OSM | n | Pomertstein | website | http://www.suehnekreuz.de/mv/herrnburg.htm | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.suehnekreuz.de/mv/herrnburg.htm": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.webspace-verkauf.de, webspace-verkauf.de, not www.suehnekreuz.de |
OSM | n | Pavillon am Gutspark | website | https://www.pavillon-am-gutspark.de | 303 See Other |
OSM | n | Melkof | website | https://www.kreis-lwl.de/zarrentin/Gemeinden/Vellahn/Seiten/default.aspx | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Poseritz | website | http://www.poseritz.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.poseritz.de |
OSM | n | Friedrichsruhe | website | https://www.amt-crivitz.de/index.phtml?view-234&SpecialTop=221 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Vellahn | website | https://www.kreis-swm.de/Zarrentin/Gemeinden_und_Stadt/Gemeinde_Vellahn/index.jsp | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Kamminke | website | http://www.amtusedom.de/?page_id=71 | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.amtusedom.de/?page_id=71 |
OSM | n | Erlebniswelt Tessin Alte Zuckerfabrik | website | https://stadt-tessin.de/kultur-tourismus/freizeitangebote/erlebniswelt/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://stadt-tessin.de/kultur-tourismus/freizeitangebote/erlebniswelt/": remote error: tls: handshake failure |
OSM | n | Cube Store | website | https://bikemarket24.de/bikemarket/unsere-filialen/cube-store-rostock.html | 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare |
OSM | n | Marina Kröslin | website | http://www.marina-kroeslin.de/ | 503 Service Unavailable |
OSM | n | Bergmühle | contact:website | https://www.bergmuehle-bansin.com/ | 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.bergmuehle-bansin.com/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority |
OSM | n | Allesisstgut | contact:website | http://www.seehotel-neuklostersee.de/restaurant.htm | 404 Not Found |
Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website contact:website |
OSM | n | Körkwitz Hof | website | https://www.ostseebad-dierhagen.de/de/dierhagen/der_ort/koerkwitz_hof | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Europcar | website | https://www.europcar.de/de-de/stationen/deutschland/waren-an-der-muritz | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Sparre | website | https://www.baeckerei-sparre.de/filiale-luetten-klein-2 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Townhouse Stadt Hamburg Wismar | website | https://www.viennahouse.com/de/stadt-hamburg-wismar/das-hotel/uebersich | 503 Service Unavailable |
OSM | n | Ferienanlage Zum Knirk | contact:website | https://www.knirk.de/impressum-lubmin-ostsee.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Yachthafen Vitte-Lange Ort | website | http://www.yachthafen-langeort.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.yachthafen-langeort.de": dial tcp: lookup www.yachthafen-langeort.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Usedomer Brauhaus | website | https://www.seetel.de/hotels-residenzen/ferienwohnungen-usedom/ostseeresidenz-heringsdorf/usedomer-b… | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Rabenhorn | website | http://landhaus-rabenhorn.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://landhaus-rabenhorn.de": dial tcp: lookup landhaus-rabenhorn.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Ferienanlage Freiraum-Babke | contact:website | http://www.freiraum-babke.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.freiraum-babke.de/ |
OSM | n | Kieser Training | website | https://www.kieser-training.de/studios/rostock/rostock | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Zur Reblaus | website | http://reblaus.test.sengai.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://reblaus.test.sengai.de": dial tcp: lookup reblaus.test.sengai.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Doktor K. | website | https://schweriner-jugendring.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it |
OSM | n | Traditionshaus Seeblick | website | https://www.traditionshaus-seeblick.de/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Spielzeugmuseum | website | http://www.usedom-spielzeugmuseum.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | V1 Abschußrampe (Reste) | website | http://www.leuband.de/peen2002/de/exp14.htm | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.leuband.de/peen2002/de/exp14.htm |
OSM | n | Weidehof | website | https://www.weidehof-wolgast.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it |
OSM | n | Utspann | website | https://www.restaurant-utspann.de/ | 924 POI without feature |
POI has a |
OSM | n | John-Brinckmann-Apotheke | website | https://www.john-brinckman-apotheke.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.john-brinckman-apotheke.de/": remote error: tls: handshake failure |
OSM | n | Diskret Bestattung | contact:website | http://www.bestattung-diskret.de | 500 Internal Server Error |
OSM | n | Vieregge | website | http://www.yachthafen-vieregge.com | 302 Found |
OSM | n | La Paz | contact:website | http://lapaz-restaurant.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://lapaz-restaurant.de/ |
OSM | n | Total | contact:website | http://store.total.de/de/germany/store-total-de/stavenhagen/stavenhagen-malchiner-str/ND029801 | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://store.total.de/de/germany/store-total-de/stavenhagen/stavenhagen-malchiner-str/ND029801": dial tcp: lookup store.total.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Am Jörnberg | website | http://www.am-joernberg.de | 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it |
OSM | n | Langhagen | website | http://kleinvielen-ev.de/?page_id=4366 | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://kleinvielen-ev.de/?page_id=4366 |
OSM | n | Ostseesparkasse | website | https://banking.ospa.de/cgi/anfang.cgi | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://banking.ospa.de/cgi/anfang.cgi": dial tcp: lookup banking.ospa.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Fischereihof Kamerun | website | https://www.kamerunweb.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string domainname.de in it |
OSM | n | Deichläufer | contact:website | http://www.restaurant-deichlaeufer.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website contact:website |
OSM | n | Total | website | https://store.totalenergies.de/de_DE/ND029835 | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://store.totalenergies.de/de_DE/ND029835": dial tcp: lookup store.totalenergies.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Touristinformation Mirow | website | https://www.klein-seenplatte.de/poi/poi/touristinformation-mirow.html | 500 Internal Server Error |
OSM | n | Apotheke am Kritzmowpark | website | https://www.apotheken-umschau.de/apotheken/Deutschland/18198/Kritzmow-Apotheke-am-Kritzmow-Park.html | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | hotel garni | website | https://hotelgarni-kritzmow.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://hotelgarni-kritzmow.de/": dial tcp: lookup hotelgarni-kritzmow.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Kita Gartenknirpse | website | http://kita-wusterhusen.npage.de/ | 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://kita-wusterhusen.hpage.com/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority |
OSM | n | Kita Abenteuerland | website | http://www.kitaabenteuerland.com/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.kitaabenteuerland.com/": dial tcp: lookup www.kitaabenteuerland.com on no such host |
OSM | n | Schloss Kaarz | website | https://www.schlosskaarz.de/schlosshotel-schloss-kaarz.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | SV Motor Süd | contact:website | https://www.msn-kanu.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.msn-kanu.de/": remote error: tls: unrecognized name |
OSM | n | Marine Science Center | website | https://www.marine-science-center.de/ | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Stadtbibliothek | website | https://www.krummes-haus-buetzow.de/index.php/stadtbibliothek.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Heimatmuseum | website | https://www.krummes-haus-buetzow.de/index.php/heimatmuseum.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Bowleros | contact:website | https://www.bowleros.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it |
OSM | n | Boddenblick | website | https://www.ostseebad-dierhagen.de/de/fuer_geniesser/gaumenfreuden/gaststaette_boddenblick | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Barili`s im Kaufmannshaus Krahnstöver | website | http://www.krahnstoever-rostock.de/gastronomie.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Pizzeria Adria | website | https://pizzeria-adria.regional.de/content/willkommen | 302 Found |
OSM | n | url | http://www.leuchtturm-atlas.de/HTML/StralMT.html | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.leuchtturm-atlas.de/HTML/StralMT.html |
OSM | n | DJH Güstrow-Schabernack | website | https://guestrow.jugendherberge.de/ | 924 POI without feature |
POI has a |
OSM | n | Parchim | website | https://www.bahnhof.de/bahnhof-de/Parchim-1024784 | 307 Temporary Redirect |
OSM | n | Dexter Hof Tammert | contact:website | https://www.tammis.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.tammis.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.tammis.de on no such host |
OSM | n | website | http://www.greifswald-online.de/interaktiv/greifswaldcam-i.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | website | http://www.greifswald-online.de/interaktiv/greifswaldcam-iii.html | 404 Not Found |
Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website url |
OSM | n | url | http://www.greifswald-online.de/interaktiv/greifswaldcam-iii.html | 404 Not Found |
Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website url |
OSM | n | Alanya Sassnitz | website | http://www.alanya-ruegen.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.alanya-ruegen.de/ |
OSM | n | Feldsteinkeller | website | http://www.wallensteinkeller-wolgast.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.wallensteinkeller-wolgast.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.wallensteinkeller-wolgast.de on no such host |
OSM | n | DRK Rettungswache Bollewick | contact:website | https://www.drk-msp.de/unsere-dienstleistungen/rettungsdienst/rettungswache-bollewick.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | beauty house | website | https://www.salonlabeaute.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it |
OSM | n | Likörfabrik | website | http://www.cafes-in-rostock.de/cafelikoer/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Polizeistation Schwerin-Mitte | website | https://www.polizei.mvnet.de/cms2/Polizei_prod/Polizei/de/ipvo/Die_Schutzpolizei/Polizeihauptreviere… | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Wismarer Segler-Verein 1911 | website | http://www.wsv1911.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.wsv1911.de |
OSM | n | Naturerlebnispark Gristow | website | https://naturerlebnispark-gristow.de/ | 503 Service Unavailable |
OSM | n | Kita Buddelflink | website | https://www.mesekenhagen.de/bildung/kita-buddelflink | 921 Social Media URL detected |
Better use |
OSM | n | Stadt-Apotheke | website | https://www.stadt-apotheke-greifswald.de/ | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.stadt-apotheke-greifswald.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.kasserver.com, kasserver.com, not www.stadt-apotheke-greifswald.de |
OSM | n | Kaffeemühle | website | http://www.museum.wolgast.de/einrichtungen/kaffeemuehle.html | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.museum.wolgast.de/einrichtungen/kaffeemuehle.html |
OSM | n | Athos | website | https://www.athos-guetzkow.m-vp.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Apotheke am Steintor | website | https://www.apothekeamsteintor.de/ | 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.apothekeamsteintor.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-15T03:27:09+01:00 is after 2025-02-02T23:59:59Z |
OSM | n | Adler-Apotheke | website | https://www.adler-apotheke-anklam.de/News--Wissen/Apotheker-HP--AGP-57668.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Peenestrom Café | website | https://lassan.eu/gewerbe-handwerk-essen-dienstleistungen-kreatives/gastronomie-lassan-vorpommern/pe… | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Adler-Apotheke | website | https://www.adler-apotheke-usedom.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.adler-apotheke-usedom.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.adler-apotheke-usedom.de |
