OSM | n | Hotel Ludwigshof am See | website | https://hotelludwigshof.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://hotelludwigshof.de/": dial tcp: lookup hotelludwigshof.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Schneider | website | http://www.vollwertbaecker-schneider.de/filialen/muehlhausen/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.vollwertbaecker-schneider.de/filialen/muehlhausen/ |
OSM | n | Merchinger Pizza Service | contact:website | http://www.pizzaservice-merching.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.pizzaservice-merching.de/ |
OSM | n | Vereinshütte Wanderverein Edelweiss | website | http://wv-edelweiss.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://wv-edelweiss.de/": dial tcp: lookup wv-edelweiss.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Raiffeisenbank | website | https://www.rb-wila.de/wir-fuer-sie/filialen-ansprechpartner/filialen/uebersicht-filialen/gs-merchin… | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.rb-wila.de/wir-fuer-sie/filialen-ansprechpartner/filialen/uebersicht-filialen/gs-merching.html": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer |
OSM | n | Sparkasse | website | https://www.sparkasse.de/standorte/filialen/stadtsparkasse-augsburg-geschaeftsstelle-merching-11229 | 410 Gone |
OSM | n | Dr. Hartl | contact:website | http://www.drhartl.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it |
OSM | n | Raiffeisenbank Wittelsbacher Land eG | website | https://www.rb-wila.de/wir-fuer-sie/filialen-ansprechpartner/filialen/uebersicht-filialen/gs-kissing… | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.rb-wila.de/wir-fuer-sie/filialen-ansprechpartner/filialen/uebersicht-filialen/gs-kissing.html": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer |
OSM | n | Clever fit | website | https://www.clever-fit.com/de/fitnessstudio-in-der-naehe/clever-fit-aichach/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | da Vinci e Michaela | website | http://davinciemichaela.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://davinciemichaela.de/ |
OSM | n | Ristorante Parisi | website | http://www.ristorante-pizzeria-parisi.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.ristorante-pizzeria-parisi.de": dial tcp: lookup www.ristorante-pizzeria-parisi.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Montagsmaler Tattoo & Graphix | website | http://montagsmaler-tattoo.de | 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it |
OSM | n | Grüne Eiche Schönbach | website | http://gruene-eiche-schoenbach.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://gruene-eiche-schoenbach.de/ |
OSM | n | Köfte's Grillhaus | website | https://www.köftes.de | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Schreinerei Merz | website | http://www.schreinerei-merz.de/ | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Waldgaststätte Friedenau | contact:website | https://www.waldgaststaette-friedenau.com/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | TSV-Rehstaurant | website | https://rehstaurant.de/ | 500 Internal Server Error |
OSM | n | Bücherei Mering | website | https://www.mering.de/bildung-soziales/b%C3%BCcherei.html | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | contact:website | http://www.untere-apotheke-mering.de/ | 303 See Other |
OSM | n | Clever fit | website | https://www.clever-fit.com/de-de/fitnessstudio-in-der-naehe/clever-fit-mering/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Tanzpunkt | website | https://www.tanzpunkt-mering.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it |
OSM | n | TÜV Süd | contact:website | https://www.tuvsud.com/de-de/standorte/europe/germany/mering/alpspitzstrasse-1-a | 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare |
OSM | n | KiK | contact:website | https://www.kik.de/filialfinder/6302/Mering/Gau%C3%9Fring | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | dieComputerwerkstatt | website | http://www.diecomputerwerkstatt.de | 403 Forbidden |
OSM | n | Raiffeisenbank | website | https://www.rb-wila.de/wir-fuer-sie/filialen-ansprechpartner/filialen/uebersicht-filialen/gs-mering.… | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.rb-wila.de/wir-fuer-sie/filialen-ansprechpartner/filialen/uebersicht-filialen/gs-mering.html": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer |
OSM | n | Friseur Seeck and more | website | https://www.friseurseeckandmore.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.friseurseeckandmore.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.friseurseeckandmore.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Golden Amber | website | https://www.golden-amber.de/ | 303 See Other |
OSM | n | Rudls Radl Shop | website | http://www.rudls-radl-shop.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.rudls-radl-shop.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.rudls-radl-shop.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Auto-Braune | website | http://www.auto-braune.autofitpartner.de/ | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.auto-braune.autofitpartner.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for 56516dc73b79665585ff3d9ed4c7a51e.9b8d231abd121058bfb3797c49a477cf.traefik.default, not www.auto-braune.autofitpartner.de |
OSM | n | Pfeifferhof | website | https://www.wittelsbacherland.de/hoflaeden-details/member/36.html | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Schloss Apotheke | website | http://www.schlossapo24.com/ | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Parfümerie Elke | website | https://www.parfuemerie-elke.de | 500 Internal Server Error |
OSM | n | Schlosskirche Scherneck | website | http://www.schloss-scherneck.de/presse/kapelle.htm | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Elektro Löw | website | https://www.euronics.de/Friedberg/info/Ueber-Uns | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Sushi Palace Augsburg | website | https://www.sushi-palace.com/sushi-augsburg | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Schuhstadl Laimering | website | http://www.schuhstadl-laimering.de/ | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Aichacher Zeitung | contact:website | https://www.aichacher-zeitung.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Axikom | website | http://axikom.de | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Caritas Sozialkaufhaus | website | https://www.caritas-aichach-friedberg.de/sozialkaufhaus-aichach/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Kinderhort Mariä Himmelfahrt | website | https://portal.little-bird.de/Aichach/Kath-Kinderhort-Mariae-Himmelfahrt | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Cybermedia Verlagsgesellschaft | website | http://www.cybermediaverlag.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.cybermediaverlag.de/ |
OSM | n | Luftsportverein Aichach | contact:website | http://www.lsvaichach.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.lsvaichach.de |
OSM | n | P+R Friedberg West | website | https://www.swa-rad.de | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.swa-rad.de": remote error: tls: unrecognized name |
OSM | n | Schützenheim | website | http://fs-haberskirch.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://fs-haberskirch.de |
OSM | n | Sanitär Fünffinger | website | https://www.sanitaer-fuenffinger.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.sanitaer-fuenffinger.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.sanitaer-fuenffinger.de on no such host |
OSM | n | MEA AG | website | https://www.mea-group.com/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Die Rose | website | http://www.rose-blumen.de | 403 Forbidden |
OSM | n | Versicherungsbüro Daniel Müller | website | https://www.dkm.vkb.de | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.dkm.vkb.de": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | n | Adeline Trenkenschuh Beauty | website | https://adeline-trenkenschuh.de/ | 307 Temporary Redirect |
OSM | n | Sobottka, Abel-Brugger und Kollegen | website | http://www.sobottka-abel.de/ | 303 See Other |
OSM | n | Jugendtreff Saphir | website | https://www.kissing.de/leben-und-wohnen/freizeitmoeglichkeiten/aktuelles-und-service/gemeindliche-ei… | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Bücherei Aindling | website | http://www.bücherei-aindling.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.bücherei-aindling.de/ |
OSM | n | Schützenheim | website | http://www.jaegerblut-inchenhofen.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.jaegerblut-inchenhofen.de |
OSM | n | Musikhaus Sedlmeyr | website | http://www.musikhaus-sedlmeyr.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.musikhaus-sedlmeyr.de |
OSM | n | Praxis für Krankengymnastik Gerhäußer | contact:website | https://krankengymnastik-gerhaeuser.de | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://krankengymnastik-gerhaeuser.de": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.kasserver.com, kasserver.com, not krankengymnastik-gerhaeuser.de |
OSM | n | Operator: Wasserwirtschaftsamt Donauwörth | website | https://www.gkd.bayern.de/fluesse/abfluss/stationen/stammdaten/index.php?thema=gkd&rubrik=fluesse&pr… | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Moccafee | website | https://www.moccafee-friedberg.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.moccafee-friedberg.de": dial tcp: lookup www.moccafee-friedberg.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Augenzentrum Friedberg, OP-Zentrum | website | https://augen-augsburg.de/standorte/friedberg-augenzentrum.html | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://augen-augsburg.de/standorte/friedberg-augenzentrum.html": dial tcp connect: connection refused |
