OSM Objects with URLs to check in area Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ( 28322 )

ID Type Name Tag type URL Status Analysis Edit Links
OSM n Pomertstein website http://www.suehnekreuz.de/mv/herrnburg.htm 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.suehnekreuz.de/mv/herrnburg.htm": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.webspace-verkauf.de, webspace-verkauf.de, not www.suehnekreuz.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Pavillon am Gutspark website https://www.pavillon-am-gutspark.de 303 See Other

Redirect URL: http://www4.pavillon-am-gutspark.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Melkof website https://www.kreis-lwl.de/zarrentin/Gemeinden/Vellahn/Seiten/default.aspx 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.kreis-lup.de/zarrentin/Gemeinden/Vellahn/Seiten/default.aspx

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Poseritz website http://www.poseritz.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.poseritz.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Friedrichsruhe website https://www.amt-crivitz.de/index.phtml?view-234&SpecialTop=221 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.amt-crivitz.de/index./index.html?view-234&SpecialTop=221

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Vellahn website https://www.kreis-swm.de/Zarrentin/Gemeinden_und_Stadt/Gemeinde_Vellahn/index.jsp 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.kreis-lup.de/Zarrentin/Gemeinden_und_Stadt/Gemeinde_Vellahn/index.jsp

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kamminke website http://www.amtusedom.de/?page_id=71 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.amtusedom.de/?page_id=71

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Erlebniswelt Tessin Alte Zuckerfabrik website https://stadt-tessin.de/kultur-tourismus/freizeitangebote/erlebniswelt/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://stadt-tessin.de/kultur-tourismus/freizeitangebote/erlebniswelt/": remote error: tls: handshake failure

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Cube Store website https://bikemarket24.de/bikemarket/unsere-filialen/cube-store-rostock.html 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Marina Kröslin website http://www.marina-kroeslin.de/ 503 Service Unavailable

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bergmühle contact:website https://www.bergmuehle-bansin.com/ 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.bergmuehle-bansin.com/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Allesisstgut contact:website http://www.seehotel-neuklostersee.de/restaurant.htm 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.seehotel-neuklostersee.de/restaurant.htm

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website contact:website

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Körkwitz Hof website https://www.ostseebad-dierhagen.de/de/dierhagen/der_ort/koerkwitz_hof 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Europcar website https://www.europcar.de/de-de/stationen/deutschland/waren-an-der-muritz 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Sparre website https://www.baeckerei-sparre.de/filiale-luetten-klein-2 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Townhouse Stadt Hamburg Wismar website https://www.viennahouse.com/de/stadt-hamburg-wismar/das-hotel/uebersich 503 Service Unavailable

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienanlage Zum Knirk contact:website https://www.knirk.de/impressum-lubmin-ostsee.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Yachthafen Vitte-Lange Ort website http://www.yachthafen-langeort.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.yachthafen-langeort.de": dial tcp: lookup www.yachthafen-langeort.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Usedomer Brauhaus website https://www.seetel.de/hotels-residenzen/ferienwohnungen-usedom/ostseeresidenz-heringsdorf/usedomer-b… 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.seetel.de/hotels-residenzen/residenzen-auf-usedom/ostseeresidenz-heringsdorf/usedomer-br…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Rabenhorn website http://landhaus-rabenhorn.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://landhaus-rabenhorn.de": dial tcp: lookup landhaus-rabenhorn.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienanlage Freiraum-Babke contact:website http://www.freiraum-babke.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.freiraum-babke.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kieser Training website https://www.kieser-training.de/studios/rostock/rostock 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.kieser.de/studios/rostock/rostock/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Zur Reblaus website http://reblaus.test.sengai.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://reblaus.test.sengai.de": dial tcp: lookup reblaus.test.sengai.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Doktor K. website https://schweriner-jugendring.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Traditionshaus Seeblick website https://www.traditionshaus-seeblick.de/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Spielzeugmuseum website http://www.usedom-spielzeugmuseum.de/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://spielzeug-erlebniswelt.com/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n V1 Abschußrampe (Reste) website http://www.leuband.de/peen2002/de/exp14.htm 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.leuband.de/peen2002/de/exp14.htm

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Weidehof website https://www.weidehof-wolgast.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Utspann website https://www.restaurant-utspann.de/ 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n John-Brinckmann-Apotheke website https://www.john-brinckman-apotheke.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.john-brinckman-apotheke.de/": remote error: tls: handshake failure

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Diskret Bestattung contact:website http://www.bestattung-diskret.de 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Vieregge website http://www.yachthafen-vieregge.com 302 Found

Redirect URL: http://ww25.yachthafen-vieregge.com/?subid1=20250221-1324-4044-ae5d-d50a5be2f288

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n La Paz contact:website http://lapaz-restaurant.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://lapaz-restaurant.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Total contact:website http://store.total.de/de/germany/store-total-de/stavenhagen/stavenhagen-malchiner-str/ND029801 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://store.total.de/de/germany/store-total-de/stavenhagen/stavenhagen-malchiner-str/ND029801": dial tcp: lookup store.total.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Am Jörnberg website http://www.am-joernberg.de 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Langhagen website http://kleinvielen-ev.de/?page_id=4366 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://kleinvielen-ev.de/?page_id=4366

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ostseesparkasse website https://banking.ospa.de/cgi/anfang.cgi 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://banking.ospa.de/cgi/anfang.cgi": dial tcp: lookup banking.ospa.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fischereihof Kamerun website https://www.kamerunweb.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string domainname.de in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Deichläufer contact:website http://www.restaurant-deichlaeufer.de/ 923 TLS version available

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website contact:website
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.restaurant-deichlaeufer.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Total website https://store.totalenergies.de/de_DE/ND029835 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://store.totalenergies.de/de_DE/ND029835": dial tcp: lookup store.totalenergies.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Touristinformation Mirow website https://www.klein-seenplatte.de/poi/poi/touristinformation-mirow.html 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Apotheke am Kritzmowpark website https://www.apotheken-umschau.de/apotheken/Deutschland/18198/Kritzmow-Apotheke-am-Kritzmow-Park.html 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.apotheken-umschau.de/apothekenfinder/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n hotel garni website https://hotelgarni-kritzmow.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://hotelgarni-kritzmow.de/": dial tcp: lookup hotelgarni-kritzmow.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kita Gartenknirpse website http://kita-wusterhusen.npage.de/ 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://kita-wusterhusen.hpage.com/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kita Abenteuerland website http://www.kitaabenteuerland.com/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.kitaabenteuerland.com/": dial tcp: lookup www.kitaabenteuerland.com on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Schloss Kaarz website https://www.schlosskaarz.de/schlosshotel-schloss-kaarz.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n SV Motor Süd contact:website https://www.msn-kanu.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.msn-kanu.de/": remote error: tls: unrecognized name

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Marine Science Center website https://www.marine-science-center.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.marine-science-center.de/home-86.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Stadtbibliothek website https://www.krummes-haus-buetzow.de/index.php/stadtbibliothek.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.fotomarktplatz.de/krummes-haus-buetzow/stadtbibliothek.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Heimatmuseum website https://www.krummes-haus-buetzow.de/index.php/heimatmuseum.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.fotomarktplatz.de/krummes-haus-buetzow/heimatmuseum.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bowleros contact:website https://www.bowleros.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Boddenblick website https://www.ostseebad-dierhagen.de/de/fuer_geniesser/gaumenfreuden/gaststaette_boddenblick 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Barili`s im Kaufmannshaus Krahnstöver website http://www.krahnstoever-rostock.de/gastronomie.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Pizzeria Adria website https://pizzeria-adria.regional.de/content/willkommen 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://pizzeria-adria.regional.de/pages/home

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n url http://www.leuchtturm-atlas.de/HTML/StralMT.html 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.leuchtturm-atlas.de/HTML/StralMT.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n DJH Güstrow-Schabernack website https://guestrow.jugendherberge.de/ 924 POI without feature

Redirect URL: https://www.jugendherberge.de/jugendherbergen/guestrow/

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Parchim website https://www.bahnhof.de/bahnhof-de/Parchim-1024784 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.bahnhof.de/parchim

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Dexter Hof Tammert contact:website https://www.tammis.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.tammis.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.tammis.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website http://www.greifswald-online.de/interaktiv/greifswaldcam-i.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website http://www.greifswald-online.de/interaktiv/greifswaldcam-iii.html 404 Not Found

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website url

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n url http://www.greifswald-online.de/interaktiv/greifswaldcam-iii.html 404 Not Found

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website url

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Alanya Sassnitz website http://www.alanya-ruegen.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.alanya-ruegen.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Pralinchen website https://www.cafe-pralinchen-boltenhagen.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.cafe-pralinchen-boltenhagen.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.cafe-pralinchen-boltenhagen.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Feldsteinkeller website http://www.wallensteinkeller-wolgast.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.wallensteinkeller-wolgast.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.wallensteinkeller-wolgast.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n DRK Rettungswache Bollewick contact:website https://www.drk-msp.de/unsere-dienstleistungen/rettungsdienst/rettungswache-bollewick.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n beauty house website https://www.salonlabeaute.de/ 303 See Other

Redirect URL: http://www4.salonlabeaute.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Likörfabrik website http://www.cafes-in-rostock.de/cafelikoer/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.cafes-in-rostock.de/new/cafelikoer/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Polizeistation Schwerin-Mitte website https://www.polizei.mvnet.de/cms2/Polizei_prod/Polizei/de/ipvo/Die_Schutzpolizei/Polizeihauptreviere… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Wismarer Segler-Verein 1911 website http://www.wsv1911.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.wsv1911.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Naturerlebnispark Gristow website https://naturerlebnispark-gristow.de/ 503 Service Unavailable

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kita Buddelflink website https://www.mesekenhagen.de/bildung/kita-buddelflink 921 Social Media URL detected

Redirect URL: https://www.facebook.com/mesekenhagenbildung/kita-buddelflink

Better use contact:facebook instead of website. URL status is 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Stadt-Apotheke website https://www.stadt-apotheke-greifswald.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.stadt-apotheke-greifswald.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.kasserver.com, kasserver.com, not www.stadt-apotheke-greifswald.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kaffeemühle website http://www.museum.wolgast.de/einrichtungen/kaffeemuehle.html 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.museum.wolgast.de/einrichtungen/kaffeemuehle.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Athos website https://www.athos-guetzkow.m-vp.de/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.greifswald.m-vp.de/essen-trinken/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Apotheke am Steintor website https://www.apothekeamsteintor.de/ 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.apothekeamsteintor.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-21T03:27:19+01:00 is after 2025-02-02T23:59:59Z

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Adler-Apotheke website https://www.adler-apotheke-anklam.de/News--Wissen/Apotheker-HP--AGP-57668.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Peenestrom Café website https://lassan.eu/gewerbe-handwerk-essen-dienstleistungen-kreatives/gastronomie-lassan-vorpommern/pe… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Adler-Apotheke website https://www.adler-apotheke-usedom.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.adler-apotheke-usedom.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.adler-apotheke-usedom.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Zur Alten Fischräucherei website https://www.hafen-rankwitz.de/startseite.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Rats-Apotheke website https://www.rats-apotheke-hgw-app.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.rats-apotheke-hgw-app.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.rats-apotheke-hgw-app.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Volksbank website https://www.vr.de/filialen/G/VolksbankRaiffeisenbankeGHauptgeschaeftsstelle.html 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.vr.de/filialen/G/VolksbankRaiffeisenbankeGHauptgeschaeftsstelle.html": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Schipp in website https://www.sssgreif.de/index.php/startseite/seesportzentrum-greif 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Reusenhaus website http://www.reusenhaus.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Il Ponte website http://www.ristorante-il-ponte.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.ristorante-il-ponte.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Marina Wiek website http://www.marinawiek-ruegen.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.marinawiek-ruegen.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Marina Wiek image http://www.marinawiek-ruegen.de/Luftbild-Marina-Wiek.jpg 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.marinawiek-ruegen.de
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.marinawiek-ruegen.de/Luftbild-Marina-Wiek.jpg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Café Sahne website http://cafe-pension-sahne.de/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://cafe-pension-sahne.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hotel Stolteraa website:menu http://www.hotel-stolteraa.de/Speisekarte.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.hotel-stolteraa.de/Speisekarte.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hotel Asia Palast website http://www.asia-palast.com/ 503 Service Unavailable

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kormoran Kanutouring Granzin website http://www.kormoran-kanutouring.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.kormoran-kanutouring.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Operator: Helios Klinik Schwerin website http://www.helios-kliniken.de/klinik/schwerin.html 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Sparda-Bank Berlin contact:website http://www.sparda-b.de 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.sparda-b.de/": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Wasserwanderrastplatz Dierhagen website https://www.ostseebad-dierhagen.de/dierhagen/die_haefen 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kronprinz contact:website https://www.hotelkronprinz.de/de/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Treffpunkt Nord website http://www.treffpunktnord.de 911 Error doing request: Get "": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: cannot validate certificate for because it doesn't contain any IP SANs

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Berufs Informations Zentrum website https://www3.arbeitsagentur.de/web/content/DE/dienststellen/rdn/schwerin/Agentur/Detail/index.htm?df… 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.arbeitsagentur.de/wir-sind-umgezogen?dfContentId=L6019022DSTBAI489053

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Agentur für Arbeit Schwerin website https://www3.arbeitsagentur.de/web/content/DE/dienststellen/rdn/schwerin/Agentur/index.htm 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.arbeitsagentur.de/wir-sind-umgezogen

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hotel Greifennest website https://www.greifennest.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ratskeller 12 website https://www.ratskeller12.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://ratskeller-rostock.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bistro Sahara website https://saharabistro.de 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://saharabistro.de/closed.php

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hafen Schnatermann website http://www.mein-ostseehafen.de/seegebiete/mecklenburg-vorpommern/mecklenburger-kueste/unterwarnow-bi… 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://mein-ostseehafen.de/sehenswuerdigkeiten-aktivitaeten/kreuzfahrten-ab-deutschen-ostseehaefen-…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Cafe Median website http://awiro.blogsport.de/cafe-median/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://awiro.blogsport.de/cafe-median/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Solarboot Verleih Conrad website https://www.solarboot-mv.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.solarboot-mv.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.solarboot-mv.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Leuchtfeuer Buk website http://leuchtturm-bastorf.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://leuchtturm-bastorf.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Rumpelstilz Back- und Brauscheune contact:website http://www.rumpelstilz-brauscheune.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.rumpelstilz-brauscheune.de": dial tcp: lookup www.rumpelstilz-brauscheune.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n La Gondola website http://www.lagondola-hro.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.lagondola-hro.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website http://www.hotel-zum-kater.de/kamera/picture.jpg 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.zum-kater-warnemuende.de/kamera/picture.jpg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website https://www.io-warnemuende.de/tl_files/xWebcam/iow-webcam.jpg?1102429122 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website http://www.rostock-wetter.de/?go=2 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website https://www.rostock-port.de/Webcam.6.0.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website http://www.schenkel.name/webcam/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.schenkel.name/webcam/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website https://www.demogr.mpg.de/de/allgemein/978.htm 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website https://www.demogr.mpg.de/de/allgemein/979.htm 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website http://www.rostock-digital.de/extras/webcam.php3 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://visisoft.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website http://www.mde-finanz.de/webcam.php 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.mde-finanz.de/webcam.php

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Studentenclub "Block 17" e.V. website https://www.block17.de 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.block17.de/was-geht-ab-im-block.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Elde-Apotheke website http://www.elde-apotheke-luebz.de/ 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Troposphärenfunkstation "Bunker Eichenthal" website http://www.bunker-302.de/ 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n url https://www.camping.info/de/campingplatz/camperstellplatz-negast 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website https://www.informatik.uni-rostock.de/neubau_webcam.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hotel Dömitzer Hafen website https://doemitz.travdo-hotels.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://travdo-hotels.de/hotels/hotel-doemitzer-hafen/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n GlücksRad contact:website https://warnemuender-fahrradverleih.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://warnemuender-fahrradverleih.de/": dial tcp: lookup warnemuender-fahrradverleih.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website https://www.rostock-webcam.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.rostock-webcam.de/?lang=en

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Markant website https://www.markant-online.de/markt/boltenhagen/ 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Salsarico website https://www.salsarico.de/wRostock/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n asiatown website https://asiatownschwerin.de/ 409 Conflict

Redirect URL: https://wd50.extern.regiohelden.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Steinbecker Hofladen contact:website https://www.steinbecker-hofladen.de 303 See Other

Redirect URL: https://steinbecker-hofladen.jimdofree.com/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Boot & Mehr website http://www.bootundmehr.com 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.bootundmehr.com": dial tcp: lookup www.bootundmehr.com on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bodendenkmal Hundsburg website https://rathaus.rostock.de/sixcms/media.php/1074/NA_FB_SG05.pdf 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Edeka Sünwold website http://mein.edeka.de/eh/de/nord/504/index.jsp 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://mein.edeka.de/eh/de/nord/504/index.jsp": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hotel Wreecher Hof website https://www.wreecher-hof.de/ 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ortsamt 4 website https://rathaus.rostock.de/sixcms/detail.php?template=seite_rathaus_ortsaemter_de 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://rathaus.rostock.de/de/rathaus/stadtverwaltung/ortsaemter/250807

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Helgas Stadtpalast website http://www.helgas-stadtpalast.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.helgas-stadtpalast.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Yachthafen Mönkebude website http://www.moenkebude.de/node/19 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Asgard website http://www.asgard-cafe.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.asgard-cafe.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Cafe Scubo contact:website https://www.sealords-zingst.de/ 503 Service Unavailable

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Wenzel Prager Bierstuben website http://www.wenzel-bierstuben.de/standorte/warnemuende/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.wenzel-restaurant.de/standorte/warnemuende/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage website https://www.kirche-jesu-christi.org/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.kirche-jesu-christi.org/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.churchofjesuschrist.org, churchofjesuschrist.org, not www.kirche-jesu-christi.org

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Pension Seehof website http://www.buetzow.eu/opencms/de/touristen/unterkuenfte/seehof.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.buetzow.de/opencms/de/touristen/unterkuenfte/seehof.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Klabautermann website https://www.klabautermann-waren.com/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.klabautermann-waren.com/": dial tcp: lookup www.klabautermann-waren.com on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Altstadt-Cafe website https://www.meckback.de/baeckerei/finden/waren-mueritz-neuer-markt-19/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kleines Meer website https://www.kleinesmeer.de/essen-trinken/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Wartislaw-Stein website http://www.suehnekreuz.de/mv/gruettow.htm#1 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.suehnekreuz.de/mv/gruettow.htm": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.webspace-verkauf.de, webspace-verkauf.de, not www.suehnekreuz.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Stolpe BAB 24 Nord contact:website http://store.total.de/de_DE/ND029702 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://store.total.de/de_DE/ND029702": dial tcp: lookup store.total.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Marina Müritz website http://www.rundtoern-marinas.de/marina-mueritz/beschreibung-marina-mueritz.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.mein-boot.eu/rundtoern-marinas/marina-mueritz/beschreibung-marina-mueritz.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Marina Müritz image http://www.rundtoern-marinas.de/uploads/pics/Hafendorf_Mueritz.jpg 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.mein-boot.eu/rundtoern-marinas/uploads/pics/Hafendorf_Mueritz.jpg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Altstadt Hotel website http://www.altstadtpension-wismar.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.altstadtpension-wismar.de": dial tcp: lookup www.altstadtpension-wismar.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Zentrum für Qualitätssicherung in Studium und Weiterbildung website https://www.uni-rostock.de/index.php?id=zqs 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hafen Prerow website https://www.fischland-darss-zingst.de/service/provider/details/stamm/show/hafen-und-wasserwanderrast… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Anglerverein Flotthafen Stralsund e. V. contact:website http://flotthafen-stralsund.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://flotthafen-stralsund.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Stadthafen Neustrelitz website https://www.neustrelitz.de/stadthafen-1252-6-243-419-429.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Yachthafen Priepert website https://www.yachthafen-priepert.de.tl/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.yachthafen-priepert.de.tl/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.de.tl, de.tl, not www.yachthafen-priepert.de.tl

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Wasserwanderrastplatz Wesenberg website https://www.klein-seenplatte.de/poi/poi/wasserwanderrastplatz-wesenberg-sportboothafen.html 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Feriendorf an der Ostsee contact:website https://www.feriendorf-ostsee.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.feriendorf-ostsee.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.feriendorf-ostsee.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Alanya Döner website http://www.alanya-ruegen.de/alanya-sellin.htm 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.alanya-ruegen.de/alanya-sellin.htm

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Wing Tsun website http://thewingrevolution.de/schuluebersicht/ 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Alte Löwenapotheke website https://www.alte-loewenapotheke.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.alte-loewenapotheke.de/": remote error: tls: internal error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Alte Schmiede contact:website http://kleinvielen-ev.de/?page_id=79 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://kleinvielen-ev.de/?page_id=79

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Schulmuseum website https://www.ostseebad-moenchgut.de/entdecken/middelhagen/schulmuseum-middelhagen/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Subway website https://www.subway.com 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.subway.com": stream error: stream ID 1; INTERNAL_ERROR; received from peer

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Handelsgärtnerei Wolfgang Perner contact:website https://www.blumenhaus-perner.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.blumenhaus-perner.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.blumenhaus-perner.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fahrradverleih Neumann contact:website http://www.selliner-fahrradverleih.de 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://selliner-fahrradverleih.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Tauchgondel Sellin url http://www.tauchgondel.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.tauchgondel.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Der Buchladen website http://der-buchladen-ruegen.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://der-buchladen-ruegen.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n KAI 40 website https://www.radissonhotels.com/de-de/hotels/radisson-blu-rostock 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.radissonhotels.com/de-de/hotels/radisson-blu-rostock": stream error: stream ID 1; INTERNAL_ERROR; received from peer

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n KAG „Arbeit und Leben“ Rostock e. V. website https://www.arbeitundleben-rostock.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.arbeitundleben-rostock.de/": dial tcp connect: connection refused

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Preetzer Hof contact:website https://www.preetzer-hof.de/ 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Pension Schneidemühle website https://www.ferienparadies-schneidemuehle.com/ 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bahlenrade website https://www.amt-eldenburg-luebz.de/verzeichnis/objekt.php?mandat=55801 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n tv.rostock website https://www.tvrostock.de/ 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.tvrostock.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-21T03:34:30+01:00 is after 2024-03-26T13:20:29Z

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kerzenhalle website http://www.kerzenhalle.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website contact:website

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kerzenhalle contact:website http://www.boltenhagen.de/wandern-radwandern/?sw=5651 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.boltenhagen.de/boltenhagen/sport-aktivitaetenradfahren/?sw=5651

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website contact:website

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Operator: Deutsche Post website https://banking.mueritz-sparkasse.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://banking.mueritz-sparkasse.de": dial tcp: lookup banking.mueritz-sparkasse.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fußballschule Renè Schneider website https://www.fussballschule-schneider.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.fussballschule-schneider.de/": remote error: tls: internal error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ostsee-Apotheke website http://www.ostsee-apotheke-app.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.ostsee-apotheke-app.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.ostsee-apotheke-app.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Aparthotel Zingst website https://zingst-aparthotel.de/ 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://zingst-aparthotel.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Stadtwerke Schwerin website https://www.stadtwerke-schwerin.de/home/swsn/kontakt/,swsr_inhalt_id,947,swsr_id,5.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Friedrich's website https://restaurant-friedrichs.com/ 503 Service Unavailable

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Klein Nemerow website https://www.klein-nemerow.de/ 423 Locked

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Alte Burg Neustadt-Glewe website https://www.neustadt-glewe.de/verzeichnis/objekt.php?mandat=32080 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kluge Köpfe contact:website http://klugekoepfe-rostock.com/filialen/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n DGB Rechtsschutz GmbH website https://www.dgbrechtsschutz.de/wir/vor-ort/rostock/lage/?type=999 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.dgbrechtsschutz.de/wir/vor-ort/rostock/lage/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Sonnenhotel website https://www.sonnenhotels.de/de/hotels/mecklenburgische-seenplatte/sonnenhotel-feldberg-am-see.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Medizinisches Versorgungszentrum Mitte Aussenstelle Ost website https://dbknb.de/pol/mvz-standorte/petrosawodsker-strasse 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.padbk.de/mvz-standorte/petrosawodsker-strasse

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Krüseliner Seeschänke contact:website http://www.krueseliner-muehle.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.krueseliner-muehle.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Modellbahn Schaft website http://www.modellbahnschaft-rostock.de 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hanseviertel website https://www.mecklenburgische-schweiz.com/ErlebnisReich/MehrWassererleben/HanseviertelDemmin/tabid/12… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Waschsalon Wulf website https://www.waescherei-rostock.de 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.waescherei-rostock.de": remote error: tls: handshake failure

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Pampow Ausbau website https://pampow.de/gemeinde.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ostseehotel Klützer Winkel website https://www.kluetzer-winkel.m-vp.de/ostseehotel-kluetzer-winkel/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kreisvolkshochschule website http://lwl-kvhs.mvnet.de 302 Moved Temporarily

Redirect URL: https://12679-7.whserv.de/neutral/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Apotheke am Kietz website http://www.apotheke-waren.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.apotheke-waren.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.apotheke-waren.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Marina Bramow website https://www.sab-marina-bramow.de/index.htm 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Schwimmsteg Stadthafen website https://www.wiro.de/mieten/bootsliegeplaetze.html 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://wohnungssuche.wiro.de/park-und-liegeplaetze/bootsliegeplaetze/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Stadthafen Rostock website http://www.mein-ostseehafen.de/seegebiete/mecklenburg-vorpommern/mecklenburger-kueste/unterwarnow-bi… 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://mein-ostseehafen.de/sehenswuerdigkeiten-aktivitaeten/kreuzfahrten-ab-deutschen-ostseehaefen-…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fritz-Reuter-Apotheke website https://www.apotheken.de/club/18273/fritz-reuter-apotheke 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.apotheken.de/club/18273/apotheke-guestrow.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Tutti Gusti website https://www.cucina-italia.de 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n 2-Rad Schünemann website http://www.2rad-schuenemann.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.2rad-schuenemann.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.2rad-schuenemann.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Villa Pusteblume contact:website http://www.villa-pusteblume-wesenberg.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Dokumentationszentrum Prora e.V. website http://www.proradok.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.proradok.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Strandgut website https://www.cafe-strandgut.m-vp.de/ 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.kluetzer-winkel.m-vp.de/essen-trinken/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Tankstop Stegmann contact:website http://www.tankstop-stegmann.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.tankstop-stegmann.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.tankstop-stegmann.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Sportimar website https://www.sportimar.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.sportimar.de": dial tcp: lookup www.sportimar.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Targobank website https://www.targobank.de/de/service/suchen-und-finden/Details.aspx?banque=02236&guichet=20416&bureau… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Apotheke Lütten Klein website http://www.pharmagreen.de/apotheke-luetten-klein.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Blumen Peter website http://blumenparadies-peter.com 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://blumenparadies-peter.com": dial tcp: lookup blumenparadies-peter.com on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n O2 website http://dcom-online.net/filialen/rostock/rigaer-strasse-5/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://dcom-online.net

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Schawi Sport- u. Freizeitzentrum contact:website https://www.schawi.de 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Boomerang website https://www.boomerang-schwerin.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.boomerang-schwerin.de": dial tcp: lookup www.boomerang-schwerin.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Sky website www.skybeachklub.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.skybeachklub.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.skybeachklub.de or http://www.skybeachklub.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Werk 3 website www.werk3-schwerin.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.werk3-schwerin.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.werk3-schwerin.de or http://www.werk3-schwerin.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Filmtheater Malchow website http://www.kino.malchow-aktuell.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Baltic Reisebüro website https://www.baltic-reisebuero.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://lufthansa-city-center.com/de/reisebuero-rostock/baltic-reisebuero/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Pier 7 website:menu https://sfd73e52a3b689f4d.jimcontent.com/download/version/1656694080/module/14679423932/name/Pier%20… 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n image http://geo.hlipp.de/photo/80286 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://geo.hlipp.de/photo/80286