OSM | n | Zur Alten Fischräucherei | website | https://www.hafen-rankwitz.de/startseite.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Rats-Apotheke | website | https://www.rats-apotheke-hgw-app.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.rats-apotheke-hgw-app.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.rats-apotheke-hgw-app.de |
OSM | n | Volksbank | website | https://www.vr.de/filialen/G/VolksbankRaiffeisenbankeGHauptgeschaeftsstelle.html | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.vr.de/filialen/G/VolksbankRaiffeisenbankeGHauptgeschaeftsstelle.html": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer |
OSM | n | Schipp in | website | https://www.sssgreif.de/index.php/startseite/seesportzentrum-greif | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Reusenhaus | website | http://www.reusenhaus.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it |
OSM | n | Il Ponte | website | http://www.ristorante-il-ponte.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.ristorante-il-ponte.de/ |
OSM | n | Marina Wiek | website | http://www.marinawiek-ruegen.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.marinawiek-ruegen.de |
OSM | n | Marina Wiek | image | http://www.marinawiek-ruegen.de/Luftbild-Marina-Wiek.jpg | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.marinawiek-ruegen.de |
OSM | n | Café Sahne | website | http://cafe-pension-sahne.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Hotel Stolteraa | website:menu | http://www.hotel-stolteraa.de/Speisekarte.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Hotel Asia Palast | website | http://www.asia-palast.com/ | 503 Service Unavailable |
OSM | n | Kormoran Kanutouring Granzin | website | http://www.kormoran-kanutouring.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.kormoran-kanutouring.de/ |
OSM | n | Operator: Helios Klinik Schwerin | website | http://www.helios-kliniken.de/klinik/schwerin.html | 403 Forbidden |
OSM | n | Sparda-Bank Berlin | contact:website | http://www.sparda-b.de | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.sparda-b.de/": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer |
OSM | n | Wasserwanderrastplatz Dierhagen | website | https://www.ostseebad-dierhagen.de/dierhagen/die_haefen | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Kronprinz | contact:website | https://www.hotelkronprinz.de/de/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Treffpunkt Nord | website | http://www.treffpunktnord.de | 911 Error doing request: Get "": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: cannot validate certificate for because it doesn't contain any IP SANs |
OSM | n | Berufs Informations Zentrum | website | https://www3.arbeitsagentur.de/web/content/DE/dienststellen/rdn/schwerin/Agentur/Detail/index.htm?df… | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Agentur für Arbeit Schwerin | website | https://www3.arbeitsagentur.de/web/content/DE/dienststellen/rdn/schwerin/Agentur/index.htm | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Hotel Greifennest | website | https://www.greifennest.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it |
OSM | n | Ratskeller 12 | website | https://www.ratskeller12.de/ | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Bistro Sahara | website | https://saharabistro.de | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Hafen Schnatermann | website | http://www.mein-ostseehafen.de/seegebiete/mecklenburg-vorpommern/mecklenburger-kueste/unterwarnow-bi… | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Cafe Median | website | http://awiro.blogsport.de/cafe-median/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://awiro.blogsport.de/cafe-median/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | n | Solarboot Verleih Conrad | website | https://www.solarboot-mv.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.solarboot-mv.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.solarboot-mv.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Leuchtfeuer Buk | website | http://leuchtturm-bastorf.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://leuchtturm-bastorf.de |
OSM | n | Rumpelstilz Back- und Brauscheune | contact:website | http://www.rumpelstilz-brauscheune.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.rumpelstilz-brauscheune.de": dial tcp: lookup www.rumpelstilz-brauscheune.de on no such host |
OSM | n | La Gondola | website | http://www.lagondola-hro.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.lagondola-hro.de |
OSM | n | website | http://www.hotel-zum-kater.de/kamera/picture.jpg | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | website | https://www.io-warnemuende.de/tl_files/xWebcam/iow-webcam.jpg?1102429122 | 500 Internal Server Error |
OSM | n | website | http://www.rostock-wetter.de/?go=2 | 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it |
OSM | n | website | https://www.rostock-port.de/Webcam.6.0.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | website | http://www.schenkel.name/webcam/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.schenkel.name/webcam/ |
OSM | n | website | https://www.demogr.mpg.de/de/allgemein/978.htm | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | website | https://www.demogr.mpg.de/de/allgemein/979.htm | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | website | http://www.rostock-digital.de/extras/webcam.php3 | 302 Found |
OSM | n | website | http://www.mde-finanz.de/webcam.php | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.mde-finanz.de/webcam.php |
OSM | n | Studentenclub "Block 17" e.V. | website | https://www.block17.de | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Elde-Apotheke | website | http://www.elde-apotheke-luebz.de/ | 924 POI without feature |
POI has a |
OSM | n | Troposphärenfunkstation "Bunker Eichenthal" | website | http://www.bunker-302.de/ | 403 Forbidden |
OSM | n | url | https://www.camping.info/de/campingplatz/camperstellplatz-negast | 924 POI without feature |
POI has a |
OSM | n | website | https://www.informatik.uni-rostock.de/neubau_webcam.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Hotel Dömitzer Hafen | website | https://doemitz.travdo-hotels.de/ | 302 Found |
OSM | n | GlücksRad | contact:website | https://warnemuender-fahrradverleih.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://warnemuender-fahrradverleih.de/": dial tcp: lookup warnemuender-fahrradverleih.de on no such host |
OSM | n | website | https://www.rostock-webcam.de/ | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Markant | website | https://www.markant-online.de/markt/boltenhagen/ | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Salsarico | website | https://www.salsarico.de/wRostock/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | asiatown | website | https://asiatownschwerin.de/ | 409 Conflict |
OSM | n | Steinbecker Hofladen | contact:website | https://www.steinbecker-hofladen.de | 303 See Other |
OSM | n | Boot & Mehr | website | http://www.bootundmehr.com | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.bootundmehr.com": dial tcp: lookup www.bootundmehr.com on no such host |
OSM | n | Bodendenkmal Hundsburg | website | https://rathaus.rostock.de/sixcms/media.php/1074/NA_FB_SG05.pdf | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Edeka Sünwold | website | http://mein.edeka.de/eh/de/nord/504/index.jsp | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://mein.edeka.de/eh/de/nord/504/index.jsp": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | n | Hotel Wreecher Hof | website | https://www.wreecher-hof.de/ | 403 Forbidden |
OSM | n | Ortsamt 4 | website | https://rathaus.rostock.de/sixcms/detail.php?template=seite_rathaus_ortsaemter_de | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Helgas Stadtpalast | website | http://www.helgas-stadtpalast.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.helgas-stadtpalast.de/ |
OSM | n | Yachthafen Mönkebude | website | http://www.moenkebude.de/node/19 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Asgard | website | http://www.asgard-cafe.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.asgard-cafe.de |
OSM | n | Uwe's Fischerhütte | website | https://uwes-fischerhuette.de/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://uwes-fischerhuette.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | n | Cafe Scubo | contact:website | https://www.sealords-zingst.de/ | 503 Service Unavailable |
OSM | n | Wenzel Prager Bierstuben | website | http://www.wenzel-bierstuben.de/standorte/warnemuende/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage | website | https://www.kirche-jesu-christi.org/ | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.kirche-jesu-christi.org/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.churchofjesuschrist.org, churchofjesuschrist.org, not www.kirche-jesu-christi.org |
OSM | n | Pension Seehof | website | http://www.buetzow.eu/opencms/de/touristen/unterkuenfte/seehof.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Klabautermann | website | https://www.klabautermann-waren.com/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.klabautermann-waren.com/": dial tcp: lookup www.klabautermann-waren.com on no such host |
OSM | n | Altstadt-Cafe | website | https://www.meckback.de/baeckerei/finden/waren-mueritz-neuer-markt-19/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Kleines Meer | website | https://www.kleinesmeer.de/essen-trinken/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Wartislaw-Stein | website | http://www.suehnekreuz.de/mv/gruettow.htm#1 | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.suehnekreuz.de/mv/gruettow.htm": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.webspace-verkauf.de, webspace-verkauf.de, not www.suehnekreuz.de |
OSM | n | Stolpe BAB 24 Nord | contact:website | http://store.total.de/de_DE/ND029702 | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://store.total.de/de_DE/ND029702": dial tcp: lookup store.total.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Marina Müritz | website | http://www.rundtoern-marinas.de/marina-mueritz/beschreibung-marina-mueritz.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Marina Müritz | image | http://www.rundtoern-marinas.de/uploads/pics/Hafendorf_Mueritz.jpg | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Altstadt Hotel | website | http://www.altstadtpension-wismar.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.altstadtpension-wismar.de": dial tcp: lookup www.altstadtpension-wismar.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Zentrum für Qualitätssicherung in Studium und Weiterbildung | website | https://www.uni-rostock.de/index.php?id=zqs | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Hafen Prerow | website | https://www.fischland-darss-zingst.de/service/provider/details/stamm/show/hafen-und-wasserwanderrast… | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Anglerverein Flotthafen Stralsund e. V. | contact:website | http://flotthafen-stralsund.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://flotthafen-stralsund.de |
OSM | n | Stadthafen Neustrelitz | website | https://www.neustrelitz.de/stadthafen-1252-6-243-419-429.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Yachthafen Priepert | website | https://www.yachthafen-priepert.de.tl/ | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.yachthafen-priepert.de.tl/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.de.tl, de.tl, not www.yachthafen-priepert.de.tl |
OSM | n | Wasserwanderrastplatz Wesenberg | website | https://www.klein-seenplatte.de/poi/poi/wasserwanderrastplatz-wesenberg-sportboothafen.html | 500 Internal Server Error |
OSM | n | Feriendorf an der Ostsee | contact:website | https://www.feriendorf-ostsee.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.feriendorf-ostsee.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.feriendorf-ostsee.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Alanya Döner | website | http://www.alanya-ruegen.de/alanya-sellin.htm | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.alanya-ruegen.de/alanya-sellin.htm |
OSM | n | Wing Tsun | website | http://thewingrevolution.de/schuluebersicht/ | 403 Forbidden |