OSM | n | Ehrenreich Getränke Center | website | http://ehrenreich-getraenke.de/kissing.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Ballas Maschinen | website | https://www.ballas-maschinen.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | HelloFit | website | https://www.hellofit.de/studio/aichach.html | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Jobcenter Wittelsbacher Land | website | https://www.arbeitsagentur.de/web/content/DE/dienststellen/rdby/augsburg/JobcenterWittelsbacherLand/… | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Altstadtpension Friedberg | website | https://www.pension-waltner.de | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.pension-waltner.de": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.your-server.de, your-server.de, not www.pension-waltner.de |
OSM | n | Fotostudio Hatzold | website | http://www.hatzold.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.hatzold.de/ |
OSM | n | Aktivio | website | http://www.aktivio.de/aktivio/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.aktivio.de/aktivio/ |
OSM | n | O2 | website | https://www.o2.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Patchwork | website | http://www.karin-weindl.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | TUI Reisecenter | website | https://www.tui-reisecenter.de/Friedberg1/Kompetenz | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Konditorei Schenkel | website | http://glutenfreie-leckereien.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://glutenfreie-leckereien.de |
OSM | n | BS Automobile GbR | website | https://www.mobile.de/BSAutomobileGbR | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Gasthof Bachmeir | website | http://www.gasthof-bachmeir.de/Gastezimmer/zimmer.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Hair Free | website | https://www.hairfree.com/institute/aichach/ | 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.hairfree.com/institute/aichach/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2024-09-14T11:27:58+02:00 is after 2024-01-30T16:23:48Z |
OSM | n | Ehrenamt, Bildung und Integration | website | https://lra-aic-fdb.de/landratsamt/fachbereiche/abteilung-2-kommunale-und-soziale-angelegenheiten/eh… | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Thomas Philipps Sonderposten | website | https://www.thomas-philipps.de/de/Stores/Details/kissing | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Autohaus Schuller | website | http://www.autohaus-schuller.de | 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable |
OSM | n | Dialysezentrum | website | http://www.dialyse-friedberg.de | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Augusta Bank | contact:website | https://www.vrbank-augsburg-ostallgaeu.de | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.vrbank-augsburg-ostallgaeu.de": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer |
OSM | n | Luma Hebetechnik | website | http://www.luma-hebetechnik.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.luma-hebetechnik.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.luma-hebetechnik.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Toyota Stapler Center Süd | website | https://www.toyota-forklifts.de/De/company/Unsere-Standorte/Pages/Stapler-Gabelstapler-Mietstapler-A… | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Wasserwacht Friedberg | website | http://www.wasserwacht-friedberg.de | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Juwelier Hansjörg Fritsche | website | http://www.hansjoerg-fritsche.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.hansjoerg-fritsche.de/ |
OSM | n | Now Communication | website | https://nowcom.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://nowcom.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match nowcom.de |
OSM | n | Lenzbauer | website | http://www.lenzbauer-steinach.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.lenzbauer-steinach.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.lenzbauer-steinach.de on no such host |
OSM | n | contact:website | https://www.mrssporty.de/club/mering/ | 302 Found |
OSM | n | 7° | website | http://www.volker-bartsch.de/skulpturen-im-oeffentlichen-raum/7-mea-aichach.html | 301 TYPO3 RealURL Redirect |
OSM | n | Klangwerk | website | http://klangwerk.info | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://klangwerk.info |
OSM | n | Zentrumpraxis Friedberg | website | https://www.zentrumpraxis-friedberg.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it |
OSM | n | Dr. Brigitte Weber | website | http://www.dr-weber-friedberg.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.dr-weber-friedberg.de": dial tcp: lookup www.dr-weber-friedberg.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Dr. Margit Kasper-Hölzl – Frauenärztin | website | http://www.kasper-hoelzl.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Granit & Marmor Platten | website | https://granitmarmorplatten.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://granitmarmorplatten.de/": dial tcp: lookup granitmarmorplatten.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Tines Reitereck | website | http://www.stall-starlight.de/reitereck.htm | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Studienkreis | website | https://www.studienkreis.de/nachhilfe-aichach/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Immobilien Jemiller | website | http://www.jemiller.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string domainname.de in it |
OSM | n | Zenker Schnäppchenmarkt | website | https://www.zenker-backformen.de/de/service/schnaeppchenmarkt/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Operator: Lechwerke AG | contact:website | https://www.lew.de/energiezukunft/e-mobility/elektroautos | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Autohaus Stahl | website | http://www.toyota-stahl.de/ | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Zooom Reisefahrzeuge Manufaktur | website | https://www.zooom.biz/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Maler Lanzinger | website | http://www.maler-lanzinger.de/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Forstrevier Affing | website | https://www.alf-ke.bayern.de/cms10/aelf-au/forstwirtschaft/068514/index.php | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.alf-ke.bayern.de/cms10/aelf-au/forstwirtschaft/068514/index.php": dial tcp: lookup www.alf-ke.bayern.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Zwoaradl Hütt'n | website | http://www.xn--zwoaradl-httn-5ob.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.xn--zwoaradl-httn-5ob.de": dial tcp: lookup www.xn--zwoaradl-httn-5ob.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Kinderkrippe Sonnenschein | website | https://portal.little-bird.de/Aichach/Staedt-Kinderkrippe-Sonnenschein | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Operator: Drive Around | website | http://www.drivearound.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.drivearound.de/ |
OSM | n | Lesenswert! | website | http://www.lesenswert-friedberg.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it |
OSM | n | Brasilianisch-Stammtisch | website | http://www.brasilien.ath.cx | 911 Error doing request: Get "http://www.brasilien.ath.cx": dial tcp connect: no route to host |
OSM | n | Aichacher Tafel | website | https://www.caritas-aichach-friedberg.de/aichacher-tafel/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Mühlgasse-Schmiede | website | https://www.mg-schmiede.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.mg-schmiede.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.mg-schmiede.de |
OSM | n | El Greco | website | http://elgreco-fdb.de/ | 307 Temporary Redirect |
OSM | n | Operator: ALDI Süd | website | https://unternehmen.aldi-sued.de/de/verantwortung/umwelt/energie/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Malteser im Kreis Aichach-Friedberg | website | https://www.malteser-aichach-friedberg.de/startseite.html | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Kultstore | website | https://www.mode-ruebsamen.de/kultstore-friedberg.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Operator: Lechwerke AG | website | https://www.lew.de/energiezukunft/e-mobility/elektroautos | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Eve Maya | website | https://www.eve-maya.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.eve-maya.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.eve-maya.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Bike Racing Store | website | https://www.fahrrad-online-24.de/ | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.fahrrad-online-24.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for realtime.at, www.realtime.at, not www.fahrrad-online-24.de |
OSM | n | Zahnarztpraxis am Badanger | contact:website | http://www.zahnarztpraxis-am-badanger.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.zahnarztpraxis-am-badanger.de/ |
OSM | n | Friedelhof - Selbstbedienungshofladen | website | http://friedelhof.de | 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it |