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Nautilus website https://nautilus-zinnowitz.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://nautilus-zinnowitz.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Teichert website https://www.genialokal.de/buchhandlung/lambrechtshagen/teichert/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Amnesty International website https://amnesty-rostock.de/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.amnesty.de/mitmachen/gruppe-vor-ort-finden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Jugend zur See e.V. website http://www.kutterverein-warnemuende.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.kutterverein-warnemuende.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.kutterverein-warnemuende.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Alumni-Büro website https://www.uni-rostock.de/index.php?id=111 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Feuerwehr Crivitz website http://ffw-crivitz.de 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://ffw-crivitz.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for d0931cfac589827d38c3e897fbe6163a.edca19a33eb0401ac8108f9bd7ebb43a.traefik.default, not ffw-crivitz.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienzentrum am Plätlinsee contact:website http://www.ferienzentrum-plaetlinsee.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.ferienzentrum-plaetlinsee.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.ferienzentrum-plaetlinsee.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kleines Meer website https://www.kleinesmeer.de/zimmer-buchung/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n DW Hotel website https://www.dwhotels.de/hotels/waren-mueritz/hotel-altstadt 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.dwhotels.de/hotels/waren-mueritz/hotel-altstadt": dial tcp: lookup www.dwhotels.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Haffmuseum website https://www.ueckermuende.de/haffmuseum.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n street shoes contact:website https://www.street-shoes.com/store/6bd9812ccc8711ec922f0242ac10ee0c 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Upstalsboom Hotel Ostseestrand website https://www.hotel-ostseestrand-usedom.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.hotel-ostseestrand-usedom.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Movie Star website https://www.moviestar-net.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.moviestar-net.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for moviestar-net.de, not www.moviestar-net.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Edessa website https://www.restaurant-edessa.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Café Küpper website http://www.guestrow-tourismus.de/kategorie/caf%C3%A9-k%C3%BCpper-seit-1852 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Wasserkraftwerk website http://www.guestrow-tourismus.de/sehensw%C3%BCrdigkeiten/index.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Marktfleischerei website http://www.marktfleischerei-dankert.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.marktfleischerei-dankert.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.marktfleischerei-dankert.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Güstrow website https://www.bahnhof.de/bahnhof-de/bahnhof/G-C3-BCstrow-1027676 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.bahnhof.de/guestrow

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Subway website https://www.subway.com/de-de/findastore?zip=18055 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.subway.com/de-de/findastore?zip=18055": stream error: stream ID 1; INTERNAL_ERROR; received from peer

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Nancys Cafe website https://www.baeckerei-zander.de/ 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Klub 77 website www.klub77.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.klub77.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.klub77.de or http://www.klub77.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Nordsee website https://www.nordsee.com/de/filialen/detail/store/nordsee-schwerin-schlosspark-center-199/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.nordsee.com/de/filialen

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Cayenne website http://www.cayenne-nb.de 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Pommersche Volksbank contact:website https://www.pommerschevb.de/Bank_und_Region/filialen-ansprechpartner/filialen/uebersicht-filialen/ge… 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.vbvorpommern.de/Bank_und_Region/filialen-ansprechpartner/filialen/uebersicht-filialen/ge…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n DesignHouse website http://www.design-house-binz.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Alpha-Apotheke website https://www.alpha-apotheke-rostock-app.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.alpha-apotheke-rostock-app.de/": remote error: tls: internal error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Müritzhof contact:website http://www.müritzhof.de/landschaftspflegehof 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://xn--mritzhof-65a.de/landschaftspflegehof

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Comix website http://www.comix-eventrix.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.comix-eventrix.de": dial tcp: lookup www.comix-eventrix.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Wunscherfüller contact:website www.diewunscherfüller.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.diewunscherf%C3%BCller.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.diewunscherfüller.de or http://www.diewunscherfüller.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Apotheke 24 website http://apotheke24-app.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://apotheke24-app.de/": dial tcp: lookup apotheke24-app.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Apotheke im Warnowpark website http://www.apotheke-im-warnowpark.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.apotheke-im-warnowpark.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Rosen-Apotheke website https://www.rosen-apo-rostock.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.rosen-apo-rostock.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.rosen-apo-rostock.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Greif Apotheke website https://www.hro-apotheken.de/apotheken/greif-apotheke.html 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.hro-apotheken.de/apotheken/greif-apotheke.html": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.de-nserver.de, de-nserver.de, not www.hro-apotheken.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Wasserschutzpolizei website https://www.polizei.mvnet.de/cms2/Polizei_prod/Polizei/de/ipvo/Landeswasserschutz-_polizeiamt/Die_In… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n IKEA Restaurant website https://www.ikea.com/ms/de_DE/the_ikea_story/the_ikea_store/ikea_restaurant.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n noah ambiente website www.noahambiente.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.noahambiente.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.noahambiente.de or http://www.noahambiente.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Lieblingsblume contact:website http://www.lieblingsblume-rostock.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.lieblingsblume-rostock.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Galerie Amberg 13 website http://www.kunstverein-rostock.de/termine/aktuell.htm 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Steinmüller contact:website http://www.ruegensteine.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.ruegensteine.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n IN VIA Katholische Mädchensozialarbeit website http://www.invia.caritas.de/21833.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.invia-deutschland.de/21833.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Sparda-Bank Berlin website https://www.sparda-b.de/kontakt/filialen-geldautomaten.html/l/greifswald/schuhhagen-2/500#! 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.sparda-b.de/kontakt/filialen-geldautomaten.html/l/greifswald/schuhhagen-2/500#!": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Café Paula website https://konditorei-nowak.de/fillialen.php 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Nachbarschaftstreff "Unter uns" website https://www.wiro.de/Nachbarschaftstreff_Evershagen.2430.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Douglas contact:website https://www.douglas.de/de 400 Bad Request

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n New Way website www.newway-jeans.com 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.newway-jeans.com": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.newway-jeans.com or http://www.newway-jeans.com works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Contour Parfümerie website https://www.contour-parfuemerie.de/contour-parfuemerie/hansecenter-rostock/standort.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Erster Basketball-Club Rostock website https://ebcrostock.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://ebcrostock.de/?password-protected=login&redirect_to=https%3A%2F%2Febcrostock.de%2F

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Behindertenverband Rostock e.V. website http://www.behindertenverband-rostock.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string domainname.de in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Gehörlosen Landesverband M-V e. V. website https://www.gllv-mv.de/ 303 See Other

Redirect URL: http://www4.gllv-mv.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Integrativer Treff Rostock e.V. website http://itrostock.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://itrostock.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Sporthalle Gehlsdorf website http://www.sportpark-gehlsdorf.de/sporthalle.php 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.sportpark-gehlsdorf.de/sporthalle.php": dial tcp: lookup www.sportpark-gehlsdorf.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hanse Sail Verein website https://www.hansesail.com/Hanse-Sail-Verein.33.0.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hafen Karlshagen website https://www.karlshagen.de/yachthafen 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Südstadt - Apotheke website http://www.südstadt-apotheke-anklam.de/apotheke/willkommen.htm 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.s%C3%BCdstadt-apotheke-anklam.de/apotheke/willkommen.htm": dial tcp: lookup www.xn--sdstadt-apotheke-anklam-cpc.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Giesenschläge website http://www.dive-links.com/tauchplatz.php?id=1043 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Tauchspot Dolgener See website http://www.dive-links.com/tauchplatz.php?id=1595 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Scharteisen website http://www.dive-links.com/tauchplatz.php?id=1116 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Schmaler Luzin, Ziegenwiese website http://www.dive-links.com/tauchplatz.php?id=1117 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Carwitzer See website http://www.dive-links.com/tauchplatz.php?id=425 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Krüselinsee website http://www.dive-links.com/tauchplatz.php?id=427 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Dreetzsee website http://www.dive-links.com/tauchplatz.php?id=426 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Woseriner See website http://www.dive-links.com/tauchplatz.php?id=1121 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Schweriner See website http://www.dive-links.com/tauchplatz.php?id=1118 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Tiefer See website http://www.dive-links.com/tauchplatz.php?id=1119 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Penzliner See website http://www.dive-links.com/tauchplatz.php?id=1113 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Saugbagger Sandtrans website http://www.dive-links.com/tauchplatz.php?id=655 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Amazone website http://www.dive-links.com/tauchplatz.php?id=656 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Krugsdorfer Kiessee website http://www.dive-links.com/tauchplatz.php?id=1111 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n ADFC Rostock website https://www.adfc-rostock.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://rostock.adfc.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Omachi website https://omachi-hro.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://omachi-hro.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n FuSeC Berufskolleg Rostock website https://fusec.de/?avia_forced_reroute=1 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Nordlicht Schule website https://nordlicht-schule.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://nordlicht-schule.de/": dial tcp: lookup nordlicht-schule.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ristorante Pizzaria Marzano website https://www.ristorantepizzeriamarzano.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.ristorantepizzeriamarzano.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.ristorantepizzeriamarzano.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kita "Am Schulcampus" website http://www.illev.de/content/blogcategory/576/685/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string https://cdn.sedo.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hort Brinckmansdorf website http://www.illev.de/content/blogcategory/327/416/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string https://cdn.sedo.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kita "Dünennest" website http://www.illev.de/content/blogcategory/85/102/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string https://cdn.sedo.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Freiwillige Feuerwehr Groß Molzahn website http://www.gross-molzahn.de/feuerwehr.html 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.gross-molzahn.de/feuerwehr.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Schweriner Kletterwald website https://www.schweriner-kletterwald.de 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://schweriner-kletterwald.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Geologisches Museum Raben Steinfeld website http://www.naturstein-design-braasch.de/museum.htm 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.naturstein-design-braasch.de/museum.htm": dial tcp: lookup www.naturstein-design-braasch.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Helios Park Restaurant website http://www.helios-kliniken.de/klinik/schwerin/ihr-klinikaufenthalt/klinikaufenthalt/einrichtungen/re… 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hanseatic Institute for Entrepreneurship and Regional Development website http://hie-ro.de 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: http://new.hie-ro.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Cafeteria TPW website https://www.ripka-catering.de/speiseplan.php 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.ripka-catering.de/home.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n RegionalPaket website http://www.optimal-versenden.de/ 423 Locked

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Schuhhaus Höppner website https://www.schuhe.de/schuhgeschaeft/rostock/schuhhaus-hoeppner-1000587432.html 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Snipes contact:website https://www.snipes.com/storedetails?sid=SDE34 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fielmann website http://www.fielmann.de/niederlassungen/informationen.php?ndl=001-0391&xcoord=54.0838949&ycoord=12.16… 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.fielmann.de:443/niederlassungen/informationen.php/?ndl=001-0391&xcoord=54.0838949&ycoord…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n BRAX contact:website https://shop.brax.com/de/de/index.html 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://shop.brax.com/de/de/index.html": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Christ website https://www.christ.de/cgi-bin/filialen.pl?do=showfiliale&id=158 404

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n TK Maxx website https://www.tkmaxx.de/ueber_uns/filialen/rostock.html 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.tkmaxx.com/de/de/ueber_uns/filialen/rostock.html": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ernsting's family contact:website http://service.ernstings-family.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://service.ernstings-family.de/": dial tcp: lookup service.ernstings-family.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Windland website http://www.ruegen-windland.com 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.ruegen-windland.com

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Jugendherberge Plau am See website http://www.herberge-plau.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.herberge-plau.de": dial tcp: lookup www.herberge-plau.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Herrenhaus Nobbin contact:website http://www.nobbin.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.nobbin.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Team Baucenter contact:website https://www.team.de/standort/bau/neubukow 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.team.de/standort/bau/neubukow": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Jack Wolfskin contact:website https://www.jack-wolfskin.de/store/137491-rostock-lange-strasse-34 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.jack-wolfskin.de/store/0001023566-rostock-lange-strasse-34

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n RSAG Kundenzentrum contact:website https://www.rsag-online.de/de/tickets/ticket_kauf/kundenzentren/passage_doberaner_hof 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kofahl Reisen website http://www.kofahl-reisen.de/buero.php?page=standort_rostock 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.kofahl-reisen.de:443/buero.php?page=standort_rostock

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Volks- und Raiffeisenbank website https://www.rostocker-vrbank.de/Ueber-uns/Standorte/Geschaeftsstellen/Luetten-Klein/c1297.html 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.rostocker-vrbank.de/Ueber-uns/Standorte/Geschaeftsstellen/Luetten-Klein/c1297.html": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-21T03:43:49+01:00 is after 2023-11-07T11:49:00Z

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Die Wichtel contact:website http://asb-rv-vg.de/unsere-angebote/kindertagesstaetten/kita-die-wichtel-kemnitz/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.asb-rv-vg.de/unsere-angebote/kindertagesstaetten/kita-die-wichtel-kemnitz

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Modehaus Nikolaus website http://modehaus-nikolaus.de/stores/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.modenikolaus.de/stores/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n McPaper website http://www.mcpaper.de 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www.mcpaper.de": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Gästehaus Ikar website https://www.gaestehaus-ikar.de 401 Unauthorized

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Rampe, B104 website http://www.vl-p.de/pages/fahrplan/fahrplan-vlp.php 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.vlp-lup.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hopp's Bunte Stube website http://www.baby-und-kinder.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.baby-und-kinder.de": dial tcp: lookup www.baby-und-kinder.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Webcam "Alter Garten" website http://www.schwerin-cam.de/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.stadtwerke-schwerin.de/home/ueber_uns/links/Webcam-quot-Alter-Garten-quot-,swsr_id,97,sw…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Poeler Forellenhof website http://www.poeler-forellenhof.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.poeler-forellenhof.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kita "Am Weinberg" website http://www.amt-mecklenburgische-kleinseenplatte.de/instanz_1/belege/f3_000002.htm 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.amt-mecklenburgische-kleinseenplatte.de/login

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Deutsches Meeresmuseum website https://www.meeresmuseum.de/ 303 See Other

Redirect URL: https://www.deutsches-meeresmuseum.de/museumsstandorte/meeresmuseum/ihr-besuch

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Charisma contact:website https://charisma-nb2.hier-im-netz.de/ 502 Bad Gateway

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Input website https://www.informatikcenter.de/_cmsdata/_cache/cms_1993.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.informatikcenter.de/_cmsdata/_cache/cms_1993

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Stempel website http://www.mega-service-center.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.mega-service-center.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Jule's website https://julesstudiofurkosmetik.business.site/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n OTB Orthopädische Werkstätten contact:website http://otb.info/wismarischestrasse/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.otb.info/wismarischestrasse/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hafenbar Pier 615 website https://fischhalle615.de/hafenpier/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n ratiomat Küchenhaus website https://www.ratiomat.de/de/Ratiomat_Startseite/Werkstudios.html?page=1&stdid=104 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Titania contact:website https://www.waldschloesschen-prerow.de/restaurants/restaurant-titania/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Lingerie 37 website https://www.lingerie37.de/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.1a-dessous.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n P5-Style website http://www.p5style.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.p5style.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.p5style.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Sassnitz website http://www.faehrhafen-sassnitz.de 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www.faehrhafen-sassnitz.de": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Barendorf website http://www.grevesmuehlen.de/Barendorf.82.0.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.grevesmuehlen.de/Barendorf.82.0.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Seesportclub Vorpommern e.V. website http://www.ssc-vorpommern.de/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.ssc-vorpommern.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Usedom Vereinshafen website https://www.stadtinfo-usedom.de/fr_abc.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Die Werkstatt contact:website https://stoffe-patchwork-wolgast.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://stoffe-patchwork-wolgast.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Avanti website http://www.avantii-wolgast.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.avantii-wolgast.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Optik Damerow website https://www.optik-damerow.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.optik-damerow.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.optik-damerow.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Freizeit-Treff "Fritz Reuter" website http://www.wg-marienehe.de/service/freizeittreffs/freizeittreff-fritz-reuter.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.wgmarienehe.de/service/freizeittreffs/freizeittreff-fritz-reuter.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Operator: VR-Bank website https://www.vr-bank-wismar.de/wir-fuer-sie/filialen-ansprechpartner/filialen/uebersicht-filialen/ges… 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.vr-bank-wismar.de/wir-fuer-sie/filialen-ansprechpartner/filialen/uebersicht-filialen/geschaeftsstelle_rehna.html": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ostsee-Service-Boltenhagen website https://www.os-se-bo.de/ 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.os-se-bo.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-21T03:46:41+01:00 is after 2019-08-30T09:27:36Z

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n DLRG Wasserrettungsstation Sellin - Turm Brücke website https://zwrd-k.dlrg.de/index.php?doc=stationInfos&ext=1&id=309 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://zwrd-k.dlrg.de/index.php/login

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n KiK website https://www.kik.de/filialfinder/6230/Ueckerm%C3%BCnde/Chausseestra%C3%9Fe_71 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.kik.de/filialfinder

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hasselförder Mühle website http://www.zwillingswindmuehlen.de/muehlen/mst/wind/hasselfoerde/hasselfoerde1.htm 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kutterkaten website https://www.fg-wismarbucht.de/gaststatte 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bonkers Bikes website https://www.bonkers-bikes.de/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Stadtbäckerei Junge website http://www.jb.de/de/filialen/filalen-finden/filiale-detailansicht?filiale=101131950088 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.jb.de/filiale-detailansicht/?filiale=101131950088

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Restaurant Strandnah website http://www.restaurant-strandnah.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.restaurant-strandnah.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Augenoptik Gehrke website http://www.gehrke-optik.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.gehrke-optik.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Max - die Kneipe website http://www.max-diekneipe.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.max-diekneipe.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Juerß Holzwerkstätten GmbH website http://www.juerss.de 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: http://www.strandkorb-fewo.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Webcam website http://www.mollistrasse.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.mollistrasse.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.mollistrasse.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Sühnestein website http://www.suehnekreuz.de/mv/everstorf.htm#1 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.suehnekreuz.de/mv/everstorf.htm": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.webspace-verkauf.de, webspace-verkauf.de, not www.suehnekreuz.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bistro am See website https://www.ruhepuls.com/bistro-am-see.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hugo Pfohe website https://www.hugopfohe.de/standorte/schwerin-krebsfoerden/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n SPD website http://www.spd-westmecklenburg.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.spd-westmecklenburg.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.spd-westmecklenburg.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n DEVK Regionaldirektion website https://www.devk.de/devk/servlet/VtpRdEinstieg?PNR=82019 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fahrschuke B. Trilck website https://www.boots-fahrschule-trilck.de 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.boots-fahrschule-trilck.de": dial tcp connect: connection refused

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Banzin website https://www.kreis-swm.de/Zarrentin/Gemeinden_und_Stadt/Gemeinde_Vellahn/index.jsp 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.kreis-lup.de/Zarrentin/Gemeinden_und_Stadt/Gemeinde_Vellahn/index.jsp

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kaminrestaurant "Diogenes" website http://www.kaminrestaurant-diogenes.eu/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.kaminrestaurant-diogenes.eu/": dial tcp: lookup www.kaminrestaurant-diogenes.eu on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Randow-Apotheke website https://www.randowapotheke-eggesin.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Mien Leevsten website https://www.facebook.com/mienleevstencafemalchin/ 921 Social Media URL detected

Better use contact:facebook instead of website. URL status is 400 Bad Request

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n TEAM Baumarkt contact:website https://www.team.de/standort/bau/eggesin 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.team.de/standort/bau/eggesin": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Malerbetrieb Dahms website https://www.maler-dahms.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.maler-dahms.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for em26007.hetzner01.eventomaxx.de, not www.maler-dahms.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Reha-Fittnessclub Vital website http://www.fitness-malchin.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.fitness-malchin.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.fitness-malchin.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n TechnoDruck contact:website http://www.technodruck.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.technodruck.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n SH Automobile contact:website https://home.mobile.de/SHAUTOMOBILESCHWERIN 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Sealords website https://www.sealords-zingst.de/ 503 Service Unavailable

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n KULTurschmiede website https://kulturschmiede-stralsund.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://kulturschmiedestralsund.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for p03.hosting.plutex.de, not kulturschmiedestralsund.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website http://www.arche-netvision.de 911 Error doing request: Get "http://www.arche-netvision.de": dial tcp connect: no route to host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Greif-Apotheke website https://www.gesundleben-apotheken.de/greif-apotheke-burg-stargard 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.apotheke.com/portal/pharmacy/finder

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Apotheke am Papenberg website http://www.apothekeampapenberg.de/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ev. Kita „Kleine Strolche“ contact:website https://www.diakonie-mse.de/einrichtungen/kleine-strolche-waren 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Jugendherberge Dahmen website http://dahmen.djh-mv.de/ 924 POI without feature

Redirect URL: https://www.jugendherberge.de/

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ziegengut „Hinter den 7 Bergen“ website http://www.gutkraase.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://alt.schomerus.de/wp-signup.php?new=www.gutkraase.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bernsteinsucher website https://www.fewo-direkt.de/ferienwohnung-ferienhaus/p504611 429 Too Many Requests

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Schullandheim Sassen website https://www.schullandheim-sassen.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.kirche-mv.de/pommern/schullandheim-sassen

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Yachthafen Peenemünde website https://www.yachthafen-peenemünde.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.yachthafen-peenem%C3%BCnde.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.xn--yachthafen-peenemnde-5ec.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website https://www.loitz.de/site.php?c=66/brueckenoeffnung.html&nav=11 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Joyride website http://www.joyride.de/autovermietung-rostock-elmenhorst.php#schwerin 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.joyride.de/autovermietung-rostock-elmenhorst.php

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n EGN Baumarkt website http://egn-ueckermuende.de/startseite_egn-ueckermuende.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://egn-ueckermuende.de:443/startseite_egn-ueckermuende.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bistro Hafenstunde contact:website https://hafenstunde.de/startseite/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://hafenstunde.de/startseite/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.de-nserver.de, de-nserver.de, not hafenstunde.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Vitas contact:website https://vitas.fit 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://vitas.fit/vitas.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Familienbetreungszentrum website https://www.einsatz.bundeswehr.de/portal/a/einsatzbw/familienbetreuung/fbo/sn_fbz/anfahrt_sn?yw_cont… 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.einsatz.bundeswehr.de/portal/a/einsatzbw/familienbetreuung/fbo/sn_fbz/anfahrt_sn?yw_contentURL=/C1256F1D0022A5C2/W26JT9J4645INFODE/content.jsp": dial tcp connect: connection refused

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Douglas contact:website https://www.douglas.de/de/l/stralsund/ossenreyer-str/00020299 400 Bad Request

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Caravanplatz am Tierpark website http://www.reisen-mecklenburg.de/caravanplatz-am-tierpark/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.mecklenburgreisen.de//caravanplatz-am-tierpark/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n ABC Antiquariat website http://www.rostock-antiquariat.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.rostock-antiquariat.de": dial tcp: lookup www.rostock-antiquariat.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n NORMA website https://www.norma-online.de/_d_/_filialfinder_/_suchanfrage_?x=11.5020199&y=53.6633186&r=300 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n LotusNails contact:website https://stoffe-lini.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://stoffe-lini.de/": EOF

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Strick & Näh Pahl website http://wolle-stoffe-schwerin.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://wolle-stoffe-schwerin.de/": dial tcp: lookup wolle-stoffe-schwerin.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Freimaurer-Loge Zur Vaterlandsliebe website https://www.wismarerfreimaurer.de/de/Default.html 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.freimaurer-wismar.de/de/Default.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n BowlIn website http://www.bowl-in.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.bowl-in.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Café "Schwimmer" website http://www.anker-sozialarbeit.de/cafe.php 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bunte Kiste website http://www.anker-sozialarbeit.de/secondhand.php 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Sozialkaufhaus Lankow website http://www.anker-sozialarbeit.de/secondhand.php 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n KiK contact:website https://www.kik.de/filialfinder/5880/Schwerin 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.kik.de/filialfinder

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Polizeistation Lützow website https://www.polizei.mvnet.de/cms2/Polizei_prod/Polizei/de/ipvo/Die_Schutzpolizei/Polizeihauptreviere… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Datzekrug website http://www.autohof-datzekrug.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.autohof-datzekrug.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.autohof-datzekrug.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Datzekrug website http://www.autohof-datzekrug.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.autohof-datzekrug.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.autohof-datzekrug.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Segelwerkstatt Warnemünde website https://www.pro-luv.de/segelwerkstatt-start 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bäckerei Sparre contact:website https://www.baeckerei-sparre.de/hansehof 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Orient Oase contact:website https://orient-oase.com/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://orient-oase.com/maintenance-mode

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hafenblick website https://www.tourismusverein-moenkebude.de/wohnmobilhafen-moenkebude 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.tourismusverein-moenkebude.de/wohnmobilhafen-moenkebude": EOF

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Möbel Abritus website http://www.massivholzmoebel-abritus.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.massivholzmoebel-abritus.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.massivholzmoebel-abritus.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Keramik Konsum website www.steffen-werner-keramik.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.steffen-werner-keramik.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.steffen-werner-keramik.de or http://www.steffen-werner-keramik.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Mordwange Sülsdorf website http://www.suehnekreuz.de/mv/suelsdorf.htm#1 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.suehnekreuz.de/mv/suelsdorf.htm": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.webspace-verkauf.de, webspace-verkauf.de, not www.suehnekreuz.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Keramik Steffen Werner website www.steffen-werner-keramik.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.steffen-werner-keramik.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.steffen-werner-keramik.de or http://www.steffen-werner-keramik.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Amt für Stadtgrün Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege website https://rathaus.rostock.de/sixcms/detail.php?template=seite_a67_de&_sid1=rostock_01.c.260.de&_sid2=r… 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://rathaus.rostock.de/de/startseite/249136

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ortsamt 6 - Stadtmitte website https://rathaus.rostock.de/sixcms/detail.php?template=seite_rathaus_ortsaemter_de 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://rathaus.rostock.de/de/rathaus/stadtverwaltung/ortsaemter/250807

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kindertagesstätte "Uns Spälkist" website https://www.kita-rostock.de/unsspaelkist.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Reiterhof & Pension"Silberberg" url http://www.m-vp.de/1455/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.mvp.de/1455/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ortsamt West website https://rathaus.rostock.de/sixcms/detail.php?template=seite_rathaus_ortsaemter_de 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://rathaus.rostock.de/de/rathaus/stadtverwaltung/ortsaemter/250807

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Große Stadtrundfahrt - HP IGA Park website https://www.stadtrundfahrten-rostock.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.stadtrundfahrten-rostock.de/": dial tcp connect: connection refused

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n url http://www.ndr.de/fernsehen/sendungen/extra_3/rueckschau/extra7894-player_theme.ndrde.html 308 Permanent Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.ndr.de:443/fernsehen/sendungen/extra_3/rueckschau/extra7894-player.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hopfenkeller website https://www.am-hopfenmarkt.com/gastronomien/restaurant-hopfenkeller/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n die keramikwerkstatt url http://www.die-keramik-werkstatt.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.die-keramik-werkstatt.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kloster Rühn Kontor website https://kloster-ruehn-kontor.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://kloster-ruehn-kontor.de/": dial tcp: lookup kloster-ruehn-kontor.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Stadtbibliothek contact:website http://www.bad-doberan.de/kultur-veranstaltungen/stadtbibliothek.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.stadt-bad-doberan.de/rathaus/amtliche-bekanntmachungen/kultur-veranstaltungen/stadtbibli…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Villa auf der Düne contact:website https://www.usedomtravel.de/objekt/villa-auf-der-duene-ahlbeck-seebad.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Villa Louise contact:website https://www.baeder-appartements-usedom.de/unterkuenfte/seebad-ahlbeck/villa-louise 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hagenow Information website https://www.hagenow.de/tourismus/hagenow-information.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Grommelt Fit website http://grommelt-fit.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://grommelt-fit.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Calle contact:website https://www.calle.dk/info/Rostock_4070l1.aspx 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Way2Bike contact:website https://www.fahrradverleih-warnemuende.de/ 303 See Other