OSM | n | Alte Löwenapotheke | website | https://www.alte-loewenapotheke.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.alte-loewenapotheke.de/": remote error: tls: internal error |
OSM | n | Alte Schmiede | contact:website | http://kleinvielen-ev.de/?page_id=79 | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://kleinvielen-ev.de/?page_id=79 |
OSM | n | Schulmuseum | website | https://www.ostseebad-moenchgut.de/entdecken/middelhagen/schulmuseum-middelhagen/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Subway | website | https://www.subway.com | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.subway.com": stream error: stream ID 1; INTERNAL_ERROR; received from peer |
OSM | n | Handelsgärtnerei Wolfgang Perner | contact:website | https://www.blumenhaus-perner.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.blumenhaus-perner.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.blumenhaus-perner.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Fahrradverleih Neumann | contact:website | http://www.selliner-fahrradverleih.de | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Tauchgondel Sellin | url | http://www.tauchgondel.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.tauchgondel.de |
OSM | n | Der Buchladen | website | http://der-buchladen-ruegen.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://der-buchladen-ruegen.de |
OSM | n | KAI 40 | website | https://www.radissonhotels.com/de-de/hotels/radisson-blu-rostock | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.radissonhotels.com/de-de/hotels/radisson-blu-rostock": stream error: stream ID 1; INTERNAL_ERROR; received from peer |
OSM | n | KAG „Arbeit und Leben“ Rostock e. V. | website | https://www.arbeitundleben-rostock.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it |
OSM | n | Preetzer Hof | contact:website | https://www.preetzer-hof.de/ | 403 Forbidden |
OSM | n | Pension Schneidemühle | website | https://www.ferienparadies-schneidemuehle.com/ | 924 POI without feature |
POI has a |
OSM | n | Bahlenrade | website | https://www.amt-eldenburg-luebz.de/verzeichnis/objekt.php?mandat=55801 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | tv.rostock | website | https://www.tvrostock.de/ | 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.tvrostock.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-15T03:35:14+01:00 is after 2024-03-26T13:20:29Z |
OSM | n | Kerzenhalle | website | http://www.kerzenhalle.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it |
Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website contact:website |
OSM | n | Kerzenhalle | contact:website | http://www.boltenhagen.de/wandern-radwandern/?sw=5651 | 404 Not Found |
Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website contact:website |
OSM | n | Operator: Deutsche Post | website | https://banking.mueritz-sparkasse.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://banking.mueritz-sparkasse.de": dial tcp: lookup banking.mueritz-sparkasse.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Ostsee-Apotheke | website | http://www.ostsee-apotheke-app.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.ostsee-apotheke-app.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.ostsee-apotheke-app.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Aparthotel Zingst | website | https://zingst-aparthotel.de/ | 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://zingst-aparthotel.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority |
OSM | n | Stadtwerke Schwerin | website | https://www.stadtwerke-schwerin.de/home/swsn/kontakt/,swsr_inhalt_id,947,swsr_id,5.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Friedrich's | website | https://restaurant-friedrichs.com/ | 503 Service Unavailable |
OSM | n | Klein Nemerow | website | https://www.klein-nemerow.de/ | 423 Locked |
OSM | n | Alte Burg Neustadt-Glewe | website | https://www.neustadt-glewe.de/verzeichnis/objekt.php?mandat=32080 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Kluge Köpfe | contact:website | http://klugekoepfe-rostock.com/filialen/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | DGB Rechtsschutz GmbH | website | https://www.dgbrechtsschutz.de/wir/vor-ort/rostock/lage/?type=999 | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Sonnenhotel | website | https://www.sonnenhotels.de/de/hotels/mecklenburgische-seenplatte/sonnenhotel-feldberg-am-see.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Medizinisches Versorgungszentrum Mitte Aussenstelle Ost | website | https://dbknb.de/pol/mvz-standorte/petrosawodsker-strasse | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Krüseliner Seeschänke | contact:website | http://www.krueseliner-muehle.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.krueseliner-muehle.de |
OSM | n | Modellbahn Schaft | website | http://www.modellbahnschaft-rostock.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.modellbahnschaft-rostock.de |
OSM | n | Hanseviertel | website | https://www.mecklenburgische-schweiz.com/ErlebnisReich/MehrWassererleben/HanseviertelDemmin/tabid/12… | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Waschsalon Wulf | website | https://www.waescherei-rostock.de | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.waescherei-rostock.de": remote error: tls: handshake failure |
OSM | n | Pampow Ausbau | website | https://pampow.de/gemeinde.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Ostseehotel Klützer Winkel | website | https://www.kluetzer-winkel.m-vp.de/ostseehotel-kluetzer-winkel/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Kreisvolkshochschule | website | http://lwl-kvhs.mvnet.de | 302 Moved Temporarily |
OSM | n | Apotheke am Kietz | website | http://www.apotheke-waren.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.apotheke-waren.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.apotheke-waren.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Marina Bramow | website | https://www.sab-marina-bramow.de/index.htm | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Schwimmsteg Stadthafen | website | https://www.wiro.de/mieten/bootsliegeplaetze.html | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Stadthafen Rostock | website | http://www.mein-ostseehafen.de/seegebiete/mecklenburg-vorpommern/mecklenburger-kueste/unterwarnow-bi… | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Fritz-Reuter-Apotheke | website | https://www.apotheken.de/club/18273/fritz-reuter-apotheke | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Fahrrad Fricke | website | https://www.fahrrad-fricke.de/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.fahrrad-fricke.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | n | Tutti Gusti | website | https://www.cucina-italia.de | 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it |
OSM | n | 2-Rad Schünemann | website | http://www.2rad-schuenemann.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.2rad-schuenemann.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.2rad-schuenemann.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Villa Pusteblume | contact:website | http://www.villa-pusteblume-wesenberg.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it |
OSM | n | Dokumentationszentrum Prora e.V. | website | http://www.proradok.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.proradok.de/ |
OSM | n | Strandgut | website | https://www.cafe-strandgut.m-vp.de/ | 307 Temporary Redirect |
OSM | n | Tankstop Stegmann | contact:website | http://www.tankstop-stegmann.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.tankstop-stegmann.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.tankstop-stegmann.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Sportimar | website | https://www.sportimar.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.sportimar.de": dial tcp: lookup www.sportimar.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Targobank | website | https://www.targobank.de/de/service/suchen-und-finden/Details.aspx?banque=02236&guichet=20416&bureau… | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Apotheke Lütten Klein | website | http://www.pharmagreen.de/apotheke-luetten-klein.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Blumen Peter | website | http://blumenparadies-peter.com | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://blumenparadies-peter.com": dial tcp: lookup blumenparadies-peter.com on no such host |
OSM | n | O2 | website | http://dcom-online.net/filialen/rostock/rigaer-strasse-5/ | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Schawi Sport- u. Freizeitzentrum | contact:website | https://www.schawi.de | 403 Forbidden |
OSM | n | Boomerang | website | https://www.boomerang-schwerin.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.boomerang-schwerin.de": dial tcp: lookup www.boomerang-schwerin.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Sky | website | www.skybeachklub.de | 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.skybeachklub.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.skybeachklub.de or http://www.skybeachklub.de works. |
OSM | n | Werk 3 | website | www.werk3-schwerin.de | 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.werk3-schwerin.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.werk3-schwerin.de or http://www.werk3-schwerin.de works. |
OSM | n | Filmtheater Malchow | website | http://www.kino.malchow-aktuell.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it |
OSM | n | Baltic Reisebüro | website | https://www.baltic-reisebuero.de/ | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Pier 7 | website:menu | https://sfd73e52a3b689f4d.jimcontent.com/download/version/1656694080/module/14679423932/name/Pier%20… | 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare |
OSM | n | image | http://geo.hlipp.de/photo/80286 | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://geo.hlipp.de/photo/80286 |
OSM | n | Nautilus | website | https://nautilus-zinnowitz.de/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://nautilus-zinnowitz.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | n | Teichert | website | https://www.genialokal.de/buchhandlung/lambrechtshagen/teichert/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Physiotherapie Michaela Mundt | website | https://www.physio-mundt.de/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.physio-mundt.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | n | Amnesty International | website | https://amnesty-rostock.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Jugend zur See e.V. | website | http://www.kutterverein-warnemuende.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.kutterverein-warnemuende.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.kutterverein-warnemuende.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Alumni-Büro | website | https://www.uni-rostock.de/index.php?id=111 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Feuerwehr Crivitz | website | http://ffw-crivitz.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://ffw-crivitz.de": dial tcp: lookup ffw-crivitz.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Ferienzentrum am Plätlinsee | contact:website | http://www.ferienzentrum-plaetlinsee.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.ferienzentrum-plaetlinsee.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.ferienzentrum-plaetlinsee.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Kleines Meer | website | https://www.kleinesmeer.de/zimmer-buchung/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | DW Hotel | website | https://www.dwhotels.de/hotels/waren-mueritz/hotel-altstadt | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.dwhotels.de/hotels/waren-mueritz/hotel-altstadt": dial tcp: lookup www.dwhotels.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Haffmuseum | website | https://www.ueckermuende.de/haffmuseum.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | street shoes | contact:website | https://www.street-shoes.com/store/6bd9812ccc8711ec922f0242ac10ee0c | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Upstalsboom Hotel Ostseestrand | website | https://www.hotel-ostseestrand-usedom.de/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.hotel-ostseestrand-usedom.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | n | Movie Star | website | https://www.moviestar-net.de/ | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.moviestar-net.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for moviestar-net.de, not www.moviestar-net.de |