OSM | n | Pizzahaus Dasing | website | https://pizza-haus-dasing.de | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Quick Schuh | contact:website | https://www.schuhe.de/online-kaufen/mering/quick-schuh-1000449298.html | 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare |
OSM | n | Vaporia | contact:website | https://www.freesmoke24.com/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.freesmoke24.com/": dial tcp: lookup www.freesmoke24.com on no such host |
OSM | n | Fliesen Jeckel | website | http://www.fliesen-jeckel.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.fliesen-jeckel.de |
OSM | n | BayWa | website | https://www.baywa-baustoffe.de/b2c/de/store-finder/map/kissing | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Fair Fitness PLUS | website | https://www.fairfitness-plus.de/fitness-club-mering | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Zimmerei Michael Resele | website | http://www.zimmerei-resele.de | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Fahrschule Yvonne&Thorsten | website | https://www.fahrschule-yvonne.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.fahrschule-yvonne.de/": EOF |
OSM | n | Psychiatrische Ambulanz | website | https://www.bkh-augsburg.de/ambulante-angebote/pia-aichach.html | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | KVB-Bereitschaftspraxis Friedberg | website | https://www.kvb.de/service/patienten/aerztlicher-bereitschaftsdienst/bereitschaftspraxen/schwaben/fr… | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | KVB Bereitschaftspraxis Aichach | website | https://www.kvb.de/service/patienten/aerztlicher-bereitschaftsdienst/bereitschaftspraxen/schwaben/ai… | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Ziegler Harvesting | website | https://www.ziegler-harvesting.com/de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Dr. med. Josef Baur | website | https://www.allgemeinarzt-poettmes-schrobenhausen.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.allgemeinarzt-poettmes-schrobenhausen.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.allgemeinarzt-poettmes-schrobenhausen.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Katzen helfen Katzen e.V. | website | http://www.katzen-helfen-katzen-poettmes.com/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.katzen-helfen-katzen-poettmes.com/ |
OSM | n | Steuerkanzlei Kurz | website | http://www.steuerlex24.de/steuerkanzlei-kurz/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Forstrevier Unterbaar | website | https://www.augsburg.de/buergerservice-rathaus/buergerservice/aemter-behoerden/staedtische-dienstste… | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | ZiTT Pöttmes | website | https://zitt-poettmes.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://zitt-poettmes.de/": EOF |
OSM | n | Metallbau Bals | website | https://metallbau-bals.de/index.html | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://metallbau-bals.de/index.html": dial tcp: lookup metallbau-bals.de on no such host |
OSM | n | E. Schadl Gabelstapler | website | http://www.eschadl.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.eschadl.de/ |
OSM | n | website | https://www.dein-samok.de/dein-samok | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | VR Bank | website | https://www.vrbank-augsburg-ostallgaeu.de/wir-fuer-sie/filialen-ansprechpartner/geschaeftsstellen/ge… | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.vrbank-augsburg-ostallgaeu.de/wir-fuer-sie/filialen-ansprechpartner/geschaeftsstellen/geschaeftsstelle-staetzling.html": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer |
OSM | n | Comwood - individuelle Lösungen aus Holz | website | https://gerhard-ettner.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://gerhard-ettner.de/": dial tcp: lookup gerhard-ettner.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Dr. med. vet. Gabriela Margraf | website | https://www.tierarztpraxis-margraf.de | 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it |
OSM | n | Weiß Freilandeier | website | https://freilandeier-weiss.de/ | 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://freilandeier-weiss.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority |
OSM | n | Sportschule Helmut Eberle | website | https://www.sportschule-eberle.de | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.sportschule-eberle.de": EOF |
OSM | n | Harteis, Diepolder, Forster | website | https://www.h-d-f.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Flocki-Druck | website | https://flocki-druck.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it |
OSM | n | fit+ Kissing | website | https://kissing.fitplus-club.de/ | 410 Gone |
OSM | n | American Musicbar Relax't | website | https://www.relaxt-kissing.bayern/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.relaxt-kissing.bayern/": dial tcp: lookup www.relaxt-kissing.bayern on no such host |
OSM | n | Paradiso Pizzaservice | website | https://www.paradiso-pizzaservice.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Praxis für physikalische Therapie Ralf & Petra Grohmann | website | http://www.physiotherapie-grohmann.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.physiotherapie-grohmann.de/ |
OSM | n | Kieferorthopädie Dr. Dürr-Collavini | website | https://www.zahnspangen-aic.de | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Moho-Ranch | website | https://moho-ranch.de/index.php | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://moho-ranch.de/index.php": dial tcp: lookup moho-ranch.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Josef W. Kröpfl | website | http://www.j-kroepfl.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string domainname.de in it |
OSM | n | Seniorenberatung | website | https://lra-aic-fdb.de/landratsamt/fachbereiche/abteilung-1-zentrale-angelegenheiten/altenhilfe/seni… | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Kreisjugendring Aichach-Friedberg | website | https://kjr-aichach-friedberg.de/ | 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare |
OSM | n | Jugendcafé Tandem | website | https://www.friedberg.de/staticsite/staticsite.php?menuid=324&topmenu=15 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Billard & Snooker Club Kissing | website | http://www.bsc-kissing.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.bsc-kissing.de/ |
OSM | n | Heim & Haus Ausstellung Dasing | website | https://www.heimhaus.de/dasing/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Kosel Textil | website | http://www.kosel-textil.de/ | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Kraftraum 151 | website | https://www.kraftraum151.de | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.kraftraum151.de": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.mywebdav.de, mywebdav.de, *.ftp.server-he.ch, ftp.server-he.ch, *.mailout.server-he.de, mailout.server-he.de, *.server-he.de, server-he.de, *.ftp.server-he.de, ftp.server-he.de, *.webpack.hosteurope.de, webpack.hosteurope.de, *.server-he.ch, server-he.ch, *.storage.hosteurope.de, storage.hosteurope.de, *.mail.server-he.ch, mail.server-he.ch, *.mail.server-he.de, mail.server-he.de, *.mailout.server-he.ch, mailout.server-he.ch, not www.kraftraum151.de |
OSM | n | Fußpflege Sedlmayr | website | http://www.fusspflege-sedlmayr.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.fusspflege-sedlmayr.de": dial tcp: lookup www.fusspflege-sedlmayr.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Sportgaststätte | website | https://www.bcrinnenthal.de/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1168&Itemid=232 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Schlatterers Metzger-Hütte | website | https://www.partyservice-schlatterer.de/metzger-hutte | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Wimpernstrudio Aichach | website | https://www.wimpernstudio-aichach.de | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Hahn im Korb | website | https://www.hahnimkorb.de/Standplaetze.42.0.html | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Metzgerei Späth | website | http://www.metzgerei-spaeth.de/index.php | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Ferienwohnung Mair | website | https://tportal.toubiz.de/augsburg-tourismus/ukv/house/GER00020060543117968 | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Printwerk Druckagentur | website | https://www.printwerk.info | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.printwerk.info": EOF |
OSM | n | Freiwillige Feuerwehr Adelzhausen | website | http://www.ffw-adelzhausen.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.ffw-adelzhausen.de |
OSM | n | First Responder Adelzhausen | website | http://www.ffw-adelzhausen.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.ffw-adelzhausen.de |
OSM | n | SeToprint GmbH | website | http://setoprint.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://setoprint.de/ |
