/dienststellen/index.html/69857 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Carotte | website | https://behindertenhilfe.cab-caritas.de/angebote/haus-und-garten/carotte/ | 307 Temporary Redirect |
OSM | n | BT Driveacademy | website | https://www.bt-driveacademy.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.bt-driveacademy.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.bt-driveacademy.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Konrad's Lädle | website | http://www.st-konrad-augsburg.de/konrads-laedle | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Melek Döner & Backshop | website | https://melek-doener-backshop.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://melek-doener-backshop.de": dial tcp: lookup melek-doener-backshop.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Peter Pane | contact:website | https://www.peterpane.de/restaurants/augsburg-viktoriastrasse/ | 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare |
OSM | n | Hunkemöller | website | https://www.hunkemoller.de/de_de/filiale/augsburg-buergermeister-fischer-strasse | 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare |
OSM | n | Starbucks | website | https://www.starbucks.de/de/store-locator/store/1022967/koenigsbau-burgermeister-fischer-strabe-11-a… | 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare |
OSM | n | Modellbahnclub Canisius MBCC | website | http://www.mbcc-augsburg.de | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.mbcc-augsburg.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for e33b2e541bc7fd89278cc59f9b92307f.817bcca00f552803baf8535fad595b8f.traefik.default, not www.mbcc-augsburg.de |
OSM | n | Alpha Apotheke | contact:website | https://www.bessergesund.de/uber-uns/alpha-apotheke/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | LEW Sportsbar | website | https://www.lew-sportsbar.de | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.lew-sportsbar.de": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer |
OSM | n | auxBOWL'S | contact:website | https://www.auxbowls.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.auxbowls.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.auxbowls.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Ugarit | contact:website | http://www.ugarit-restaurant.com/de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.ugarit-restaurant.com/de/": dial tcp: lookup www.ugarit-restaurant.com on no such host |
OSM | n | TrenDress | website | https://trendress.de/ | 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare |
OSM | n | Reifen John | website | https://www.reifen-john.com | 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.reifen-john.com": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-15T10:41:36+01:00 is after 2024-03-04T23:45:00Z |
OSM | n | Ofenhaus Restaurant & Bar | website | https://www.ofenhaus-augsburg.com/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.ofenhaus-augsburg.com/": EOF |
OSM | n | Außenstelle ANKER Zentrum Donauwörth | website | https://www.augsburg.de/umwelt-soziales/asyl-in-augsburg/faqs-inningen/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Regierung von Schwaben | website | https://www.regierung.schwaben.bayern.de/index.php | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Guzzi Bonbonmanufaktur | website | https://www.guzziebonbon.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.guzziebonbon.de": dial tcp: lookup www.guzziebonbon.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Operator: AWS Augsburg | contact:website | https://abfallratgeber.augsburg.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://abfallratgeber.augsburg.de": dial tcp: lookup abfallratgeber.augsburg.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Operator: AWS Augsburg | contact:website | https://abfallratgeber.augsburg.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://abfallratgeber.augsburg.de": dial tcp: lookup abfallratgeber.augsburg.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Office & Medien Garage - coworkingspace augsburg | website | https://coworkingspace-augsburg.de/ | 503 Service Unavailable |
OSM | n | Ninnerl Trachtenmanufaktur | website | https://www.stilwerk86.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.stilwerk86.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.stilwerk86.de on no such host |
OSM | n | gec-co GmbH | website | https://v-er.eu/de/ | 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://v-er.eu/de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority |
OSM | n | Brotzeitecke Augsburg | website | https://www.brotzeitecke-augsburg.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.brotzeitecke-augsburg.de": dial tcp: lookup www.brotzeitecke-augsburg.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Maharaja | website | https://www.restaurant-maharaja-augsburg.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.restaurant-maharaja-augsburg.de": dial tcp: lookup www.restaurant-maharaja-augsburg.de on no such host |
OSM | n | mse Augsburg | website | https://relion.business.site | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Linde Gas & More | website | https://schweisstechnikno1-shop.de/ | 423 Locked |
OSM | n | ClasSIC Augsburg - Auto Rotter | website | http://www.pct-augsburg.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.pct-augsburg.de": dial tcp: lookup www.pct-augsburg.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Kiosk Corner | website | https://www.kioskcorner.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.kioskcorner.de": dial tcp: lookup www.kioskcorner.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Friseur Baderwastl | website | http://www.baderwastl.de/ | 307 Temporary Redirect |