OSM | n | Edessa | website | https://www.restaurant-edessa.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it |
OSM | n | Café Küpper | website | http://www.guestrow-tourismus.de/kategorie/caf%C3%A9-k%C3%BCpper-seit-1852 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Wasserkraftwerk | website | http://www.guestrow-tourismus.de/sehensw%C3%BCrdigkeiten/index.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Marktfleischerei | website | http://www.marktfleischerei-dankert.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.marktfleischerei-dankert.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.marktfleischerei-dankert.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Güstrow | website | https://www.bahnhof.de/bahnhof-de/bahnhof/G-C3-BCstrow-1027676 | 307 Temporary Redirect |
OSM | n | Subway | website | https://www.subway.com/de-de/findastore?zip=18055 | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.subway.com/de-de/findastore?zip=18055": stream error: stream ID 1; INTERNAL_ERROR; received from peer |
OSM | n | Nancys Cafe | website | https://www.baeckerei-zander.de/ | 403 Forbidden |
OSM | n | Klub 77 | website | www.klub77.de | 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.klub77.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.klub77.de or http://www.klub77.de works. |
OSM | n | Nordsee | website | https://www.nordsee.com/de/filialen/detail/store/nordsee-schwerin-schlosspark-center-199/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Cayenne | website | http://www.cayenne-nb.de | 500 Internal Server Error |
OSM | n | Pommersche Volksbank | contact:website | https://www.pommerschevb.de/Bank_und_Region/filialen-ansprechpartner/filialen/uebersicht-filialen/ge… | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | DesignHouse | website | http://www.design-house-binz.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it |
OSM | n | Alpha-Apotheke | website | https://www.alpha-apotheke-rostock-app.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.alpha-apotheke-rostock-app.de/": EOF |
OSM | n | Müritzhof | contact:website | http://www.müritzhof.de/landschaftspflegehof | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Comix | website | http://www.comix-eventrix.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.comix-eventrix.de": dial tcp: lookup www.comix-eventrix.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Wunscherfüller | contact:website | www.diewunscherfüller.de | 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.diewunscherf%C3%BCller.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.diewunscherfüller.de or http://www.diewunscherfüller.de works. |
OSM | n | Apotheke 24 | website | http://apotheke24-app.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://apotheke24-app.de/": dial tcp: lookup apotheke24-app.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Apotheke im Warnowpark | website | http://www.apotheke-im-warnowpark.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.apotheke-im-warnowpark.de |
OSM | n | Rosen-Apotheke | website | https://www.rosen-apo-rostock.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.rosen-apo-rostock.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.rosen-apo-rostock.de |
OSM | n | Greif Apotheke | website | https://www.hro-apotheken.de/apotheken/greif-apotheke.html | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.hro-apotheken.de/apotheken/greif-apotheke.html": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.de-nserver.de, de-nserver.de, not www.hro-apotheken.de |
OSM | n | Wasserschutzpolizei | website | https://www.polizei.mvnet.de/cms2/Polizei_prod/Polizei/de/ipvo/Landeswasserschutz-_polizeiamt/Die_In… | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | IKEA Restaurant | website | https://www.ikea.com/ms/de_DE/the_ikea_story/the_ikea_store/ikea_restaurant.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | noah ambiente | website | www.noahambiente.de | 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.noahambiente.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.noahambiente.de or http://www.noahambiente.de works. |
OSM | n | Lieblingsblume | contact:website | http://www.lieblingsblume-rostock.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.lieblingsblume-rostock.de |
OSM | n | Galerie Amberg 13 | website | http://www.kunstverein-rostock.de/termine/aktuell.htm | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Steinmüller | contact:website | http://www.ruegensteine.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.ruegensteine.de |
OSM | n | IN VIA Katholische Mädchensozialarbeit | website | http://www.invia.caritas.de/21833.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Sparda-Bank Berlin | website | https://www.sparda-b.de/kontakt/filialen-geldautomaten.html/l/greifswald/schuhhagen-2/500#! | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.sparda-b.de/kontakt/filialen-geldautomaten.html/l/greifswald/schuhhagen-2/500#!": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer |
OSM | n | Café Paula | website | https://konditorei-nowak.de/fillialen.php | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://konditorei-nowak.de/fillialen.php": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | n | Nachbarschaftstreff "Unter uns" | website | https://www.wiro.de/Nachbarschaftstreff_Evershagen.2430.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Douglas | contact:website | https://www.douglas.de/de | 400 Bad Request |
OSM | n | New Way | website | www.newway-jeans.com | 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.newway-jeans.com": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.newway-jeans.com or http://www.newway-jeans.com works. |
OSM | n | Contour Parfümerie | website | https://www.contour-parfuemerie.de/contour-parfuemerie/hansecenter-rostock/standort.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Erster Basketball-Club Rostock | website | https://ebcrostock.de/ | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Behindertenverband Rostock e.V. | website | http://www.behindertenverband-rostock.de/ | 303 See Other |
OSM | n | Gehörlosen Landesverband M-V e. V. | website | https://www.gllv-mv.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it |
OSM | n | Integrativer Treff Rostock e.V. | website | http://itrostock.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://itrostock.de/ |
OSM | n | Sporthalle Gehlsdorf | website | http://www.sportpark-gehlsdorf.de/sporthalle.php | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.sportpark-gehlsdorf.de/sporthalle.php": dial tcp: lookup www.sportpark-gehlsdorf.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Hanse Sail Verein | website | https://www.hansesail.com/Hanse-Sail-Verein.33.0.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Hafen Karlshagen | website | https://www.karlshagen.de/yachthafen | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Südstadt - Apotheke | website | http://www.südstadt-apotheke-anklam.de/apotheke/willkommen.htm | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.s%C3%BCdstadt-apotheke-anklam.de/apotheke/willkommen.htm": dial tcp: lookup www.xn--sdstadt-apotheke-anklam-cpc.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Giesenschläge | website | http://www.dive-links.com/tauchplatz.php?id=1043 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Tauchspot Dolgener See | website | http://www.dive-links.com/tauchplatz.php?id=1595 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Scharteisen | website | http://www.dive-links.com/tauchplatz.php?id=1116 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Schmaler Luzin, Ziegenwiese | website | http://www.dive-links.com/tauchplatz.php?id=1117 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Carwitzer See | website | http://www.dive-links.com/tauchplatz.php?id=425 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Krüselinsee | website | http://www.dive-links.com/tauchplatz.php?id=427 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Dreetzsee | website | http://www.dive-links.com/tauchplatz.php?id=426 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Woseriner See | website | http://www.dive-links.com/tauchplatz.php?id=1121 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Schweriner See | website | http://www.dive-links.com/tauchplatz.php?id=1118 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Tiefer See | website | http://www.dive-links.com/tauchplatz.php?id=1119 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Penzliner See | website | http://www.dive-links.com/tauchplatz.php?id=1113 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Saugbagger Sandtrans | website | http://www.dive-links.com/tauchplatz.php?id=655 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Amazone | website | http://www.dive-links.com/tauchplatz.php?id=656 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Krugsdorfer Kiessee | website | http://www.dive-links.com/tauchplatz.php?id=1111 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | ADFC Rostock | website | https://www.adfc-rostock.de/ | 302 Found |
OSM | n | FuSeC Berufskolleg Rostock | website | https://fusec.de/?avia_forced_reroute=1 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Nordlicht Schule | website | https://nordlicht-schule.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://nordlicht-schule.de/": dial tcp: lookup nordlicht-schule.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Ristorante Pizzaria Marzano | website | https://www.ristorantepizzeriamarzano.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.ristorantepizzeriamarzano.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.ristorantepizzeriamarzano.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Kita "Am Schulcampus" | website | http://www.illev.de/content/blogcategory/576/685/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string https://cdn.sedo.com in it |
OSM | n | Hort Brinckmansdorf | website | http://www.illev.de/content/blogcategory/327/416/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string https://cdn.sedo.com in it |
OSM | n | Kita "Dünennest" | website | http://www.illev.de/content/blogcategory/85/102/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string https://cdn.sedo.com in it |
OSM | n | Freiwillige Feuerwehr Groß Molzahn | website | http://www.gross-molzahn.de/feuerwehr.html | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.gross-molzahn.de/feuerwehr.html |
OSM | n | Jagdschloß Quitzin | website | https://jagdschloss-quitzin.de/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://jagdschloss-quitzin.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | n | Schweriner Kletterwald | website | https://www.schweriner-kletterwald.de | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://schweriner-kletterwald.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | n | Geologisches Museum Raben Steinfeld | website | http://www.naturstein-design-braasch.de/museum.htm | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.naturstein-design-braasch.de/museum.htm": dial tcp: lookup www.naturstein-design-braasch.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Helios Park Restaurant | website | http://www.helios-kliniken.de/klinik/schwerin/ihr-klinikaufenthalt/klinikaufenthalt/einrichtungen/re… | 403 Forbidden |
OSM | n | Hanseatic Institute for Entrepreneurship and Regional Development | website | http://hie-ro.de | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Cafeteria TPW | website | https://www.ripka-catering.de/speiseplan.php | 302 Found |
OSM | n | RegionalPaket | website | http://www.optimal-versenden.de/ | 423 Locked |
OSM | n | Schuhhaus Höppner | website | https://www.schuhe.de/schuhgeschaeft/rostock/schuhhaus-hoeppner-1000587432.html | 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare |
OSM | n | Snipes | contact:website | https://www.snipes.com/storedetails?sid=SDE34 | 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare |
OSM | n | Fielmann | website | http://www.fielmann.de/niederlassungen/informationen.php?ndl=001-0391&xcoord=54.0838949&ycoord=12.16… | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | BRAX | contact:website | https://shop.brax.com/de/de/index.html | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://shop.brax.com/de/de/index.html": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | n | Christ | website | https://www.christ.de/cgi-bin/filialen.pl?do=showfiliale&id=158 | 404 |