OSM | n | Pflegezentrum Ederer | website | https://pflegezentrum-ederer.de/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://pflegezentrum-ederer.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | n | Seniorenberatung AIC | website | https://lra-aic-fdb.de/landratsamt/fachbereiche/abteilung-1-zentrale-angelegenheiten/altenhilfe/seni… | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Auto & Motorradwerkstatt Lorenz | website | https://www.bikes-lorenz-kissing.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.bikes-lorenz-kissing.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.bikes-lorenz-kissing.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Barbara Fendt Mediations- und Anwaltspraxis | website | https://www.barbara-fendt.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.barbara-fendt.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.barbara-fendt.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Scheers - Party und Grillservice, Catering | website | https://www.scheers-partyundgrillservice.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.scheers-partyundgrillservice.de/": EOF |
OSM | n | Segmüller Megastore | website | https://www.megastore.de | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Wohngruppe St. Afra | website | https://www.cab-b.de/wohnen/einrichtungen/st.-afra-friedberg/st.-afra-friedberg | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Caritas Sozialberatung | website | https://www.caritas-aichach-friedberg.de/allgemeine-sozialberatung-2-2/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Tagespflege | website | http://www.sozialstation-friedberg.de/hilfe-vor-ort.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Operator: Stadtsparkasse Augsburg | contact:website | https://www.sparkasse.de/geldautomaten/f/stadtsparkasse-augsburg-geldautomat-friedberg-west/109621.h… | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Notarin Eva Maria Brandt | website | https://www.notare.bayern.de/hp/notarin-brandt/startseite.html | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Cafe Lounge | website | https://www.fitpoint-kissing.de/fitpoint-studio/cafe-lounge/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Mitfahrbankerl | website | https://www.altomuenster.de/freizeit-kultur/anbindung/mitfahr-bankerl/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Wertstoffsammelstelle Kissing | website | https://www.kissing.de/aktuelles-und-service/gemeindliche-einrichtungen/wertstoffsammelstelle | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Stickerei Petro | website | https://stickerei-petro.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://stickerei-petro.de/": EOF |
OSM | n | Die Naturstammbauer | website | https://www.dienaturstammbauer.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Alte Römerstraße | website | https://www.kissing.de/leben-und-wohnen/vom-buergermeister/2014/august-2014/roemischer-meilenstein-a… | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Meilenstein | website | https://www.kissing.de/leben-und-wohnen/vom-buergermeister/2014/august-2014/roemischer-meilenstein-a… | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Planfa Holz mit Charakter | website | https://www.planfa.com/ | 403 Forbidden |
OSM | n | Die Oldtimer Boutique | website | https://www.die-oldtimer.boutique/die-oldtimer-boutique---d.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Trendy Car Outlet | website | https://home.mobile.de/TRENDYCAROUTLETBYTILLROSENKRANZ#ses | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | KFZ Rosenkranz | website | https://www.autofit.com/rosenkranz-till/ | 500 Internal Server Error |
OSM | n | Fliesen Jeckel | website | http://www.fliesen-jeckel.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.fliesen-jeckel.de |
OSM | n | Architekt Gerhard Mach | website | https://architekten-mach.de/home.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Bund Naturschutz Aichach-Friedberg | website | http://www.bn-aic.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.bn-aic.de/ |
OSM | n | TBO Aufzug GmbH | website | https://tboaufzug.de/ | 423 Locked |
OSM | n | Stiehle Solutions GmbH | contact:website | https://www.stiehle-solutions.de/unternehmen/contact/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | TBO Aufzug GmbH | website | https://tboaufzug.de/impressum-2/ | 423 Locked |
OSM | n | ipm|gruppe | website | https://www.ipmgruppe.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Simon Samweber | website | https://simonsamweber.jimdofree.com/ | 403 Forbidden |
OSM | n | Maria Metzger | website | https://mariametzger.de/ | 503 Service Unavailable |
OSM | n | KS Autoglaszentrum | contact:website | https://kissing.ksautoglas.com/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Klaus Jäger Transporte | website | https://www.jaeger-transporte.de | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.jaeger-transporte.de": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | n | Segmüller Fundgrube | contact:website | https://filialen.segmueller.de/?filiale=friedberg | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Burschenverein Ecknach | website | http://burschenverein-ecknach.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://burschenverein-ecknach.de |
OSM | n | Wüstenrot | website | https://www.wuestenrot.de/aussendienst/anton.wernberger | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Schreinerei Sturz | website | https://www.sturz.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.sturz.de": dial tcp: lookup www.sturz.de on no such host |
OSM | n | REWE To Go | website | https://togo.rewe.de/standorte.html | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | REWE To Go | website | https://togo.rewe.de/standorte.html | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Forum Media Group GmbH | website | https://www.forum-media.com/de/ | 302 Found |
OSM | n | msh print & service GmbH | website | https://www.msh-print.de/ | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.msh-print.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for aquatronic.de, aquatronik.de, aquilite.de, aquilog.de, aquitronic.de, aquitronik.de, www.aquatronic.de, www.aquatronik.de, www.aquilite.de, www.aquilog.de, www.aquitronic.de, www.aquitronik.de, not www.msh-print.de |
OSM | n | Edel Heilpraktiker | website | https://www.edel-osteopathie.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it |
OSM | n | Malermeister Albrecht | website | https://www.malermeister-albrecht-kissing.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.malermeister-albrecht-kissing.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.malermeister-albrecht-kissing.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Trachtenheim Almarausch | website | https://www.trachtenverein-mering.de/trachtenheim | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Hair by Hugo | website | https://www.facebook.com/hairbyhugo/ | 921 Social Media URL detected |
Better use |
OSM | n | Steinmetz Seidl | website | https://www.grabstein-seidl.de/ | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.grabstein-seidl.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.friedberg-hosting.de, *.friedberg-media.de, *.twanas.de, friedberg-hosting.de, friedberg-media.de, twanas.de, not www.grabstein-seidl.de |
OSM | n | Tamaro Fashion | website | http://tamaro-fashion.de/home/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://tamaro-fashion.de/home/ |
OSM | n | Praxis Dr. Schottdorf | website | https://www.zentrumpraxis-friedberg.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it |
OSM | n | Eve Maya | website | https://www.eve-maya.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.eve-maya.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.eve-maya.de on no such host |
OSM | n | ha.si werbung & design | website | http://hasi-web.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it |
OSM | n | Kaufland | website | https://www.kaufland.de/Home/index.jsp?PageId=3&FilialID=5030 | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Evangelisch-Lutherisches Pfarramt Mering | website | https://www.mering-evangelisch.de/node/19 | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Raiffeisenbank | website | https://www.rb-wila.de/wir-fuer-sie/filialen-ansprechpartner/filialen/uebersicht-filialen/gs-rederzh… | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.rb-wila.de/wir-fuer-sie/filialen-ansprechpartner/filialen/uebersicht-filialen/gs-rederzhausen.html": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer |
OSM | n | Printstudio | website | https://www.printstudiomering.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.printstudiomering.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.printstudiomering.de on no such host |
OSM | n | WerbX-Media | website | http://werbx-media.de/index.php | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Fischerhütte | website | http://www.maxi-schwaben.de/hockeg/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.maxi-schwaben.de/hockeg/ |
OSM | n | Kosmetik Beamo | website | https://www.wellness-beamo.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.wellness-beamo.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.wellness-beamo.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Ilios | website:menu | https://cdn.website.dish.co/media/c3/cf/4494278/Menu-1.pdf | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | San Marco | website | http://www.san-marco-aichach.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.san-marco-aichach.de |
OSM | n | Vica ambulanter Pflegedienst | website | https://vica-pflege.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://vica-pflege.de": dial tcp: lookup vica-pflege.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Hahn im Korb | website | https://www.hahnimkorb.de/Standplaetze.42.0.html | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Vereinigte Schützengesellschaft Oberbernbach | website | http://vereinigte-oberbernbach.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://vereinigte-oberbernbach.de/ |