Redirect URL: http://www4.fahrradverleih-warnemuende.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n FeWo Detlef Loy website https://www.marktplatz-boltenhagen.de/CWP 922 Domain is for sale: found string https://cdn.sedo.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kunst auf Schienen website https://kunstaufschienen.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n BierPostAmt website https://www.bierpost.com/schwerin.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kita Rappelkiste website https://www.kita-ggmbh.de/index.php/ausrichtung-113.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.kita-ggmbh.de/ausrichtung-113.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kindertafel Mueßer Holz website https://dreesch-schwerin.de/treffs-einrichtungen/kindertafel/ 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.schwerin.de/landingpage/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Villa Kunterbunt contact:website https://www.hofladen-usedom.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.hofladen-usedom.de/": dial tcp [2a01:4f8:120:50c6::bad:bee]:443: connect: connection refused

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kita Kastanienhof website https://www.drk-nvp.de/index.php?id=2227 303 See Other

Redirect URL: https://familylinks.icrc.org/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Lillis Blumen Katen website www.rostock-blumen-a20-suedstadt.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.rostock-blumen-a20-suedstadt.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.rostock-blumen-a20-suedstadt.de or http://www.rostock-blumen-a20-suedstadt.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Gartencafe Naschkatze website http://www.zur-naschkatze.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Langer Berg website http://www.traumziel-mv.de/wandern/touren-in-der-region/usedom/tourendetails/langer-berg.html 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Coney 1871 - Hot Dogs & Coffee website https://www.coney1871.de 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.coney1871.de/coney1871-best-hot-dogs.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Markt-Apotheke website https://www.friedenshof-apotheke.de/MA/index_MA.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Brigitte-Reimann-Literaturhaus website https://www.literaturzentrum-nb.de/018.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Evangelisch inklusive Schule an der Maurine website https://www.diakoniewerk-gvm.de/soziale-angebote/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.diakonie-nordnordost.de/soziale-angebote/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Strandpalais Zinnowitzer Hof website https://www.schoener-inseln.de/Seiten/Hotels/Zinnowitzer_Hof/index.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.schoener-inseln.de/de/Seiten/Hotels/Zinnowitzer_Hof/index.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Freiwillige Feuerwehr Börgerende Rethwisch website http://www.doberan-land.de/79.0.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.amt-doberan-land.de/79.0.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Gemeindebüro website http://www.doberan-land.de/79.0.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.amt-doberan-land.de/79.0.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Heimatmuseum website https://www.gemeinde-boergerende-rethwisch.de/tourismus_angebote.php 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Strandhotel Preussenhof website https://www.schoener-inseln.de/strandhotels/strand-und-wellnesshotel-%E2%80%9Epreussenhof%E2%80%9C.h… 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.schoener-inseln.de/de/strandhotels/strand-und-wellnesshotel-%E2%80%9Epreussenhof%E2%80%9…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Residenz Vineta website https://www.vineta-hotels.de/de/hotel-vineta.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Haus Schwalbennest website https://www.haus-schwalbennest.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.haus-schwalbennest.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.haus-schwalbennest.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Studierendensekretariat (D1.5) website https://www.uni-rostock.de/einrichtungen/verwaltung/verwaltungsstruktur/dezernat-akademische-angeleg… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hotel Primavera website https://www.primavera-maexx.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.primavera-maexx.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hotel Dünenschloß website http://www.hotel-duenenschloss.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.hotel-duenenschloss.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n La Conga Bar website https://www.zinnowitz.bar 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.zinnowitz.bar": dial tcp: lookup www.zinnowitz.bar on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n KiK website https://www.kik.de/filialfinder/6394/Pampow_Innenstadt/Ahornstra%C3%9Fe_50 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.kik.de/filialfinder

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Domizil am Meer website https://www.domizil-am-meer.eu/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n JYSK contact:website https://jysk.de/filialen/reuterstadt-stavenhagen/werdohler-str 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://jysk.de/filialen

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Zur Scheune website http://www.zur-scheune-rostock.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.zur-scheune-rostock.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.zur-scheune-rostock.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n EDEKA contact:website https://www.edeka-stavenhagen.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.edeka-stavenhagen.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for em26007.hetzner01.eventomaxx.de, not www.edeka-stavenhagen.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Aaron Blumenparadies Peter website http://blumenparadies-peter.com/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://blumenparadies-peter.com/": dial tcp: lookup blumenparadies-peter.com on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Landmarkt Sylvia Wörpel contact:website http://www.edeka.de 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by AkamaiGHost

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Eldena Bootshafen website https://www.camping-eldena.de/Bootshafen.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Treffpunkt Neustadt-Glewe website http://www.wsv-neustadt-glewe.de/hafen.9.html#Hafen 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.wsv-neustadt-glewe.de/hafen.9.html#Hafen": dial tcp: lookup www.wsv-neustadt-glewe.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hof Alte Zeiten Frühstücks- & Eventlocation website https://hof-alte-zeiten.de/ 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Mücket-Design url http://www.mücket.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.mücket.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kunstverein zu Rostock website http://www.kunstverein-rostock.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.kunstverein-rostock.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kleines Hafenrestaurant Marina Eldenburg website https://www.kleineshafenrestaurant-waren.de 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.kleineshafenrestaurant-waren.de": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-21T03:54:48+01:00 is after 2025-02-18T23:31:15Z

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Billroth-Apotheke website https://www.rugard-apotheke.de/billrothapotheke/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Freakshow Motorcycles website http://freakshow-motorcycles.de 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Last Orders website http://www.lastorders-pub.de 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www.lastorders-pub.de": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n T&B Asia Restaurant website https://www.tundbrestaurant.de/ 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n T&B Asia Restaurant website:menu https://www.tundbrestaurant.de/menue/ 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Sägewerk & Holzhandel Ludwig Möller website http://www.sägewerk-möller.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.sägewerk-möller.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n flying dog software website https://www.flyingdog.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.flyingdog.de/nhp/index_en.php

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Sparda-Bank Berlin contact:website https://www.sparda-b.de 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.sparda-b.de": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kita "Am Märchenwald" contact:website https://www.twsd-mv.de/angebote-und-leistungen/foerder-und-bildungsangebote/kindertagesstaetten/kita… 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.twsd-mv.de/angebote-und-leistungen/foerder-und-bildungsangebote/kindertagesstaetten/kita-am-maerchenwald-burg-stargard/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Grundschule Karlshagen website http://www.grundschule-karlshagen.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.grundschule-karlshagen.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.grundschule-karlshagen.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Pub No. One website http://pub-rostock.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://pub-rostock.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Radler Cafe Hohenbüssow website https://provie-theater.de/radler-cafe-hohenbuessow/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Vita Apotheke website https://www.vita-apotheke-ruegen-app.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.vita-apotheke-ruegen-app.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.vita-apotheke-ruegen-app.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Gesundschuh website http://www.gesundschuhmanufaktur.de/manufaktur.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hof Gletzow website http://www.hof-gletzow.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.hof-gletzow.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.hof-gletzow.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Seesportclub Anklam website http://www.ssc-anklam.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.ssc-anklam.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website https://kranich-apotheke-heiddorf.de/ 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n HypoVereinsbank website http://www.hvb.de 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www.hvb.de": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Verwaltungsgesellschaft Lotto und Toto in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern mbH website https://www.lottomv.de/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n HaarZeit website http://www.haarzeit-dasfriseurstudio.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.haarzeit-dasfriseurstudio.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.haarzeit-dasfriseurstudio.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Konservatorium "Rudolf Wagner-Régeny" website https://rathaus.rostock.de/sixcms/detail.php?template=seite_konservatorium_de&_sid1=rostock_01.c.260… 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://rathaus.rostock.de/de/service/aemter/konservatorium/251898

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Großsteingrab Pennewitt url http://www.rserv.de/gg/index.php?p=1&o=732&c=d&l=d&x=o&s=o 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.rserv.de/gg/index.php?p=1&o=732&c=d&l=d&x=o&s=o

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Nord-Apotheke website https://www.nord-apo.com/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.nord-apo.com/": EOF

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Steakhouse River Saloon website http://www.steakhouse-river-saloon.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.steakhouse-river-saloon.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Autoland Schwerin website https://autoland.de/autoland-niederlassungen/schwerin.html 410 Gone

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Amt Boizenburg-Land website https://www.kreis-swm.de/Boizenburg-Land/Amt_Boizenburg-Land/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.kreis-lup.de/Boizenburg-Land/Amt_Boizenburg-Land/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hotel Am Bahnhof website http://www.hotel-am-bahnhof-waren.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.hotel-am-bahnhof-waren.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hotel Am Bahnhof website http://www.hotel-am-bahnhof-waren.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.hotel-am-bahnhof-waren.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Usedom Ferienwohnungen Tannengrund website http://www.ferienwohnungen-insel-usedom.de/seniorengerechte-ferienwohnungen-usedom-erdgeschoss/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.ferienwohnungen-insel-usedom.de/erdgeschoss/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Betreuungsverein Miteinander e.V. url http://www.betreuungsverein-miteinander.de/reg_warin.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.betreuungsverein-miteinander.de/reg_warin.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kita Arche Noah website https://www.kdw-greifswald.de/KitaGreifswald/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.kdw-greifswald.de/KitaGreifswald/": dial tcp: lookup www.kdw-greifswald.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Freiwillige Feuerwehr Banzin website http://banzin.gemeindefeuerwehr-vellahn.de 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Prerow website https://www.prerow.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.prerow.de/home_start.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Frauenmark website https://www.amt-crivitz.de/index.phtml?view-234&SpecialTop=221 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.amt-crivitz.de/index./index.html?view-234&SpecialTop=221

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Goldenbow website https://www.amt-crivitz.de/index.phtml?view-234&SpecialTop=221 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.amt-crivitz.de/index./index.html?view-234&SpecialTop=221

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Polizeirevier Boizenburg website https://www.polizei.mvnet.de/Polizei/PPHRO/PP-Rostock-PI-Ludwigslust/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Heimatmuseum website https://www.boizenburg.de/tourismus/museen/heimatmuseum 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fluxx website http://www.fluxx-nb.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.fluxx-nb.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.fluxx-nb.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Optik Below website https://www.below-optik.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.below-optik.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for below-optik.de, not www.below-optik.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ostsee Service Boltenhagen website https://www.os-se-bo.de/ 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.os-se-bo.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-21T03:57:59+01:00 is after 2019-08-30T09:27:36Z

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Sparre website https://www.baeckerei-sparre.de/filiale-luetten-klein-1 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Sonnen Apotheke website http://www.sonnen-apotheke-rostock.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://sonnenapotheke-rostock.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Josef Paul url https://www.fmfm.de/friseur/josef-paul-neubrandenburg-3-82342 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Cafe Ronja website https://www.ronjaespresso.de/aktuelles-oeffnungszeiten/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Cafeshop especial website https://www.cafeshop-especial.de/de/unsere_shops/cafeshop_rostock 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Pärchenclub Namenlos website https://www.paerchenclub-namenlos.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hofladen Rostocker Obst website http://www.rostocker-obst.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.sonnlaender.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Schnell & Sauber website https://www.schnell-u-sauber.de/rostock-klenow-tor 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://schleudertraum.de/rostock-klenow-tor

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Friseur die Haarschneiderei Lewandowsky contact:website https://diehaarschneidereiinhgabrielelewandowsky.business.site/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Freiwillige Feuerwehr Dersekow website http://www.feuerwehr-dersekow.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.feuerwehr-dersekow.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Dynasty contact:website http://www.asiadynasty.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.asiadynasty.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.asiadynasty.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n KiK website https://www.kik.de/filialfinder/158/Neubrandenburg 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.kik.de/filialfinder

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Burganlage derer von Plön contact:website http://www.thandorf.de/die-gemeinde/geschichte.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Seminarhaus Hanne Wilberg website http://www.haus-wilberg.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.haus-wilberg.de": dial tcp: lookup www.haus-wilberg.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Brillenmanufaktur website https://www.brillenmanufaktur-baddoberan.de/ 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienpark Pinnow website http://www.ferienpark-pinnow.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.ferienpark-pinnow.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Stadtpension website http://www.stadtpension-doberan.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.stadtpension-doberan.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.stadtpension-doberan.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fahrrad Winkelmann website https://www.fahrrad.de/haendler/karl-heinz-winkelmann-ludwigslust-2293.html 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Heimatstube website https://www.eggesin.de/start/tourismus/heimatstube/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Strandblick website https://www.tourismusverein-moenkebude.de/wohnmobilhafen-moenkebude/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.tourismusverein-moenkebude.de/wohnmobilhafen-moenkebude/": EOF

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Amt für Raumordnung und Landesplanung Vorpommern website https://www.afrl.mv-regierung.de/cms2/AFRL_prod/AFRL/de/aer/Vorpommern/index.jsp 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Operator: Natur und Umweltpark Güstrow, gGmbH website https://www.wildpark-mv.de/entdecken-und-lernen/energie-welten/wissenswertes.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kaufhaus Stolz website https://unternehmen.kaufhaus-stolz.com/filialen/parchim/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.kaufhaus-stolz.com/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Zum Fischerhof website http://www.fischerei-neustrelitz.de/bistro_neustrelitz.php 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n VR Vorpommern website https://www.vbvorpommern.de/wir-fuer-sie/gs_ma/vor_ort/uebersicht-filialen/sb-rosenow.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Anne-Rose Fahrradverleih website https://www.seebad-hiddensee.de/fahrradverleih/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Heimathafen contact:website https://heimathafen-stralsund.business.site/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Alte Gutsanlage Mölschow contact:website https://usedom-aktiv.de/ 503 Service Unavailable

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Landbäckerei Lange contact:website http://www.baecker-lange.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.baecker-lange.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kellergaststätte Rothenklempenow website https://www.kellergaststaette.de 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kellergaststätte Rothenklempenow website:menu https://kellergaststaette.de/speisekarte 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Gästehaus Schloß Rothenklempenow website https://kellergaststaette.de/hotel 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Sommerpalast Hiddensee website http://www.sommerpalasthiddensee.de/sommerpalast 403 Bad Behavior

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Stadtinformation Dargun website https://www.dargun.de/kultur-tourismus/stadtinformation/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Gut Schmarsow website http://www.gut-schmarsow.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.gut-schmarsow.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Restaurant Wanja contact:website http://www.restaurant-wanja.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.restaurant-wanja.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Wochenend & Sonnenschein website https://www.akademie-ahlbeck.de/cafe.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Operator: Reh / Kröbler-Reh contact:website http://www.storchenhof-ciconia.de/ 303 See Other

Redirect URL: http://www4.storchenhof-ciconia.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Heimatmuseum website https://heimatmuseum-wiek-ruegen.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://heimatmuseum-wiek-ruegen.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Freiwillige Feuerwehr Kloddram website http://kloddram.gemeindefeuerwehr-vellahn.de 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Freiwillige Feuerwehr Vellahn website http://vellahn.gemeindefeuerwehr-vellahn.de 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Freiwillige Feuerwehr Rodenwalde website http://rodenwalde.gemeindefeuerwehr-vellahn.de 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Freiwillige Feuerwehr Goldenbow website http://goldenbow.gemeindefeuerwehr-vellahn.de 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website http://goldenbow.gemeindefeuerwehr-vellahn.de 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Freiwillige Feuerwehr Bennin website http://bennin.gemeindefeuerwehr-vellahn.de 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Yachthafen am Schloss - Klink website https://www.gemeinde-klink.info/hafenklink 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Zur guten Quelle website http://www.gasthaus-vellahn.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.gasthaus-vellahn.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Gesteinspark website http://www.ortkrug.de/Steine/Gesteine.html 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.ortkrug.de/Steine/Gesteine.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ortkrug website http://www.ortkrug.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.ortkrug.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Freiwillige Feuerwehr Melkof website http://melkof.gemeindefeuerwehr-vellahn.de 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Heimatstube Freest website https://www.kroeslin.de/tourismus/heimatstube-freest/ 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.kroeslin.de/tourismus/heimatmuseum-freest/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n MWA Autotechnik Anklam GmbH website http://www.bosch-service.de/content/language1/html/bs.asp?actiontype=setcookie&id=784403 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.boschcarservice.com/de/decontent/language1/html/bs.asp?actiontype=setcookie&id=784403

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Weltladen website https://oekohaus-rostock.de/eweltladen-1-2/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website www.neues-gutshaus.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.neues-gutshaus.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.neues-gutshaus.de or http://www.neues-gutshaus.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Gutshaus Harkensee website http://www.hotel-gutharkensee.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.hotel-gutharkensee.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.hotel-gutharkensee.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Pommersche Volksbank website https://www.pommerschevb.de/Bank_und_Region/filialen-ansprechpartner/filialen/uebersicht-filialen/ge… 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.vbvorpommern.de/Bank_und_Region/filialen-ansprechpartner/filialen/uebersicht-filialen/ge…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Rosen-Apotheke website https://www.rosen-apotheke-grimmen-app.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.rosen-apotheke-grimmen-app.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.rosen-apotheke-grimmen-app.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ostsee-Apotheke website https://www.gesundleben-apotheken.de/ostsee-apotheke-greifswald 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.apotheke.com/portal/pharmacy/finder

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Unfallkasse Mecklenburg-Vorpommern website http://www.uk-mv.de/content/impressum/index.php 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.unfallkasse-mv.de/content/impressum/index.php/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Salon Heike contact:website https://gemeinde-pinnow.orts.app/friseur 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://gemeinde-pinnow.orts.app/friseur?SSOC=1

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Stolpe BAB 24 Süd contact:website http://store.total.de/de_DE/ND029744 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://store.total.de/de_DE/ND029744": dial tcp: lookup store.total.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Da Giovanni contact:website http://www.woblitz-welle.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string domainname.de in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hairstyle West website http://www.hairstylewest.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.hairstylewest.de": dial tcp: lookup www.hairstylewest.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Anna Kaatz website https://max-samuel-haus.de/stolpersteine/liste-der-stolpersteine.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://max-samuel-haus.de/de/stolpersteine/liste-der-stolpersteine.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Richard Siegmann website https://max-samuel-haus.de/stolpersteine/liste-der-stolpersteine.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://max-samuel-haus.de/de/stolpersteine/liste-der-stolpersteine.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Marina Seebrücke Ludorf website http://www.mueritz-digital.de/m_ludorfer_seebruecke.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.mueritz-digital.de/m_ludorfer_seebruecke.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hafen Gravelotte website http://www.campingplatz-meesiger-gravelotte.de/layout.php?kat1=start 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fitnessworld website http://www.fitnessworld-demmin.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.fitnessworld-demmin.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.fitnessworld-demmin.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n KiK website https://www.kik-textilien.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.kik-textilien.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.kik.de, kik.de, not www.kik-textilien.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Westmecklenburg Klinikum Helene von Bülow website https://www.wmk-hvb.de/standort-ludwigslust/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Mehrzweckhalle Verbindungsstraße website http://www.bad-doberan.de/bildung-sportfreizeit/sportanlagen.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.stadt-bad-doberan.de/rathaus/amtliche-bekanntmachungen/bildung-sportfreizeit/sportanlage…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Mecklenburgische Seenplatte website https://www.pension-landhaus-mecklenburg.de/restaurant-Mecklenburgische-Seenplatte.html 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.pension-landhaus-mecklenburg.de/restaurant-Mecklenburgische-Seenplatte.html": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferien- und Sportbootanlage Poeler Forellenhof website http://www.poeler-forellenhof.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.poeler-forellenhof.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Alter Hafen Wismar website http://www.alterhafenwismar.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Warnemünder Segel-Club image http://wsc1925.de/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/verein2-300x224.jpg 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.wscev.de/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/verein2-300x224.jpg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Wassersportzentrum Dänholm-Nord website http://www.wszev.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.wszev.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hafendorf Wiek website https://www.hafendorf-wiek.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.hafendorf-wiek.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Marina am Ryck - Yachtzentrum Greifswald image http://www.marina-yachtzentrum.de/img/yachtzentrum_greifswald_marina.jpg 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://marina-yachtzentrum.de/img/yachtzentrum_greifswald_marina.jpg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Seglerverein Alt Gaarz Rerik image http://www.svag-rerik.de/media/rokgallery/e/e82d7efb-0c2b-42e8-9fc5-254e540acd3d/be344541-800d-4d5d-… 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.svag-rerik.de/media/rokgallery/e/e82d7efb-0c2b-42e8-9fc5-254e540acd3d/be344541-800d-4d5d…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Motoryachtclub Dömitz website http://www.myc-doemitz.de/index.php 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n ADFC M-V Landesgeschäftsstelle website https://www.adfc-mv.de/kontakt.html 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://mv.adfc.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Schlosshotel Neustadt-Glewe website http://www.schlosshotel-neustadt-glewe.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.hotel-schloss-neustadt-glewe.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Wallenstein's website http://hr.chronos-solutionsuite.com/website_neustadt/restaurant/restaurant,129.html 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://hr.chronos-solutionsuite.com/website_neustadt/restaurant/restaurant,129.html": dial tcp: lookup hr.chronos-solutionsuite.com on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Yachtlieger Achterwasser website http://www.yachtlieger-achterwasser.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Burgmuseum website https://www.neustadt-glewe.de/verzeichnis/objekt.php?mandat=32080 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fachklinik Gristower Wiek website http://www.odebrecht-stiftung.de/krankenhaus/rehabilitation.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://odebrecht-stiftung.de/krankenhaus/krankenhaus/rehabilitation.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kindertagesstätte "Inselkrabben" Riems website https://www.greifswald.de/de/familie-wohnen/familie/kinderbetreuung/eigenbetrieb-hanse-kinder/kita-i… 404 404

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Steakhouse - Hurricane website http://www.steakhouse-hurricane.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.steakhouse-hurricane.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.steakhouse-hurricane.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Naturhafen Krummin website http://www.usedom-naturhafen.de/krummin/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.usedom-naturhafen.de/krummin/": dial tcp: lookup www.usedom-naturhafen.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n WSV Am Schmarler Graben website http://www.schmarler-graben.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.schmarler-graben.de": dial tcp: lookup www.schmarler-graben.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Yachtclub Warnow website http://www.yachtclubwarnow.de 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://yc-warnow.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Lohnsteuerhilfe Rostock website https://www.vlh.de/bst/48682/ 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.vlh.de/beratersuche.html?search_by_address=18057&no_cache=1

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Lackiererei Eggesin GbR url http://www.lackiererei-eggesin.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.lackiererei-eggesin.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.lackiererei-eggesin.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Nordflor Blumenhandel Barth website https://www.nordflor.com/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.nordflor.com/": EOF

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n AXA website https://www.axa-betreuer.de/uwe_ballandat 410 Gone

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Physiotherapie Redeker contact:website http://physiotherapie-barth.info 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://physiotherapie-barth.info

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienwohnungen Hafenkiek website https://hafenkiek-karlshagen.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Werbnet Media website https://werbnet.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://werbnet.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Park & Charge website http://www.solarzentrum-mv.de 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.solarzentrum-mv.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.solarzentrum-mv.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Apotheke am Markt website https://www.apotheke-neustrelitz.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.apotheke-neustrelitz.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.apotheke-neustrelitz.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Reitbahn-Apotheke contact:website https://www.reitbahnapotheke-nb.de/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.meineapotheke.de/shop/reitbahn-apotheke-neubrandenburg-17034/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kriminalpolizeiinspektion website https://www.polizei.mvnet.de/cms2/Polizei_prod/Polizei/de/ipvo/Die_Kriminalpolizei/Kriminalpolizeiin… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Am Freizeitbad website https://www.sw-greifswald.de/Energie/Strom/Service/Elektrotankstellen 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n VR-Bank contact:website https://www.vr-bank.de/wir-fuer-sie/filialen-ansprechpartner/filialen/filialsuche/geschaeftsstelle-s… 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.vrbankmecklenburg.de/wir-fuer-sie/filialen-ansprechpartner/filialen/filialsuche/geschaef…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n El´Vita website https://www.el-vita.de/de/ueber-uns/studio/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienwohnung website https://www.fewo-direkt.de/d/132842/rethwisch 429 Too Many Requests

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Stadtteilcafé Lankow website https://www.sozius-schwerin.de/index.php?id=10 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Berno-Gemeinde website http://www.bernogemeinde.de/ 403 Forbidden

Redirect URL: https://www.kirche-mv.de/index.php?id=1001&type=0

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Alanya Döner & Pizzeria website http://www.alanya-ruegen.de/alanya-baabe.htm 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.alanya-ruegen.de/alanya-baabe.htm

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Eiscafé Iris website http://www.eiscafe-iris-koserow.de/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://pejuangkedinasan.id/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Eiscafé Restaurant Pinguin website http://eiscafe-restaurant-pinguin.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://eiscafe-restaurant-pinguin.de": dial tcp: lookup eiscafe-restaurant-pinguin.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website http://www.sonntags-boerse.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.sonntags-boerse.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Rund um das Kind Birgit Kreft website www.rund-um-das-kind.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.rund-um-das-kind.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.rund-um-das-kind.de or http://www.rund-um-das-kind.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fahrradtankstelle website http://www.fahrradtankstelle.org 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.fahrradtankstelle.org": dial tcp: lookup www.fahrradtankstelle.org on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienwohnung Kunze website http://www.hullerbusch.eu/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.hullerbusch.eu/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienwohnung Voigtländer website http://www.hullerbusch.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.hullerbusch.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Eiscafe Mueßer Hof website https://muesserhof.de/eiscafe/eiscafe-schwerin/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Mensa E1nstein website https://www.stw-rw.de/de/mensen-und-cafeterien/mensen-und-cafeterien/mensa-e1nstein.html 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bürgerhaus Gützkow website https://www.hasenberg-guetzkow.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.hasenberg-guetzkow.de/": remote error: tls: handshake failure

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Schullandheim Gützkow website https://www.hasenberg-guetzkow.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.hasenberg-guetzkow.de/": remote error: tls: handshake failure

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fischimbiss und Räucherfischverkauf website https://www.wismarfisch.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n die Bernsteinhexe contact:website https://www.schloss-pudagla.de/ 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.schloss-pudagla.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-21T04:07:08+01:00 is after 2015-02-05T12:42:46Z

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bibliothek website https://www.ueckermuende.de/bibliothek.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Atelier Café Sembzin website http://www.atelier-cafe-mueritz.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Dagos Wetterstation website http://www.metassi.de/wetter/wetter.htm 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.metassi.de/wetter/wetter.htm