OSM | n | TK Maxx | website | https://www.tkmaxx.de/ueber_uns/filialen/rostock.html | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.tkmaxx.com/de/de/ueber_uns/filialen/rostock.html": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | n | Ernsting's family | contact:website | http://service.ernstings-family.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://service.ernstings-family.de/": dial tcp: lookup service.ernstings-family.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Windland | website | http://www.ruegen-windland.com | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.ruegen-windland.com |
OSM | n | Jugendherberge Plau am See | website | http://www.herberge-plau.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.herberge-plau.de": dial tcp: lookup www.herberge-plau.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Herrenhaus Nobbin | contact:website | http://www.nobbin.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.nobbin.de/ |
OSM | n | Team Baucenter | contact:website | https://www.team.de/standort/bau/neubukow | 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.team.de/standort/bau/neubukow": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority |
OSM | n | Jack Wolfskin | contact:website | https://www.jack-wolfskin.de/store/137491-rostock-lange-strasse-34 | 302 Found |
OSM | n | RSAG Kundenzentrum | contact:website | https://www.rsag-online.de/de/tickets/ticket_kauf/kundenzentren/passage_doberaner_hof | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Kofahl Reisen | website | http://www.kofahl-reisen.de/buero.php?page=standort_rostock | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Volks- und Raiffeisenbank | website | https://www.rostocker-vrbank.de/Ueber-uns/Standorte/Geschaeftsstellen/Luetten-Klein/c1297.html | 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.rostocker-vrbank.de/Ueber-uns/Standorte/Geschaeftsstellen/Luetten-Klein/c1297.html": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-15T03:45:33+01:00 is after 2023-11-07T11:49:00Z |
OSM | n | Die Wichtel | contact:website | http://asb-rv-vg.de/unsere-angebote/kindertagesstaetten/kita-die-wichtel-kemnitz/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Modehaus Nikolaus | website | http://modehaus-nikolaus.de/stores/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | McPaper | website | http://www.mcpaper.de | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www.mcpaper.de": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | n | Gästehaus Ikar | website | https://www.gaestehaus-ikar.de | 401 Unauthorized |
OSM | n | Rampe, B104 | website | http://www.vl-p.de/pages/fahrplan/fahrplan-vlp.php | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Hopp's Bunte Stube | website | http://www.baby-und-kinder.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.baby-und-kinder.de": dial tcp: lookup www.baby-und-kinder.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Webcam "Alter Garten" | website | http://www.schwerin-cam.de/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Poeler Forellenhof | website | http://www.poeler-forellenhof.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.poeler-forellenhof.de |
OSM | n | Kita "Am Weinberg" | website | http://www.amt-mecklenburgische-kleinseenplatte.de/instanz_1/belege/f3_000002.htm | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Deutsches Meeresmuseum | website | https://www.meeresmuseum.de/ | 303 See Other |
OSM | n | Input | website | https://www.informatikcenter.de/_cmsdata/_cache/cms_1993.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Stempel | website | http://www.mega-service-center.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.mega-service-center.de/ |
OSM | n | Jule's | website | https://julesstudiofurkosmetik.business.site/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | OTB Orthopädische Werkstätten | contact:website | http://otb.info/wismarischestrasse/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Hafenbar Pier 615 | website | https://fischhalle615.de/hafenpier/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | ratiomat Küchenhaus | website | https://www.ratiomat.de/de/Ratiomat_Startseite/Werkstudios.html?page=1&stdid=104 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Titania | contact:website | https://www.waldschloesschen-prerow.de/restaurants/restaurant-titania/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Lingerie 37 | website | https://www.lingerie37.de/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.lingerie37.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | n | P5-Style | website | http://www.p5style.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.p5style.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.p5style.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Sassnitz | website | http://www.faehrhafen-sassnitz.de | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www.faehrhafen-sassnitz.de": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | n | Barendorf | website | http://www.grevesmuehlen.de/Barendorf.82.0.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Seesportclub Vorpommern e.V. | website | http://www.ssc-vorpommern.de/ | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.ssc-vorpommern.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.webspace-verkauf.de, webspace-verkauf.de, not www.ssc-vorpommern.de |
OSM | n | Usedom Vereinshafen | website | https://www.stadtinfo-usedom.de/fr_abc.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Avanti | website | http://www.avantii-wolgast.de/ | 303 See Other |
OSM | n | Freizeit-Treff "Fritz Reuter" | website | http://www.wg-marienehe.de/service/freizeittreffs/freizeittreff-fritz-reuter.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Operator: VR-Bank | website | https://www.vr-bank-wismar.de/wir-fuer-sie/filialen-ansprechpartner/filialen/uebersicht-filialen/ges… | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.vr-bank-wismar.de/wir-fuer-sie/filialen-ansprechpartner/filialen/uebersicht-filialen/geschaeftsstelle_rehna.html": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | n | Ostsee-Service-Boltenhagen | website | https://www.os-se-bo.de/ | 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.os-se-bo.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-15T03:48:14+01:00 is after 2019-08-30T09:27:36Z |
OSM | n | DLRG Wasserrettungsstation Sellin - Turm Brücke | website | https://zwrd-k.dlrg.de/index.php?doc=stationInfos&ext=1&id=309 | 302 Found |
OSM | n | DJH Jugendherberge Binz | contact:website | https://www.jugendherberge.de/jugendherbergen/binz/ | 503 Service Unavailable |
OSM | n | KiK | website | https://www.kik.de/filialfinder/6230/Ueckerm%C3%BCnde/Chausseestra%C3%9Fe_71 | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Jagdschloss Waldsee | website | https://www.jagdschloss-waldsee.de/ | 403 Forbidden |
OSM | n | Hasselförder Mühle | website | http://www.zwillingswindmuehlen.de/muehlen/mst/wind/hasselfoerde/hasselfoerde1.htm | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Kutterkaten | website | https://www.fg-wismarbucht.de/gaststatte | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Bonkers Bikes | website | https://www.bonkers-bikes.de/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Stadtbäckerei Junge | website | http://www.jb.de/de/filialen/filalen-finden/filiale-detailansicht?filiale=101131950088 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Restaurant Strandnah | website | http://www.restaurant-strandnah.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.restaurant-strandnah.de/ |
OSM | n | Augenoptik Gehrke | website | http://www.gehrke-optik.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.gehrke-optik.de |
OSM | n | Max - die Kneipe | website | http://www.max-diekneipe.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.max-diekneipe.de/ |
OSM | n | Juerß Holzwerkstätten GmbH | website | http://www.juerss.de | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Webcam | website | http://www.mollistrasse.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.mollistrasse.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.mollistrasse.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Sühnestein | website | http://www.suehnekreuz.de/mv/everstorf.htm#1 | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.suehnekreuz.de/mv/everstorf.htm": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.webspace-verkauf.de, webspace-verkauf.de, not www.suehnekreuz.de |
OSM | n | Bistro am See | website | https://www.ruhepuls.com/bistro-am-see.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Hugo Pfohe | website | https://www.hugopfohe.de/standorte/schwerin-krebsfoerden/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | SPD | website | http://www.spd-westmecklenburg.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.spd-westmecklenburg.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.spd-westmecklenburg.de on no such host |
OSM | n | DEVK Regionaldirektion | website | https://www.devk.de/devk/servlet/VtpRdEinstieg?PNR=82019 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Fahrschuke B. Trilck | website | https://www.boots-fahrschule-trilck.de | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.boots-fahrschule-trilck.de": dial tcp connect: connection refused |
OSM | n | Banzin | website | https://www.kreis-swm.de/Zarrentin/Gemeinden_und_Stadt/Gemeinde_Vellahn/index.jsp | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Kaminrestaurant "Diogenes" | website | http://www.kaminrestaurant-diogenes.eu/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.kaminrestaurant-diogenes.eu/": dial tcp: lookup www.kaminrestaurant-diogenes.eu on no such host |
OSM | n | Randow-Apotheke | website | https://www.randowapotheke-eggesin.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it |
OSM | n | Mien Leevsten | website | https://www.facebook.com/mienleevstencafemalchin/ | 921 Social Media URL detected |
Better use |
OSM | n | TEAM Baumarkt | contact:website | https://www.team.de/standort/bau/eggesin | 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.team.de/standort/bau/eggesin": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority |
OSM | n | Malerbetrieb Dahms | website | https://www.maler-dahms.de/ | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.maler-dahms.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for em26007.hetzner01.eventomaxx.de, not www.maler-dahms.de |
OSM | n | Reha-Fittnessclub Vital | website | http://www.fitness-malchin.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.fitness-malchin.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.fitness-malchin.de on no such host |
OSM | n | TechnoDruck | contact:website | http://www.technodruck.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.technodruck.de/ |
OSM | n | SH Automobile | contact:website | https://home.mobile.de/SHAUTOMOBILESCHWERIN | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Sealords | website | https://www.sealords-zingst.de/ | 503 Service Unavailable |
OSM | n | KULTurschmiede | website | https://kulturschmiede-stralsund.de/ | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://kulturschmiedestralsund.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for p03.hosting.plutex.de, not kulturschmiedestralsund.de |
OSM | n | website | http://www.arche-netvision.de | 911 Error doing request: Get "http://www.arche-netvision.de": dial tcp connect: no route to host |
OSM | n | Lindenkrug | website | https://www.lindenkrug-poseritz.de/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.lindenkrug-poseritz.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | n | Greif-Apotheke | website | https://www.gesundleben-apotheken.de/greif-apotheke-burg-stargard | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Apotheke am Papenberg | website | http://www.apothekeampapenberg.de/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Ev. Kita „Kleine Strolche“ | contact:website | https://www.diakonie-mse.de/einrichtungen/kleine-strolche-waren | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Jugendherberge Dahmen | website | http://dahmen.djh-mv.de/ | 924 POI without feature |
POI has a |
OSM | n | Ziegengut „Hinter den 7 Bergen“ | website | http://www.gutkraase.de/ | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Bernsteinsucher | website | https://www.fewo-direkt.de/ferienwohnung-ferienhaus/p504611 | 429 Too Many Requests |