OSM | n | Kosmetikstudio Parfümerie Elke | website | https://www.parfuemerie-elke.de/#kosmetikstudio | 500 Internal Server Error |
OSM | n | Hahn im Korb | website | https://www.hahnimkorb.de/Standplaetze.42.0.html | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Johanna Spar | website | https://www.xn--frisr-spar-pttmes-2zbi.de | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.xn--frisr-spar-pttmes-2zbi.de": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for h2937741.stratoserver.net, not www.xn--frisr-spar-pttmes-2zbi.de |
OSM | n | VR Bank Neuburg-Rain | website | https://www.vr-neuburg-rain.de/wir-fuer-sie/filialen-ansprechpartner/uebersicht-filialen/geschaeftss… | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.vr-neuburg-rain.de/wir-fuer-sie/filialen-ansprechpartner/uebersicht-filialen/geschaeftsstelle-poettmes.html": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer |
OSM | n | Dasing Supercharger | website | https://www.tesla.com/findus/location/supercharger/bauernmarktsupercharger | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.tesla.com/findus/location/supercharger/bauernmarktsupercharger": stream error: stream ID 1; INTERNAL_ERROR; received from peer |
OSM | n | Fahrschule Yvonne&Thorsten | website | https://www.fahrschule-yvonne.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.fahrschule-yvonne.de/": EOF |
Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website contact:website |
OSM | n | Fahrschule Yvonne&Thorsten | contact:website | https://www.fahrschule-yvonne.de/kontakt | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.fahrschule-yvonne.de/kontakt": remote error: tls: internal error |
Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website contact:website |
OSM | n | Grenzbaum | image | https://www.augsburger-allgemeine.de/img/bilder/crop62540186/2109429892-cv16_9-w940-owebp/327978752?… | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Art of Sol - Energiekonzepte | website | https://aktion.art-of-sol.de/ | 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://aktion.art-of-sol.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2024-09-14T11:39:33+02:00 is after 2024-03-02T14:36:09Z |
OSM | n | Nebert Klassiklegenden | website | http://www.klassiklegenden.de/ | 302 Found |
OSM | n | CNC-Technik Manfred Landherr | website | http://www.cnc-landherr.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.cnc-landherr.de |
OSM | n | VR-Bank | website | https://www.vrbank-augsburg-ostallgaeu.de/wir-fuer-sie/filialen-ansprechpartner/geschaeftsstellen/ge… | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.vrbank-augsburg-ostallgaeu.de/wir-fuer-sie/filialen-ansprechpartner/geschaeftsstellen/geschaeftsstelle-muehlhausen.html": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer |
OSM | n | Martin Rütter DOGS Mering | website | https://www.martinruetter.com/augsburg/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | DieLernCoaches | website | https://dielerncoaches.de | 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://dielerncoaches.de": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2024-09-14T11:39:48+02:00 is after 2022-10-12T06:09:36Z |
OSM | n | Ahsen Kosmetik | website | https://ahsenkosmetik.de/ | 403 Forbidden |
OSM | n | Haicon | website | https://hai-con.de/index.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Ihle | contact:website | https://www.ihle.de/standorte/ihle-bakers.html | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Förg | website | https://www.foerg.de/filialen/friedberg/ | 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare |
OSM | n | Drive&Fun | contact:website | https://www.drive-and-fun.de/unternehmen/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Deko Stadl | website | https://www.toms-deko-shop.de | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Angel-Zoo Ernst | website | https://zooangelernst.de/ | 500 Internal Server Error |
OSM | n | Wart Foto-Grafik-Design | website | https://wartfotografikdesign.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://wartfotografikdesign.de": dial tcp: lookup wartfotografikdesign.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Silberhorn / Ritz | website | http://www.silberhorn.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Enerix Aichach-Friedberg | website | https://www.enerix.de/photovoltaik/aichach-friedberg | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Heizungstechnik Hammermüller | website | https://www.heizungstechnik-hammermueller.de | 403 Forbidden |
OSM | n | Würth | website | https://www.wuerth.de/web/de/awkg/niederlassungen/nldetail_24833.php | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Höllrich | website | https://www.hoellrich.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Raiffeisenbank | website | https://www.rb-wila.de/wir-fuer-sie/filialen-ansprechpartner/filialen/uebersicht-filialen/gs-dasing.… | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.rb-wila.de/wir-fuer-sie/filialen-ansprechpartner/filialen/uebersicht-filialen/gs-dasing.html": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer |
OSM | n | Raiffeisenbank | website | https://www.rb-wila.de/wir-fuer-sie/filialen-ansprechpartner/filialen/uebersicht-filialen/gs-obergri… | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.rb-wila.de/wir-fuer-sie/filialen-ansprechpartner/filialen/uebersicht-filialen/gs-obergriesbach.html": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer |
OSM | n | Matratzen Concord | website | https://www.matratzen-concord.de/filialen/aichach-a.-d.-paar/b622/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Ach-Stüberl | website | https://ach-stueberl.9gg.de/?utm_source=restaurantguru&utm_medium=referral | 920 Tracking parameter found |
Remove utm_source and maybe more tracking parameter from the URL. URL status is 200 OK |
OSM | n | VR Bank | website | https://www.vrbank-augsburg-ostallgaeu.de/wir-fuer-sie/filialen-ansprechpartner/geschaeftsstellen/ge… | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.vrbank-augsburg-ostallgaeu.de/wir-fuer-sie/filialen-ansprechpartner/geschaeftsstellen/geschaeftsstelle-aichach.html": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer |
OSM | n | H.I.B Systemtechnik GmbH | website | https://www.h-i-b.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | w | VfL Ecknach 1968 e.V. | website | http://www.vfl-ecknach.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.vfl-ecknach.de/ |
OSM | w | OBI | website | https://www.obi.de/de/maerkte/Aichach-Ecknach/index.html | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | w | Esso | website | https://www.essofuelfinder.de/426654-hermann-schweighofer-gmbh-aichach | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Ludwig-Steub-Grundschule | website | https://www.ludwigsteubgrundschule.de | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.ludwigsteubgrundschule.de": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.ludwigsteubgrundschule.de |
OSM | w | Peterhof | website | https://www.peterhof-kuehbach.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.peterhof-kuehbach.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.peterhof-kuehbach.de on no such host |
OSM | w | Gesundheitsamt Aichach | contact:website | https://lra-aic-fdb.de/landratsamt/fachbereiche/abteilung-3-oeffentliche-sicherheit/gesundheitsamt | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Rieger + Ludwig Reifenzentrale | website | http://www.rieger-ludwig.de/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www.rieger-ludwig.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | w | Rathaus | website | https://www.affing.de/ | 302 Found |
OSM | w | Mittelschule am Lechrain Aindling | website | http://www.vs-aindling.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.vs-aindling.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.vs-aindling.de on no such host |
OSM | w | Tennis Club Aichach e.V. | website | http://www.tcaichach.de | 302 Found |
OSM | w | Waldgasthof Burghof | contact:website | https://www.waldgasthof-burghof.de/speisekarte.html | 303 See Other |
OSM | w | Rathaus Kühbach | website | https://www.markt-kuehbach.de | 302 Found |
OSM | w | Freibad Mering | website | https://mering.de/kultur-freizeit/freibad.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Schlagmann Poroton GmbH & Co. KG Werk Aichach | website | https://www.schlagmann.de/de/Kontakt/Standorte | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | w | Raiffeisenbank | website | https://www.vrbank-augsburg-ostallgaeu.de/wir-fuer-sie/filialen-ansprechpartner/geschaeftsstellen/ge… | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.vrbank-augsburg-ostallgaeu.de/wir-fuer-sie/filialen-ansprechpartner/geschaeftsstellen/geschaeftsstelle-kuehbach.html": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer |
OSM | w | Johann-Peter-Ring-Grundschule Ottmaring | website | http://www.vs-ottmaring.de/ | 302 Found |
OSM | w | Zeilinger Karosserie- und Fahrzeugbau | website | https://www.zeilingergmbh.de/home-lkw.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Suer Nutzfahrzeugtechnik | website | https://www.suer.de/kontakt-zu-suer/niederlassung-dasing/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | BayWa Agrar | contact:website | http://www.baywa.de/dasing/agrar/ | 410 Gone |