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Steinmueller website http://www.ruegensteine.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.ruegensteine.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Villa-Eden-Peene website https://www.villa-eden-peene.com/unser-angebot/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://villa-eden-peene.de/unser-angebot/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Plätlinseecamp Wustrow website http://www.plaetlinseecamp.nord-netz.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.plaetlinseecamp.nord-netz.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.plaetlinseecamp.nord-netz.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Piccenini's Gartenwelt website https://www.picceninis-gartenwelt.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.picceninis-gartenwelt.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.mywebdav.de, mywebdav.de, *.ftp.server-he.ch, ftp.server-he.ch, *.mailout.server-he.de, mailout.server-he.de, *.server-he.de, server-he.de, *.ftp.server-he.de, ftp.server-he.de, *.webpack.hosteurope.de, webpack.hosteurope.de, *.server-he.ch, server-he.ch, *.storage.hosteurope.de, storage.hosteurope.de, *.mail.server-he.ch, mail.server-he.ch, *.mail.server-he.de, mail.server-he.de, *.mailout.server-he.ch, mailout.server-he.ch, not www.picceninis-gartenwelt.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hausschlachterei Tauscher website http://www.allergiker-wurst.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.allergiker-wurst.de": dial tcp: lookup www.allergiker-wurst.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Haus des Gastes / Touristinformation website https://www.feldberger-seenlandschaft.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.feldberger-seenlandschaft.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Gemeinschaftspraxis für Innere Medizin/Chirotherapie website http://www.holle-winter.de 922 Domain is for sale: found string domainmarkt.de in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fahrrad-Tilly contact:website http://www.fahrrad-tilly.de/bike/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.fahrrad-tilly.de/bike/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienhaus Waldblick website http://www.ferienhaus-hilli.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.ferienhaus-hilli.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Casablanca website https://www.strandhotel-baabe.de/Gastronomie/sky-und-cocktail-bar-casablanca/index.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Börners Nikolaiblick website https://börners-nikolaiblick.de 302 Found

Redirect URL: http://ww25.xn--brners-nikolaiblick-q6b.de/?subid1=20250221-1408-0494-8df0-674917e1338c

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Wasserwanderrastplatz Pantlitz website https://www.fischland-darss-zingst.de/service/provider/details/stamm/show/wasserwanderrastplatz-pant… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Operator: Thomas Thoms contact:website https://www.flotthafen-stralsund.de/ 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Asia Bistro contact:website https://www.facebook.com/AsiaBistroStralsund/ 921 Social Media URL detected

Better use contact:facebook instead of contact:website. URL status is 400 Bad Request

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Schuh Bode contact:website https://www.schuhbode.de/filiale-stralsund/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienwohnung website http://www.fewo-boot-warenmueritz.de/ 303 See Other

Redirect URL: http://www4.fewo-boot-warenmueritz.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Traditiongeschäft Fa. Paul Behrmann website http://www.paulbehrmann.de/39994.html 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.paulbehrmann.de/39994.html": dial tcp: lookup www.paulbehrmann.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Am Wasser website https://www.restaurant-am-wasser.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string domainname.de in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Waschkrug website https://www.waschkrug.com/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.waschkrug.com/": dial tcp: lookup www.waschkrug.com on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n natura beauty & more Friseur und Kosmetik website www.natura-nb.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.natura-nb.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.natura-nb.de or http://www.natura-nb.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website http://www.kiebitzort-ruegen.de/start.php 924 POI without feature

Redirect URL: https://www.europarcs.de/

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Museumscafé website https://www.museumscafe-gingst.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.xn--museumscaf-gingst-ktb.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n K. Müller / Dr. med. G. Winkler website www.schwerin-augenarzt.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.schwerin-augenarzt.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.schwerin-augenarzt.de or http://www.schwerin-augenarzt.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Sprint Tankstelle Malchin contact:website http://www.sprint-tank.com/tankstellen/sprint-tankstelle-malchin 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://go-sprint.de/tankstellen/sprint-tankstelle-malchin": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n MEDIAN Klinik Schelfstadt website https://www.ahg.de/AHG/Standorte/Schelfstadt/index.html 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.ahg.de/AHG/Standorte/Schelfstadt/index.html": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for lab.median-group.com, median-group.client-webspace.de, median-group.com, median-kliniken.de, median-premium.de, median.client-webspace.de, www.median-group.com, www.median-kliniken.de, www.median-premium.de, not www.ahg.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienwohnung Straußenhof website http://www.ferienwohnung-straussenhof.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.ferienwohnung-straussenhof.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.ferienwohnung-straussenhof.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienwohnungen Zingst - Birkmaase 12-18 website https://www.ferienwohnung-zingst-birkmaase.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.ferienwohnung-zingst-birkmaase.de/": EOF

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Schweriner Boots- und Yachthandel UG website http://www.bootshandel-schwerin.de/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Santa Maria website https://www.peenemuende-info.de/santa-maria.html 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.peenemuende-info.de/santa-maria.html": remote error: tls: handshake failure

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fischimbiss Pier Nr.1 website https://www.peenemuende-info.de/fischimbiss-pier-nr-1.html 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.peenemuende-info.de/fischimbiss-pier-nr-1.html": remote error: tls: handshake failure

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Heinrich Prillwitz website http://www.suehnekreuz.de/mv/neubrandenburg.htm#1 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.suehnekreuz.de/mv/neubrandenburg.htm": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.webspace-verkauf.de, webspace-verkauf.de, not www.suehnekreuz.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website http://www.suehnekreuz.de/mv/reinberg.htm 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.suehnekreuz.de/mv/reinberg.htm": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.webspace-verkauf.de, webspace-verkauf.de, not www.suehnekreuz.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website http://www.suehnekreuz.de/mv/gustow.htm 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.suehnekreuz.de/mv/gustow.htm": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.webspace-verkauf.de, webspace-verkauf.de, not www.suehnekreuz.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website http://www.suehnekreuz.de/mv/gingst.htm 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.suehnekreuz.de/mv/gingst.htm": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.webspace-verkauf.de, webspace-verkauf.de, not www.suehnekreuz.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website http://www.suehnekreuz.de/mv/rostock.htm 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.suehnekreuz.de/mv/rostock.htm": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.webspace-verkauf.de, webspace-verkauf.de, not www.suehnekreuz.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Malzkantine website https://www.nordwestmecklenburg.de/Kantine/index.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website https://rathaus.rostock.de/sixcms/media.php/1068/Faltblatt%20Strandsauberkeit.pdf 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Woolworth website https://woolworth.de/stores/store/1806-hagenow-robert-stock-strasse-2 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://woolworth.de/stores/store/1806-hagenow-robert-stock-strasse-2": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Balance Salzgrotte + Massagen website https://moenkebude-salzgrotte.de 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hort "Am See" website https://awo-nb.de/awo-neubrandenburg/kinderdienste-und-jugenddienste-neubrandenburg/hort-awo-neubran… 911 Error doing request: Get "https://awo-nb.de/awo-neubrandenburg/kinderdienste-und-jugenddienste-neubrandenburg/hort-awo-neubrandenburg-2/hort-am-see-neubrandenburg": EOF

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Henryk Walther website https://www.walther-druck.de/ 303 See Other

Redirect URL: http://www4.walther-druck.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fotostudio Jaqueline website http://www.fotostudio-jaci.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.fotostudio-jaci.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.fotostudio-jaci.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Christin contact:website http://www.seidel-foto.com/impressum.html 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.seidel-foto.com/impressum.html": dial tcp: lookup www.seidel-foto.com on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Apollo-Optik website https://www.apollo.de/optiker?filiale=6969&stadt=neubrandenburg 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n arko website https://www.hussel.de/filialen 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Das Fahrradhaus Burau Hinrichs website https://www.fahrradhaus-hinrichs.de/ 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Achtern Diek website https://achtern-diek.com/ 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Sozialpädiatrisches Zentrum (SPZ) Vorpommern website http://www.aktion-sonnenschein-greifswald.de/spz.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kita Klabautermann contact:website https://montessori-stralsund.de/kindergarten-klabautermann.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website http://www.suehnekreuz.de/mv/sassen.htm#1 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.suehnekreuz.de/mv/sassen.htm": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.webspace-verkauf.de, webspace-verkauf.de, not www.suehnekreuz.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website http://www.suehnekreuz.de/mv/schaprode.htm 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.suehnekreuz.de/mv/schaprode.htm": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.webspace-verkauf.de, webspace-verkauf.de, not www.suehnekreuz.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Weinladen Binz website https://www.weinladen-binz.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.weinladen-binz.de/": dial tcp connect: connection refused

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Wirtshaus im alten Bahnhof Zingst website http://www.wirtshaus-zingst.de/ 503 Service Unavailable

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Restaurant am Schlosspark website https://www.restaurant-schlosspark.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.restaurant-schlosspark.de/": EOF

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Operator: Ursula Korn website https://www.mein-bauernhof.de/verkaufstelle/kornrade-bioland-imkerei-hofladen-681283/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fahrradhaus Wendt website https://wendt-gmbh.net/74/fahrradhaus 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Cafeteriea Schule website https://www.rosmarin-co.de/schule-cafeteria.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Mikroskopie-Zentrum des Institut für Zelltechnologie e.V. website https://zelltechnologie.com/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://mikromint.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n DAK-Gesundheit Servicezentrum website https://www.dak.de/dak/leistungen/waren-1086876.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Alexander von Humboldt website http://www.gbc-roggentin.de/die-kita.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://aufdertenne.de/die-kita.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Deichblick-6-Whg. 1 website https://www.prerow-deichblick.de 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.prerow-deichblick.de": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienwohnanlage Deichhof website https://www.prerow-deichblick.de 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.prerow-deichblick.de": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Deichblick-6 Whg. 2 website https://www.prerow-deichblick.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.prerow-deichblick.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kontraste website https://www.kontraste-nb.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.kontraste-nb.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.kontraste-nb.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Reisebüro Last Minute website https://www.reise-martin.de.de 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.reise-martin.de.de": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Coworking Schwerin website http://www.coworking-sn.de/erklaerung-coworking 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kietzer Orthopädie-Schuhtechnik image http://www.kietzer.com/anfahrt.jpg 400 Bad Request

Redirect URL: https://www.kietzer.com/anfahrt.jpg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Haarscharf website http://haarscharf-nb.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://haarscharf-nb.de": dial tcp: lookup haarscharf-nb.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Margarete Danziger website https://max-samuel-haus.de/stolpersteine/liste-der-stolpersteine.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://max-samuel-haus.de/de/stolpersteine/liste-der-stolpersteine.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bruno Danziger website https://max-samuel-haus.de/stolpersteine/liste-der-stolpersteine.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://max-samuel-haus.de/de/stolpersteine/liste-der-stolpersteine.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Dr. Dirk Marquardt (Allgemeiner Chirurg) website https://www.helios-gesundheit.de/ambulant/gadebusch-mvz/praxis-fuer-chirurgie/praxis-fuer-chirurgie/ 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Akamai (key)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Restaurant am Meer website https://www.hausammeer-lohme.de/Restaurant.html 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Sauna im Jahnsportforum website https://www.vznb.de/veranstaltungshaeuser/jahnsportforum/sauna-im-jahnsportforum.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hafen Plau am See website http://www.mueritzfischer.de/fischerhof/fischerhof_plau_de.php 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Sparre website https://www.baeckerei-sparre.de/toitenwinkel 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Restaurant zum Löwen website http://www.hotel-restaurant-zum-loewen-strasen.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.hotel-restaurant-zum-loewen-strasen.de": dial tcp: lookup www.hotel-restaurant-zum-loewen-strasen.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bowlingcenter Strike website http://strike-nb.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://strike-nb.de/": dial tcp: lookup strike-nb.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Palais Bistro website https://palaisbistro.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://palaisbistro.de/": remote error: tls: internal error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Westphal's website http://www.wismar-urlaub24.de/de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.wismar-urlaub24.de/de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Löwen-Apotheke contact:website http://www.apotheken-umschau.de/apotheken/Deutschland/19243/Wittenburg-Loewen-Apotheke.html 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.apotheken-umschau.de/apothekenfinder/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bildhauermuseum Prof. Wandschneider website https://www.bildhauermuseum-plau.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.bildhauermuseum-plau.de/": dial tcp connect: connection refused

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Stadtinformation website https://kluetz-mv.de/tourismus-kultur/stadtinformation.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Harley-Davidson contact:website http://www.harley-davidso-rostock.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.harley-davidso-rostock.de": dial tcp: lookup www.harley-davidso-rostock.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Salzinsel Binz website http://www.salzinsel-binz.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.salzinsel-binz.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Touristeninformation website https://www.doemitz.de/tourismus-und-service/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Die Linke website https://www.dielinke-rostock.de/ 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.dielinke-rostock.de/rostock/aktuelles/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Tessin image http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/File:Stadtinformation_Tessin_bei_Rostock_in_Mecklenburg.jpg 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/File:Stadtinformation_Tessin_bei_Rostock_in_Mecklenburg.jpg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Wasserwanderrastplatz Tessin website http://www.freizeit-tessin.de/Kanuverleih/Preise/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.freizeit-tessin.de/Kanuverleih/Preise/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Integrative Montessori-Kindertagesstätte website http://www.aktion-sonnenschein-greifswald.de/kita.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Pizzeria Bella website http://www.pizzeria-bella-feldberg.de 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hotel Alte Schule website https://www.hotelalteschule.de/das-landhotel.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Restaurant Alte Schule website https://www.hotelalteschule.de/das-restaurant.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Dermakosmetik Schlender website https://www.dermakosmetik-sassnitz.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.dermakosmetik-sassnitz.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.dermakosmetik-sassnitz.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n MopsAgil website https://www.mopsagil.de/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://unternehmen.11880.com/website-erstellung

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kantine OSPA website https://www.esko-catering.de/cafeteria/essenplan.php 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n EDEKA website http://www.dein-edeka.de/page/hro-breite-str 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Globetrotterbar contact:website http://www.globetrotterbar.de 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Auto Algie mobile CHAdeMO website http://www.peugeot-auto-algie-wismar-kritzow.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.peugeot-auto-algie-wismar-kritzow.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.peugeot-auto-algie-wismar-kritzow.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Operator: Schlossgut Groß Schwansee website http://www.reevolt.de/energiestrase-mecklenburg-vorpommern-2/ 303 See Other

Redirect URL: http://www4.reevolt.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fachhochschule des Mittelstands (FHM) - Campus Rostock website https://www.fh-mittelstand.de/campus_rostock/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Plauderkäseeck website http://www.plauder-kaeseeck.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.plauderkaeseck.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.plauderkaeseck.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Pension Hubertus contact:website https://www.hubertus-usedom.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.hubertus-usedom.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.hubertus-usedom.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kindergarten website http://www.uecker-randow.drk.de/03%20-%2009-7.htm 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www.uecker-randow.drk.de/03%20-%2009-7.htm": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Louisenstübchen website http://www.louisenstuebchen.de 303 See Other

Redirect URL: http://www4.louisenstuebchen.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kegelbahn website https://www.zurmooreiche.de/Kegelbahn 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Biergarten website https://www.zurmooreiche.de/Biergarten 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Weisse Libelle website https://weisselibelle.jimdo.com/ 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Eiscafe Fliedereck website http://www.eiscafe-fliedereck.de 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Zur Klause contact:website https://www.zurklause-heringsdorf.de/ 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.zurklause-heringsdorf.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-21T04:14:43+01:00 is after 2022-03-19T12:19:16Z

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Strandlücke website https://hotel-nymphe.de/gastronomie 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kiek in website http://www.restaurant-kiek-in.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.restaurant-kiek-in.de": dial tcp: lookup www.restaurant-kiek-in.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Museumscafé website https://www.phantechnikum.de/de/besucherinfo/museumsshop-und-caf.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://tlm-mv.de/de/besucherinfo/museumsshop-und-caf.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fischimbiss und -räucherei website http://www.fisch-rostock-warnemuende.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Sankt Marien website https://herz-jesu-rostock.de/PaR_Rostock/Petschow 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Stadtbibliothek Grimmen website https://www.grimmen.de/cgi-bin/homepage/grimmen.pl/Kontakt_Stadtbibliothek 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Familien Fischerei Zach website https://www.familienfischereizach.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.familienfischereizach.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.familienfischereizach.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hafen Altwarp website http://www.altwarp.info/index.php/hafen 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: http://altwarp.info/hafen

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Eiscafé Il Bacetto website http://www.ilbacetto-wismar.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.ilbacetto-wismar.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.ilbacetto-wismar.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bar Nachspielzeit website https://www.hotel-sportforum.com/restaurant-bar/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Restaurant Auszeit website https://www.hotel-sportforum.com/restaurant-bar/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Gravur Werkstatt website https://www.rostock-schmuck.de/lasergravuren.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n 2rad contact:website https:// www.2rad-rostock.de 901 Error creating HTTP requestparse "https:// www.2rad-rostock.de": invalid character " " in host name

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Klein Wangelin website https://www.neu-poserin.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://gemeinde-neuposerin.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n SieMatic Küchenstudio website https://www.siematic-kuechenstudio-rostock.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n toom Baumarkt website http://www.toom-baumarkt.de/nc/mein-markt/?setmarket=369 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://toom.de/m/details/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hansa Apotheke website https://www.john-brinckman-apotheke.de/hansa_apotheke.html 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.john-brinckman-apotheke.de/hansa_apotheke.html": remote error: tls: handshake failure

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n AStA - Allgemeine Studierendenausschuss website http://www.asta.uni-rostock.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.asta.uni-rostock.de": dial tcp: lookup www.asta.uni-rostock.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Räucherschiff Berta website http://www.raeucherschiff-berta.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.raeucherschiff-berta.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.raeucherschiff-berta.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Wolfgang Bund - Web Entwickler website http://dtp-net.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://dtp-net.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Malchow website https://www.parchim.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.parchim.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Dümmerhütte website https://www.kreis-swm.de/Stralendorf/Gemeinden/Duemmer/index.jsp 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.kreis-lup.de/Stralendorf/Gemeinden/Duemmer/index.jsp

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Walsmühlen Ausbau website https://www.kreis-swm.de/Stralendorf/Gemeinden/Duemmer/index.jsp 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.kreis-lup.de/Stralendorf/Gemeinden/Duemmer/index.jsp

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Walsmühlen Siedlung website https://www.kreis-swm.de/Stralendorf/Gemeinden/Duemmer/index.jsp 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.kreis-lup.de/Stralendorf/Gemeinden/Duemmer/index.jsp

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ruest-Ausbau website https://www.mestlin.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://gemeinde-mestlin.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Büthberg website https://www.mestlin.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://gemeinde-mestlin.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Alexandrien-Apotheke website https://www.koepmarkt-schwerin.de/laedengeschaefte-single/alexandrinen-apotheke/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Sona Sounds website https://sonasounds.com/ 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kreativhof Achtern Art website https://lassan.eu/anbieter/kreativhof-achtern-art-lassan-e-v/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Am Nexöplatz website https://www.sw-greifswald.de/Leistung/OEPNV_und_Carsharing/Service/Carsharing 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n CAPpuccino website http://www.cap-markt.de/index.php?id=119&tx_hgcapmarkt1_pi1[showUid]=37&cHash=8e6463eb6bccb0f31a494b… 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://cap-markt.de/index.php?id=119&tx_hgcapmarkt1_pi1[showUid]=37&cHash=8e6463eb6bccb0f31a494bf37…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ban Nuat Thai website http://www.ban-nuad-thai.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.ban-nuad-thai.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Haus Eldenholz website http://urlaub-eldenburg.de/haus-iv 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://urlaub-eldenburg.de/haus-iv": dial tcp: lookup urlaub-eldenburg.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Herrenhaus Libnow website https://www.herrenhaus-libnow.de/ 302 Moved Temporarily

Redirect URL: https://www.herrenhaus-libnow.de/herrenhaus/home-1

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Debeka website https://www.debeka.de/gs/Rostock-City/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.debeka.de/cdn/ansprechpartnersuche/?url=https:%2F%2Fwww.debeka.de%2Fgs%2FRostock-City%2F…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Mühlen-Apotheke website https://www.apotheke-warnemuende.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://muehlen-apo.net/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Brunnen-Apotheke website http://www.offizin24.de/brunnen-apotheke-strasburg 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.offizin24.de/brunnen-apotheke-strasburg": dial tcp: lookup www.offizin24.de on server misbehaving

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Allee-Apotheke website https://www.alleeapo.de/apo07/index.php?site=bdal 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Linden-Apotheke website https://www.lindenapotheke-neubukow.de/ 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.lindenapotheke-neubukow.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-21T04:17:26+01:00 is after 2024-10-27T23:59:59Z

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Land-Apotheke contact:website https://www.landapotheke-app.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.landapotheke-app.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.landapotheke-app.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Apotheke Satow website https://www.apotheke-satow.de/apotheke/willkommen.htm 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bahnhof Apotheke contact:website http://www.pharmagreen.de/bahnhof-apotheke-ribnitz.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Schweden-Apotheke website https://www.schwedenapotheke-loitz-app.de/ 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Sonnen-Apotheke website http://sonnen-apotheke-mirow.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://sonnen-apotheke-mirow.de/": dial tcp: lookup sonnen-apotheke-mirow.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n ThoGa website https://thoga-sportsworld.de/ 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Cothenius-Apotheke website https://www.apotheken.de/17389/Anklam/cothenius-apotheke/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.apotheken.de/17389/Anklam/cothenius-apotheke/": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Theaterkasse website http://www.volkstheater-rostock.de/de_DE/kartenkauf-text 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.volkstheater-rostock.de:443/de_DE/kartenkauf-text

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website http://www.wetterpilze.de/BahnhofsPilz.shtml 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.wetterpilze.de/BahnhofsPilz.shtml

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Segel- und Surfschule Glowe contact:website https://www.segelschule-ruegen.com/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.segelschule-ruegen.com/": dial tcp: lookup www.segelschule-ruegen.com on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hansestadt Rostock, Ortsamt Nordwest 1 website https://rathaus.rostock.de/sixcms/detail.php?template=seite_rathaus_ortsaemter_de 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://rathaus.rostock.de/de/rathaus/stadtverwaltung/ortsaemter/250807

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n WIRO Kundencenter website https://www.wiro.de/kundenservice/kundencenter.html 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://mieter.wiro.de/kundencenter.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n ArbeitsLosenZentrum Rostock website http://www.alv-rostock.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.alv-rostock.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.alv-rostock.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website https://www.informatik.uni-rostock.de/neubau_llm.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website http://www.schenkel.name/webcam/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.schenkel.name/webcam/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website http://www.hotel-zum-kater.de/kamera/picture.jpg 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.zum-kater-warnemuende.de/kamera/picture.jpg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Lesebaum website https://www.karlshagen.de/kontakt 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Himmel und Erde website https://www.hof-denissen.de/joomla/index.php/hofkueche 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.hof-denissen.de/joomla/hofkueche

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n elros - Warnemünde website https://www.elros-leihen.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.elros-leihen.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.elros-leihen.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n DLRG Wasserrettungsstation Zierow website https://zwrd-k.dlrg.de/index.php?doc=stationInfos&ext=1&id=328 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://zwrd-k.dlrg.de/index.php/login

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fliegercasino contact:website https://www.facebook.com/fliegercasinohst/ 921 Social Media URL detected

Better use contact:facebook instead of contact:website. URL status is 400 Bad Request

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n ars vivendi website http://www.arsvivendi-strasen.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.arsvivendi-strasen.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.arsvivendi-strasen.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Werner website http://www.werneroptik.de/ 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bikershop D. Triemer website https://www.bikershop-triemer.de/index.php 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.bikershop-triemer.de/index.php": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.kasserver.com, kasserver.com, not www.bikershop-triemer.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienwohnung Familie Wulff website https://www.ruegenmagic.de/ferienwohnungen_ruegen_posewald.htm 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Marientreff Begegnungsstätte & Cafe website http://marienkirche-rostock.de/cafe-marientreff 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://marienkirche-rostock.de/cafe-marientreff

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n HTC team website https://www.haircosmeticteam.de/rostock.html 400 Bad Request

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Zahnarztpraxis Langschwager contact:website http://www.zahnarzt-rostock.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.zahnarzt-rostock.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Tamarinde website http://www.tamarinde-lounge.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.tamarinde-lounge.de": dial tcp: lookup www.tamarinde-lounge.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hauskrankenpflege Stark contact:website http://www.hauskrankenpflege-stark.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.hauskrankenpflege-stark.de": dial tcp: lookup www.hauskrankenpflege-stark.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website https://usedom.de/hundestraende-auf-usedom-erholsame-ferien-mit-dem-vierbeiner 308 Permanent Redirect

Redirect URL: https://usedom.de/usedom-erleben/strand-und-baden/hundestraende

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Stoffhaus website https://www.stoffhaus-berlin.de/kurse/rostock 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n WELLENRAUSCH Restaurant & Café contact:website http://www.kurhaus-warnemuende.de/cafe.html 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website contact:website

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Wellensteyn contact:website http://www.wellensteyn.com/store/warnemuende 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.wellensteyn.com/store/warnemuende

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Wunder Bar website https://cafe-wunder-bar.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://cafe-wunder-bar.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Restaurator Jens Grunwald website http://www.restaurierung-grunwald.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.restaurierung-grunwald.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Goldschmiede website https://goldschmiedewerkstatt.biz/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://goldschmiedewerkstatt.biz/": dial tcp: lookup goldschmiedewerkstatt.biz on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Profiflora website http://www.profiflora.de/filialen/filiale-5/ 500 Internal Server Error

Redirect URL: https://www.profiflora.de/filialen/filiale-5/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Phönix Kung Fu website https://www.kungfu-mv.de/index.php/buetzow.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bestattungsinstitut Renate Kosmalla website http://www.bestattungsinstitut-renate-kosmalla.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.bestattungsinstitut-renate-kosmalla.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fahrradverleih Mollliblick contact:website http://www.fahrradverleih-molliblick.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.fahrradverleih-molliblick.de": dial tcp: lookup www.fahrradverleih-molliblick.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Belvedere website https://www.belvedere-warnemuende.de/restaurant/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bürgergarten contact:website https://bürgergarten-stralsund.de 911 Error doing request: Get "https://b%C3%BCrgergarten-stralsund.de": EOF

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Beckhoff website https://reisebuero-beckhoff.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://reisebuero-beckhoff.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for alpha.easynet.travel, not reisebuero-beckhoff.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Albert & Emile contact:website http://www.albert-emile.info/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.albert-emile.info/": dial tcp: lookup www.albert-emile.info on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Altstädter Stuben website http://www.altstaedter-stuben.de 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://notavailable.goneo.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Aust Fashion contact:website http://www.apanage.de/index.php?id=4 300 Multiple Choices

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n El Toro - Spanische Spezialitäten website https://www.eltoro-heringsdorf.de/ 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Appartement-Hotel contact:website http://gasthaus-butterblume.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://gasthaus-butterblume.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n OTB Sanitätshaus contact:website http://otb.info/wismarischestrasse/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.otb.info/wismarischestrasse/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Raiffeisenbank Mecklenburger Seenplatte website https://www.vr.de/filialen/P/RaiffeisenbankMecklenburgerSeenplatteeGFiliale.html 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.vr.de/filialen/P/RaiffeisenbankMecklenburgerSeenplatteeGFiliale.html": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Evangelische-Kindertagesstätte Simon unterm Regenbogen website https://www.kita-penzlin.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n image https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:20030708370DR_Penzlin_Alte_Burg_Penzlin_Hexenkeller.jpg?usel… 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Shell website https://www.tankstelle-ltg-autohof.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.tankstelle-ltg-autohof.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.tankstelle-ltg-autohof.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Crocodil contact:website http://www.crocodil.de 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: http://crocodil.business.site

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Röper & Meyer Berufsbekleidung GmbH contact:website http://www.rm-berufsbekleidung.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://rmb-shop.de/": dial tcp: lookup rmb-shop.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n WIRO - Kundencenter Reutershagen website https://www.wiro.de/kundenservice/kundencenter/reutershagen.html 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://mieter.wiro.de/kundencenter/reutershagen.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n WIRO - Kundencenter Vermietung website https://www.wiro.de/kundenservice/kundencenter/vermietung.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://mieter.wiro.de/kundencenter/vermietung.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Amtlitz Boutique website https://antlitz-shop.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://antlitz-shop.de/": remote error: tls: handshake failure