OSM | n | FIVA | website | https://fivagmbh.com/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://fivagmbh.com/": dial tcp: lookup fivagmbh.com on no such host |
OSM | n | CoworkingCampus | website | https://www.coworkingcampus.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.coworkingcampus.de": dial tcp: lookup www.coworkingcampus.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Input Objects GmbH | website | https://inputobjects.com/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://inputobjects.com/": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer |
OSM | n | Tchibo | website | https://www.tchibo.de/service/storefinder/store/100008669 | 924 POI without feature |
POI has a |
OSM | n | Total | contact:website | https://store.totalenergies.de/de_DE/ND161460 | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://store.totalenergies.de/de_DE/ND161460": dial tcp: lookup store.totalenergies.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Friseur Team Giovanni | website | https://www.friseur-team-giovanni.de | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | American Burger & Pizza House | website | https://www.americanburger-pizzahouse.de/ | 303 See Other |
OSM | n | Grill-Master-Chief | website | https://www.grillmasterchief.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.grillmasterchief.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.grillmasterchief.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Gudjons Apotheke | website | https://www.gudjons-apotheke.de/apotheke/index.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Bob's Rock & Bowl | website | https://mein-bobs.de/standorte/hammerschmiede/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Wolf tec | website | https://wolftec.store | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://wolftec.store": dial tcp: lookup wolftec.store on no such host |
OSM | n | Nagelstudio Gina | website | https://www.nagelstudio-gina.de | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.nagelstudio-gina.de": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.1blu.de, 1blu.de, not www.nagelstudio-gina.de |
OSM | n | Creative Team | website | http://creative-team-augsburg.de | 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable |
OSM | n | Rollerkiste | website | http://www.rollerkiste.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.rollerkiste.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.rollerkiste.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Flying Fox | website | https://www.riegele.de/riegele-bierflug/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Riegele BierHimmel | website | https://www.riegele.de/riegele-bierflug/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Regierung von Schwaben | website | https://www.regierung.schwaben.bayern.de/index.php | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Das Heldengrab | website | https://www.augsburger-allgemeine.de/augsburg-land/Ortsgeschichte-Das-Raetsel-um-das-Soldatengrab-id… | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | NinetyNine | contact:website | https://www.99-hotels.com/hotels/augsburg/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Personal Hofmann | website | https://www.hofmann.info/jobsuche-zeitarbeit/augsburg/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Bavaria Autoschilder | website | https://www.kennzeichen.de/autoschilder-bavaria-augsburg-hochzoll.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Sunshine Oase | website | https://gulab-thaispa.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it |
OSM | n | United Images Photography | website | https://www.united-images.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.united-images.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.united-images.de |
OSM | n | United Images Photography | image | https://www.united-images.de/images/fotostudio-fotograf-augsburg.jpg | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.united-images.de/images/fotostudio-fotograf-augsburg.jpg": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.united-images.de |
OSM | n | Allianz Beratungs- und Vertriebs-AG | website | https://vertretung.allianz.de/bg.augsburg/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | USA World | website | https://www.usa-world.de | 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.usa-world.de": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-15T10:44:58+01:00 is after 2024-03-27T23:59:59Z |
OSM | n | Martinschule - Sonderpädagogisches Förderzentrum II | website | https://www.martinschule-augsburg.de/flurstrasse.html | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://martinschule.deflurstrasse.html": dial tcp: lookup martinschule.deflurstrasse.html on no such host |
OSM | n | Practical Wing Chun Kung Fu | website | https://practical-wingchun.de | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | YourPrevention | website | https://www.yourprevention.com/de/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | AMBULANTUM PLUS GmbH | website | https://mvzaugsburg.de/pflegedienst/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Miller Personal | website | https://www.miller-personal.de | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.miller-personal.de": EOF |
OSM | n | Georg-Käß-Platz | contact:website | https://swabi.eu | 502 Bad Gateway |