OSM | n | Schullandheim Sassen | website | https://www.schullandheim-sassen.de/ | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Yachthafen Peenemünde | website | https://www.yachthafen-peenemünde.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.yachthafen-peenem%C3%BCnde.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.xn--yachthafen-peenemnde-5ec.de on no such host |
OSM | n | website | https://www.loitz.de/site.php?c=66/brueckenoeffnung.html&nav=11 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Am Hauptbahnhof | website | https://www.nahverkehr-schwerin.de/parkplaetze/am-hauptbahnhof.html | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.nahverkehr-schwerin.de/parkplaetze/am-hauptbahnhof.html": net/http: TLS handshake timeout |
OSM | n | Joyride | website | http://www.joyride.de/autovermietung-rostock-elmenhorst.php#schwerin | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | EGN Baumarkt | website | http://egn-ueckermuende.de/startseite_egn-ueckermuende.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Bistro Hafenstunde | contact:website | https://hafenstunde.de/startseite/ | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://hafenstunde.de/startseite/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.de-nserver.de, de-nserver.de, not hafenstunde.de |
OSM | n | Vitas | contact:website | https://vitas.fit | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Familienbetreungszentrum | website | https://www.einsatz.bundeswehr.de/portal/a/einsatzbw/familienbetreuung/fbo/sn_fbz/anfahrt_sn?yw_cont… | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.einsatz.bundeswehr.de/portal/a/einsatzbw/familienbetreuung/fbo/sn_fbz/anfahrt_sn?yw_contentURL=/C1256F1D0022A5C2/W26JT9J4645INFODE/content.jsp": dial tcp connect: connection refused |
OSM | n | Douglas | contact:website | https://www.douglas.de/de/l/stralsund/ossenreyer-str/00020299 | 400 Bad Request |
OSM | n | Caravanplatz am Tierpark | website | http://www.reisen-mecklenburg.de/caravanplatz-am-tierpark/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | ABC Antiquariat | website | http://www.rostock-antiquariat.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.rostock-antiquariat.de": dial tcp: lookup www.rostock-antiquariat.de on no such host |
OSM | n | NORMA | website | https://www.norma-online.de/_d_/_filialfinder_/_suchanfrage_?x=11.5020199&y=53.6633186&r=300 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | LotusNails | contact:website | https://stoffe-lini.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://stoffe-lini.de/": EOF |
OSM | n | Strick & Näh Pahl | website | http://wolle-stoffe-schwerin.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://wolle-stoffe-schwerin.de/": dial tcp: lookup wolle-stoffe-schwerin.de on no such host |
OSM | n | BowlIn | website | http://www.bowl-in.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.bowl-in.de/ |
OSM | n | Café "Schwimmer" | website | http://www.anker-sozialarbeit.de/cafe.php | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Bunte Kiste | website | http://www.anker-sozialarbeit.de/secondhand.php | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Sozialkaufhaus Lankow | website | http://www.anker-sozialarbeit.de/secondhand.php | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | KiK | contact:website | https://www.kik.de/filialfinder/5880/Schwerin | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Polizeistation Lützow | website | https://www.polizei.mvnet.de/cms2/Polizei_prod/Polizei/de/ipvo/Die_Schutzpolizei/Polizeihauptreviere… | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Datzekrug | website | http://www.autohof-datzekrug.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.autohof-datzekrug.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.autohof-datzekrug.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Datzekrug | website | http://www.autohof-datzekrug.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.autohof-datzekrug.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.autohof-datzekrug.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Segelwerkstatt Warnemünde | website | https://www.pro-luv.de/segelwerkstatt-start | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Bäckerei Sparre | contact:website | https://www.baeckerei-sparre.de/hansehof | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Orient Oase | contact:website | https://orient-oase.com/ | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Hafenblick | website | https://www.tourismusverein-moenkebude.de/wohnmobilhafen-moenkebude | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.tourismusverein-moenkebude.de/wohnmobilhafen-moenkebude": EOF |
OSM | n | Möbel Abritus | website | http://www.massivholzmoebel-abritus.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.massivholzmoebel-abritus.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.massivholzmoebel-abritus.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Keramik Konsum | website | www.steffen-werner-keramik.de | 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.steffen-werner-keramik.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.steffen-werner-keramik.de or http://www.steffen-werner-keramik.de works. |
OSM | n | Mordwange Sülsdorf | website | http://www.suehnekreuz.de/mv/suelsdorf.htm#1 | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.suehnekreuz.de/mv/suelsdorf.htm": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.webspace-verkauf.de, webspace-verkauf.de, not www.suehnekreuz.de |
OSM | n | Keramik Steffen Werner | website | www.steffen-werner-keramik.de | 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.steffen-werner-keramik.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.steffen-werner-keramik.de or http://www.steffen-werner-keramik.de works. |
OSM | n | Amt für Stadtgrün Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege | website | https://rathaus.rostock.de/sixcms/detail.php?template=seite_a67_de&_sid1=rostock_01.c.260.de&_sid2=r… | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Ortsamt 6 - Stadtmitte | website | https://rathaus.rostock.de/sixcms/detail.php?template=seite_rathaus_ortsaemter_de | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Kindertagesstätte "Uns Spälkist" | website | https://www.kita-rostock.de/unsspaelkist.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Reiterhof & Pension"Silberberg" | url | http://www.m-vp.de/1455/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.mvp.de/1455/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | n | Ortsamt West | website | https://rathaus.rostock.de/sixcms/detail.php?template=seite_rathaus_ortsaemter_de | 302 Found |
OSM | n | url | http://www.ndr.de/fernsehen/sendungen/extra_3/rueckschau/extra7894-player_theme.ndrde.html | 308 Permanent Redirect |
OSM | n | Hopfenkeller | website | https://www.am-hopfenmarkt.com/gastronomien/restaurant-hopfenkeller/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | die keramikwerkstatt | url | http://www.die-keramik-werkstatt.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.die-keramik-werkstatt.de |
OSM | n | Kloster Rühn Kontor | website | https://kloster-ruehn-kontor.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://kloster-ruehn-kontor.de/": dial tcp: lookup kloster-ruehn-kontor.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Stadtbibliothek | contact:website | http://www.bad-doberan.de/kultur-veranstaltungen/stadtbibliothek.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Villa auf der Düne | contact:website | https://www.usedomtravel.de/objekt/villa-auf-der-duene-ahlbeck-seebad.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Villa Louise | contact:website | https://www.baeder-appartements-usedom.de/unterkuenfte/seebad-ahlbeck/villa-louise | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Hagenow Information | website | https://www.hagenow.de/tourismus/hagenow-information.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Grommelt Fit | website | http://grommelt-fit.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://grommelt-fit.de/ |
OSM | n | Calle | contact:website | https://www.calle.dk/info/Rostock_4070l1.aspx | 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare |
OSM | n | Way2Bike | contact:website | https://www.fahrradverleih-warnemuende.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it |
OSM | n | FeWo Detlef Loy | website | https://www.marktplatz-boltenhagen.de/CWP | 922 Domain is for sale: found string https://cdn.sedo.com in it |
OSM | n | Kunst auf Schienen | website | https://kunstaufschienen.de/ | 303 See Other |
OSM | n | BierPostAmt | website | https://www.bierpost.com/schwerin.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Kita Rappelkiste | website | https://www.kita-ggmbh.de/index.php/ausrichtung-113.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Kindertafel Mueßer Holz | website | https://dreesch-schwerin.de/treffs-einrichtungen/kindertafel/ | 307 Temporary Redirect |
OSM | n | Villa Kunterbunt | contact:website | https://www.hofladen-usedom.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.hofladen-usedom.de/": dial tcp [2a01:4f8:120:50c6::bad:bee]:443: connect: connection refused |
OSM | n | Kita Kastanienhof | website | https://www.drk-nvp.de/index.php?id=2227 | 303 See Other |
OSM | n | Lillis Blumen Katen | website | www.rostock-blumen-a20-suedstadt.de | 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.rostock-blumen-a20-suedstadt.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.rostock-blumen-a20-suedstadt.de or http://www.rostock-blumen-a20-suedstadt.de works. |
OSM | n | Gartencafe Naschkatze | website | http://www.zur-naschkatze.de/ | 303 See Other |
OSM | n | Langer Berg | website | http://www.traumziel-mv.de/wandern/touren-in-der-region/usedom/tourendetails/langer-berg.html | 500 Internal Server Error |
OSM | n | Coney 1871 - Hot Dogs & Coffee | website | https://www.coney1871.de | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Markt-Apotheke | website | https://www.friedenshof-apotheke.de/MA/index_MA.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Brigitte-Reimann-Literaturhaus | website | https://www.literaturzentrum-nb.de/018.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Evangelisch inklusive Schule an der Maurine | website | https://www.diakoniewerk-gvm.de/soziale-angebote/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Strandpalais Zinnowitzer Hof | website | https://www.schoener-inseln.de/Seiten/Hotels/Zinnowitzer_Hof/index.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Freiwillige Feuerwehr Börgerende Rethwisch | website | http://www.doberan-land.de/79.0.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Gemeindebüro | website | http://www.doberan-land.de/79.0.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Heimatmuseum | website | https://www.gemeinde-boergerende-rethwisch.de/tourismus_angebote.php | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Strandhotel Preussenhof | website | https://www.schoener-inseln.de/strandhotels/strand-und-wellnesshotel-%E2%80%9Epreussenhof%E2%80%9C.h… | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Residenz Vineta | website | https://www.vineta-hotels.de/de/hotel-vineta.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Haus Schwalbennest | website | https://www.haus-schwalbennest.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.haus-schwalbennest.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.haus-schwalbennest.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Studierendensekretariat (D1.5) | website | https://www.uni-rostock.de/einrichtungen/verwaltung/verwaltungsstruktur/dezernat-akademische-angeleg… | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Hotel Dünenschloß | website | http://www.hotel-duenenschloss.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.hotel-duenenschloss.de |
OSM | n | La Conga Bar | website | https://www.zinnowitz.bar | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.zinnowitz.bar": dial tcp: lookup www.zinnowitz.bar on no such host |
OSM | n | KiK | website | https://www.kik.de/filialfinder/6394/Pampow_Innenstadt/Ahornstra%C3%9Fe_50 | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Domizil am Meer | website | https://www.domizil-am-meer.eu/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it |