OSM | w | Lidl | website | https://www.lidl.de/filialen/friedberg/augsburger-str-8.html | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | w | Howmet Fastening Systems | website | http://www.howmet-aichach.com | 302 Found |
OSM | w | Tierheim Lech-Arche | website | https://tierheim-augsburg.de | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | w | website | https://www.nak-augsburg.de/aichach | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.nak-augsburg.de/aichach": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | w | Affinger Baustoffrecycling GmbH | website | https://www.widmann-bau.com/ | 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.widmann-bau.com/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2024-09-14T11:44:41+02:00 is after 2023-02-05T03:12:19Z |
OSM | w | Autolackiererei Wagner | website | http://www.autolackierung-wagner.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.autolackierung-wagner.de/ |
OSM | w | Ingenieurbüro Gerbl | website | https://www.ib-gerbl.de/ | 500 Internal Server Error |
OSM | w | Kindergarten Krambambuli | website | http://www.kiga-haunswies.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | w | triXi kreative Räume | website | https://www.trixi-raeume.com/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.trixi-raeume.com/": dial tcp: lookup www.trixi-raeume.com on no such host |
OSM | w | Columbus McKinnon | website | https://www.pfaff-silberblau.com/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | w | Operator: Thomas Meese | contact:website | http://www.architekt-meese.de/ | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.architekt-meese.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.your-server.de, your-server.de, not www.architekt-meese.de |
OSM | w | Scheppach Qualitätskontrollen | website | http://qk-scheppach.de | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://qk-scheppach.de": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | w | Schmid | website | http://www.schmid-aichach.de | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | w | Aktivita | website | http://www.aktivita-aichach.de/ | 302 Found |
OSM | w | Drei Bären Inn | website | http://www.drei-bären.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.drei-bären.de/ |
OSM | w | Stahlpartner Aichach Gmbh | website | https://stahlpartner-aichach.de/ | 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://stahlpartner-aichach.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2024-09-14T11:45:38+02:00 is after 2020-04-23T14:44:05Z |
OSM | w | Haimer | website | https://www.haimer.de/ | 302 Found |
OSM | w | Schreinerei Seyfried | website | https://www.schreinerei-ziegler.com | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.schreinerei-ziegler.com": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.kasserver.com, kasserver.com, not www.schreinerei-ziegler.com |
OSM | w | BayWa | website | https://www.baywa-baumarkt.de/mering | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Kath. Kinderhaus St. Peter und Paul | website | https://portal.little-bird.de/Aichach/Kath-Kinderhaus-St-Peter-und-Paul/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | FFW Pöttmes | website | http://www.feuerwehr-poettmes.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.feuerwehr-poettmes.de |
OSM | w | Taktomat | website | https://www.taktomat.de/home.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Autohaus Erdle Aichach | website | https://www.ford-eberl-aichach.de | 303 See Other |
OSM | w | St. Michael | website | https://www.mitten-in-mering.de/hier-sind-wir/buecherei | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | website | http://www.deutscher-orden.de/konvente/birnbaum.php | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Kindergarten Klingen Löwenzahn | website | https://portal.little-bird.de/Aichach/Staedt-Kindergarten-Klingen-Loewenzahn/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Autohaus Harnisch & Schmid | website | https://www.nissan-harnisch-schmid-aichach.de/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Bürgerhaus | website | http://klingen.org/index.php?site=bgh | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://klingen.org/index.php?site=bgh |
OSM | w | Kindergarten Abenteuerland | website | https://portal.little-bird.de/Aichach/Staedt-Kindergarten-Abenteuerland/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Omitron GmbH | website | https://omitron.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://omitron.de/": EOF |
OSM | w | CU Maschinenbau | website | https://www.cu-maschinenbau.de/index.html | 302 Found |
OSM | w | Augusta Wassersport GmbH | website | http://www.augusta-wassersport.com | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.augusta-wassersport.com": dial tcp: lookup www.augusta-wassersport.com on no such host |
OSM | w | Skiebe Architekten+Ingenieure | website | https://www.sai-aichach.de/ | 403 Forbidden |
OSM | w | Sparkasse | website | https://www.sparkasse.de/filialen/d/stadtsparkasse-augsburg-geschaeftsstelle-dasing/11220.html | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | w | Bader Metallbau GmbH | website | https://www.bader-metallbau.de/ | 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.bader-metallbau.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority |
OSM | w | website | http://www.gut-mergenthau.de/ | 302 Found |
OSM | w | St. Fabian und Sebastian | website | https://www.pfarreiengemeinschaft-staetzling.com/Derching | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Lutherkirche | website | http://www.ludwigsmoos.de | 500 Internal Server Error |
OSM | w | Schrobenhausener Bank | contact:website | https://www.sob-bank.de/wir-fuer-sie/filialen-ansprechpartner/filialen/filialsuche/Geschaeftsstelle_… | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.sob-bank.de/wir-fuer-sie/filialen-ansprechpartner/filialen/filialsuche/Geschaeftsstelle_Poettmes.html": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer |
OSM | w | Gasthof Kügle | website | http://www.gasthof-kuegle.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.gasthof-kuegle.de |
OSM | w | Gasthof Kügle | website | http://www.gasthof-kuegle.de/zimmer.html | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.gasthof-kuegle.de/zimmer.html |
OSM | w | Reitstall Herrmann | website | http://www.reitstall-herrmann.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.reitstall-herrmann.de/ |
OSM | w | Lärchenhof | website | https://www.laerchenhof-nudeln.de/hofladen | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | w | Schreinerei Schrupp und Thiele | website | http://www.schrupp-thiele.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.schrupp-thiele.de/ |
OSM | w | Betten Reisberger | website | https://www.reisberger-betten.de/ | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.reisberger-betten.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.mywebdav.de, mywebdav.de, *.ftp.server-he.ch, ftp.server-he.ch, *.mailout.server-he.de, mailout.server-he.de, *.server-he.de, server-he.de, *.ftp.server-he.de, ftp.server-he.de, *.webpack.hosteurope.de, webpack.hosteurope.de, *.server-he.ch, server-he.ch, *.storage.hosteurope.de, storage.hosteurope.de, *.mail.server-he.ch, mail.server-he.ch, *.mail.server-he.de, mail.server-he.de, *.mailout.server-he.ch, mailout.server-he.ch, not www.reisberger-betten.de |
OSM | w | Hörmann Wurst | website | http://hoermann-wurst.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://hoermann-wurst.de |
OSM | w | Malia Möbel und Raumausstattung Gmbh | website | http://www.malia-moebel.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | w | Gemeinde Merching | website | https://www.merching.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | w | Neuapostolische Kirche | website | https://www.nak-augsburg.de/friedberg-augsburg | 302 Found |
OSM | w | Moospark | website | https://www.moos-park.de | 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.moos-park.de": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2024-09-14T11:47:22+02:00 is after 2024-09-13T13:44:26Z |
OSM | w | V-MARKT | website | https://www.v-markt.de/so/v-markt-kissing/56 | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | w | Wittelsbacher-Realschule | website | http://www.realschule-aichach.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string domainmarkt.de in it |
OSM | w | BayWa Baustoffe | contact:website | http://www.baywa.de/dasing/baustoffe/ | 410 Gone |
OSM | w | Lidl | contact:website | https://www.lidl.de/filialen/mering/holzgartenstr-15.html | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | w | Radsport Wagner Subway | website | http://www.radsportwagner.com | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.radsportwagner.com |
OSM | w | SG Mauerbach | website | http://www.sg-mauerbach.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.sg-mauerbach.de |
OSM | w | Landmetzgerei Ankner Brotzeitstüberl | website | http://metzgerei-ankner.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://metzgerei-ankner.de/ |
OSM | w | Stall Starlight | website | http://www.stall-starlight.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.stall-starlight.de/ |
OSM | w | Raiffeisenbank | website | https://www.raiba-aindling.de/wir-fuer-sie/filialen-ansprechpartner/filialen/filialsuche/Geschaeftss… | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | SV Handzell - Sportstadl | website | http://www.sv-handzell.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.sv-handzell.de |