OSM | n | Vincentro | website | http://www.awolysis.de/netzwerk-psychische-gesundheit-segel-seelische-gesundheit-leben/ihr-vincentro… | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Wolfgang Hohenadl Rechtsanwalt | website | https://www.ra-hohenadl.de | 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.ra-hohenadl.de": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-15T10:45:58+01:00 is after 2022-03-25T01:20:16Z |
OSM | n | Dr. Julia Jakob | website | https://praxisjakob.113581321.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://praxisjakob.113581321.de/": dial tcp: lookup praxisjakob.113581321.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Academy Fahrschule | website | https://www.academy-fahrschule-doetsch.de/unsere-fahrschule/standorte/#standort-495 | 308 Permanent Redirect |
OSM | n | Brando am Dom City | website | https://www.brandoburger.com/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.brandoburger.com/": dial tcp: lookup www.brandoburger.com on no such host |
OSM | n | Staplerkönig GmbH | image | https://staplerkoenig.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://staplerkoenig.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match staplerkoenig.de |
OSM | n | Fujitsu | website | https://www.fujitsu.com/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Bauwagen des Waldkindergarten Regenstrahlen Augsburg | contact:website | https://eigenaktiv.de/eigenaktiv/kita-waldkindergarten-augsburg/team/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Bauwagen des Waldkindergarten Farntasie Augsburg | contact:website | https://eigenaktiv.de/eigenaktiv/kita-waldkindergarten-augsburg/team/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Floßlände | website | https://mein-bobs.de/standorte/flosslande/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Omnibus Schäffler | contact:website | http://www.schaefflerbus.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.schaefflerbus.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.schaefflerbus.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Fujitsu Client Computing Limited | website | https://www.fujitsu.com/jp/group/fccl/en/about/fcclgmbh/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | BERATA-GmbH | website | https://www.berata-augsburg.de/home.htm | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Gefra | website | https://www.gefra-gmbh.com | 503 |
OSM | n | BSL Betriebsmittel Service Logistik | contact:website | https://www.team.de/ | 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.team.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority |
OSM | n | DLRG Augsburg-West | image | https://augsburg.dlrg.de/fileadmin/_processed_/6/5/csm_Augsburg-West-Neu_breit_a57005a227.jpg | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Teppich Franz | website | https://teppich-haus-franz.yooco.de/home.html | 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare |
OSM | n | Danity | website | https://danityshop.de | 500 Internal Server Error |
OSM | n | WE-MEDIA | website | https://we-media.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string https://cdn.sedo.com in it |
OSM | n | Pars Imbiss | website | https://www.iraki-haus.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.iraki-haus.de": dial tcp: lookup www.iraki-haus.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Aroma Grill Back Shop | contact:website | https://aroma-back-grill.business.site/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | KFZ Möckl - Meisterbetrieb | website | http://www.kfz-moeckl.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it |
OSM | n | Getränke Böck | website | http://www.boeck-getraenkehof.de/ | 403 Forbidden |
OSM | n | Kapitulation | source:website | https://www.augsburg.de/kultur/erinnerungskultur/75-jahre-kriegsende | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Das Kosmetikstudio | website | https://www.daskosmetikstudioaugsburg.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.daskosmetikstudioaugsburg.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.daskosmetikstudioaugsburg.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Wollmann Ladenbox24 | contact:website | https://metzgereiwollmann.de/pages/wollmanns-ladenbox-24 | 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare |
OSM | n | Marthely Afro Shop | website | https://marthely-hair.com | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://marthely-hair.com": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer |
OSM | n | Marthely Afro Shop | website | https://marthely-hair.com | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://marthely-hair.com": dial tcp connect: connection refused |
OSM | n | MTR Your Fashion | website | https://www.mtr-dresscode.com | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.mtr-dresscode.com": dial tcp: lookup www.mtr-dresscode.com on no such host |
OSM | n | Immobilien Lierheimer | website | http://www.immobilien-lierheimer.de/index.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Kagerer Schweißfachhandels-GmbH | website | https://eshop.kagerer-online.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Die Metzgerei im blauen Haus | url | https://bibliogram.pussthecat.org/u/die.metzgerei | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://bibliogram.pussthecat.org/u/die.metzgerei": dial tcp: lookup bibliogram.pussthecat.org on no such host |
Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website url |
OSM | n | Friseur Schmidt | contact:website | https://www.armin-schmidt.net | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.armin-schmidt.net": dial tcp: lookup www.armin-schmidt.net on no such host |
OSM | n | Mihai Tataru | website | https://zahnarzt-tataru.de | 922 Domain is for sale: found string domaincatcher.com in it |