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Food Coop "Beißwat" website https://stadtgestalten.org/beisswat/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Roseneck website https://www.roseneck-usedom.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.roseneck-usedom.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hufeland Kantine website https://www.hufeland-kantine.de 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.hufeland-kantine.de/index.php?id=5

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Haus am Pfaffenteich contact:website http://www.haus-am-pfaffenteich.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.haus-am-pfaffenteich.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.haus-am-pfaffenteich.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n SYS Inneneinrichtungen contact:website https://www.cabinet-rostock.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.cabinet-rostock.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.webspaceconfig.de, webspaceconfig.de, not www.cabinet-rostock.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Sparda-Bank Berlin contact:website https://www.sparda-b.de/kontakt/filialen-geldautomaten.html/l/neubrandenburg/treptower-strasse-9/503 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.sparda-b.de/kontakt/filialen-geldautomaten.html/l/neubrandenburg/treptower-strasse-9/503": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Usedom Massage website http://usedom-massage.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://usedom-massage.de/": dial tcp: lookup usedom-massage.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kowalewski website https://www.stadtbaeckerei-kowalewski.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.stadtbaeckerei-kowalewski.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.stadtbaeckerei-kowalewski.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n fika website fica-collectmoments.com 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "fica-collectmoments.com": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://fica-collectmoments.com or http://fica-collectmoments.com works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n UsedomRad website http://www.usedomrad.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://usedom-rad.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Zum Kleinen Urlaub website http://zum-kleinen-urlaub.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://zum-kleinen-urlaub.de/": dial tcp: lookup zum-kleinen-urlaub.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Küche & Co contact:website https://www.kueche-co.de/rostock/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Edelmann-Immobilien contact:website http://www.edelmann-immobilien.de 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Timova Massivhäuser contact:website http://www.timova-haus.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.timova-haus.de": dial tcp: lookup www.timova-haus.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Gosch Hotel Mirow contact:website https://goschhotel.de/standorte/gosch-hotel-mirow/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://goschhotel.de/standorte/gosch-hotel-mirow/": dial tcp: lookup goschhotel.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hundeschule / Fun Hundesport Schwerin website http://www.fun-hundesport-schwerin.cms4people.de 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://de.page4.com/subdomain_not_found/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Buchbinderei Cords website http://www.buchbinderei-cords.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.buchbinderei-cords.de": dial tcp: lookup www.buchbinderei-cords.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Partyservice Erdmann website https://www.partyservice-erdmann.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Naturerlebniscamp Bresewitz contact:website http://www.feriencamp-bresewitz.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Pension Seglerheim website http://www.seglerheim.de 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Am Kai 334 website https://www.afz-rostock.de/wContent/service/restaurant.php 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hotel im AFZ website https://www.afz-rostock.de/wContent/service/hotel-afz.php 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Islandhof Usedom website https://islandpferde-zur-wolfsschlucht-usedom.de/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://ute-detemple.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n von der Thüsen am Leuchtturm contact:website http://www.maison-maroc.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.maison-maroc.de": dial tcp: lookup www.maison-maroc.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Doktorhaus Warnemünde website http://www.doktorhaus-mvz.de/sz_wmd.htm 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://doktorhaus-mvz-hro.de/sz_wmd.htm

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hotel & Ferienpark Peenhäuser website http://peene-camping.de/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Zwillingszwirn contact:website https://zwillingszwirn.de/content/64-laden-in-warnemuende 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ortsamt Nordwest 1 für Warnemünde website https://rathaus.rostock.de/sixcms/detail.php?template=seite_rathaus_ortsaemter_de 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://rathaus.rostock.de/de/rathaus/stadtverwaltung/ortsaemter/250807

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Prof. Dr. med. habil. Richard Kasch website http://www.frauenarzt-kasch.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.frauenarzt-kasch.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.frauenarzt-kasch.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Tischlerei website https://www.tischlerei-zemitz.de/ 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Polizeihauptrevier Anklam website https://www.polizei.mvnet.de/cms2/Polizei_prod/Polizei/de/ipvo/Die_Schutzpolizei/Polizeihauptreviere… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Standesamt contact:website http://www.waren-mueritz.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.waren-mueritz.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n E-Werk website https://www.e-werk.co/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.e-werk.co/": dial tcp: lookup www.e-werk.co on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Tourist-Information website http://www.wismar-tourist.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.wismar-tourist.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n City Pizza Service website http://www.citypizza-crivitz.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string www.denic.de in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Pizza Point Neustrelitz website https://pizzapoint-neustrelitz.de/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://shop.liefersoft.de/pizza-point-neustrelitz-17235-11/day-off

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Geschenke & Mehr website https://www.gemeba.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.gemeba.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.kasserver.com, kasserver.com, not www.gemeba.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Immobilien Kontor Giese website http://immobilienkontor-giese.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://immobilienkontor-giese.de": dial tcp: lookup immobilienkontor-giese.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Eljas Boddengeister website https://www.boddengeister.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.boddengeister.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.boddengeister.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Seniorenclub Schifffahrt-Hafen website http://www.seniorenclubshr.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.seniorenclubshr.de": dial tcp: lookup www.seniorenclubshr.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Köhlerei Jatznick contact:website https://www.koehlerei-jatznick.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ostseeländer Bio-Hofladen contact:website http://www.ostseeländer-biowelt.de 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.pommerscher-diakonieverein.de/werkstaetten/handwerk/bio-gaertnerei

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Haus Himmelgrau image https://d1pgrp37iul3tg.cloudfront.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_116813_012.jpg 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://images.bs.ds-srv.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_116813_012.jpg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n fewo-privat-boltenhagen.de website http://www.fewo-privat-boltenhagen.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.fewo-privat-boltenhagen.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.fewo-privat-boltenhagen.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ruth Bartaune website http://www.zahnästhetik-ibrügger.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.zahn%C3%A4sthetik-ibr%C3%BCgger.de": dial tcp: lookup www.xn--zahnsthetik-ibrgger-jwb92c.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Computer-Service-Müller website http://www.csm-direkt.de/ 400 Bad Request

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienhaus Hardes website http://hardes-usedom.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://hardes-usedom.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Dr. med. Heinz Hammermayer website https://www.arztpraxis-hammermayer.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.arztpraxis-hammermayer.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.arztpraxis-hammermayer.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Benjamin-Schule website https://www.benjamin-schule.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.benjamin-schule.de/": EOF

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Zentralbibliothek contact:website http://www.stadtbibliothek-rostock.de/wOnline/Standorte/ZHS.php 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.stadtbibliothek-rostock.de//wOnline/Standorte/ZHS.php

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Stübchen am See website https://www.stuebchenamsee.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.stuebchenamsee.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.stuebchenamsee.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Malchens Café website https://www.saatmann.net/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.saatmann.net/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.saatmann.net

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ostseezeitung Service-Center website https://shop.ostsee-zeitung.de 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://shop.ostsee-zeitung.de": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hebammenpraxis "In Guten Händen" website http://hebammen-greifswald.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://hebammen-greifswald.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Müritzhof website http://www.mueritz.de/landschaftspflegehof_mueritzhof-18-4-2-31-32-33.html 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.mueritz.de/landschaftspflegehof_mueritzhof-18-4-2-31-32-33.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n O2 website https://www.o2online.de/shops/shopfinder?stadt=18055 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Groß Bengerstorf website https://www.amtboizenburgland.de/gemeinden-verbaende/gemeinde-bengerstorf-artikel/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bücherbaum website https://www.sw-greifswald.de/Unternehmen/Sponsoring 911 Error doing request: Get "https:/ueber-uns/engagement#c1174": http: no Host in request URL

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Douglas contact:website https://www.douglas.de 400 Bad Request

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fitshop Rostock - Fitness- und Diätshop website https://fitshoprostock.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://fitshoprostock.de/": dial tcp: lookup fitshoprostock.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n HNO-Praxis Kirsten Schöler website http://www.hnopraxis-schoeler.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.hnopraxis-schoeler.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Schule mit dem Förderschwerpunkt Lernen "Anne Frank" website https://foerderschule-schoenberg-mv.de/index.php 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.nordwestmecklenburg.de/index.php

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fleischerei Rump website http://www.fleischerei-rump.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.fleischerei-rump.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Schuhhaus Voß website www.schuhfoss.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.schuhfoss.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.schuhfoss.de or http://www.schuhfoss.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Sucht- und Drogenberatungsstelle Grevesmühlen website https://www.suchthilfe-mv.de/suchtberatung-grevesmuehlen 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hair-Cosmetic-Team website https://www.haircosmeticteam.de/grevesmuhlen.html 400 Bad Request

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Stadt-Apotheke website http://www.stadt-apotheke-gvm.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.apotheke-grevesmuehlen.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Butterkreuz website http://www.suehnekreuz.de/mv/sparow.htm 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.suehnekreuz.de/mv/sparow.htm": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.webspace-verkauf.de, webspace-verkauf.de, not www.suehnekreuz.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n McFit website https://www.mcfit.com/de/studios/studiosuche/studiodetails/studio/rostock/ 308 Permanent Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.mcfit.com/studio/rostock

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n HUK-Coburg contact:website https://www.huk.de/gs-mehr-info.jsp?type=gs&name=rostock 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Both Motor website https://both-motor.de/Startseite 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Operator: Dipl.-Psych.Dr.rer.pol Brigitte Arend contact:website http://www.brigitte-arend.de 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://fotografie.power-riegel.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Praxis für Logopädie contact:website http://www.logopeadie-jonas.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.logopeadie-jonas.de": dial tcp: lookup www.logopeadie-jonas.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Physiotherapie Lübstorf website http://www.physiotherapie-luebstorf.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.physiotherapie-luebstorf.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.physiotherapie-luebstorf.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Faistle & Scan Brokers contact:website http://faistlescanbrokers.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://faistlescanbrokers.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Rostock-Übernachtung contact:website http://rostock-uebernachtung.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://rostock-uebernachtung.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Schönrock Kosmetik und med. Fußpflege contact:website http://www.kosmetik-schoenrock-rostock.de 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.kosmetik-schoenrock-rostock.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.kosmetik-schoenrock-rostock.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n HAHN Nutzfahrzeuge GmbH website http://www.hahn-nutzfahrzeuge.de 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n TTS-Metallbearbeitung Schumacher contact:website http://www.garage-mecklenburg-vorpommern.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.garage-mecklenburg-vorpommern.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.garage-mecklenburg-vorpommern.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Sun-City contact:website http://sun-city.de/pages/sun-city-in-ihrer-naehe/rostock.php 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://suncity-schwerin.de/pages/sun-city-in-ihrer-naehe/rostock.php

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Usedomrad website https://usedomrad.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://usedom-rad.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Evangelische Buchhandlung contact:website https://www.evangelische-buchhandlung-rostock.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.evangelische-buchhandlung-rostock.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.buchhandelsweb2.de, buchhandelsweb2.de, not www.evangelische-buchhandlung-rostock.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kumon-Lerncenter contact:website http://www.kumon.de/Rostock-Mitte/index.htm 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.kumon.de/404

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Rostocker Volks- und Raiffeisenbank contact:website https://www.rostocker-vrbank.de/Ueber-uns/Standorte/Geschaeftsstellen/Graal-Mueritz/c1300.html 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.rostocker-vrbank.de/Ueber-uns/Standorte/Geschaeftsstellen/Graal-Mueritz/c1300.html": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-21T04:27:11+01:00 is after 2023-11-07T11:49:00Z

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n City-Fahrschule contact:website http://cityfahrschule-holtfoth.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://cityfahrschule-holtfoth.de": dial tcp: lookup cityfahrschule-holtfoth.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Pension Fröhlich website https://www.pensionfroehlich.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.pensionfroehlich.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ristorante Bellini website http://www.bellini-stralsund.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Pegasus contact:website http://www.pegasus-unleashed.com 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.pegasus-unleashed.com": dial tcp: lookup www.pegasus-unleashed.com on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Dein Musikwohnzimmer website https://www.deinmusikwohnzimmer.de 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.deinmusikwohnzimmer.de": dial tcp connect: connection refused

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Tegelhof website https://www.tegelhof-ruegen.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.tegelhof-ruegen.de/": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Leselokus website https://www.schwerin.com/de/presse/pressemitteilungen_archiv/pm_12_toiletten.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.schwerin.com/kultur-tourismus/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kinderärztin Dr. med Cordula Ahrens website https://www.kinderarzt-dr-ahrens.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.kinderarzt-dr-ahrens.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.kinderarzt-dr-ahrens.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Physiotherapie S. Frömming website http://www.praxisfroemming.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.praxisfroemming.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.praxisfroemming.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hautarztpraxis Dr. Winkler website https://www.hautaerztin-dr-winkler.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.hautaerztin-dr-winkler.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Weltladen website http://www.weltladen-greifswald.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.weltladen-greifswald.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Quartiersbüro Schönwalde II website http://www.quartiersbuero.de/schoenwalde-ii/aktuelles.html 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.quartiersbuero.de/schoenwalde-ii/aktuelles.html": dial tcp: lookup www.quartiersbuero.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Eigenbetrieb Hanse-Kinder Greifswald contact:website https://www.greifswald.de/de/familie-wohnen/familie/kinderbetreuung/eigenbetrieb-hanse-kinder/ 404 404

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Auenland Ferien website https://www.auenland-ferien.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.auenland-ferien.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.kasserver.com, kasserver.com, not www.auenland-ferien.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Schöpfwerk Scharnhorststraße website https://www.wbv-ryck-ziese.de/WBV-Ryck-Ziese/schoepfwerke_datenblatt.php?W=Scharnhorststrasse&C=Scha… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n EVG contact:website https://www.evg-online.org/Vor_Ort/index_html/Rostock/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n WG Marienehe website https://www.wgmarienehe.de/kontakt/geschaeftsstelle.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Zoologische Sammlung der Universität Rostock contact:website http://www.zoologie.uni-rostock.de/sammlung/schausammlung/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.zoologie.uni-rostock.de/sammlung/schausammlung/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Chirurgische Praxis Yves Demandt contact:website https://www.chirurgie-demandt.de/wDeutsch/index.php 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.chirurgie-demandt.de/wDeutsch/index.php": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.chirurgie-demandt.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Waldschule Gostorf website https://www.wald-mv.de/Forstaemter/Grevesmuehlen/Waldschule-Gostorf/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bruchmühle website https://www.muehlenverein-mv.de/Bruchmuehle-Vellahn.133.0.html 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.muehlenverein-mv.de/index.php?id=133&type=0

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Malerbetrieb O. Scholz contact:website http://www.malerbetrieb-olafscholz.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.malerbetrieb-olafscholz.de": dial tcp: lookup www.malerbetrieb-olafscholz.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Pulelehua – Ulrike Auerbach website http://www.pulelehua-lomi-lomi.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://leere.seite": dial tcp: lookup leere.seite on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Landschaftsarchitektur Gartentherapie website http://www.landschaft-henschel.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hotelrestaurant Ostende contact:website https://www.hotel-ostende.de/restaurant/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.hotel-ostende.de/restaurant/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.kasserver.com, kasserver.com, not www.hotel-ostende.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bibliothek Bad Kleinen website http://www.fachstelle-mv.de/wDeutsch/oeffentliche-bibliotheken/alphabetisches_verzeichnis/bibliothek… 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.fachstelle-mv.de/wDeutsch/oeffentliche-bibliotheken/alphabetisches_verzeichnis/bibliotheken_B/Bad-Kleinen.php

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Schäferstein website http://www.suehnekreuz.de/mv/dammereez.htm 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.suehnekreuz.de/mv/dammereez.htm": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.webspace-verkauf.de, webspace-verkauf.de, not www.suehnekreuz.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Karnin website https://www.amt-crivitz.de/cambs.html 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.amt-crivitz.de/unsere-gemeinden/cambs/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bienenbelegstelle Greifswalder Oie website https://www.buckfast-mv.de/Zucht/insel_oie.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bienenbelegstelle Ruden website https://www.buckfast-mv.de/Zucht/insel_ruden.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n WasserWanderRastplatz Kunstgarten Pasewalk website https://pasewalk.de/de/kultur-freizeit/wasserwanderrastplatz/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.pasewalk.de/orte/wasser-wander-rastplatz/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Sabine Reinhardt contact:website http://www.zahnarzt-reinhardt.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string mydomaincontact.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n UsedomRad website https://usedomrad.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://usedom-rad.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bibliothek BSH website https://www.bsh.de/de/Das_BSH/Organisation/Bibliothek/index.jsp 404 404

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n UsedomRad website http://www.usedomrad.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://usedom-rad.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Outdoor Ole website https://www.outdoorole.com/unsere-filialen/koserow/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.outdoor-ole.com//unsere-filialen/koserow/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kaufhaus Stolz website https://unternehmen.kaufhaus-stolz.com/filialen/kuehlungsborn/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.kaufhaus-stolz.com/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bistro Alte Glaserei website http://bistro-alte-glaserei.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://bistro-alte-glaserei.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n UsedomRad website https://usedomrad.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://usedom-rad.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hairfashion website http://www.friseur-hairfashion.de 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Operator: Plath website https://www.fewo-plath-hwi.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.fewo-plath-hwi.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.fewo-plath-hwi.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Steinpilz website http://www.steinpilz-wismar.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.steinpilz-wismar.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Plattenlauscher website http://www.plattenlauscher.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.plattenlauscher.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fabrikverkauf Wismar Fisch-Feinkost aus Mecklenburg website https://www.wismarfisch.de 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Operator: Thomas Quaeck website http://www.juwelier-quaeck.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.juwelier-quaeck.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Limotus Hammerich contact:website https://hammerich-orthopaedie.de/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.limotus-hammerich.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Psychotherapeutische Praxis für Kinder und Jugendliche website http://www.praxis-ullrikeweigel.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.praxis-ullrikeweigel.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Archiv der Hansestadt Wismar website https://www.wismar.de/B%c3%bcrger/Kultur_Freizeit_Sport/Stadtarchiv/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://zeitreise-wismar.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n VielSinn website https://www.vielsinn-wismar.eatbu.com 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.vielsinn-wismar.eatbu.com": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.website.dish.co, *.eatbu.com, *.eatbu.hr, *.makro.bar, *.makro.rest, *.metro.bar, *.metro.biz, *.metro.rest, eatbu.com, eatbu.hr, makro.bar, makro.rest, metro.bar, metro.biz, metro.rest, website.dish.co, not www.vielsinn-wismar.eatbu.com

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Wismarer Tafel website https://www.wismarertafel.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.wismarertafel.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.wismarertafel.de on server misbehaving

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Waschsalon Seifenblase website http://www.waschsalon-wismar.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.waschsalon-wismar.de": dial tcp: lookup www.waschsalon-wismar.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kunsthaus Schwanheide website https://kunst-aus-schwanheide.com/ 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Rerik-Holidays website http://www.rerik-holiday.de 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Princess Bar website http://www.princess-bar.de 922 Domain is for sale: found string mydomaincontact.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Berufliches Trainingszentrum Rostock website https://www.srh-berufliche-trainingszentren.de/unsere-standorte/rostock 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.srh-berufliche-trainingszentren.de/btz-rostock

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ortsamt Nordwest 2 website https://rathaus.rostock.de/sixcms/detail.php?template=seite_rathaus_ortsaemter_de 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://rathaus.rostock.de/de/rathaus/stadtverwaltung/ortsaemter/250807

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Heinos Fischerstuv website http://www.heinos-fischerstuw.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Babor Beauty Spa website http://www.beautyworld-binz.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.beautyworld-binz.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Restaurant & Café Schloss Neuhof website http://www.schloss-neuhof.de 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Café am Woblitzsee website http://www.am-woblitzsee.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.am-woblitzsee.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Dr. med. Christine Bittig website https://www.kinderarztpraxis-auguste.de 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.kinderarztpraxis-auguste.de": EOF

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Liebesschlösser website https://rathaus.rostock.de/sixcms/detail.php?id=44557&_sid1=260&_sid2=291&_sid3=292 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Neustadt-Glewe (Autohof) website https://www.flixbus.de/fernbus/neustadt-glewe 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.flixbus.de/fernbus

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Müllereiche website https://kluetz-mv.de/tourismus-kultur/sehenswuerdigkeiten/naturdenkmal-muellereiche.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Shang Hai Bistro website http://www.shanghaibistro.asia 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.shanghaibistro.asia": dial tcp: lookup www.shanghaibistro.asia on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Empire Pub contact:website http://www.empire-pub.de 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Tischlerei Melchin website http://tischlerei-melchin.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://tischlerei-melchin.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Baugesellschaft Reinhold website https://www.baugesellschaft-reinhold.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.baugesellschaft-reinhold.de/": EOF

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n RITS Rehak IT-Solutions website http://www.it-service-mv.de 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www.it-service-mv.de": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Operator: Hotel Seebrücke website http://www.kitti-lubmin.de/Wohnort/Webcam/webcam.html 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.kitti-lubmin.de/Wohnort/Webcam/webcam.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Zahnarztpraxis Niedermeyer website http://www.zahnarzt-niedermeyer.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Augen im Zentrum website https://www.augen-im-zentrum.de/augen-im-zentrum-greifswald/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.a-i-z.eu/augen-im-zentrum-greifswald/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n City Pizza Service website http://www.city-pizza-service.eu/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.city-pizza-service.eu/": dial tcp: lookup www.city-pizza-service.eu on server misbehaving

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Tätowiersüchtig website http://www.taetowiersuechtig.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.taetowiersuechtig.de": dial tcp: lookup www.taetowiersuechtig.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Zahnarzt Isolde Patrunki website https://dr-patrunky.de/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://zahnarzt-rickmann.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Jessica Bohlscheid, Psychologin website https://www.diplpsych-jessicabohlscheid.de/ 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.diplpsych-jessicabohlscheid.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-21T04:32:00+01:00 is after 2023-11-01T22:37:17Z

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Dr. med Uwe Gätke contact:website http://www.dr-gaetke.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.dr-gaetke.de": dial tcp: lookup www.dr-gaetke.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kessel- und Anlagenbau website http://www.kesap.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.kesap.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Seeblick website http://inselurlaub-poel.de/33322.html 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://inselurlaub-poel.de/33322.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hafenadvokatur website http://hafenadvokatur-waren.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://hafenadvokatur-waren.de/": dial tcp: lookup hafenadvokatur-waren.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hafenadvokatur website:menu https://www.hafenadvokatur-waren.de/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/KarteHafenadvokaturQuer.pdf 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.hafenadvokatur-waren.de/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/KarteHafenadvokaturQuer.pdf": dial tcp: lookup www.hafenadvokatur-waren.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Jack Wolfskin website https://www.jack-wolfskin.de/store/137421-waren-mueritz-lange-strasse-2 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Steffen website http://www.steffenbuch.de 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.genialokal.de/buchhandlung/teterow/steffenbuch/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Marien Cafe contact:website https://www.baeckerei-hatscher.de/Fachgeschaefte/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Sonderlandeplatz Teldau Amholz website https://www.elbeflugschule.de/flugplatz.htm 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kühlungsborner Kaffeerösterei website http://www.urlaubskaffee.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.urlaubskaffee.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n LABYRINTH website https://im-labyrinth.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://im-labyrinth.de/": remote error: tls: handshake failure

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kanuhof website http://www.kanuhof-spandowerhagen.de 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.kanuhof-spandowerhagen.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for d0931cfac589827d38c3e897fbe6163a.edca19a33eb0401ac8108f9bd7ebb43a.traefik.default, not www.kanuhof-spandowerhagen.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Tierarztpraxis Dr. Claudia Bender website http://www.tierarztpraxis-karrin.de/ 303 See Other

Redirect URL: http://www4.tierarztpraxis-karrin.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Tierarztpraxis Dr. Claudia Bender website http://www.tierarztpraxis-karrin.de/ 303 See Other

Redirect URL: http://www4.tierarztpraxis-karrin.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Faszination Alpaka website http://www.faszination-alpaka.de/ 303 See Other

Redirect URL: http://www4.faszination-alpaka.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kleine Ranch website https://www.hb-kleineranch.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.hb-kleineranch.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.hb-kleineranch.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Touristinformation website https://www.ferien-schwaan.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.ferien-schwaan.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.ferien-schwaan.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Historisches Landküchencafe contact:website http://www.landkuechen-cafe.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.landkuechen-cafe.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.landkuechen-cafe.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Optik - Uhren Prehn contact:website https://www.foto-schwaan.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.foto-schwaan.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.foto-schwaan.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Baureparatur Ulrich Schmidt contact:website http://www.bau-reparatur-schmidt.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.bau-reparatur-schmidt.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.bau-reparatur-schmidt.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Pariser website http://www.pariser-greifswald.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.pariser-greifswald.de": dial tcp: lookup www.pariser-greifswald.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Wellenreiterhof contact:website https://www.wellenreiterhof-manderow.de/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Autocenter Hermann website https://autocenter-hermann.de/ 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://autocenter-hermann.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-21T04:32:42+01:00 is after 2023-09-04T17:07:31Z

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n image https://photos.app.goo.gl/ojWFH2XrpF8zzNgR9 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNOnuH1aNmS5g1tm0ixQYGjhoM-IrbesKM5JJJ27ihhLseqCUXGhxMEJHb4ecI_…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Schuhhaus Wolff contact:website http://www.schuhhaus-wolff.de/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.schuhhaus-wolff.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Naturheilpraxis & Fußpflege website https://www.salvere-rostock.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.salvere-rostock.de": dial tcp: lookup www.salvere-rostock.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Jack the Ribber website https://jack-the-ribber.eu 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://jack-the-ribber.eu": dial tcp: lookup jack-the-ribber.eu on server misbehaving

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Reiseservice Ingrid Hardt website www.reiseservice-hardt.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.reiseservice-hardt.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.reiseservice-hardt.de or http://www.reiseservice-hardt.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Landhof zur Meierei website https://reiterhof-mallin.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://reiterhof-mallin.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.1blu.de, 1blu.de, not reiterhof-mallin.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n EURONICS XXL Otto website https://www.euronics.de/xxl-hagenow-otto/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website http://www.heimat-mecklenburgische-seenplatte.de/kirchen/kirche-roeb/k-vietzen/kirche_vietzen.htm 922 Domain is for sale: found string https://cdn.sedo.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Dr. T. Volgmann website https://www.pränatal-volgmann.de/ 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Psychiatrische Institutsambulanz website http://www.odebrecht-stiftung.de/krankenhaus/instituts-ambulanz.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://odebrecht-stiftung.de/krankenhaus/krankenhaus/instituts-ambulanz.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website http://www.restaurant-fischkiste.de 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Medical Skin Up website https://www.medicalskinup.com/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.medicalskinup.com/": dial tcp: lookup www.medicalskinup.com on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Zweirad-Service-Center website https://www.bbw-greifswald.de/das-bbw/zweiradcenter.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Augen im Zentrum website https://www.augen-im-zentrum.de/augen-im-zentrum-anklam/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.a-i-z.eu/augen-im-zentrum-anklam/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Weinhandlung Schollenberger contact:website https://getraenkekombinat.wordpress.com/ 410 Gone

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Gutsladen website https://www.gut-owstin.de/gutsladen/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bistro Schwimmhalle Gehlsdorf website https://www.wiro.de/freizeit/schwimmhalle-gehlsdorf.html#c2570 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://sport.wiro.de/schwimmhalle-gehlsdorf.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Stadtinformation website https://www.amt-franzburg-richtenberg.de/richtenberg/stadtinformation/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Stadtteilcafé "KU 77" website http://www.rfz-online.de/rfz2008/rfz_010.htm 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ostseebrise website http://www.ostseebrise-boltenhagen.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.ostseebrise-boltenhagen.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.ostseebrise-boltenhagen.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Vorverkauf Stadthalle website https://www.messe-und-stadthalle.de/service/ticketservice.html 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.messe-und-stadthalle.de/service/ticketservice.html": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.kasserver.com, kasserver.com, not www.messe-und-stadthalle.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Café am Leuchtturm website https://www.natureum-darss.de/service/gastronomie 303 See Other