OSM | w | Sankt Radegundis | website | https://pfarreiengemeinschaft-staetzling.com/Pfarreien/St-Radegundis-Wulfertshausen | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | AUTEFA Solutions | website | https://www.autefa.com/ | 307 Temporary Redirect |
OSM | w | MBN GmbH | website | http://www.mbngermany.de/ | 302 Found |
OSM | w | Naturbauzentrum Veit | website | http://www.naturbauzentrum.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.naturbauzentrum.de/ |
OSM | w | Netto Marken-Discount | website | https://www.netto-online.de/Oeffnungszeiten.chtm/4174/ | 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by AkamaiGHost |
OSM | w | Staatliche Wirtschaftsschule Pöttmes | website | https://www.bs-wittelsbacherland.de/cms/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=194&Itemid=255 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Wertstoffhof Lueg ins Land | website | https://www.friedberg.de/staticsite/staticsite.php?menuid=28&topmenu=1485 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Haimer GmbH | website | https://www.haimer.de/ | 302 Found |
OSM | w | Color Concept Gmbh / Lackiererei | website | http://www.identica-color-concept.de/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Wuschl Lounge | website | http://wuschl-lounge.de | 302 Found |
OSM | w | Papst-Johannes-Haus | website | https://www.mitten-in-mering.de/hier-sind-wir/papst-johannes-haus | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Sobi | website | http://www.orterer.de/sobi/ | 302 Found |
OSM | w | FTG Friedberger Treuhand | url | https://www.friedbergertreuhand.de | 302 Found |
OSM | w | Wertstoffsammelstelle Aichach | website | https://lra-aic-fdb.de/landratsamt/fachbereiche/abteilung-6-umwelt-abfallwirtschaft/kommunale-abfall… | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Sozialzentrum Friedberg | website | https://www.fs-fdb.de/index.php/sozialzentrum/einrichtungen | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.fs-fdb.de/index.php/sozialzentrum/einrichtungen": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for www.xn--frderverein-sozialstation-yrc.de, xn--frderverein-sozialstation-yrc.de, not www.fs-fdb.de |
OSM | w | Karl-Sommer-Stift | website | https://www.diakonie-augsburg.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | w | TC Obergriesbach e.V. | website | http://www.tc-obergriesbach.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.tc-obergriesbach.de |
OSM | w | Asam Stahlbau | website | https://www.asam-stall.de/ | 303 See Other |
OSM | w | Raiffeisenbank | website | https://www.rb-km.de/wir-fuer-sie/filialen-ansprechpartner/filialen/uebersicht-filialen/gs-ried.html | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.rb-km.de/wir-fuer-sie/filialen-ansprechpartner/filialen/uebersicht-filialen/gs-ried.html": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer |
OSM | w | Digital Endoscopy | website | http://www.digitalendoscopy.com/de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.digitalendoscopy.com/de/": dial tcp: lookup www.digitalendoscopy.com on no such host |
OSM | w | Stadtsparkasse Augsburg | website | https://www.sparkasse.de/filialen/f/stadtsparkasse-augsburg-geschaeftsstelle-staetzling/11222.html | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | w | Gasthaus zum Schloß | website | https://www.gasthof-zum-schloss.de/ | 302 Found |
OSM | w | Haus St. Gabriel | website | https://www.compassio.de/standorte/haus-gabriel/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | w | Freiwillige Feuerwehr Kissing | website | https://www.feuerwehrkissing.de | 302 Found |
OSM | w | Öffentliche Bücherei Kissing | contact:website | http://www.kissing.de/kultur/buecherei | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | St. Bernhard | website | https://bistum-augsburg.de/Pfarreien/St.-Bernhard-_Kissing | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Casa Cambio | website | http://www.casa-cambio.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.casa-cambio.de/ |
OSM | w | BK Bau | website | https://www.markt-poettmes.de/index.php?id=5,49&gid=54 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Grund- und Mittelschule | website | http://www.vs-staetzling.de | 302 Moved Temporarily |
OSM | w | Mariä Empfängnis | website | https://www.pfarreiengemeinschaft-staetzling.com/Derching | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Gaststätte Metzger | website | http://www.gaststaette-metzger.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.gaststaette-metzger.de |
OSM | w | Maria Schnee | website | https://pfarreiengemeinschaft-staetzling.com/Pfarreien/Maria-Schnee-Wulfertshausen | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Jet | website | https://www.jet-tankstellen.de/kraftstoff/filialfinder/XJ00245 | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | w | Mittelschule Kissing | website | http://www.mskissing.de/ | 302 Found |
OSM | w | St. Margarita | website | https://www.mitten-in-mering.de/hier-sind-wir/kindergaerten/20-kat-kindergaerten/73-kindergarten-st-… | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Grundschule am Lechrain Aindling | website | http://www.vs-aindling.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.vs-aindling.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.vs-aindling.de on no such host |
OSM | w | Grund- und Mittelschule Pöttmes | website | http://www.volksschulepoettmes.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.volksschulepoettmes.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.volksschulepoettmes.de on no such host |
OSM | w | Kindergarten am Sommerkeller | website | https://mering.de/bildung-soziales/kinderbetreuung/gemeindlicher-kindergarten,-am-sommerkeller.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Kindergarten St. Stephan | website | https://www.steindorf.vg-mering.de/kindergarten.html | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.steindorf.vg-mering.de/kindergarten.html": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.your-server.de, your-server.de, not www.steindorf.vg-mering.de |
OSM | w | Kinderhaus Wurzelkinder | website | https://www.wurzelkinder-poettmes.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.wurzelkinder-poettmes.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.wurzelkinder-poettmes.de |
OSM | w | Zur Linde | website | https://www.hotel-gasthof-linde.de/home.htm | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.hotel-gasthof-linde.de/home.htm": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for www.landpension-zurlinde.de, landpension-zurlinde.de, not www.hotel-gasthof-linde.de |
OSM | w | TC Ried | website | http://www.tc-ried.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.tc-ried.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.tc-ried.de on no such host |
OSM | w | Finstral Studio | website | https://www.finstral.com/de/kontakt/finstral-studios/finstral-studio-friedberg/93-0.html | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | w | Pferdesporthaus Loesdau | website | https://www.loesdau.de/friedberg | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | w | Operator: TSV Pöttmes 1894 e.V. | website | http://tsv-pöttmes-fussball.de/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://tsv-p%C3%B6ttmes-fussball.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | w | TSV Pöttmes Tennis | website | http://www.tc-poettmes.org | 302 Found |
OSM | w | Lucky Horses - Rai Reitschule | website | http://www.lucky-horses.com | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.lucky-horses.com": dial tcp: lookup www.lucky-horses.com on no such host |
OSM | w | Kindertagesstätte Spielburg | website | https://www.spielburg-kissing.de/ | 423 Locked |
OSM | w | WF Klingen 1967 | website | http://www.wf-klingen.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.wf-klingen.de/ |
OSM | w | Sankt Katharina | website | https://www.sielenbach.de/leben-erleben/kinderbetreuung-bildung/kinderbetreuung/kindergarten-st-kath… | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Schulz Metallbau Reparaturbetrieb | website | https://www.schulz-metallbau-reparaturbetrieb.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.schulz-metallbau-reparaturbetrieb.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.schulz-metallbau-reparaturbetrieb.de on no such host |
OSM | w | Kindergarten Julius | website | https://portal.little-bird.de/Aichach/Julius+Kindergarten/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Kindergarten Kunterbunt | website | https://portal.little-bird.de/Aichach/Staedt-Kindergarten-Kunterbunt/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Kinderkrippe Zipfelmütz | website | https://portal.little-bird.de/Aichach/Staedt-Kinderkrippe-Zipfelmuetz/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Kindergarten Holzgarten | website | https://portal.little-bird.de/Aichach/Staedt-Kindergarten-Holzgarten/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Kindergarten Unterschneitbacher Landzwerge | website | https://portal.little-bird.de/Aichach/Staedt-Kindergarten-Unterschneitbacher-Landzwerge | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Kindergarten St. Johannes | website | https://portal.little-bird.de/Aichach/Kath-Kindergarten-St-Johannes | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Kindergarten Zeller Rasselbande | website | https://portal.little-bird.de/Aichach/Staedt-Kindergarten-Zeller-Rasselbande | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Waldkindergarten Aichhörnchenkobel | website | https://portal.little-bird.de/Aichach/Waldkindergarten-Aichhoernchenkobel-e-V | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | El Greco | website | http://elgreco-fdb.de/ | 307 Temporary Redirect |