OSM | n | Elektro Kammler | website | https://www.elektrokammler.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.elektrokammler.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.elektrokammler.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Gemeinschaftspraxis Dres Brandl und Kutter | website | https://www.praxis-brandl-kutter.de | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.praxis-brandl-kutter.de": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | n | Into the Wild | website | https://www.wild-store.de/ | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.wild-store.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for wd50.extern.regiohelden.de, *.wd50.extern.regiohelden.de, not www.wild-store.de |
OSM | n | ESV Augsburg | website | http://esv-augsburg.eu/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it |
OSM | n | Apotheke am Oberhauser Bahnhof | website | https://www.apotheke-am-oberhauser-bahnhof.de | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.apotheke-am-oberhauser-bahnhof.de": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | n | La Vie Bi | website | https://lavi-augsburg.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://lavi-augsburg.de": dial tcp: lookup lavi-augsburg.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Damenhof | website | https://damenhof.com/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://damenhof.com/": remote error: tls: handshake failure |
OSM | n | Dario's | website | https://www.darios-augsburg.de | 302 Found |
OSM | n | 90s guys burger | website | https://90sguysburger.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://90sguysburger.de/": dial tcp: lookup 90sguysburger.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Impuls | website | https://www.impuls-augsburg.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.impuls-augsburg.de/": remote error: tls: internal error |
OSM | n | Küchen Oleg Rutz | website | https://kuechen-oleg-rutz.de | 500 Internal Server Error |
OSM | n | Werk 66 | website | https://werk-66.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://werk-66.de/": dial tcp: lookup werk-66.de on no such host |
OSM | n | USA World | website | https://www.usa-world.de/ | 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.usa-world.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-15T10:50:35+01:00 is after 2024-03-27T23:59:59Z |
OSM | n | Kath. St. Ulrich und Afra | website | http://ulrichsbasilika/st-ulrich-und-afra | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://ulrichsbasilika/st-ulrich-und-afra": dial tcp: lookup ulrichsbasilika on no such host |
OSM | n | Black Lotus | website | https://blacklotus-augsburg.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://blacklotus-augsburg.de/": dial tcp: lookup blacklotus-augsburg.de on no such host |
OSM | n | tresmo GmbH | website | https://www.tresmo.de | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Kosmetik Studio Kardelen | website | https://kosmetik-studio-kardelen.business.site | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Kinderwelt TONI Park | contact:website | https://www.kinderwelt-toni-park.de/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.kinderwelt-toni-park.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | n | Operator: Klinikum Augsburg | website | https://www.uk-augsburg.de/kliniken-und-institute/notaufnahme-kvb-bereitschaftspraxis/ueberblick.htm… | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Obstgarten Riedlberger | website | https://riedlbergers.de/ | 500 Internal Server Error |
OSM | n | Gartenwirtschaft | website | https://kleingartenanlage-uhlandstrasse.de/kantine/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://kleingartenanlage-uhlandstrasse.de/kantine/": remote error: tls: unrecognized name |
OSM | n | ConCord Global Services GmbH | website | https://concordglobalservices.com/?lang=de | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://concordglobalservices.com/?lang=de": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | n | Personal-Cut GmbH | website | https://www.personal-cut.de | 303 See Other |
OSM | n | Zeitinsel | contact:website | https://www.zeitinsel.net/standorte-2 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Operator: Eiskistle | website | https://www.eiskistle.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.eiskistle.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.eiskistle.de on no such host |
OSM | n | OSJET GmbH & Co. KG | website | https://osjet.de/ | 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://osjet.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority |
OSM | n | Alfafood GmbH | website | https://alfafood.eu/filialen/ | 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://alfafood.eu/filialen/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority |
OSM | n | Rockfabrik | website | https://rockfabrik-augsburg.de/ | 924 POI without feature |
POI has a |
OSM | n | Giovanni | website | https://www.friseur-team-giovanni.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Exela Technologies GmbH | website | https://emea.exelatech.com/dach | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://emea.exelatech.com/dach": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | n | Diabetespraxis Augsburg | website | https://www.diabetespraxis-augsburg.de/prof-dr-jacobi | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Familien - Support | website | https://www.familiensupport.info | 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it |
OSM | n | Eletrix | website | https://eletrix.de/ | 503 Service Unavailable |