OSM | n | JYSK | contact:website | https://jysk.de/filialen/reuterstadt-stavenhagen/werdohler-str | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Zur Scheune | website | http://www.zur-scheune-rostock.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.zur-scheune-rostock.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.zur-scheune-rostock.de on no such host |
OSM | n | EDEKA | contact:website | https://www.edeka-stavenhagen.de/ | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.edeka-stavenhagen.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for em26007.hetzner01.eventomaxx.de, not www.edeka-stavenhagen.de |
OSM | n | Aaron Blumenparadies Peter | website | http://blumenparadies-peter.com/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://blumenparadies-peter.com/": dial tcp: lookup blumenparadies-peter.com on no such host |
OSM | n | Landmarkt Sylvia Wörpel | contact:website | http://www.edeka.de | 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by AkamaiGHost |
OSM | n | Eldena Bootshafen | website | https://www.camping-eldena.de/Bootshafen.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Treffpunkt Neustadt-Glewe | website | http://www.wsv-neustadt-glewe.de/hafen.9.html#Hafen | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.wsv-neustadt-glewe.de/hafen.9.html#Hafen": dial tcp: lookup www.wsv-neustadt-glewe.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Hof Alte Zeiten Frühstücks- & Eventlocation | website | https://hof-alte-zeiten.de/ | 924 POI without feature |
POI has a |
OSM | n | Mücket-Design | url | http://www.mücket.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.mücket.de |
OSM | n | Kunstverein zu Rostock | website | http://www.kunstverein-rostock.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.kunstverein-rostock.de |
OSM | n | Kleines Hafenrestaurant Marina Eldenburg | website | https://www.kleineshafenrestaurant-waren.de | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Billroth-Apotheke | website | https://www.rugard-apotheke.de/billrothapotheke/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Freakshow Motorcycles | website | http://freakshow-motorcycles.de | 500 Internal Server Error |
OSM | n | T&B Asia Restaurant | website | https://www.tundbrestaurant.de/ | 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare |
OSM | n | T&B Asia Restaurant | website:menu | https://www.tundbrestaurant.de/menue/ | 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare |
OSM | n | Sägewerk & Holzhandel Ludwig Möller | website | http://www.sägewerk-möller.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.sägewerk-möller.de |
OSM | n | flying dog software | website | https://www.flyingdog.de/ | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Sparda-Bank Berlin | contact:website | https://www.sparda-b.de | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.sparda-b.de": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer |
OSM | n | Kita "Am Märchenwald" | contact:website | https://www.twsd-mv.de/angebote-und-leistungen/foerder-und-bildungsangebote/kindertagesstaetten/kita… | 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.twsd-mv.de/angebote-und-leistungen/foerder-und-bildungsangebote/kindertagesstaetten/kita-am-maerchenwald-burg-stargard/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority |
OSM | n | Grundschule Karlshagen | website | http://www.grundschule-karlshagen.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.grundschule-karlshagen.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.grundschule-karlshagen.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Peeneblick | website | https://www.peeneblick.com/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.peeneblick.com/": dial tcp: lookup www.peeneblick.com on no such host |
OSM | n | Pub No. One | website | http://pub-rostock.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://pub-rostock.de/ |
OSM | n | Radler Cafe Hohenbüssow | website | https://provie-theater.de/radler-cafe-hohenbuessow/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Vita Apotheke | website | https://www.vita-apotheke-ruegen-app.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.vita-apotheke-ruegen-app.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.vita-apotheke-ruegen-app.de |
OSM | n | Gesundschuh | website | http://www.gesundschuhmanufaktur.de/manufaktur.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Hof Gletzow | website | http://www.hof-gletzow.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.hof-gletzow.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.hof-gletzow.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Seesportclub Anklam | website | http://www.ssc-anklam.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.ssc-anklam.de |
OSM | n | website | https://kranich-apotheke-heiddorf.de/ | 924 POI without feature |
POI has a |
OSM | n | HypoVereinsbank | website | http://www.hvb.de | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www.hvb.de": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | n | Verwaltungsgesellschaft Lotto und Toto in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern mbH | website | https://www.lottomv.de/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | HaarZeit | website | http://www.haarzeit-dasfriseurstudio.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.haarzeit-dasfriseurstudio.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.haarzeit-dasfriseurstudio.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Konservatorium "Rudolf Wagner-Régeny" | website | https://rathaus.rostock.de/sixcms/detail.php?template=seite_konservatorium_de&_sid1=rostock_01.c.260… | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Großsteingrab Pennewitt | url | http://www.rserv.de/gg/index.php?p=1&o=732&c=d&l=d&x=o&s=o | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.rserv.de/gg/index.php?p=1&o=732&c=d&l=d&x=o&s=o |
OSM | n | Nord-Apotheke | website | https://www.nord-apo.com/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.nord-apo.com/": EOF |
OSM | n | Steakhouse River Saloon | website | http://www.steakhouse-river-saloon.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.steakhouse-river-saloon.de |
OSM | n | Autoland Schwerin | website | https://autoland.de/autoland-niederlassungen/schwerin.html | 410 Gone |
OSM | n | Amt Boizenburg-Land | website | https://www.kreis-swm.de/Boizenburg-Land/Amt_Boizenburg-Land/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Hotel Am Bahnhof | website | http://www.hotel-am-bahnhof-waren.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.hotel-am-bahnhof-waren.de/ |
OSM | n | Hotel Am Bahnhof | website | http://www.hotel-am-bahnhof-waren.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.hotel-am-bahnhof-waren.de/ |
OSM | n | Usedom Ferienwohnungen Tannengrund | website | http://www.ferienwohnungen-insel-usedom.de/seniorengerechte-ferienwohnungen-usedom-erdgeschoss/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Betreuungsverein Miteinander e.V. | url | http://www.betreuungsverein-miteinander.de/reg_warin.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Kita Arche Noah | website | https://www.kdw-greifswald.de/KitaGreifswald/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.kdw-greifswald.de/KitaGreifswald/": dial tcp: lookup www.kdw-greifswald.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Freiwillige Feuerwehr Banzin | website | http://banzin.gemeindefeuerwehr-vellahn.de | 403 Forbidden |
OSM | n | Prerow | website | https://www.prerow.de/ | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Frauenmark | website | https://www.amt-crivitz.de/index.phtml?view-234&SpecialTop=221 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Goldenbow | website | https://www.amt-crivitz.de/index.phtml?view-234&SpecialTop=221 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Polizeirevier Boizenburg | website | https://www.polizei.mvnet.de/Polizei/PPHRO/PP-Rostock-PI-Ludwigslust/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Heimatmuseum | website | https://www.boizenburg.de/tourismus/museen/heimatmuseum | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Fluxx | website | http://www.fluxx-nb.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.fluxx-nb.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.fluxx-nb.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Optik Below | website | https://www.below-optik.de/ | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.below-optik.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for below-optik.de, not www.below-optik.de |
OSM | n | Ostsee Service Boltenhagen | website | https://www.os-se-bo.de/ | 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.os-se-bo.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-15T03:59:05+01:00 is after 2019-08-30T09:27:36Z |
OSM | n | Sparre | website | https://www.baeckerei-sparre.de/filiale-luetten-klein-1 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Sonnen Apotheke | website | http://www.sonnen-apotheke-rostock.de/ | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Cafe Ronja | website | https://www.ronjaespresso.de/aktuelles-oeffnungszeiten/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Cafeshop especial | website | https://www.cafeshop-especial.de/de/unsere_shops/cafeshop_rostock | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Pärchenclub Namenlos | website | https://www.paerchenclub-namenlos.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it |
OSM | n | Hofladen Rostocker Obst | website | http://www.rostocker-obst.de/ | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Schnell & Sauber | website | https://www.schnell-u-sauber.de/rostock-klenow-tor | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Friseur die Haarschneiderei Lewandowsky | contact:website | https://diehaarschneidereiinhgabrielelewandowsky.business.site/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Freiwillige Feuerwehr Dersekow | website | http://www.feuerwehr-dersekow.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.feuerwehr-dersekow.de |
OSM | n | Dynasty | contact:website | http://www.asiadynasty.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.asiadynasty.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.asiadynasty.de on no such host |
OSM | n | KiK | website | https://www.kik.de/filialfinder/158/Neubrandenburg | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Burganlage derer von Plön | contact:website | http://www.thandorf.de/die-gemeinde/geschichte.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Seminarhaus Hanne Wilberg | website | http://www.haus-wilberg.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.haus-wilberg.de": dial tcp: lookup www.haus-wilberg.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Brillenmanufaktur | website | https://www.brillenmanufaktur-baddoberan.de/ | 924 POI without feature |
POI has a |
OSM | n | Ferienpark Pinnow | website | http://www.ferienpark-pinnow.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.ferienpark-pinnow.de/ |
OSM | n | Stadtpension | website | http://www.stadtpension-doberan.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.stadtpension-doberan.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.stadtpension-doberan.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Fahrrad Winkelmann | website | https://www.fahrrad.de/haendler/karl-heinz-winkelmann-ludwigslust-2293.html | 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare |
OSM | n | Heimatstube | website | https://www.eggesin.de/start/tourismus/heimatstube/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Strandblick | website | https://www.tourismusverein-moenkebude.de/wohnmobilhafen-moenkebude/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.tourismusverein-moenkebude.de/wohnmobilhafen-moenkebude/": EOF |
OSM | n | Amt für Raumordnung und Landesplanung Vorpommern | website | https://www.afrl.mv-regierung.de/cms2/AFRL_prod/AFRL/de/aer/Vorpommern/index.jsp | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Operator: Natur und Umweltpark Güstrow, gGmbH | website | https://www.wildpark-mv.de/entdecken-und-lernen/energie-welten/wissenswertes.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Kaufhaus Stolz | website | https://unternehmen.kaufhaus-stolz.com/filialen/parchim/ | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Zum Fischerhof | website | http://www.fischerei-neustrelitz.de/bistro_neustrelitz.php | 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it |