OSM | w | Kindertagesstätte Wurzelkinder | website | https://www.dasing.de/leben-erleben/kinderbetreuung-bildung/kindertagesstaetten/kindertagesstaette-w… | 307 Temporary Redirect |
OSM | w | Edeka | website | https://www.edeka.de/eh/südbayern/edeka-hauptstraße-1/index.jsp | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Kindervilla | website | https://www.kissing.de/schulen-und-kinderbetreuung/mittagsbetreuung-in-der-grundschule/mittagsbetreu… | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Kindergarten St. Martin | website | https://www.kiga-unterbernbach.de/ | 302 Found |
OSM | w | website | https://www.anumar.de/referenzen/solarpark-aichach_id1509?brickId=search7528 | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | w | website | http://www.kueglehof.de/index.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Operator: TC Paartal 85 e.V. | website | http://www.tc-paartal85.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.tc-paartal85.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.tc-paartal85.de on no such host |
OSM | w | Kindertagesstätte St. Ulrich | website | https://www.gemeinde-hollenbach.de/leben-in-hollenbach/kinderbetreuung-und-bildung/kindertagesstaett… | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Haimer | website | https://www.haimer.de/ | 302 Found |
OSM | w | Pferdehof Königsdorfer | website | https://pferdehof-koenigsdorfer.de | 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://pferdehof-koenigsdorfer.de": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2024-09-14T11:53:23+02:00 is after 2023-05-02T13:27:58Z |
OSM | w | Maschinen-und Betriebshilfsring Wittelsbacher Land e.V. | website | https://www.maschinenring.de/wittelsbacher-land/ | 302 Moved Temporarily |
OSM | w | Kita St. Magnus | website | https://www.kita-st-magnus.de | 302 Found |
OSM | w | Wertstoffhof Rehling | website | https://www.gemeinde-rehling.de/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=13%3Awertstoffsammelste… | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Erlebnispausenhof | website | https://www.kissing.de/bilder/schulenundkinderbetreuung/grundschulepausenhof.jpg/view | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Kinderkrippe Pusteblume | website | https://portal.little-bird.de/Aichach/Staedt-Kinderkrippe-Pusteblume/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Polizeiinspektion Friedberg | website | https://www.polizei.bayern.de/schwaben/wir/organisation/dienststellen/index.html/69881 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Kindergarten und Krippe Spielarche | website | https://spielarche-kissing.de/ | 423 Locked |
OSM | w | Gemüsehütte | website | https://www.gailer-schmiechen.de | 500 Internal Server Error |
OSM | w | Kindertagesstätte St. Fabian und Sebastian | website | https://pfarreiengemeinschaft-staetzling.com/Derching/Kindertagesstaette | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Kindertagesstätte Regenbogen | website | https://www.dasing.de/leben-erleben/kinderbetreuung-bildung/kindertagesstaetten/kindertagesstaette-r… | 307 Temporary Redirect |
OSM | w | Kinderhaus Füreinander | website | https://www.dasing.de/leben-erleben/kinderbetreuung-bildung/kindertagesstaetten/kinderhaus-fuereinan… | 307 Temporary Redirect |
OSM | w | Trainingsgelände DOGS | website | https://www.martinruetter.com/augsburg/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | w | Reiterhof Reiser | website | https://www.stall-frei.de/93870 | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | w | Kinderhaus St. Hedwig | website | http://www.kindergarten-bachern.de | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | w | Gasthaus Goldener Stern Eichenloft | url | www.gasthaus-goldenerstern.de | 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.gasthaus-goldenerstern.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL http://www.gasthaus-goldenerstern.de works. |
OSM | r | Paartaltour | website | https://www.radroutenplaner-bayern.de/routen/paartaltour/ | 302 Found |
OSM | r | AVV-Regionalbus 100: Königsbrunn, Enzianstraße => Mering, Bahnhof | url | https://mering.de/images/Nachrichten/avv_pocketfahrplan_100_web.pdf | 404 Not Found |
OSM | r | Bayerisch-Schwäbischer Jakobsweg SOB-FB | website | http://www.jakobuspilgergemeinschaft-augsburg.de/index.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | r | Emmauskirche | website | https://www.emmausgemeinde-kissing.de/ | 423 Locked |
OSM | r | Kirchbergweg | website | https://www.alpenverein-mering.de/wanderwege-kirchbergweg.htm | 404 Not Found |
OSM | r | Bus 9157: Pöttmes, Post => Schrobenhausen, Bahnhof | website | https://www.rba-bus.de/linienfahrplaene | 404 Not Found |
OSM | r | Bus 9150: Schrobenhausen, Bahnhof => Peutenhausen => Aichach, Bahnhof | website | https://www.rba-bus.de/linienfahrplaene | 404 Not Found |
OSM | r | Bus 9158: Altomünster, Bahnhof => Schrobenhausen, Bahnhof | website | https://www.rba-bus.de/linienfahrplaene | 404 Not Found |
OSM | r | AST 227: Rehling => Aichach | url | https://efa.avv-augsburg.de/avv/XSLT_TRIP_REQUEST2 | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://efa.avv-augsburg.de/avv/XSLT_TRIP_REQUEST2": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | r | Bus 9150: Aichach, Bahnhof => Schrobenhausen, Finanzamt | website | https://www.rba-bus.de/linienfahrplaene | 404 Not Found |
OSM | r | Bus 9150: Kühbach => Schrobenhausen, Omnibusbahnhof | website | https://www.rba-bus.de/linienfahrplaene | 404 Not Found |
OSM | r | Bus 9150: Kühbach => Schrobenhausen, Bahnhof | website | https://www.rba-bus.de/linienfahrplaene | 404 Not Found |
OSM | r | Bus 9150: Aichach, Schulzentrum => Schrobenhausen, Bahnhof | website | https://www.rba-bus.de/linienfahrplaene | 404 Not Found |
OSM | r | Bus 9150: Aichach, Bahnhof => Peutenhausen => Schrobenhausen, Bahnhof | website | https://www.rba-bus.de/linienfahrplaene | 404 Not Found |
OSM | r | Bus 9150: Schrobenhausen, Omnibusbahnhof => Oberbernbach | website | https://www.rba-bus.de/linienfahrplaene | 404 Not Found |
OSM | r | Bus 9150: Schrobenhausen, Bahnhof => Gachenbach | website | https://www.rba-bus.de/linienfahrplaene | 404 Not Found |
OSM | r | Bus 9150: Schrobenhausen, Omnibusbahnhof => Kühbach | website | https://www.rba-bus.de/linienfahrplaene | 404 Not Found |
OSM | r | Bus 9150: Schrobenhausen, Bahnhof => Aichach, Bahnhof | website | https://www.rba-bus.de/linienfahrplaene | 404 Not Found |
OSM | r | Bus 9157: Schrobenhausen, Omnibusbahnhof => Eiselsried => Pöttmes, Post | website | https://www.rba-bus.de/linienfahrplaene | 404 Not Found |
OSM | r | Bus 9157: Schrobenhausen, Omnibusbahnhof => Sandizell => Pertenau => Pöttmes, Post | website | https://www.rba-bus.de/linienfahrplaene | 404 Not Found |
OSM | r | Bus 9157: Schrobenhausen, Bahnhof => Sandizell => Pöttmes, Post | website | https://www.rba-bus.de/linienfahrplaene | 404 Not Found |
OSM | r | Bus 9157: Schrobenhausen, Bahnhof => Pöttmes, Post | website | https://www.rba-bus.de/linienfahrplaene | 404 Not Found |
OSM | r | Bus 9157: Schrobenhausen, Bahnhof => Pöttmes, Sparkasse | website | https://www.rba-bus.de/linienfahrplaene | 404 Not Found |
OSM | r | Bus 9157: Schrobenhausen, Omnibusbahnhof => Pöttmes, Sparkasse | website | https://www.rba-bus.de/linienfahrplaene | 404 Not Found |
OSM | r | Bus 9157: Pöttmes, Post => Schrobenhausen, Omnibusbahnhof | website | https://www.rba-bus.de/linienfahrplaene | 404 Not Found |
OSM | r | Bus 9157: Pöttmes, Sparkasse => Schrobenhausen, Omnibusbahnhof | website | https://www.rba-bus.de/linienfahrplaene | 404 Not Found |
OSM | r | Bus 9157: Pöttmes, Sparkasse => Schrobenhausen, Bahnhof | website | https://www.rba-bus.de/linienfahrplaene | 404 Not Found |
OSM | r | Bus 9158: Gachenbach => Schiltberg, Post | website | https://www.rba-bus.de/linienfahrplaene | 404 Not Found |
OSM | r | Bus 9158: Schrobenhausen, Bahnhof => Schiltberg, Post | website | https://www.rba-bus.de/linienfahrplaene | 404 Not Found |
OSM | r | Bus 9158: Schrobenhausen, Bahnhof => Rapperszell => Schiltberg, Post | website | https://www.rba-bus.de/linienfahrplaene | 404 Not Found |
OSM | r | Bus 9158: Schrobenhausen, Bahnhof => Altomünster, Bahnhof | website | https://www.rba-bus.de/linienfahrplaene | 404 Not Found |
OSM | r | Bus 9158: Schrobenhausen, Bahnhof => Allenberg => Altomünster, Bahnhof | website | https://www.rba-bus.de/linienfahrplaene | 404 Not Found |
OSM | r | Bus 9158: Altomünster, Bahnhof => Allenberg | website | https://www.rba-bus.de/linienfahrplaene | 404 Not Found |
OSM | r | Bus 9158: Allenberg => Schrobenhausen, Bahnhof | website | https://www.rba-bus.de/linienfahrplaene | 404 Not Found |
OSM | r | Bus 9158: Schiltberg, Post => Rapperszell => Schrobenhausen, Bahnhof | website | https://www.rba-bus.de/linienfahrplaene | 404 Not Found |
OSM | r | Bus 9158: Schiltberg, Post => Schrobenhausen, Bahnhof | website | https://www.rba-bus.de/linienfahrplaene | 404 Not Found |
OSM | r | Bus 9158: Schiltberg, Post => Oberweilenbach => Schrobenhausen, Bahnhof | website | https://www.rba-bus.de/linienfahrplaene | 404 Not Found |