Redirect URL: https://www.deutsches-meeresmuseum.de/museumsstandorte/natureum/ihr-besuch

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Rittergut Schloss Pentin website http://www.rittergut-schloss-pentin.de 303 See Other

Redirect URL: http://www4.rittergut-schloss-pentin.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kleine Auszeit Schaalsee website https://www.kleine-auszeit-schaalsee.de/kleine-auszeit-10.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hafen Zecherin website https://www.hafen-zecherin.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.hafen-zecherin.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.hafen-zecherin.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienwohnung website http://www.usedom-ferien-ruh.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.usedom-ferien-ruh.de": dial tcp: lookup www.usedom-ferien-ruh.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Neuapostolische Kirche Grevesmühlen website https://grevesmuehlen.nak-nordost.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://wismar.nak-nordost.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hörgerätezentrum Gabriele Jütz contact:website https://hoergeraetezentrum.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://hoergeraetezentrum.de/": EOF

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n DLRG Wasserrettungsstation Prerow - Nebenturm website https://zwrd-k.dlrg.de/index.php?doc=stationInfos&ext=1&id=320 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://zwrd-k.dlrg.de/index.php/login

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Dr. med. dent. Andreas M. Pippig contact:website https://www.zahnarzt-rostock.online 302 Found

Redirect URL: http://ww25.zahnarzt-rostock.online/?subid1=20250221-1434-200e-96eb-c816e4539ad6

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Eiscafé "Hotel zum Hafen" website http://www.hotel-zum-hafen.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.hotel-zum-hafen.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n DB Reisezentrum website https://reiseauskunft.bahn.de/bin/ff/query.exe/dn?filialfinder=1&performDBAgencySearch=1&S=Schwerin&… 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Burschenschaft Markomannia Aachen Greifswald contact:website http://markomannia-burschenschaft.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://markomannia-burschenschaft.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kurverwaltung website http://www.ostseebad-nienhagen.de/gemeinde/kurverwaltung/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.ostseebad-nienhagen.de/gemeinde/kurverwaltung/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Greifenwerkstatt website https://www.pommerscher-diakonieverein.de/index.php?id=359 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Lackiercenter Schwerin website http://www.lackiercenter-schwerin.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.lackiercenter-schwerin.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Olivia S. Immobilien website https://www.olivias-immobilien.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.olivias-immobilien.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for srv01.voedv.com, not www.olivias-immobilien.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n ZEUS GmbH website https://www.zeus-stralsund.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.zeus-stralsund.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.zeus-stralsund.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ziesetal Agrar GmbH website http://www.ziesetal.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.ziesetal.de": dial tcp: lookup www.ziesetal.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kesseltreff website https://www.kesseltreff.com/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.kesseltreff.com/": dial tcp: lookup www.kesseltreff.com on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n FutureTV website https://www.futuretv-group.com 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.futuretv-group.com": remote error: tls: internal error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Nordkate contact:website http://www.nordkate.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.nordkate.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fahrschule Weiß website http://www.fahrschule-weiss-upahl.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.fahrschule-weiss-upahl.de": dial tcp: lookup www.fahrschule-weiss-upahl.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hotel Ostseeland website https://www.hotel-ostseeland.de/restaurant-diedrichs.html 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.hotel-ostseeland.de/restaurant-diedrichs/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Orangerie Schloss Bothmer contact:website https://www.orangerie-schlossbothmer.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.orangerie-schlossbothmer.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.orangerie-schlossbothmer.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Marina Wustrow website http://www.mein-ostseehafen.de/seegebiete/mecklenburg-vorpommern/bodden-fischland-darss-zingst/wustr… 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://mein-ostseehafen.de/sehenswuerdigkeiten-aktivitaeten/kreuzfahrten-ab-deutschen-ostseehaefen-…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Strandgut-Keramik website http://strandgut-keramik.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://strandgut-keramik.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n image https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/File:2014_Fischl%C3%A4nder_Friedhof_im_Ostseebad_Wustrow.jpg 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hofladen Kamerun website http://www.kamerunweb.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string domainname.de in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Blumeninsel Perner contact:website https://www.blumenhaus-perner.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.blumenhaus-perner.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.blumenhaus-perner.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fischländer Ferien GmbH website https://www.fischland.de/willkommen-auf-fischland-darss.html 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.fischland.de/indexpage

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Feriendorf an der Ostsee contact:website https://www.feriendorf-ostsee.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.feriendorf-ostsee.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.feriendorf-ostsee.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ostsee-Radlerpension Boltenhagen contact:website www.radlerpension-boltenhagen.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.radlerpension-boltenhagen.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.radlerpension-boltenhagen.de or http://www.radlerpension-boltenhagen.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Niko Kfz-Meisterbetrieb & Abschleppdienst GmbH website Niko-Kfz.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "Niko-Kfz.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://Niko-Kfz.de or http://Niko-Kfz.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Villa Goethestraße contact:website http://www.primetime-anti-aging.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.primetime-anti-aging.de": dial tcp: lookup www.primetime-anti-aging.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Villa Goethestraße contact:website http://www.primetime-anti-aging.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.primetime-anti-aging.de": dial tcp: lookup www.primetime-anti-aging.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Villa Goethestraße contact:website http://www.primetime-anti-aging.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.primetime-anti-aging.de": dial tcp: lookup www.primetime-anti-aging.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Matt-Max Autofolierung und Webeatelier contact:website http://matt-max.com 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://matt-max.com": dial tcp: lookup matt-max.com on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bistro Rue-de-Carl website https://www.bistro-rue-de-carl.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.bistro-rue-de-carl.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.bistro-rue-de-carl.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Landkombinat e.V. website https://www.landkombinat.org 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.landkombinat.org": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-21T04:36:05+01:00 is after 2024-08-02T13:21:19Z

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Physiotherapie Christoph Bednarz contact:website http://www.physiotherapie-bednarz.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.physiotherapie-bednarz.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ben's Fahrradwerkstatt website https://www.fahrrad.de/haendler/bens-fahrrad-werkstatt-schwerin-8440.html 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Operator: usedom rad website https://usedomrad.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://usedom-rad.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Gut Rodenberg website http://www.gut-rodenberg.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.gut-rodenberg.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n fewos-malchow.de website http://fewos-malchow.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://fewos-malchow.de": dial tcp: lookup fewos-malchow.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Baugutachter Sven Müller website https://www.bausv-mueller.com/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.google.com

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Wöllermusik contact:website http://www.woellermusik.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.woellermusik.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.woellermusik.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Gaststätte am Markt website http://sternberg-info.de/gaststaette-am-markt/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n WG Warnow Nachbarschaftstreff website https://www.wg-warnow.de/mitgliederservice/auf-gute-nachbarschaft/nachbarschaftstreff/allgemeine-inf… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Dachdecker Beyer website https://dachdecker-beyer.de/ 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://dachdecker-beyer.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-21T04:36:40+01:00 is after 2024-08-28T08:31:04Z

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Cafe Alte Löwenapotheke website https://www.alte-loewenapotheke.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.alte-loewenapotheke.de/": remote error: tls: internal error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Universität Rostock, Rektorat website https://www.uni-rostock.de/einrichtungen/rektorat/rektorat 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bistro & Campingshop website http://seecamping.de/platz-fuer-camper/bistro-campingshop/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://seecamping.de/platz-fuer-camper/bistro-campingshop/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Haus Inga & Anne contact:website http://www.fewo-ahlbeck-usedom.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.fewo-ahlbeck-usedom.de": dial tcp: lookup www.fewo-ahlbeck-usedom.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Haus Zornow contact:website http://www.ostseeurlaub-ahlbeck.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.ostseeurlaub-ahlbeck.de": dial tcp: lookup www.ostseeurlaub-ahlbeck.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ruepp contact:website http://www.ruepp-haustechnik.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.ruepp-haustechnik.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Alpha Fitness contact:website http://www.alpha-fitness.de/ 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hundeservice-Bugenhagen contact:website https://hundeservice-bugenhagen.webnode.page/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n moritz.medien – Studentische Medien Greifswald website https://stud.uni-greifswald.de/organe-und-struktur/moritzmedien/allgemeines/ 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://stud.uni-greifswald.de/moritzmedien/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hollys Hundekita contact:website http://hollys-hundekita.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://hollys-hundekita.de/": dial tcp: lookup hollys-hundekita.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Das Inselcafé Sauzin website https://www.facebook.com/people/Das-Inselcaf%C3%A9/100035761005097/ 921 Social Media URL detected

Better use contact:facebook instead of website. URL status is 400 Bad Request

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Grenzheide website https://www.elbetal-mv.de/bb/POI_23_Leisterfoerde.pdf 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Blumenhof Griem website https://www.blumenhof-griem.de/home/fillialen/lindenallee-14-a-g%C3%BCstrow/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n City Car website https://city-car-autovermietung.black-and-green.de/stationen/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://city-car-autovermietung.black-and-green.de/stationen/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for server29.pd-srv.de, not city-car-autovermietung.black-and-green.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Appaloosahof website http://appaloosahof-gutow.de.to 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://appaloosahof-gutow.hpage.com/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Zahnarztpraxis Dr. med. dent. Dr. Jörg Burggraf website http://www.zahnarzt-waren-müritz.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.zahnarzt-waren-m%C3%BCritz.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.xn--zahnarzt-waren-mritz-4ec.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Anwaltskanzlei Schoof website http://www.kanzlei-schoof.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.kanzlei-schoof.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n image https://w.wiki/Amu4 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:20240727_xl_1107-Kriegsmahnmal,_1870-71_3.jpg

URL shortener w.wiki used, status of redirect URL is 301 Moved Permanently

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Operator: Familie von Mecklenburg website http://www.gut-wieschendorf.com/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.gut-wieschendorf.com/": dial tcp: lookup www.gut-wieschendorf.com on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Pier32 website https://www.pier32.eu/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.pier32.eu/": dial tcp: lookup www.pier32.eu on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n K. Doberschütz website http://www.ggp-rostock.de/therapie-reha-erwachsene/mvz/facharzt-psychotherapie/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.ggp-gruppe.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Pension Captain Hook contact:website https://www.pension-captain-hook.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.pension-captain-hook.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.pension-captain-hook.de

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website contact:website

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Zeppelin Rental contact:website https://www.zeppelin-rental.de/ansprechpartner/standorte/greifswald 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n BSC Möbel contact:website http://www.bscmoebel.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.bscmoebel.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Storchenhof Reinstorf website https://hofladen-reinstorf.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://hofladen-reinstorf.de/": dial tcp: lookup hofladen-reinstorf.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fleischerimbiss website https://www.fix-fertig-menue.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.fix-fertig-menue.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.fix-fertig-menue.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Cheng Du website https://www.chengdu-restaurant.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.chengdu-restaurant.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Schröter Sicherheitstechnik & Metallbau contact:website http://www.schluesselschroeter.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.schluesselschroeter.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Café Marie website https://www.lhw-zukunft.de/projekte/cafe_marie.php 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Villa Patti website http://www.villapatti.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.villapatti.de": dial tcp: lookup www.villapatti.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Flip and Fly website https://flipout.de/standorte/rostock/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://flip-fly.de/standorte/rostock

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Quad-Safari-Usedom contact:website https://quad-safari-usedom.de/ 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Jugendfreizeithaus LUNA website http://www.freizeithaus-luna.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.freizeithaus-luna.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.freizeithaus-luna.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Leddermann website https://www.hafenresidenz-waren.de/restaurant-und-cafe-leddermann/ 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.hafenresidenz-waren.de/restaurant-und-cafe-leddermann/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Auge Transporte + Logistik website https://spedition-auge.de/ 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://spedition-auge.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-21T04:38:45+01:00 is after 2024-08-21T10:33:09Z

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hackendahl website https://www.fleischerei-hackendahl.de/unsere-filialen/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Tauchschule Nord contact:website http://www.tauchschule-nord.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.tauchschule-nord.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.tauchschule-nord.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n De Spinndönz website http://www.spinndoenz.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.spinndoenz.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Trassenmoor website https://www.insel-usedom-wollin.de/trassenheide/bahnhof-trassenmoor.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Beef & Burger website https://beef-and-burger.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://beef-and-burger.de/": dial tcp: lookup beef-and-burger.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Schloss Kaarz website https://www.schlosskaarz.de/schlossrestaurant.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Dr. Thorsten Markwardt website http://www.kurarzt-in-boltenhagen.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.kurarzt-in-boltenhagen.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.kurarzt-in-boltenhagen.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Steuerberater Steffen Steinhäuser website http://www.steuerberater-steinhaeuser.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.steuerberater-steinhaeuser.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Punjabi Tadka contact:website http://indisch-essen-in-stralsund.de/ 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Innovations- und Trend GmbH website https://www.itg-bentwisch.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.itg-bentwisch.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.itg-bentwisch.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n insyde Innovative Systeme für Dekontaminierung & Recycling GmbH website http://www.insyder.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.insyder.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Gesellschaft für Management- und Informationssysteme website http://www.gemis.info/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.gemis.info/": dial tcp: lookup www.gemis.info on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Brandt Busreisen website https://www.brandt-reisen-mv.de/busbetrieb.html 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://stadtrundfahrten-rostock.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n RBD Bahndienstleistungen GmbH website https://www.rbd-bahndienstleistungen.de/standorte/mecklenburg-vorpommern/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n HSM-Technik website http://www.hsm-technik.eu 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.hsm-technik.eu": dial tcp: lookup www.hsm-technik.eu on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n deltabau-nord website http://deltabau-nord.de 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n image https://w.wiki/AmXN 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:20240727_xl_1704-Brunnen_der_Lebensfreude,_Malchin,_Kirchpla…

URL shortener w.wiki used, status of redirect URL is 301 Moved Permanently

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n contact:website http://weltdergifte.de 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://weltdergifte.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-21T04:40:04+01:00 is after 2022-12-03T23:59:59Z

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Operator: Targobank website https://www.targobank.de/de/service/suchen-und-finden/Details.aspx?banque=02236&guichet=20416&bureau… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Angies Baumärktchen website https://angies-baumaerktchen.de/index.php 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Pension Seba website https://www.pension-seba.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.pension-seba.de/": EOF

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Siggi Koch contact:website http://siggi-koch.com 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://siggi-koch.com": dial tcp: lookup siggi-koch.com on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Flenker contact:website https://www.flenker-anklam.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.flenker-anklam.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.flenker-anklam.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Flenker contact:website http://www.flenker-anklam.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.flenker-anklam.de": dial tcp: lookup www.flenker-anklam.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Mühlenrestaurant contact:website https://www.bergmuehle-bansin.com/restaurant 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.bergmuehle-bansin.com/restaurant": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Operator: Knuth Dietert contact:website https://quad-safari-usedom.de/kontakt/ 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Gartentechnik Böhm website https://www.gartentechnik-boehm.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.gartentechnik-boehm.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.gartentechnik-boehm.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Dienstleistungsservice Loose website https://www.dls-loose.de/grevesmuhlen 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.dls-loose.de/grevesmuhlen": dial tcp: lookup www.dls-loose.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Stickerei Grams website http://www.stickerei-grams.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.stickerei-grams.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kinder- und Jugendfilmstudio website http://www.grevesmuehlen-tv.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.grevesmuehlen-tv.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fahrzeugservice Grevesmühlen website https://www.fsg-gvm.de 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.fsg-gvm.de": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-21T04:40:28+01:00 is after 2023-06-28T07:35:44Z

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n BoTa-Markt website http://www.bota24.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.bota24.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Psychologische und sozialpädagogische Beratungsstelle Grevesmühlen website https://www.caritas-mecklenburg.de/68255.html 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.caritas-im-norden.de/region

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Maik Malchow& Detlev Welz website https://www.ergotherapie-wismar.de/grevesmuehlen.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Westphal Hausgeräte website http://www.westphal-hausgeraete.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.westphal-hausgeraete.de": dial tcp: lookup www.westphal-hausgeraete.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Freizeit- u. Wellnesscenter website https://stadt-tessin.de/kultur-tourismus/freizeitangebote/freizeit-wellnesscenter/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://stadt-tessin.de/kultur-tourismus/freizeitangebote/freizeit-wellnesscenter/": remote error: tls: handshake failure

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Dr. Dirk Paukstat (Innere Medizin) website https://www.helios-gesundheit.de/ambulant/gadebusch-mvz/praxis-fuer-innere-medizin/ 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Akamai (key)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Theater des Friedens contact:website https://www.theater-des-friedens.de 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Mare Webdesign website https://mare-projects.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://mare-projects.de": dial tcp: lookup mare-projects.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Geschichtsträger contact:website http://www.geschichtstraeger.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.geschichtstraeger.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.geschichtstraeger.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Duenenvilla website http://www.duenenvilla.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.duenenvilla.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic website https://www.mzv.cz/jnp/cz/o_ministerstvu/adresar_diplomatickych_misi/ceske_urady_v_zahranici/nemecko… 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://mzv.gov.cz/jnp/cz/o_ministerstvu/adresar_diplomatickych_misi/ceske_urady_v_zahranici/nemecko…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Gnitzer Seelchen website http://www.gnitzer-seelchen.de 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Inlight Dance Club contact:website http://www.inlight-club.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.inlight-club.de": dial tcp: lookup www.inlight-club.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kitesurf-Factory contact:website http://www.kitesurf-factory.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.kitesurf-factory.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Feeling Festmode und Brautstudio contact:website https://www.feeling-greifswald.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string domainname.de in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Burwitz legendär website https://burwitz-legendär.de/index.php/burwitz-legendaer-3.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://xn--burwitz-legendr-elb.de/burwitz-legendaer-3.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bundespolizeirevier Schwerin website https://www.bundespolizei.de/SharedDocs/Webs/Web/Organisationseinheiten/BPOLR/Schwerin.html?nn=59319… 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.bundespolizei.de/SharedDocs/Webs/Web/Organisationseinheiten/BPOLR/Schwerin.html?nn=5931928": net/http: TLS handshake timeout

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Eine-Welt-Landesnetzwerk Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V. contact:website https://www.eine-welt-mv.de/ 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bio-Gärtnerei Watzkendorf contact:website http://www.biogaertnerei-watzkendorf.de/index05.asp 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://bio-watzkendorf.de/index05.asp

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n SHB GmbH - Sicherung Historischer Bauwerke website www.shb-gmbh.eu 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.shb-gmbh.eu": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.shb-gmbh.eu or http://www.shb-gmbh.eu works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Salon Schröder contact:website http://www.friseur-schroeder.jimdo.com 403 Forbidden

Redirect URL: https://friseur-schroeder.jimdoweb.com/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hörgerätezentrum website https://hoergeraetezentrum.de 911 Error doing request: Get "https://hoergeraetezentrum.de": remote error: tls: internal error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n PW Store website https://www.pw-store.de/de/filialen/065_filiale-rostock.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n JYSK website https://com.daenischesbettenlager.de/lb/unsere-filialen/mecklenburg-vorpommern/rostock-rigaer-strass… 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://com.daenischesbettenlager.de/lb/unsere-filialen/mecklenburg-vorpommern/rostock-rigaer-strasse-5.html": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Eiswerkstatt website https://eiswerkstatt-rostock.de/ew-warnow-park/ 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Klapse Tätowieranstalt contact:website http://www.bonkel-tiger.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.bonkel-tiger.de": dial tcp: lookup www.bonkel-tiger.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Vodafone website https://www.vodafone-shops.de/boizenburg-200528959 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.vodafone-shops.de/boizenburg-200528959": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Alte Schule contact:website http://www.alte-inselschule.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.alte-inselschule.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n See-Garten contact:website http://www.see-garten.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.see-garten.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fußpflege Bartsch contact:website https://www.podologe-bartsch.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.podologe-bartsch.de": dial tcp: lookup www.podologe-bartsch.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Seecafé contact:website https://seecafe-ickert.de/#/willkommen 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://seecafe-ickert.de/#/willkommen": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Eichhorst contact:website http://www.eichhorst-gmbh.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.eichhorst-gmbh.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.eichhorst-gmbh.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ecovis contact:website https://www.ecovis.com 302 Moved Temporarily

Redirect URL: https://www.ecovis.com/global/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n KFZ-Meisterbetrieb Christian Rettich contact:website http://www.kfzmbrettich.de 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bistro Alt Rehse contact:website https://www.park-am-see.de/kulinarik/bistro-alt-rehse 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.park-am-see.de/kulinarik/bistro-alt-rehse": dial tcp: lookup www.park-am-see.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Sandhu Pizza Service website https://sandhu-pizza-service.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://sandhu-pizza-service.de": dial tcp: lookup sandhu-pizza-service.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ladestation für Elektrofahrzeuge Greifswald website https://www.sw-greifswald.de/Energie/Strom/Service/Elektrotankstellen 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Villa Rose-Marie website https://www.villarosemarie.de/ 303 See Other

Redirect URL: http://www4.villarosemarie.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienwohnungen Fam. Zeschke contact:website http://www.regina-maris.eu 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.regina-maris.eu": dial tcp: lookup www.regina-maris.eu on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Villa Sommerfreude contact:website https://usedom.de/villa-sommerfreude 308 Permanent Redirect

Redirect URL: https://usedom.de/urlaub-planen/unterkuenfte

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Operator: Stadtwerke Neustrelitz GmbH website https://www.stadtwerke-neustrelitz.de/privatkunden/energiespektrum/stromladesaeulen/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Operator: Stadtwerke Neustrelitz GmbH website https://www.stadtwerke-neustrelitz.de/privatkunden/energiespektrum/stromladesaeulen/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Leea Kiefernwald website https://www.stadtwerke-neustrelitz.de/privatkunden/energiespektrum/stromladesaeulen/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Aquatunnel website https://www.wildpark-mv.de/erlebnisse/aqua-tunnel/aqua-tunnel-im-wildpark-mv.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Rechtsanwaltskanzlei Seidlitz contact:website www.ra-seidlitz-hro.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.ra-seidlitz-hro.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.ra-seidlitz-hro.de or http://www.ra-seidlitz-hro.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Naturheilpraxis Vita Mare website https://www.vitamarerostock.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.vitamarerostock.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.vitamarerostock.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienwohnung Düppe contact:website http://www.bansin-touristik.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.bansin-touristik.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienwohnung Werner contact:website http://www.urlaub-werner.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.urlaub-werner.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fahrrad Wolf contact:website https://www.radshop-wolf.de/ 503

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n TAGS contact:website http://gourlaub.net 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://gourlaub.net": dial tcp: lookup gourlaub.net on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Automobile Herrgott contact:website http://www.auto-herrgott.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.auto-herrgott.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.auto-herrgott.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Maison Vogue contact:website http://maisonvogue.de 423 Locked

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n BUND laden website http://bund-neubrandenburg.de/bundladen/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hagens Angelshop contact:website http://www.hagens-angelshop.de 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Yogaschule RÜCKENVITAL contact:website http://www.yogaundruecken.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.yogaundruecken.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.yogaundruecken.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Villa Minheim contact:website http://www.villa-minheim.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.villa-minheim.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.villa-minheim.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Rollwitzer HSB GmbH contact:website http://www.rollwitzerhsb.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.rollwitzerhsb.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Rollwitzer HSB GmbH contact:website http://www.rollwitzerhsb.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.rollwitzerhsb.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienwohnung Gothen contact:website http://www.ferienwohnung-gothen.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.ferienwohnung-gothen.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Gästehaus Ohlemann contact:website https://ohlemann.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: cannot validate certificate for because it doesn't contain any IP SANs

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Schuhhaus Wolff contact:website https://www.schuhhaus-wolff.de/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Schuhhaus Wolff contact:website https://www.schuhhaus-wolff.de/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Schuhhaus Wolff contact:website https://www.schuhhaus-wolff.de/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Mieterverein Rostock e. V. website https://www.mieterverein-rostock.de/verein/beratungsstellen.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Zur Sonne website http://www.zur-sonne-goldberg.de/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Wöbbeliner Eis website https://www.hof-denissen.de/joomla/index.php/verkaufsstellen-eis-2 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.hof-denissen.de/joomla/verkaufsstellen-eis-2

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Waffelwerft contact:website https://www.waffelwerft.de 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://buero-vip.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Mega contact:website https://www.mega.de/unternehmen/mega-standorte/standort/mega-greifswald/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Schädlingsbekämpfung "Der Bussard" e.G. contact:website http://www.der-bussard-online.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.der-bussard-online.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.der-bussard-online.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Tanzclub Greifswald contact:website https://tanzclub.tanzen-in-greifswald.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://tanzclub.tanzen-in-greifswald.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for www.tanzschule.tanzen-in-greifswald.de, tanzschule.tanzen-in-greifswald.de, not tanzclub.tanzen-in-greifswald.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n ADFC Wismar website https://www.adfc-wismar.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://wismar.adfc.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Reich & Rathmann website http://www.sanitaetshaus-reich-rathmann.de/filialen.html 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.sanihus.de/ueber-uns#standorte

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienwohnungen Büge contact:website https://www.buege-usedom.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.buege-usedom.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hotel Weinberg contact:website www.weinberg-hotel.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.weinberg-hotel.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.weinberg-hotel.de or http://www.weinberg-hotel.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Physiotherapie Sven Stoll website https://www.physio-stoll.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: http://physio-die-therapeuten.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hörakustik Blümchen + Gerland website https://www.hoerakustik-schwerin.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.hoerakustik-schwerin.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.hoerakustik-schwerin.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Müritztraum website https://www.mueritztraum.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://ostsee-mueritztraum.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hafenresidenz Waren website https://www.hafenresidenz-waren.de/ferienwohnungen/ 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.hafenresidenz-waren.de/ferienwohnungen/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n WILLE Baugeräte Schalungstechnik GmbH contact:website http://www.wille-gmbh.info 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.wille-gmbh.info

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Obermeier contact:website http://www.obermeier-heringsdorf.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.obermeier-heringsdorf.de": dial tcp: lookup www.obermeier-heringsdorf.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Wille Baugeräte Schalungstechnik GmbH contact:website http://www.wille-gmbh.info 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.wille-gmbh.info

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Krins Cafe website www.radlerpension-boltenhagen.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.radlerpension-boltenhagen.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.radlerpension-boltenhagen.de or http://www.radlerpension-boltenhagen.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fußballgolf Schwerin website http://www.fussballgolf-schwerin.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.fussballgolf-schwerin.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Theater im Stadthafen website http://arturbuettner.wix.com/tisofficial 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://arturbuettner.wix.com:443/tisofficial

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Residenz Waldhaus website https://residenz-waldhaus.usefewo.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://residenz-waldhaus.usefewo.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match residenz-waldhaus.usefewo.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Veolia Umweltservice contact:website www.veolia-umweltservice.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.veolia-umweltservice.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.veolia-umweltservice.de or http://www.veolia-umweltservice.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Upstalsboom Gästeempfang im Servicebüro website https://www.upstalsboom-ferienwohnungen.de/servicebuero/graal-mueritz-servicebuero-kastanienallee-7.… 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.upstalsboom-ferienwohnungen.de/Kontakt

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Naturkosmetik & Podologie Krüger contact:website http://www.naturkosmetik-podologie.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.naturkosmetik-podologie.de": dial tcp: lookup www.naturkosmetik-podologie.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Aparthotel Waterkant Suites website https://www.upstalsboom-aparthotels.de/waterkant-suites-in-boergerende.html 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.upstalsboom-aparthotels.de/waterkant-suites-in-boergerende.html": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Motorsport Pergelt contact:website http://www.motorsportpergelt.de 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://s709447235.1und1.websitebuilder.online/bc/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Marine Museum website http://www.marinemuseum-peenemünde.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.marinemuseum-peenemünde.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fleischerei Druckrey contact:website https://www.ruegenfleischer.de 303 See Other