OSM | n | Sachverständigenbüro Erich Huber | website | http://www.erich-huber.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Yorma's | website | https://www.yormas.de/Standorte/Standort.aspx?id=8 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Heitec AG | website | https://www.heitec.de/de/ueber-uns/unternehmen/standorte/standort-augsburg | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Kath. St. Ulrich und Afra | website | http://ulrichsbasilika/st-ulrich-und-afra | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://ulrichsbasilika/st-ulrich-und-afra": dial tcp: lookup ulrichsbasilika on no such host |
OSM | n | Kath. St. Ulrich und Afra | website | http://ulrichsbasilika/st-ulrich-und-afra | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://ulrichsbasilika/st-ulrich-und-afra": dial tcp: lookup ulrichsbasilika on no such host |
OSM | n | RepSepp GmbH | website | https://repsepp.de/ | 403 Forbidden |
OSM | n | Praxis für Physiotherapie | website | https://physio-herion.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it |
OSM | n | Dr. Raphael Epp | website | https://www.zahnarztpraxis-augsburg-prophylaxe.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.zahnarztpraxis-augsburg-prophylaxe.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.zahnarztpraxis-augsburg-prophylaxe.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Cavos by Zachos | website | https://www.cavos-restaurant.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.cavos-restaurant.de/": EOF |
OSM | n | Fernweh | website | http://www.fernweh4u.de/cms/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | anina | website | http://aninaberchtenbreiter.con | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://aninaberchtenbreiter.con": dial tcp: lookup aninaberchtenbreiter.con on no such host |
OSM | n | Notaufnahme | website | https://www.uk-augsburg.de/kliniken-und-institute/notaufnahme-kvb-bereitschaftspraxis/ueberblick.htm… | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Orlitta Dental-Technik | website | http://www.orlitta-dental.de/index.html | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.orlitta-dental.de/index.html |
OSM | n | Sektor Security | website | https://sektor-sicherheitsdienst.de/ | 500 Internal Server Error |
OSM | n | Fey & Wagner | contact:website | http://www.birgit-fey.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.birgit-fey.de/ |
OSM | n | Ansa-Logistik | website | http://www.ansa-logistik.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.ansa-logistik.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.ansa-logistik.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Milaneo Nails | website | https://milaneonails.de | 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare |
OSM | n | ConSigma Hausverwaltungen GmbH | website | https://consigma.ag/consigma-bayern/consigma-augsburg/ | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Schülerhilfe | website | https://www.schuelerhilfe.de/nachhilfe/augsburg/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Legasus Wirtschaftsanwälte | website | https://www.legasus.de/andreas-mundanjohl | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Pension am Gögginger Park | website | http://www.pension-amgoeggingerpark.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.pension-amgoeggingerpark.de": dial tcp: lookup www.pension-amgoeggingerpark.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Unter Freunden | website | http://www.unterfreunden-friseure.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.unterfreunden-friseure.de": dial tcp: lookup www.unterfreunden-friseure.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Telenco GmbH | website | https://www.telenco.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | website | https://augsburgstadt.psg-augsburg.de/start.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Lok Café | contact:website | https://www.bahnpark-augsburg.de/lok-cafe.html | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Brecht's Bistro | contact:website | https://www.papiermanufaktur-wengenmayr.de/ | 503 Service Unavailable |
OSM | n | Kling-Klang Zwerge | website | https://musik-kinder-augsburg.de/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://musik-kinder-augsburg.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | n | Specialis Assekuranzmakler GmbH | website | https://www.specialis.de/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.specialis.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | n | Heimatkreis Reichenberg Stadt und Land e.V. | website | https://reichenberg.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://reichenberg.de/": EOF |
OSM | n | Gebetshaus Augsburg | website | https://www.gebetshaus.org/ | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.gebetshaus.org/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for gebetshaus.org, not www.gebetshaus.org |
OSM | n | Familienzentrum Sternstunden Augsburg | website | https://st-gregor.de/kontakte/familienzentrum-sternstunden-augsburg | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | TSG Sportgaststätte | website | https://www.tsg-augsburg.de/tsg-sportgaststaette.php | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Augustus Pflege | website | http://www.augustuspflege.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.augustuspflege.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.augustuspflege.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Geschenkreich | website | https://www.geschenkreich.de/ | 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare |
OSM | n | Haeger Juwelier | website | https://juwelier-haeger.de/juwelier-augsburg/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Sing- und Musikschule | website | https://summaugsburg.de/startseite | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://summa.augsburg.destartseite": dial tcp: lookup summa.augsburg.destartseite on no such host |
OSM | n | Kutscher & Gehr Office-Center | website | https://www.kutscher-gehr.de | 502 Bad Gateway |
OSM | w | Johannes-Kindergarten | website | http://www.kiga-johannes-inningen.de/ | 403 Forbidden |
OSM | w | Schafweidesiedlung | website | https://www.schafweidsiedlung.de | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.schafweidsiedlung.de": EOF |
OSM | w | Albertus Kindergarten | website | https://ulrich-afra-anton.de/kiga/albertus.htm | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Kapellen-Mittelschule | website | https://kapellen-schule.de | 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://kapellen-schule.de": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-15T11:00:48+01:00 is after 2025-02-09T23:59:59Z |
OSM | w | Motoklora | website | http://www.motoklora.com/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.motoklora.com/ |
OSM | w | Teilbibliothek Sozialwissenschaften - Gebäude F | website | https://www.bibliothek.uni-augsburg.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.bibliothek.uni-augsburg.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.bibliothek.uni-augsburg.de on no such host |
OSM | w | website | https://summaugsburg.de/startseite | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://summa.augsburg.destartseite": dial tcp: lookup summa.augsburg.destartseite on no such host |
OSM | w | St. Peter am Perlach | website | http://www.jesuiten.de/frameset.asp?file=augsburg.htm&dir=/seelsorge/kirchen/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.jesuiten.orgframeset.asp?file=augsburg.htm&dir=/seelsorge/kirchen/": dial tcp: lookup www.jesuiten.orgframeset.asp on no such host |
OSM | w | Kindergarten Altstadt | website | http://www.kinderbetreuung.augsburg.de/index.php?id=24218 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Berufsschule 3 | website | http://www.bs3-augsburg.de | 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it |
OSM | w | Kindernest | website | https://www.kindernest-augsburg.de/Elterninitiative+Kindernest+e.V./Gruppen/Altstadt | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Grandhotel Cosmopolis | website | https://grandhotel-cosmopolis.org/de/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Paul-Gerhardt-Kirche | contact:website | http://www.gemeinde-paul-gerhardt.de/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Bundesleistungszentrum für Kanuslalom und Wildwasser | website | https://www.ospbayern.de/osp-bayern/regionalzentren/aussenstelle-augsburg/aussenstelle-augsburg.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Synagoge Kriegshaber | image | https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ehem._Synagoge_Augsburg_Kriegshaber.JPG | 924 POI without feature |
POI has a |
OSM | w | contact:website | https://www.montessori-augsburg.org/ | 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.montessori-augsburg.org/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-15T11:01:33+01:00 is after 2023-06-14T06:50:24Z |
OSM | w | Grundschule Augsburg-Oberhausen-Mitte | website | https://www.werner-egk-grundschule.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.werner-egk-grundschule.de/": EOF |
OSM | w | Das Foyer - Veranstaltungszentrum | website | http://www.das-foyer.com | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.das-foyer.com": dial tcp: lookup www.das-foyer.com on no such host |
OSM | w | Operator: Arbeiterwohlfahrt Bezirksverband Schwaben (AWO) | contact:website | https://www.awo-seniorenheim-augsburg-herrenbach.de/ | 924 POI without feature |
POI has a |
OSM | w | Bildungszentrum Augsburg-West | website | http://www.ihk-bildungshaus-schwaben.de | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www.ihk-bildungshaus-schwaben.de": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | w | Waldorfkindergarten | website | https://www.waldorf-augsburg.de/contenido/cms/front_content.php?idcat=104 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Kindertagesstätte Euler-Chelpin-Straße | website | https://www.augsburg.de/umwelt-soziales/kindertagesbetreuung-in-augsburg/?id=38260 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Kita Märchenburg | website | https://www.maerchenburg.info/Maerchenburg/Willkommen.html | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.maerchenburg.info/Maerchenburg/Willkommen.html": dial tcp: lookup www.maerchenburg.info on no such host |
OSM | w | Autohaus Toyota Eisenhofer | contact:website | http://toyota-eisenhofer-augsburg.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://toyota-eisenhofer-augsburg.de/": dial tcp: lookup toyota-eisenhofer-augsburg.de on no such host |
OSM | w | tedox | website | https://www.tedox.de/shoplist/index/detail/?id=54 | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | w | Stephanuskirche | url | http://www.gemeinde-paul-gerhardt.de/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Alte Schmiede | website | https://www.hs-augsburg.de/Architektur-und-Bauwesen/Alte-Schmiede.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Quality Hotel Augsburg | website | http://www.quality-hotel-augsburg.de/de/home.php | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Kinderkrippe Sonnenschein | website | https://www.skf-augsburg.de/eltern-und-kind/kinderkrippe-sonnenschein.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Wieselhaus | website | http://www.fugger-und-welser-museum.de/museum/wieselhaus/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Nonstop Hostel | contact:website | https://www.nonstophotel.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | w | Sysgotec GmbH | website | https://www.sysgotec.de | 401 Unauthorized |