OSM | n | VR Vorpommern | website | https://www.vbvorpommern.de/wir-fuer-sie/gs_ma/vor_ort/uebersicht-filialen/sb-rosenow.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Anne-Rose Fahrradverleih | website | https://www.seebad-hiddensee.de/fahrradverleih/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Heimathafen | contact:website | https://heimathafen-stralsund.business.site/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Alte Gutsanlage Mölschow | contact:website | https://usedom-aktiv.de/ | 503 Service Unavailable |
OSM | n | Landbäckerei Lange | contact:website | http://www.baecker-lange.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.baecker-lange.de |
OSM | n | Kellergaststätte Rothenklempenow | website | https://www.kellergaststaette.de | 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare |
OSM | n | Kellergaststätte Rothenklempenow | website:menu | https://kellergaststaette.de/speisekarte | 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare |
OSM | n | Gästehaus Schloß Rothenklempenow | website | https://kellergaststaette.de/hotel | 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare |
OSM | n | Sommerpalast Hiddensee | website | http://www.sommerpalasthiddensee.de/sommerpalast | 403 Bad Behavior |
OSM | n | Stadtinformation Dargun | website | https://www.dargun.de/kultur-tourismus/stadtinformation/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Gut Schmarsow | website | http://www.gut-schmarsow.de | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.gut-schmarsow.de |
OSM | n | Restaurant Wanja | contact:website | http://www.restaurant-wanja.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.restaurant-wanja.de/ |
OSM | n | Wochenend & Sonnenschein | website | https://www.akademie-ahlbeck.de/cafe.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Operator: Reh / Kröbler-Reh | contact:website | http://www.storchenhof-ciconia.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it |
OSM | n | Freiwillige Feuerwehr Kloddram | website | http://kloddram.gemeindefeuerwehr-vellahn.de | 403 Forbidden |
OSM | n | Freiwillige Feuerwehr Vellahn | website | http://vellahn.gemeindefeuerwehr-vellahn.de | 403 Forbidden |
OSM | n | Freiwillige Feuerwehr Rodenwalde | website | http://rodenwalde.gemeindefeuerwehr-vellahn.de | 403 Forbidden |
OSM | n | Freiwillige Feuerwehr Goldenbow | website | http://goldenbow.gemeindefeuerwehr-vellahn.de | 403 Forbidden |
OSM | n | website | http://goldenbow.gemeindefeuerwehr-vellahn.de | 403 Forbidden |
OSM | n | Freiwillige Feuerwehr Bennin | website | http://bennin.gemeindefeuerwehr-vellahn.de | 403 Forbidden |
OSM | n | Yachthafen am Schloss - Klink | website | https://www.gemeinde-klink.info/hafenklink | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Zur guten Quelle | website | http://www.gasthaus-vellahn.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.gasthaus-vellahn.de/ |
OSM | n | Gesteinspark | website | http://www.ortkrug.de/Steine/Gesteine.html | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.ortkrug.de/Steine/Gesteine.html |
OSM | n | Ortkrug | website | http://www.ortkrug.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.ortkrug.de/ |
OSM | n | Freiwillige Feuerwehr Melkof | website | http://melkof.gemeindefeuerwehr-vellahn.de | 403 Forbidden |
OSM | n | Heimatstube Freest | website | https://www.kroeslin.de/tourismus/heimatstube-freest/ | 307 Temporary Redirect |
OSM | n | MWA Autotechnik Anklam GmbH | website | http://www.bosch-service.de/content/language1/html/bs.asp?actiontype=setcookie&id=784403 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Weltladen | website | https://oekohaus-rostock.de/eweltladen-1-2/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | website | www.neues-gutshaus.de | 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.neues-gutshaus.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.neues-gutshaus.de or http://www.neues-gutshaus.de works. |
OSM | n | Gutshaus Harkensee | website | http://www.hotel-gutharkensee.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.hotel-gutharkensee.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.hotel-gutharkensee.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Pommersche Volksbank | website | https://www.pommerschevb.de/Bank_und_Region/filialen-ansprechpartner/filialen/uebersicht-filialen/ge… | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Rosen-Apotheke | website | https://www.rosen-apotheke-grimmen-app.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.rosen-apotheke-grimmen-app.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.rosen-apotheke-grimmen-app.de |
OSM | n | Ostsee-Apotheke | website | https://www.gesundleben-apotheken.de/ostsee-apotheke-greifswald | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Unfallkasse Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | website | http://www.uk-mv.de/content/impressum/index.php | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Salon Heike | contact:website | https://gemeinde-pinnow.orts.app/friseur | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Stolpe BAB 24 Süd | contact:website | http://store.total.de/de_DE/ND029744 | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://store.total.de/de_DE/ND029744": dial tcp: lookup store.total.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Da Giovanni | contact:website | http://www.woblitz-welle.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string domainname.de in it |
OSM | n | Hairstyle West | website | http://www.hairstylewest.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.hairstylewest.de": dial tcp: lookup www.hairstylewest.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Anna Kaatz | website | https://max-samuel-haus.de/stolpersteine/liste-der-stolpersteine.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Richard Siegmann | website | https://max-samuel-haus.de/stolpersteine/liste-der-stolpersteine.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Marina Seebrücke Ludorf | website | http://www.mueritz-digital.de/m_ludorfer_seebruecke.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Hafen Gravelotte | website | http://www.campingplatz-meesiger-gravelotte.de/layout.php?kat1=start | 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it |
OSM | n | Fitnessworld | website | http://www.fitnessworld-demmin.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.fitnessworld-demmin.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.fitnessworld-demmin.de on no such host |
OSM | n | KiK | website | https://www.kik-textilien.de/ | 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.kik-textilien.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.kik.de, kik.de, not www.kik-textilien.de |
OSM | n | Westmecklenburg Klinikum Helene von Bülow | website | https://www.wmk-hvb.de/standort-ludwigslust/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Mehrzweckhalle Verbindungsstraße | website | http://www.bad-doberan.de/bildung-sportfreizeit/sportanlagen.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Mecklenburgische Seenplatte | website | https://www.pension-landhaus-mecklenburg.de/restaurant-Mecklenburgische-Seenplatte.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Ferien- und Sportbootanlage Poeler Forellenhof | website | http://www.poeler-forellenhof.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.poeler-forellenhof.de/ |
OSM | n | Alter Hafen Wismar | website | http://www.alterhafenwismar.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it |
OSM | n | Warnemünder Segel-Club | image | http://wsc1925.de/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/verein2-300x224.jpg | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Wassersportzentrum Dänholm-Nord | website | http://www.wszev.de/ | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.wszev.de/ |
OSM | n | Marina am Ryck - Yachtzentrum Greifswald | image | http://www.marina-yachtzentrum.de/img/yachtzentrum_greifswald_marina.jpg | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Seglerverein Alt Gaarz Rerik | image | http://www.svag-rerik.de/media/rokgallery/e/e82d7efb-0c2b-42e8-9fc5-254e540acd3d/be344541-800d-4d5d-… | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Motoryachtclub Dömitz | website | http://www.myc-doemitz.de/index.php | 500 Internal Server Error |
OSM | n | ADFC M-V Landesgeschäftsstelle | website | https://www.adfc-mv.de/kontakt.html | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Schlosshotel Neustadt-Glewe | website | http://www.schlosshotel-neustadt-glewe.de/ | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Wallenstein's | website | http://hr.chronos-solutionsuite.com/website_neustadt/restaurant/restaurant,129.html | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://hr.chronos-solutionsuite.com/website_neustadt/restaurant/restaurant,129.html": dial tcp: lookup hr.chronos-solutionsuite.com on no such host |
OSM | n | Yachtlieger Achterwasser | website | http://www.yachtlieger-achterwasser.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it |
OSM | n | Burgmuseum | website | https://www.neustadt-glewe.de/verzeichnis/objekt.php?mandat=32080 | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Fachklinik Gristower Wiek | website | http://www.odebrecht-stiftung.de/krankenhaus/rehabilitation.html | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Kindertagesstätte "Inselkrabben" Riems | website | https://www.greifswald.de/de/familie-wohnen/familie/kinderbetreuung/eigenbetrieb-hanse-kinder/kita-i… | 404 404 |
OSM | n | Steakhouse - Hurricane | website | http://www.steakhouse-hurricane.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.steakhouse-hurricane.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.steakhouse-hurricane.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Naturhafen Krummin | website | http://www.usedom-naturhafen.de/krummin/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.usedom-naturhafen.de/krummin/": dial tcp: lookup www.usedom-naturhafen.de on no such host |
OSM | n | WSV Am Schmarler Graben | website | http://www.schmarler-graben.de | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.schmarler-graben.de": dial tcp: lookup www.schmarler-graben.de on no such host |
OSM | n | Yachtclub Warnow | website | http://www.yachtclubwarnow.de | 302 Found |
OSM | n | Lohnsteuerhilfe Rostock | website | https://www.vlh.de/bst/48682/ | 307 Temporary Redirect |
OSM | n | Lackiererei Eggesin GbR | url | http://www.lackiererei-eggesin.de/ | 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.lackiererei-eggesin.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.lackiererei-eggesin.de on no such host |
OSM | n | AXA | website | https://www.axa-betreuer.de/uwe_ballandat | 410 Gone |
OSM | n | Physiotherapie Redeker | contact:website | http://physiotherapie-barth.info | 923 TLS version available |
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://physiotherapie-barth.info |
OSM | n | Ferienwohnungen Hafenkiek | website | https://hafenkiek-karlshagen.de/ | 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it |
OSM | n | Werbnet Media | website | https://werbnet.de/ | 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://werbnet.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
OSM | n | Park & Charge | website | http://www.solarzentrum-mv.de | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.solarzentrum-mv.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.solarzentrum-mv.de |
OSM | n | Apotheke am Markt | website | https://www.apotheke-neustrelitz.de/ | 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.apotheke-neustrelitz.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.apotheke-neustrelitz.de |
OSM | n | Reitbahn-Apotheke | contact:website | https://www.reitbahnapotheke-nb.de/ | 301 Moved Permanently |
OSM | n | Kriminalpolizeiinspektion | website | https://www.polizei.mvnet.de/cms2/Polizei_prod/Polizei/de/ipvo/Die_Kriminalpolizei/Kriminalpolizeiin… | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Am Freizeitbad | website | https://www.sw-greifswald.de/Energie/Strom/Service/Elektrotankstellen | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | VR-Bank | contact:website | https://www.vr-bank.de/wir-fuer-sie/filialen-ansprechpartner/filialen/filialsuche/geschaeftsstelle-s… | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | El´Vita | website | https://www.el-vita.de/de/ueber-uns/studio/ | 404 Not Found |
OSM | n | Ferienwohnung | web |