Redirect URL: http://www4.ruegenfleischer.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Weidenhof contact:website http://www.ferienhof-kinz.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.ferienhof-kinz.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.ferienhof-kinz.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Operator: Agrargemeinschaft Holthusen website https://www.eymee.com/index.php?lang=30&pid=4&m=1&s=0&gid=3847&kont=0&blid=0®ion=0&bid=0&besuch=&… 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.eymee.com/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Tagesmutter Kükennest website https://kuekennest-garz.de/ 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://kuekennest-garz.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Mobilcom Debitel website https://www.mobilcom-debitel.de/shops/neubrandenburg-innenstadt 308 Permanent Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.freenet-mobilfunk.de/shops/neubrandenburg-innenstadt

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Schuhhaus Suhr website http://www.schuhhaus-suhr.de/schuhhaus-orthopaedie-neubrandenburg.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.schuhhaus-suhr.de/schuhhaus-orthopaedie-neubrandenburg.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bieneninformationsgarten website https://www.gartenfreunde-hro.de/aktivitaeten/big-bienen-informations-garten/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Intensivpflegedienst D&D website https://www.dd-intensiv.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.dd-intensiv.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n mittelalterliche Burgstelle "Ohlhoff" website https://www.burgenland-mv.de/html/dechow.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Medimax contact:website https://www.medimax.de/ 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Sportangelverein website https://www.sav-boizenburg.de/index.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Gut Westenbrügge contact:website http://www.gut-westenbruegge.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.gut-westenbruegge.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.gut-westenbruegge.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Pfötchenkonzept website http://pfoetchenkonzept.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://pfoetchenkonzept.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kita "Anne Frank" Haus 1 contact:website https://www.asb-nordost.de/unsere-angebote/kinder-und-jugend-asj/kinderbetreuung-stralsund/kindertag… 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.asb-nordost.de/fehlerseite.php

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Haus Elke contact:website http://www.haus-elke.com 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.haus-elke.com

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Baumkronenpfad Ivenacker Eichen website https://www.wald-mv.de/Forstaemter/Stavenhagen/Baumkronenpfad/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n WerbeStolz contact:website http://www.werbe-stolz.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.werbe-stolz.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.werbe-stolz.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Dein Lädchen website https://www.facebook.com/deinlaedchenroevershagen/?_rdr 921 Social Media URL detected

Better use contact:facebook instead of website. URL status is 400 Bad Request

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Heideholz-Schwarzenpfost website http://heideholz-schwarzenpfost.de/unterseiten/kontakt.htm 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://heideholz-schwarzenpfost.de/unterseiten/kontakt.htm

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Sommerlaune website https://www.sommerlaune-boltenhagen.de 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.boltenhagen-sommerlaune.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Sommerlaune website:menu https://www.sommerlaune-boltenhagen.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Speisekarte-SL-DIN-A3.pdf 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.boltenhagen-sommerlaune.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Speisekarte-SL-DIN-A3.pdf

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Restaurant Fasano Jagdschloss website http://www.restaurant-fasano-jagdschloss.com 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n S.M.R Industrie- und Schiffservice GmbH website http://smr-boizenburg.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://smr-boizenburg.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Reimers Automobile oHG website https://www.kia-reimers-boizenburg.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.kia-reimers-boizenburg.de": dial tcp: lookup www.kia-reimers-boizenburg.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Happy Beton GmbH & Co. KG website https://www.happy-beton.de/beton-boizenburg-betonmischanlage-boizenburg-58.html 303 See Other

Redirect URL: https://www.happy-beton.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Autodienst Nokiel website https://www.automeister123.de 303 See Other

Redirect URL: http://www4.automeister123.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Waldhotel Boizenburg website https://www.waldhotel-boizenburg.de/wordpress 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fly-A-Kite website https://www.fly-a-kite.de/ 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.fly-a-kite.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hellbut Verpackungen website http://www.hellbut.de/de/103642-Standorte 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.hellbut.co/de/103642-Standorte/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n August Reiners website http://www.hegemann-gruppe.de/gesellschaften/August_Reiners.php 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.hegemann-gruppe.de/gesellschaften/August_Reiners.php": dial tcp: lookup www.hegemann-gruppe.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Zum Strauß website https://www.waldhotel-boizenburg.de/wordpress/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hotel Ostseestrand Usedom website https://www.hotel-ostseestrand-usedom.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.hotel-ostseestrand-usedom.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n AOK Nordost website https://www.aok.de/pk/nordost/kontakt/aok-vor-ort/ 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.aok.de/pk/kontakt/aok-vor-ort/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hotel VillMa website http://www.villma.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.villma.de": dial tcp: lookup www.villma.de on server misbehaving

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Provinzial – Guido Landsmann e. K. website https://www.provinzial.de/content/aussendienst/g/guido_landsmann 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.provinzial.de/nord/guido.landsmann

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Haus Rieden-Max contact:website http://pension-haus-rieden.de 503 Service Unavailable

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Reisebüro Mahncke website https://www.reisebuero-mahncke.de/5/home 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Raumausstatter Mahnke website https://www.raumausstatter-mahnke.de/startseite 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.raumausstatter-mahnke.de/startseite": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-21T04:48:19+01:00 is after 2016-07-30T15:42:26Z

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n BOB Büro-Organisation-Braesemann website http://www.braesemann.com 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.braesemann.com": dial tcp: lookup www.braesemann.com on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n C.P. Restaurierung contact:website http://www.cprestaurierung.de 911 Error doing request: Get "http://www.cprestaurierung.de": dial tcp connect: connection refused

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Gumz und Mieck website https://www.gumz-mieck.de 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.gumz-mieck.de": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for www.quadflieg-arnsberg.de, not www.gumz-mieck.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Gerda und das Glück contact:website www.glueckskind-hro.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.glueckskind-hro.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.glueckskind-hro.de or http://www.glueckskind-hro.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kath. Kirchengemeinde Hl. Familie Matgendorf website https://pfarrgemeinde-matgendorf.jimdo.com/ 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Tonwerk Keramik website https://www.tonwerk-keramik.de/ 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Sun-Dream website http://www.sonnenstudio-sun-dream-boizenburg.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.sonnenstudio-sun-dream-boizenburg.de": dial tcp: lookup www.sonnenstudio-sun-dream-boizenburg.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ecovis website https://www.ecovis.com/de/index.php?id=boizenburg 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://de.ecovis.com/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Chirurgische Praxis Dr. med Jerichow website http://praxis-dr-jerichow.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://praxis-dr-jerichow.de": dial tcp: lookup praxis-dr-jerichow.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Reit & Pensionsstall Greifswald contact:website http://www.reitstall-greifswald.de 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.freedesign.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n contact:website http://biercontor-wildberg.de 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://wildberg3.wix.com:443/biercontor-wildberg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Augenoptik Geue website https://geue-rostock.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://geue-rostock.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match geue-rostock.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Grenzhus Schlagsdorf image https://robertdbz.000webhostapp.com/Grenzhus.jpeg 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://robertdbz.000webhostapp.com/Grenzhus.jpeg": dial tcp: lookup robertdbz.000webhostapp.com on server misbehaving

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Pferdehof-Hagen image https://robertdbz.000webhostapp.com/Hagen.jpeg 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://robertdbz.000webhostapp.com/Hagen.jpeg": dial tcp: lookup robertdbz.000webhostapp.com on server misbehaving

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Star-Driver contact:website http://www.star-driver.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.star-driver.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Rasant Personal-Leasing GmbH website https://www.rasant-personal-leasing.de/rasant_standorte/name/boizenburg/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n DRK Kleiderkammer website https://www.drk-rostock.de/spenden/kleiderspende.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kuchelmiß website http://www.kuchelmiss.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.kuchelmiss.de": dial tcp: lookup www.kuchelmiss.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Schöne Aussicht website https://www.feriengutdalwitz.de/ferienwohnung/schoene-aussicht-in-strietfeld/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Koppelblick website https://www.feriengutdalwitz.de/ferienwohnung/lasiesta-in-strietfeld/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Concordia - Manfred Raschke website https://www.concordia.de/manfred-raschke/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://agentur.concordia.de/manfred-raschke/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kooperatives Bürgerbüro website https://www.boizenburg.de/verwaltung-service/buergerbuero-d-115/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Concordia - Regine Weidler website https://www.concordia.de/regine-weidler/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://agentur.concordia.de/regine-weidler/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n FiB Fitness in Boizenburg website https://www.fib-fitness.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.fib-fitness.de": dial tcp: lookup www.fib-fitness.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Lothar Sievert Sattlermeister website https://sattlerei-sievert.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://sattlerei-sievert.de/": dial tcp: lookup sattlerei-sievert.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Lotus Packaging GmbH & Co. KG website http://www.lotuspackaging.com/home/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://leere.seite": dial tcp: lookup leere.seite on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Tanzstudio 54° contact:website http://www.54degreez.com/html/index1.htm 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.54degreez.com/html/index1.htm": dial tcp: lookup www.54degreez.com on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bürgerbüro contact:website https://www.amt-zarrentin.de/buergerservice/ 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.amt-zarrentin.de/?ruri=%2Fbuergerservice%2F%3Fvs%3D1

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Elwkieker image https://www.elbetal-mv.de/fileadmin/_processed_/8/9/csm_Freiluftausstellung_EinFlussReich_Boizenburg… 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hofkonzerte website http://hof-konzerte.mvonline.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://hof-konzerte.mvonline.de/": dial tcp: lookup hof-konzerte.mvonline.de on server misbehaving

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n LandKulturHof e.V. website http://webseite.solawi-trebbow.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://webseite.solawi-trebbow.de/": dial tcp: lookup webseite.solawi-trebbow.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Dr. med. Thomas Eickhoff, Dr. med. Kathrin Stein website https://www.urologie-stein-nowak.de/praxis-rostock.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Petra Erdmann website http://www.dga-medien.com/cms/index.php?id=744381 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n TattooArt Rostock contact:website www.kombinart.eu 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.kombinart.eu": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.kombinart.eu or http://www.kombinart.eu works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Café anders contact:website https://regibio.org/cafe-anders/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://regibio.wordpress.com/cafe-anders/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Freie Kfz Werkstatt Koch website http://ruegen-autowerkstatt.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://ruegen-autowerkstatt.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Feldberger SchokoStube website https://www.haus-seenland.de/schokostube.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Maharadscha Palace website:menu https://www.maharadscha-palace.de/speisekarte/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n e-cura Internetbetreuung contact:website http://www.e-cura.net/index.html 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.e-cura.net/index.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Psychotherapeutische Praxis Dr. phil. Günter Brandenburg contact:website www.psychotherapeut-dr-brandenburg.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.psychotherapeut-dr-brandenburg.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.psychotherapeut-dr-brandenburg.de or http://www.psychotherapeut-dr-brandenburg.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Call a Pizza contact:website https://www.call-a-pizza.de/rostock_lichtenhagen/ 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Strand und Gut contact:website http://www.fewo-strandkorb-usedom.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.fewo-strandkorb-usedom.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kite & Surf Club Fischland Darß website http://www.kite-club.com 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.kite-club.com

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Wochenmarkt Waren website http://www.waren-mueritz.de/de/buergerservice-verwaltung/was-erledige-ich-wo/markt/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.waren-mueritz.de/de/buergerservice-verwaltung/was-erledige-ich-wo/markt/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website https://www.thuenen.de/de/of/aktuelles-und-service/bibliothek/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bibliothek Max Planck Institut für demografische Forschung website https://www.demogr.mpg.de/de/institut/rundgang_einrichtungen_1897/bibliothek_informationsbeschaffung… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bäckerei Hatscher website https://www.baeckerei-hatscher.de/Fachgeschaefte/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Gästehaus Linde contact:website https://www.gaestehauslinde.kaiserbaeder.de 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.heringsdorf.m-vp.de/unterkuenfte/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Friseursalon Nancy website https://suedstadt-center-rostock.de/shops/salon_nancy 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsamt Lauenburg - Außenbezirk Waren website https://www.wsa-lauenburg.wsv.de/wir_ueber_uns/Kontakt/index.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Müritz-Sparkasse website https://banking.mueritz-sparkasse.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://banking.mueritz-sparkasse.de": dial tcp: lookup banking.mueritz-sparkasse.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website http://maremüritz.de/webcam.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://maremueritz.com/webcam.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website https://www.ueckermuende.de/webcam.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website https://www.ueckermuende.de/webcam.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n BB Baumaschinen Boizenburg GmbH & Co. KG website https://www.baumaschinen-boizenburg.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.baumaschinen-boizenburg.de/": EOF

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Allianz Astrid Wallis contact:website https://vertretung.allianz.de/astrid.wallis/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Töpferhof Roggow website www.toepferhof-roggow.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.toepferhof-roggow.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.toepferhof-roggow.de or http://www.toepferhof-roggow.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Watergate website http://www.watergate.bar 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.watergate.bar

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Peene Kies GmbH contact:website https://www.peenekies.de 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.peenekies.de": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.webspaceconfig.de, webspaceconfig.de, not www.peenekies.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Blauer Garten mit Skulpturen website https://www.usedom-keramik.de/Kunst-und-Kultur/Der-Blaue-Garten/ 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by DataDome

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bernstein Restaurant website https://www.ferienhotel-bernstein.de/restaurant-en.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Zentrum für Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde website https://www.dental.uni-greifswald.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.dental.uni-greifswald.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.dental.uni-greifswald.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kabel-TV-Binz contact:website https://www.kabel-tv-binz.de/home/index/index.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Gundela Knäbe contact:website http://www.gundela-knaebe.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.gundela-knaebe.de": dial tcp: lookup www.gundela-knaebe.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n SB-Restaurant website https://www.wildpark-mv.de/besuch-und-service/essen-und-trinken.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Villa Hoffnung website http://villa-hoffnung.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://villa-hoffnung.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n De Gaude Kost Naturwarenladen contact:website http://degaudekost.com/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://degaudekost.com/": dial tcp: lookup degaudekost.com on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Barbershop Barth contact:website https://barbershop-barth.business.site 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Krüseliner Mühle contact:website http://www.krueseliner-muehle.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.krueseliner-muehle.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Zum Kap Arkona contact:website http://www.zum-kap-arkona.de/wordpress/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.zum-kap-arkona.de/wordpress/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n J. Tietböhl contact:website http://jt-heizungstechnik.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://jt-heizungstechnik.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ritterstube website http://ritterstube-schwerin.de 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kornhaus website https://kornhaus-baddoberan.de/ 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://kornhaus-baddoberan.de/kornhaus-bad-doberan-vielfalt-unter-einem-dach/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Operator: Dr. Krieger Vermögensverwaltung contact:website http://www.schloss-tressow.de/schlossurlaub.php 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.schloss-tressow.de/schlossurlaub.php

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Vallentin contact:website http://www.abbruch-vallentin.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.abbruch-vallentin.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kulturscheune contact:website https://seewalde.de/kultur.htm 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Klabautermann contact:website http://www.klabautermann-graal-müritz.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.klabautermann-graal-müritz.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Mobile & Media Store GmbH website https://www.mobilemedia-store.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.mobilemedia-store.de": dial tcp: lookup www.mobilemedia-store.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Die Linke website https://www.die-linke-lup.de 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.die-linke-lup.de/startseite/aktuelles/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Friedrich Franz I image https://photos.app.goo.gl/saXhRhzzUFLGinwZA 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipN5yuFAyiXH8eXLP-YCtMaLu-X0B6NL2xxTOuCX100tqY8OfhwxDTg7kdeMUbXo…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Peppone PastaBar website http://www.peppone-pastabar.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.peppone-pastabar.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.peppone-pastabar.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Tintenpunkt contact:website www.tintenpunkt-rostock.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.tintenpunkt-rostock.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.tintenpunkt-rostock.de or http://www.tintenpunkt-rostock.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Inselparadies contact:website https://www.inselparadies-baabe.de 503 Service Unavailable

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Witt contact:website https://juwelier-witt.jimdo.com/juwelierwittneubrandenburg/ 503 Service temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website contact:website

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Vero Moda contact:website https://about.bestseller.com/our-brands/vero-moda#stores 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://bestseller.com

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Pimkie contact:website https://www.pimkie.de/storelocator 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.pimkie.de/storelocator": dial tcp: lookup www.pimkie.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Watt ihr Volt website https://www.rsag-online.de/tickets/ticketuebersicht/sondertarife/ikea-angebot/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kuchenmanufaktur Ludes contact:website http://www.kuchenmanufaktur-ludes.de 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Richard Frank - Haushaltswaren, Glas, Porzellan, Spielwaren website https://m.me/spielwaren.frank 400 Bad Request

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Greifswalder Hallenflohmarkt contact:website http://wapo-gbr.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://wapo-gbr.de": dial tcp: lookup wapo-gbr.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n nH Schwerin website https://www.nh-hotels.de/hotel/nh-schwerin/restaurants 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by AkamaiGHost

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fritz website https://www.fritz-hotel.de/restaurant-schwerin 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n NKD website https://www2.nkd.com/ 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bäckerei Straßer website https://www.baeckereistrasser.com/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.baeckereistrasser.com/": dial tcp: lookup www.baeckereistrasser.com on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hofbrauerei, Bioladen und Naturbrotbäckerei Deibow website https://www.hof-lebenskraft.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.baeckerei-deibow.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Der Primelpott contact:website https://der-primelpott.business.site/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Sühnekreuz Greifswald website http://www.suehnekreuz.de/mv/greifswald.htm 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.suehnekreuz.de/mv/greifswald.htm": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.webspace-verkauf.de, webspace-verkauf.de, not www.suehnekreuz.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Claus Görtz contact:website http://www.clausgoertz.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.clausgoertz.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n TK Maxx website https://www.tkmaxx.de/filialen/TK_Maxx_Neubrandenburg 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.tkmaxx.com/de/de/filialen/TK_Maxx_Neubrandenburg": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bioladen Naturbrotbäckerei website https://www.hof-lebenskraft.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.baeckerei-deibow.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Tischlerei Zothner contact:website http://www.tischlerei-zothner.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.tischlerei-zothner.de": dial tcp: lookup www.tischlerei-zothner.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienhaus Boddenbrise contact:website http://www.ferienhaus-boddenbrise.com 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.ferienhaus-boddenbrise.com": dial tcp: lookup www.ferienhaus-boddenbrise.com on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Harrys Fliesenmarkt website https://www.harrys-fliesenmarkt.net/alle-niederlassungen/niederlassung-schwerin/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.harrys-fliesenmarkt.net/alle-niederlassungen/niederlassung-schwerin/": dial tcp: lookup www.harrys-fliesenmarkt.net on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Anne website http://kirche-auf-usedom.de/kirchengemeinden/ev-kirchengemeinde-koserow/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Claire website http://kirche-auf-usedom.de/kirchengemeinden/ev-kirchengemeinde-koserow/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Continental Candy Industries Boizenburg/Elbe GmbH website https://www.ccicandy.nl 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.ccicandy.nl/nl/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Klaus Heselhaus contact:website http://heselhaus-architekten.de/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Der Tote Mann website http://www.suehnekreuz.de/mv/galenbeck.htm#1 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.suehnekreuz.de/mv/galenbeck.htm": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.webspace-verkauf.de, webspace-verkauf.de, not www.suehnekreuz.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n OLYMP website https://www.kult-olymp-hades.de/StoreLocator 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.kult-olymp-hades.de/StoreConsent

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Nordland Hansa website http://www.nordland-hansa.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.nordland-hansa.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Pension XL website http://www.pensionxl-boizenburg.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.pensionxl-boizenburg.de": dial tcp: lookup www.pensionxl-boizenburg.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n NORD-concept Haus- und Grundstücksverwaltung Barbara Klein e.K. website https://www.barbara-klein-immobilien.de 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Salsa Latino website:menu https://salsa-latino.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/speisekarte-salsa-latino-2023.pdf 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Großsteingrab Klein Methling 1 website https://www.kulturwerte-mv.de/Landesarchaeologie/Fund-des-Monats/Bisherige-Beitr%C3%A4ge/2017-12-Meg… 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.kulturwerte-mv.de/Landesarchaeologie/Fund-des-Monats/Bisherige-Beitr%C3%A4ge/2017-12-Megalithgr%C3%A4ber-neu-entdeckt/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Flinkster website https://www.flinkster.de/kundenbuchung/process.php?proc=station&f=3 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.flinkster.de/de/standorte

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Flinkster website https://www.flinkster.de/kundenbuchung/process.php?proc=station&f=3 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.flinkster.de/de/standorte

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hundesalon Hoheit contact:website https://www.hundesalon-hoheit.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.hundesalon-hoheit.de": dial tcp: lookup www.hundesalon-hoheit.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ministerium für Energie, Infrastruktur und Landesentwicklung Mecklenburg-Vorpommern website http://www.em.regierung-mv.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.em.regierung-mv.de": dial tcp: lookup www.em.regierung-mv.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bäckerei Brovadan contact:website https://www.fischland-darss-zingst.de/service/provider/details/stamm/show/baeckerei-brovadan-schlemm… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Barther Eismanufaktur website http://barthereismanufaktur.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://barthereismanufaktur.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Orion website https://www.orion.de/fachgeschaeft/wismar-6016 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n tankpool24 website https://www.tankpool24.eu/tankstellen/tankstelle.php/102501/Holthusen.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienanlage Tromper Wiek image https://d1pgrp37iul3tg.cloudfront.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_78032_001.jpg 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://images.bs.ds-srv.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_78032_001.jpg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Alte Warener Zeitung website https://www.hotel-alte-warener-zeitung.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n image https://photos.app.goo.gl/Nge2BWtPc7N1K4YK6 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipO-XT3zhLI_u26tzNZillYgYP3C-UX7ejJY5RMB_9qerMZAv9pXZIXi2iVxzuJ1…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Nordlicht Medien | kreativ anders. website https://www.nordlichtmedien.de 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.nordlichtmedien.de": remote error: tls: handshake failure

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Tourismus- und Gewerbeverein Lubmin e.V. contact:website http://www.tgv-lubmin.de 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.tgv-lubmin.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Segelschule Greifswald website http://segelschule-greifswald.com 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://selgelschule-greifswald.com/": dial tcp: lookup selgelschule-greifswald.com on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Caravan Brandt contact:website https://www.caravan-brandt.de/ 423 Locked

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hafenmeisterei website https://www.neustrelitz.de/erleben/stadthafen 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website https://villa-weitsicht.de 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Eiskonditorei Leiste website http://eiskonditorei-leiste.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://eiskonditorei-leiste.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Wasserwanderrastplatz Hafen Dabitz url http://www.hafen-dabitz.de/camping/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.hafen-dabitz.de/camping/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Stralsunder Meisterwelle contact:website https://www.stralsunder-meisterwelle.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n S & S Holzbau GmbH contact:website http://www.holzbau-im-norden.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.holzbau-im-norden.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hofladen Bio- und Erlebnisgärtnerei Rohde contact:website http://www.bio-rohde.de/hofladen-marktstand.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.walderlebnisgarten.de/hofladen-marktstand.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Starenhof contact:website http://starenhof.de/index.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Schultz GmbH Garten- & Forstgeräte website https://www.gartenundforstgeraeteschultz.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.gartenundforstgeraeteschultz.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.gartenundforstgeraeteschultz.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Mobilcom Debitel contact:website https://www.mobilcom-debitel.de/shops/neubrandenburg-treptower-strasse 308 Permanent Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.freenet-mobilfunk.de/shops/neubrandenburg-treptower-strasse

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Waschoase website https://www.waschoase.de/kuehlungsborn/waschsalon-ost/preise/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Wolsdorff contact:website https://wolsdorff.shop/StoreLocator 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://wolsdorff.shop/StoreConsent

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ulla Popken contact:website https://www.happy-size.de/de/filialrabattnl?srsltid=AfmBOoq3ZMh1Fb_MkwRdFIokRZFRTHKROK2co3rWs9vBY1ql… 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by AkamaiGHost

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Zisch Getränke-Großmarkt contact:website http://www.zisch.com/index.php/greifswald.html 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://zisch.comindex.php/greifswald.html": dial tcp: lookup zisch.comindex.php on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Scientists 4 Future Regionalgruppe Greifswald contact:website https://www.scientists4future-greifswald.org 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.scientists4future-greifswald.org": dial tcp: lookup www.scientists4future-greifswald.org on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienwohnung Familie Kulz contact:website https://fewo-kulz-heringsdorf.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://fewo-kulz-heringsdorf.de/": dial tcp: lookup fewo-kulz-heringsdorf.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hans Meier Metallbau website http://www.hans-meier-ohg.de/metall-zaunbau.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Sanitätshaus Wendt website https://wendt-gmbh.net/75/sanitaetshaus 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Café International contact:website https://www.cafe-international.org/cafe-international/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.cafe-international.org/cafe-international/": dial tcp: lookup www.cafe-international.org on server misbehaving

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n DLRG Wasserrettungsstation Insel Poel website https://zwrd-k.dlrg.de/index.php?doc=stationInfos&ext=1&id=326 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://zwrd-k.dlrg.de/index.php/login

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n contact:website http://www.chinesische-medizin-mv.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.chinesische-medizin-mv.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.chinesische-medizin-mv.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n CP1 contact:website https://www.cp1-prerow.de/ 303 See Other

Redirect URL: http://www4.cp1-prerow.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Proventus contact:website https://www.proventus.de/uta-wolff.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Athen contact:website http://www.lapiazza-athen.de 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n DIE LINKE website https://www.peterritter.de/service/kontakt/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.peterritter.de/service/kontakt/": dial tcp: lookup www.peterritter.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n DIE LINKE website https://www.peterritter.de/service/kontakt/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.peterritter.de/service/kontakt/": dial tcp: lookup www.peterritter.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n DIE LINKE website https://www.peterritter.de/service/kontakt/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.peterritter.de/service/kontakt/": dial tcp: lookup www.peterritter.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n DIE LINKE website https://www.die-linke-mse.de/partei/unsere-bueros/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Naturdrogerie KaRo website https://www.biomarkt-karo.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.biomarkt-karo.de/": remote error: tls: unrecognized name

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Dr. Anja Salbach website https://www.kieferorthopdie-salbach.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.kieferorthopdie-salbach.de": dial tcp: lookup www.kieferorthopdie-salbach.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Pension Seba website https://www.pension-seba.de 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.pension-seba.de": remote error: tls: internal error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Schloss Semlow website http://www.schloss-semlow.de/uebernachten/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.schloss-semlow.de/uebernachten/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n CDFI, Holz-/Metallwerkstätte website http://www.cdfi.de/bildende-kunst/holz-und-metallwerkstatt/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://cdfi.uni-greifswald.de/bildende-kunst/holz-und-metallwerkstatt/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n KIND Hörgeräte contact:website https://www.kind.com/de-de/fachgeschaefte/Neubrandenburg/ 308 Permanent Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.kind.com/de-de/fachgeschaefte/hoergeraete-neubrandenburg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Alles-Neu-Mann contact:website https://www.alles-neu-mann.info 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Salon Kanapee contact:website http://www.salon-kanapee.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.salon-kanapee.de": dial tcp: lookup www.salon-kanapee.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n HC Empor Rostock contact:website http://www.hc-empor.de 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.hc-empor.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for d0931cfac589827d38c3e897fbe6163a.edca19a33eb0401ac8108f9bd7ebb43a.traefik.default, not www.hc-empor.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n engbers contact:website https://www.engbers.com/filialfinder/?search=17033 308 Permanent Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.engbers.com/filialfinder?search=17033

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Adler contact:website https://www.adlermode.com/de/de/home 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://adler.de/de/de/home