OSM | w | Staatstheater Augsburg - Großes Haus | website | https://staatstheater-augsburg.de/ | 924 POI without feature |
POI has a |
OSM | w | Arthotel ANA Style Augsburg | website | https://ana-hotels.com/style | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | website | http://www.tennis.djk-lechhausen.de/tennishalle.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | website | https://drinkudor.de/ | 924 POI without feature |
POI has a |
OSM | w | website | https://architekturmuseum-schwaben.de/ | 924 POI without feature |
POI has a |
OSM | w | METRO | website | https://www.metro.de | 403 Forbidden |
OSM | w | Action | website | https://www.action.com/de-de/laden/augsburg/ | 924 POI without feature |
POI has a |
OSM | w | Marmorwerk Eser | contact:website | http://www.marmorwerk-eser.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.marmorwerk-eser.de": dial tcp: lookup www.marmorwerk-eser.de on no such host |
OSM | w | CityKids | website | http://www.citykids-augsburg.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it |
OSM | w | Freie evangelische Gemeinde Augsburg-West | website | http://augsburg-west.feg.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://kirche-im-westhouse.de": remote error: tls: handshake failure |
OSM | w | Polizeiinspektion Augsburg 5 | website | https://www.polizei.bayern.de/schwaben/wir/organisation/dienststellen/index.html/69855 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | AWO Sozialzentrum Hammerschmiede | website | https://awo-augsburg.de/index.php/leben-im-alter/awo-sozialzentrum-hammerschmiede.html | 403 Forbidden |
OSM | w | Westparkschule | website | https://www.bildungshaus-westpark.de | 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.bildungshaus-westpark.de": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-15T11:05:46+01:00 is after 2024-09-27T22:34:32Z |
OSM | w | Teilbibliothek Naturwissenschaften | website | https://www.bibliothek.uni-augsburg.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.bibliothek.uni-augsburg.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.bibliothek.uni-augsburg.de on no such host |
OSM | w | Zentralbibliothek - Gebäude E | website | https://www.bibliothek.uni-augsburg.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.bibliothek.uni-augsburg.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.bibliothek.uni-augsburg.de on no such host |
OSM | w | SIGMA Technopark Augsburg | website | https://www.sigma-technopark-augsburg.de | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.sigma-technopark-augsburg.de": EOF |
OSM | w | Klinik-Park | website | https://www.uk-augsburg.de/park | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | EDEKA | website | http://www.edeka-gropper.de | 500 Internal Server Error |
OSM | w | Johanneskirche | url | http://3-faltigkeit.elkb.net/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://3-faltigkeit.elkb.net/": dial tcp: lookup 3-faltigkeit.elkb.net on no such host |
OSM | w | Wessels + Müller AG | website | https://www.wm.de/de/unternehmen/standorte/details/augsburg-1.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | VR-Bank Handels- und Gewerbebank | website | https://www.vrbank-hg.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.vrbank-hg.de/": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer |
OSM | w | Kühl Entsorgung & Recycling Süd GmbH | website | http://www.kuehl-gruppe.de/index/standorte-national/28-kuehl-entsorgung-a-recycling-sued-gmbh.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | KFC | website | https://www.kfc.de | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.kfc.de": stream error: stream ID 1; INTERNAL_ERROR; received from peer |
OSM | w | Kindertagesstätte Kleine Freunde Haus Süd | website | https://www.kleine-freun.de/ | 501 Not Implemented |
OSM | w | Kindergarten und Hort Mühlbachviertel | website | https://www.awo-kita-augsburg-muehlbachviertel.de | 403 Forbidden |
OSM | w | Freizeitanlage Siebentisch | website | http://www.minigolf-in-augsburg.de | 303 See Other |
OSM | w | Basilika St. Ulrich und Afra | website | http://ulrichsbasilika/st-ulrich-und-afra | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://ulrichsbasilika/st-ulrich-und-afra": dial tcp: lookup ulrichsbasilika on no such host |
OSM | w | Ulmenhof | website | https://www.augsburgwiki.de/index.php/AugsburgWiki/Ulmenhof | 401 Unauthorized |
OSM | w | Catwalk | website | http://catwalk-girls.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string https://cdn.sedo.com in it |
OSM | w | W. Braun Metallrecycling | website | https://www.metallrecycling.com/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | w | Rada Recycling | website | https://www.rada-recycling.de/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.rada-recycling.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | w | Operator: Stadt Augsburg - Tiefbauamt | website | https://www.augsburg.de/fileadmin/user_upload/umwelt_soziales/umwelt/einrichtungen/stadtentwaesserun… | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | OH's | website | https://www.ohs-luginsland.de/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Ellinor-Holland-Kinderhaus | website | https://www.augsburg-asb.de/content/ellinor-holland-kinderhaus | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Technologie Zentrum Augsburg | website | https://www.augsburg-innovationspark.com/technologiezentrum-augsburg/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Werner Haas Automobile | website | https://haas.jlr-vertragspartner.de/ | 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://haas.jlr-vertragspartner.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-15T11:07:57+01:00 is after 2022-11-04T12:55:16Z |
OSM | w | McCafé | website | http://www.mcdonalds-augsburg.de | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | w | McDonald's | website | http://www.mcdonalds-augsburg.de | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | w | Subway | website | http://www.subway-sandwiches.de | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www.subway.com/de-de": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | w | Operator: rail & fresh WC-Center | website | https://www.wc-fresh.com/standort/augsburg-hauptbahnhof/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Operator: Riedlberger | website | https://www.riedlbergers.de/ | 500 Internal Server Error |
OSM | w | TVA-Skaterhockey | website | http://tva-skaterhockey.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://tva-skaterhockey.de/": dial tcp: lookup tva-skaterhockey.de on no such host |
OSM | w | City & Fresh WC | website | https://www.wc-fresh.com/standort/augsburg-koenigsplatz/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Teilbibliothek Geisteswissenschaften | website | https://www.bibliothek.uni-augsburg.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.bibliothek.uni-augsburg.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.bibliothek.uni-augsburg.de on no such host |
OSM | w | contact:website | https://www.balletshofer.de | 924 POI without feature |
POI has a |
OSM | w | website | https://wintergerst-gruppe.de/weltpresse/ | 924 POI without feature |
POI has a |
OSM | w | Grundschule Augsburg Vor dem Roten Tor | website | https://www.gsrotestor.de/ | 302 Found |
OSM | w | Hochseilgarten Uni Augsburg | website | https://www.sport.uni-augsburg.de/hsg/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.sport.uni-augsburg.de/hsg/": dial tcp: lookup www.sport.uni-augsburg.de on no such host |
OSM | w | Von Roll Deutschland | website | https://www.vonrollgroup.com/de/karriere/mit-uns-arbeiten/weltweite-standorte/ | 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.vonrollgroup.com/de/karriere/mit-uns-arbeiten/weltweite-standorte/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-15T11:09:04+01:00 is after 2024-08-03T23:59:59Z |
OSM | w | Umweltstation Augsburg | url | https://www.us-augsburg.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | w | Riegele BierFlug | website | https://www.riegele.de/riegele-bierflug/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Operator: Riedlberger | website | https://www.riedlbergers.de/ | 500 Internal Server Error |
OSM | w | Agnes-Bernauer-Schule | website | https://web.agnes.de | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://web.agnes.de": remote error: tls: handshake failure |
OSM | w | Martinschule - Sonderpädagogisches Förderzentrum II Augsburg Nord | website | https://www.martinschule-augsburg.de/pestalozzistrasse.html | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://martinschule.depestalozzistrasse.html": dial tcp: lookup martinschule.depestalozzistrasse.html on no such host |
OSM | w | Wohnanlage „Haunstetter Straße“ | website | https://www.baugenossenschaft-augsburg.de/haunstetten-nord | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Wohnanlage „Nansenstraße“ | website | https://www.baugenossenschaft-augsburg.de/haunstetten-nord | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Kindertagesstätte Kleine Freunde Haus Nord | website | https://www.kleine-freun.de/ | 501 Not Implemented |
OSM | w | Waldplatz des Waldkindergarten Regenstrahlen Augsburg | contact:website | https://eigenaktiv.de/eigenaktiv/kita-waldkindergarten-augsburg/team/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | DLR-ZLP | contact:website | https://www.dlr.de/content/de/artikel/standorte/augsburg/ueber-augsburg.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Umweltbildungszentrum Augsburg | contact:website | https://www.us-augsburg.de/umweltbildungszentrum/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | w | Kindergarten Paul-Gerhardt | website | http://www.gemeinde-paul-gerhardt.de/?site=Kindergarten%20Paul-Gerhardt | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Graceland Kinderhaus | website | https://www.graceland-ev.de/ | 302 Found |
OSM | w | 80 Soldaten WK1 | image | https://www.augsburg.de/fileadmin/user_upload/verwaltungswegweiser/amt_fuer_gruenordnung_naturschutz… | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | DJK Augsburg Hochzoll | website | https://www.djk-augsburg-hochzoll.de/beachvolleyball | 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.djk-augsburg-hochzoll.de/beachvolleyball": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority |
OSM | w | Kinderhaus Sonnenschein | website | https://www.skf-augsburg.de/eltern-und-kind/kinderhaus-sonnenschein.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | r | Via Julia | image | https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/w/images/b/ba/Via-Julia.jpg | 404 Not Found |
OSM | r | Altbaierischer Oxenweg | contact:website | https://www.tourismus-dachauer-land.de/oxenweg/ | 307 Temporary Redirect |
OSM | r | Via Romea - Deutschland - Bayern | url | https://www.viaromeagermanica.info/ | 301 Moved Permanently |