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Tatoo-Art contact:website https://tattooart-greifswald.jimdofree.com 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n team baucenter contact:website https://www.team.de/standort/bau/waren 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.team.de/standort/bau/waren": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Pastamanufaktur contact:website https://www.my-realfood.com/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://my-realfood.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n image https://photos.app.goo.gl/Ky7dwFSL3F6UdzAv7 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPg2lmRj-jXrOX18Yq4DBbrZtWtulSSPL3X264aEjQWTtPjh-EFFHHvjtL_uJ9x…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n image https://photos.app.goo.gl/qzsCamURvz2vAfVW7 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOMsxfW2elIvuZzlEsJsxNLWu7CJZfj6TcbrSC47_ooyFLpoymO9DfHpN_Nt4uL…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Autohaus Westendorf website http://www.westendorf.hyundai.de 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www.westendorf.hyundai.de": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bürgerbüro Ludwigslust website https://www.kreis-lup.de/buergerservice-verwaltung/service-vor-ort/kooperatives-buergerbuero-in-ludw… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n LandDelikat Bio-Rösterei contact:website https://www.landdelikat.de 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.landdelikat.de": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-21T04:59:35+01:00 is after 2025-02-10T23:59:59Z

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n KFZ Aufbereitung Ronny Jasper website http://kfzaufbereitung-jasper.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://kfzaufbereitung-jasper.de": dial tcp: lookup kfzaufbereitung-jasper.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Zisch Getränke-Großmarkt contact:website https://nordmann.de/stralsund/getrankgrosmarkt/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Elektromeister Helmut Rosenberger website http://www.rosenberger-elektro.de 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n tedox website https://www.tedox.de/shoplist/index/detail/?id=112 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.tedox.de/standorte/luessow

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n BlütenReich contact:website https://www.bluetenreich-greifswald.de 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.bluetenreich-greifswald.de": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-21T04:59:51+01:00 is after 2024-02-14T14:12:00Z

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Melika contact:website https://friseursalon-melika.business.site/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Autohaus Beyer website https://www.beyer24.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.beyer24.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.your-server.de, your-server.de, not www.beyer24.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Autohaus Peene website http://www.toyota-peene.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.toyota-peene.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Industrie- und Umweltlaboratorium Vorpommern website http://www.iul-vorpommern.de/greifswald.htm 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Die Hirtenknaben von Lankow url https://download.e-bookshelf.de/download/0002/7353/90/L-X-0002735390-0004363961.XHTML/index.xhtml 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Gutshaus Alt Guthendorf website http://gutshof-alt-guthendorf.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://gutshof-alt-guthendorf.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Düne Acht website http://www.dueneacht.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Pier 32 website https://www.pier32.eu/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.pier32.eu/": dial tcp: lookup www.pier32.eu on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Institut für Psychologie – Lehrstuhl für Gesundheit und Prävention contact:website https://psychologie.uni-greifswald.de/43051/lehrstuehle-ii/lehrstuhl-gesundheit-und-praevention/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hof Landliebe contact:website https://www.landliebe-mechow.de/ 503 Service Unavailable

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Neustrelitzer Tafel website http://nz-tafel.blogspot.com/p/seite-1_17.html 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://nz-tafel.blogspot.com/p/seite-1_17.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Zuther+Hautmann GmbH & Co.KG website https://www.z-h.de 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.z-h.de": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Milch und Mee(h)r... contact:website https://www.rinderzucht-augustin.de/frischmilch.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kormoran Kanutouring Granzin website http://www.kormoran-kanutouring.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.kormoran-kanutouring.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n thopas Bau website https://thopas-bau.de/ 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://thopas-bau.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-21T05:01:18+01:00 is after 2024-09-08T14:49:12Z

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n ATL Lubmin website http://atl-lubmin.de 400 Bad Request

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Zentrales Prüfungsamt contact:website https://www.uni-greifswald.de/studium/ansprechpartner/pruefungsamt/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kita Lilo Herrmann contact:website https://www.greifswald.de/de/familie-wohnen/familie/kinderbetreuung/eigenbetrieb-hanse-kinder/kita-l… 404 404

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fotostudio Wasmund contact:website http://www.fotostudio-wasmund.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.fotostudio-wasmund.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fahrradverleih Neumann contact:website http://www.selliner-fahrradverleih.de 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://selliner-fahrradverleih.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Haus am Meer contact:website https://fewo.skipper-sellin.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://fewo.skipper-sellin.de/": dial tcp: lookup fewo.skipper-sellin.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Moordiele contact:website http://www.moorshop.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.moorshop.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kita Lindenpark website https://www.drk-rostock.de/kfjh/index.htm 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Jakobi-Stift website https://rostocker-stadtmission.de/altenhilfe/pflegeeinrichtungen/jakobi-stift/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://rostocker-stadtmission.de/pflegeeinrichtungenjakobi-stift/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kita "Muschelkorb" website https://rostocker-stadtmission.de/erziehung-bildung/kindertagesfoerderung/kita-muschelkorb-innenstad… 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://rostocker-stadtmission.de/kindertagesstaettenkita-muschelkorb-innenstadt/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Maritimes Simulationszentrum website www.sf.hs-wismar.de/mscw/ 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.sf.hs-wismar.de/mscw/": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.sf.hs-wismar.de/mscw/ or http://www.sf.hs-wismar.de/mscw/ works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n FitVital contact:website https://fitvital-lieweke.de/index.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://fitvital-luebeck.de/index.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Beauty & Wellness Lounge contact:website http://kosmetik-penzlin.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://kosmetik-penzlin.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Metallbau Rohs contact:website http://www.mb-rohs.com/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.mb-rohs.com/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Total website https://store.totalenergies.de/de_DE/ND031765 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://store.totalenergies.de/de_DE/ND031765": dial tcp: lookup store.totalenergies.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n CarboSkin contact:website https://www.carboskin.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.carboskin.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.carboskin.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n CDU contact:website https://www.cdu-mse.de/kreisverband/geschaeftsstelle 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n GOLNIK & PARTNER Öffentlich bestellte Vermessungsingenieure contact:website https://www.golnik.de/de/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Allianz contact:website https://vertretung.allianz.de/denny.kieckbusch/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hafenstunde contact:website https://hafenstunde.de/startseite/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://hafenstunde.de/startseite/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.de-nserver.de, de-nserver.de, not hafenstunde.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienhaus Brunnenhof website https://ferienwohnung-brunnenhof-web.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://ferienwohnung-brunnenhof-web.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bestattungen Klaus Haker website https://www.bestattungen-klaushaker.de/start.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n 3L-Sag website https://www.instagram.com/3lsag_24 921 Social Media URL detected

Better use contact:instagram instead of website. URL status is

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Maurinenhof Mozar website https://maurinenhof-mozar.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://maurinenhof-mozar.de": dial tcp: lookup maurinenhof-mozar.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Haff Optik website http://www.haff-optik.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.haff-optik.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n LSV 75 Wahrstorf e.V. website http://www.lsv75.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.lsv75.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.lsv75.de on server misbehaving

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Wochenmarkt Ulmenmarkt website https://www.rostocker-wochenmaerkte.de/standorte-angebote/details/?wochenmarkt-ulmenmarkt=&id=29 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.rostocker-wochenmaerkte.de/standorte-angebote/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Farbteam - Maler- und Fußbodenverlegearbeiten website http://www.rostock-im-blick.de/78448/4057296/Schaufenster/ros/home 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.gelsenkirchen-im-blick.de/branchen.php?branchensuche=Rostock

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Dettmann-Keramik website http://www.sabine-dettmann.de/ 401 Unauthorized

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n MT Schadenservice contact:website http://mt-schadenservice.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://mt-schadenservice.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n farbenspiel contact:website http://farbenspiel-geruestbau.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://farbenspiel-geruestbau.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Gestüt Schloss Cartlow contact:website https://www.gestuet-cartlow.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.gestuet-cartlow.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.gestuet-cartlow.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Freiwillige Feuerwehr Admannshagen-Bargeshagen website https://www.ffw-bargeshagen.home-index.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.ffw-bargeshagen.home-index.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for cms.home-index.de, fliesen-frimberger.home-index.de, www.fliesen-frimberger.home-index.de, not www.ffw-bargeshagen.home-index.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Betreutes Wohnen website https://www.drk-guestrow.de/angebote/senioren/betreutes-wohnen/standorte-betreutes-wohnen.html#accor… 503 Service Unavailable

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Adler contact:website https://www.adlermode-unternehmen.com/filialfinder/guestrow-mecklenburg/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://adler.de/filialfinder/guestrow-mecklenburg/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Zeitgeist contact:website https://www.hotel-mueritzlicht.de 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.waren.m-vp.de/unterkuenfte/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Sportcenter Schwanenteich website http://www.fsrz.de 922 Domain is for sale: found string https://cdn.sedo.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Burwitz Legendär website https://www.burwitz-legendär.de/index.php/burwitz-legendaer-3.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://xn--burwitz-legendr-elb.de/burwitz-legendaer-3.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Waldorfkindergarten contact:website https://www.waldorf-greifswald.de/global/startseite/herzlich-willkommen.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Historisches Institut – Allgemeine Geschichte der Neuzeit contact:website https://geschichte.uni-greifswald.de/arbeitsbereiche/fnz/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hellas website https://hellas-heringsdorf.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://hellas-heringsdorf.de/": dial tcp: lookup hellas-heringsdorf.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Buchen-Eck contact:website http://www.bucheneck-usedom-heringsdorf.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Motorrad Service Tretow contact:website http://www.yamaha-tretow.de/index.html 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.yamaha-tretow.de/index.html": dial tcp: lookup www.yamaha-tretow.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Biergarten Pension am See contact:website https://www.pension-amsee.de/biergarten-am-see/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Samendarre Jatznick contact:website https://www.wald-mv.de/landesforst%E2%80%93mv/Kompetenzzentrum-f%C3%BCr-forstliche-Nebenproduktion/S… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Baumann contact:website http://arztpraxisbaumann.de/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Cornelia Ahlgrimm url https://www.yumpu.com/de/document/read/62334162/gesundheitsfuhrer-mecklenburgische-seenplatte-2019 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.yumpu.com/user/ehsverlag

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienbungalow Münchshausen website http://www.muenchshausen.de/index2.html 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.muenchshausen.de/index2.html": dial tcp: lookup www.muenchshausen.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Konditorei Frötsch contact:website https://www.konditorei-froetsch.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.konditorei-froetsch.de": dial tcp: lookup www.konditorei-froetsch.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Landeskirchliche Gemeinschaft Greifswald contact:website http://www.lkg-greifswald.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.lkg-greifswald.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Imbiss Fleether Mühle website https://www.fleether-muehle.de/gastronomie 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.fleethermuehle.info:/gastronomie

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Biergarten Fleether Mühle website https://www.fleether-muehle.de/gastronomie 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.fleethermuehle.info:/gastronomie

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Virtual Rostock website www.virtual-rostock.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.virtual-rostock.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.virtual-rostock.de or http://www.virtual-rostock.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n DeSoTec Decken- und Sonnenschutztechnik website https://www.desotec.info/ 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.desotec.info/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Nah & Frisch contact:website https://www.nahundfrisch.de 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.nahundfrisch.de/marktauswahl/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Pizzeria Inselkind website https://www.inselkind-ueckeritz.de/index.php/de/ 924 POI without feature

Redirect URL: https://inselkind-ueckeritz.de/de/

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Liebau Orthopädietechnik contact:website https://www.liebau-ot.de/standort/filiale-warnemuende.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Warnemünder Trödelecke contact:website www.warnemündertrödelecke.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.warnem%C3%BCndertr%C3%B6delecke.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.warnemündertrödelecke.de or http://www.warnemündertrödelecke.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Tägliche Mühe image https://photos.app.goo.gl/NRRZme1GoEKqmDC3A 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOWIpdUIIuk0EDx9Wc_hhxStktwVSGnP99di3jNKFkvzYj8jNx8gt7OmPwfCe5j…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fischerkrug website https://www.pension-lotte.de/fischerkrug.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n CIP Oberflächen GmbH - Farbprofis - Malermeisterbetrieb website https://www.farb-profis.de 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.farb-profis.de": remote error: tls: handshake failure

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Pfannkuchenhaus website https://schmitz-dierhagen.de/FeWo/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Wald der Sinne website https://wolgast.de/buddenhagen/wald-der-sinne 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Am Kiekenbusch website https://www.ferienwohnung-ruegen-1a.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.ferienwohnung-ruegen-1a.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Operator: Seenfischerei Canow contact:website https://www.fischerei-wesenberg.de/ferienwohnungen/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Haus Ninive website http://haus-ninive-verchen.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://haus-ninive-verchen.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Schweriner Bildungswerkstatt website https://www.schweriner-bildungswerkstatt.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.schweriner-bildungswerkstatt.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.webspaceconfig.de, webspaceconfig.de, not www.schweriner-bildungswerkstatt.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Snackbar 58 contact:website http://www.snackbar58.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: http://ww25.snackbar58.de/?subid1=20250221-1507-324f-9ee0-8f83b0c0c2e4

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n ACR website https://www.acr-greifswald.de/ 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n PICO Küchen website https://www.pico-kuechen.de/ 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Amazon Hub Locker website https://www.amazon.de/lockerkaenguru 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n TEEK Hostel contact:website https://teek-hostel.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://teek-hostel.de": dial tcp: lookup teek-hostel.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Residenz am Peeneplatz contact:website http://www.residenz-am-peeneplatz.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.residenz-am-peeneplatz.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.residenz-am-peeneplatz.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Pension Zum Blümchen website https://www.pension-bluemchen-schwerin.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.pension-bluemchen-schwerin.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.pension-bluemchen-schwerin.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Strandrestaurant Achterdeck website http://www.ostseewoge.com/hotel-ostsee-restaurant-cafe.html 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.ostseewoge.com/hotel-ostsee-restaurant-cafe.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Eiscafe Jackle & Heidi contact:website https://www.jackle-heidi.com/eismanufaktur/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Regionale Schule „Hermann Burmeister“ website http://hburmeister-stralsund.de/wordpress/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://hburmeister-stralsund.de/wordpress/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kleine Försterei website http://www.kleine-foersterei-ruegen.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.kleine-foersterei-ruegen.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Dune London website https://www.dune-net.de 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Gutshaus Kaltenhof website https://www.gutshaus-kaltenhof.de/startseite.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hallenkartbahn Stralsund website http://www.kartbahn-mv.de/Stralsund/home.html 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.kartbahn-mv.de/Stralsund/home.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Haus am Meer website https://www.hausammeer-lohme.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Physioenergetik contact:website http://www.physioenergetik-meck-pomm.de/ 503 Service Unavailable

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Caravan Baustian & Wagner GbR website https://www.caravan-bw.de/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Institut für Community Medicine contact:website https://www2.medizin.uni-greifswald.de/icm/index.php 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Institut für Pathophysiologie contact:website http://www2.medizin.uni-greifswald.de/pathophys/institut/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www2.medizin.uni-greifswald.de/pathophys/institut/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Biologische Station Hiddensee contact:website https://biologie.uni-greifswald.de/struktur/zentrale-einrichtungen/biologische-station-hiddensee/ 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.uni-greifswald.de/struktur/zentrale-einrichtungen/biologische-station-hiddensee/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Windflüchter website https://pensionwindfluechter.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://pensionwindfluechter.de/": dial tcp: lookup pensionwindfluechter.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Dr. med. Karin Kirsch contact:website https://www.hausarztpraxis-kirsch.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.hausarztpraxis-kirsch.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.hausarztpraxis-kirsch.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ocean Insights website https://www.ocean-insights.com 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.ocean-insights.com": dial tcp: lookup www.ocean-insights.com on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Physiotherapie Holz-Gräfe contact:website www.physio-rostock.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.physio-rostock.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.physio-rostock.de or http://www.physio-rostock.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Family contact:website http://china-restaurant-family.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://china-restaurant-family.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Mühlenvilla am Bützower Hafen image https://business.google.com/photos/l/07490253541407953259 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://accounts.google.com/v3/signin/identifier?continue=https%3A%2F%2Fbusiness.google.com%2Fn%2F13…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Asen contact:website https://www.amazon.de/ulp/add-ap-to-address-book?countryCode=DE&accessPointId=42409612 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.amazon.de/ap/signin?openid.pape.max_auth_age=3600&openid.return_to=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ama…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Privatärztliche Facharztpraxis Jaksch website http://www.praxis-jaksch.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.praxis-jaksch.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.praxis-jaksch.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n BMW Autohaus Wismar GmbH website http://ah-wismar.bmw.de/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: http://bmw-partner.bmw.de/autohaus-wismar/de_DE/index.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ministerium für Bildung und Kindertagesförderung Mecklenburg-Vorpommern - Institut für Qualitätsentwicklung Mecklenburg-Vorpommern - Regionalbereich Schwerin website https://www.bildung-mv.de/lehrer/fort-und-weiterbildung/iqmv-fortbildungen/ 404 404

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bio-Milchtankstelle contact:website https://www.dein-bauernladen.de/2733_Biolandwirtschaftsbetrieb_Sven_Gro%C3%9Fmann_in_Klink_OT_Graben… 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.dein-bauernladen.de/2733_Biolandwirtschaftsbetrieb_Sven_Gro%C3%9Fmann_in_Klink_OT_Grabenitz": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for realtime.at, www.realtime.at, not www.dein-bauernladen.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Zempiner Rangen website http://zempiner-rangen.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://zempiner-rangen.de/": dial tcp: lookup zempiner-rangen.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Antiquariate im Speicher Neustrelitz website http://www.antiquariate-neustrelitz.de/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hanse-Jobcenter contact:website https://con.arbeitsagentur.de/prod/apok/service-vor-ort/hanse-jobcenter-rostock-rostock.html 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://con.arbeitsagentur.de/prod/apok/service-vor-ort/hanse-jobcenter-rostock-rostock.html": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Stadtarchiv contact:website https://bad-doberan-heiligendamm.de/bildung-sport-freizeit/stadtarchiv.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.bad-doberan-heiligendamm.de/de/bildung-sport-freizeit/stadtarchiv.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bauhof Stadt Lübtheen Grünschnitannahme website https://www.luebtheen.de/verwaltung/unsere-verwaltung/oeffnungszeiten-sprechzeiten/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n HUK-Coburg Doris Schröder contact:website https://www.huk.de/vm/doris.schroeder 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.huk.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Tagesklinik der GGP | Fachbereich Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie, -psychotherapie und Psychosomatik 0-7 contact:website https://www.ggp-gruppe.de/kip/teilstationaer/tagesklinik-kindergarten-vorschulkinder0/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Therapeutisches Jugendwohnen »Solaris« contact:website https://www.ggp-gruppe.de/kip/wohnen/therapeutische-kinder-und-jugendwohngemeinschaft-solaris/ 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.ggp-gruppe.de/versorgung-kinder-jugendliche-und-familien/wohnen/therapeutische-kinder-un…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Physiotherapie Carola Waterstradt website https://www.physiotherapie-waterstradt.de/ 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.physiotherapie-waterstradt.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-21T05:10:35+01:00 is after 2024-09-24T08:30:06Z

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Physiotherapie C. Waterstradt website https://www.physiotherapie-waterstradt.de/ 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.physiotherapie-waterstradt.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-21T05:10:36+01:00 is after 2024-09-24T08:30:06Z

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n image https://www.flickr.com/photos/145612063@N08/45542816615/in/pool-3502907@N24/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n VWM PROJEKT website http://www.vwm-project.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.vwm-project.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kaufmanns's Laden contact:website https://kaufmannsladen-wegner.de 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://dein-kaufmannsladen.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bau Management Schnitzer website http://www.bms-schnitzer.com 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.bms-schnitzer.com": dial tcp: lookup www.bms-schnitzer.com on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fahrradverleih contact:website http://ostseefahrradverleih.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://ostseefahrradverleih.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Garske contact:website http://usedom-garske.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://usedom-garske.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Waldladen & Wildbistro auf dem Forsthof contact:website https://www.wald-mv.de/Forstaemter/Neu-Pudagla/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienhaus am Jungfernberg 2a contact:website https://www.ferienhaus-am-jungfernberg.de 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.ferienhaus-am-jungfernberg.de": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.ferienhaus-am-jungfernberg.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienhaus am Jungfernberg 2b contact:website https://www.ferienhaus-am-jungfernberg.de 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.ferienhaus-am-jungfernberg.de": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.ferienhaus-am-jungfernberg.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienhaus am Jungfernberg 1a contact:website https://www.ferienhaus-am-jungfernberg.de 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.ferienhaus-am-jungfernberg.de": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.ferienhaus-am-jungfernberg.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienhaus am Jungfernberg 1b contact:website https://www.ferienhaus-am-jungfernberg.de 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.ferienhaus-am-jungfernberg.de": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.ferienhaus-am-jungfernberg.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Der Zimmermann contact:website http://www.derzimmermann.com/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.derzimmermann.com/": dial tcp: lookup www.derzimmermann.com on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Roba27 contact:website https://www.roba24.de 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.roba24.de": EOF

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hofladen Domäne Kneese contact:website https://www.g-e-h.de/index.php/arche-hoefe/64-archehoefe/269-arche-hof31 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.g-e-h.de/arche-hoefe/64-archehoefe/269-arche-hof31

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ergo contact:website https://s-petzold.ergo.de/de/Startpage/Startseite(AGT) 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://s-petzold.ergo.de/de/Startpage/Startseite(AGT)": dial tcp: lookup s-petzold.ergo.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Sellke contact:website https://notarin-sellke.de/node/1375 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://notarin-sellke.de/node/1375": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-21T05:11:11+01:00 is after 2022-02-14T14:55:09Z

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Reisebüro am Ring contact:website https://kiek-in-de-welt.de/neubrandenburg%7Cring 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://kiek-in-de-welt.de/neubrandenburg%7Cring": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-21T05:11:13+01:00 is after 2021-11-23T23:08:39Z

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Prizeotel Rostock-City contact:website https://www.prizeotel.com/de/rostock-city/ 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Schmücker contact:website https://kinderpsychotherapie-neubrandenburg.de/ 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://kinderpsychotherapie-neubrandenburg.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-21T05:11:18+01:00 is after 2023-06-27T23:59:59Z

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Alternatives Wohnen Rostock e.V. website http://awiro.blogsport.de 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://awiro.blogsport.de": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Rakukunst Antje Rabe contact:website https://rakukunstrabe.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://rakukunstrabe.de": dial tcp: lookup rakukunstrabe.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fahrschule Jantzen contact:website http://www.fahrschule-jantzen.de 303 See Other

Redirect URL: https://www.fahrschule-in-wismar.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Das kleine Dachstübchen website https://www.dachstuebchen.net/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.dachstuebchen.net/": dial tcp: lookup www.dachstuebchen.net on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Marina Shop website https://www.marina-hohenwieschendorf.de/shop/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Architekturbüro Carolin Schulz contact:website https://www.architektin-schulz.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.architektin-schulz.de": dial tcp: lookup www.architektin-schulz.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Leibniz-Institut für Plasmaforschung und Technologie website https://www.inp-greifswald.de/ 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.inp-greifswald.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n AUTO-NOA website https://www.toyota.de/dealer/Hagenow/19230/AUTO-NOA 404 Not Found

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website contact:website

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Naturstein und Terrazzo Jürgen Kellotat website https://www.naturstein-kellotat.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.naturstein-kellotat.de": dial tcp: lookup www.naturstein-kellotat.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n contact:website www.test-rostock.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.test-rostock.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.test-rostock.de or http://www.test-rostock.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n dasWerbeStudio Langwasser contact:website http://www.werbung-in-rostock.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.werbung-in-rostock.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Frisör Meyn website https://haar.pro/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://haar.pro/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Meynstream DJ website https://meynstream.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://meynstream.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fahrradwelt Henoch website https://www.fahrradverleih-ostsee.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.fahrradverleih-ostsee.de/": remote error: tls: handshake failure

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ostseehotel website http://ostseehotel-neubukow.de/startseite/ 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Existenzgründerzentrum website https://egz.wolgast.de/index.php?id=44 423 Locked

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n DRK Kindertagesstätte "Lütt Hüsung" website https://www.drk-nvp.de/index.php?id=2229 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Louis Simon website https://max-samuel-haus.de/stolpersteine/liste-der-stolpersteine.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://max-samuel-haus.de/de/stolpersteine/liste-der-stolpersteine.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Vineta-Apotheke website https://www.stadt-apotheke-wolgast.de/apotheke/vinetaapotheke.htm 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienwohnungen Familie Remus website http://remus.aufruegen.com/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://remus.aufruegen.com/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Strandgut website http://strandgut-ferienwohnungen.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://strandgut-ferienwohnungen.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n DER SALON - JULIA KRUSE ✂ FRISEUR & MAKE-UP website https://der-salon.eu/pages/friseur-neubrandenburg 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://der-salon.eu/pages/friseur-rostock

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Inselküche Koserow website https://www.inselkueche-usedom.de 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.inselkueche-usedom.de": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.inselkueche-usedom.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Vineta-Grundschule Koserow contact:website http://grundschule-koserow.de 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Wendt contact:website http://www.zahnarzt-roebel.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.zahnarzt-roebel.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Parkhotel Putbus website https://www.parkhotel-putbus.de/ 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.parkhotel-putbus.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Mario's contact:website https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100054256670544 921 Social Media URL detected

Better use contact:facebook instead of contact:website. URL status is 400 Bad Request

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Oase zum Glück website https://www.oase-zum-glueck.de/ 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Pizza House website https://pizzahouse-lalenforf.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://pizzahouse-lalenforf.de": dial tcp: lookup pizzahouse-lalenforf.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Café Einraum website http://www.cafe-einraum.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.cafe-einraum.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.cafe-einraum.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Smykala Fisch Werksverkauf website https://www.smykalafisch.de/ 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Scan Möbel website https://www.scan-moebel.de/ 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.scan-moebel.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n FineArt website https://www.iberotel.de/iberotel-boltenhagen-ostsee-deutschland.html 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.iberotel.de/iberotel-boltenhagen-ostsee-deutschland.html": dial tcp: lookup www.iberotel.de on no such host

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website contact:website

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n FineArt contact:website https://www.iberotel.de/iberotel-boltenhagen-ostsee-deutschland-restaurant.html 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.iberotel.de/iberotel-boltenhagen-ostsee-deutschland-restaurant.html": dial tcp: lookup www.iberotel.de on no such host

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website contact:website

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n FeWo Sehnsucht Nr. 2 website https://www.sehnsucht-zingst.de/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n FeWo Sehnsucht Nr. 4 website https://www.sehnsucht-zingst.de/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Haus Meeresblick contact:website https://www.pommerscher-diakonieverein.de/soziale-angebote/pflegen/stationaere-pflege-kurzzeit-und-v… 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.pommerscher-diakonieverein.de/gepflegt-leben/pflegeheime/haus-meeresblick-lubmin

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Villa Hintze contact:website http://www.villa-hintze-heringsdorf.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.villa-hintze-heringsdorf.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Satower Mosterei - Hofladen contact:website https://www.satower-mosterei.de/hofladen/ 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Reifen Helm contact:website https://www.reifenhelm.de/standorte.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Baugeschäft Riedel website https://baugeschaeft-riedel.de 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://baugeschaeft-riedel.de": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.kasserver.com, kasserver.com, not baugeschaeft-riedel.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Dr. Antje Neesen website https://www.dr-neesen.de 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.dr-neesen.de": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for d0931cfac589827d38c3e897fbe6163a.edca19a33eb0401ac8108f9bd7ebb43a.traefik.default, not www.dr-neesen.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Pferdehof Binz contact:website https://www.pferdehof-in-binz.de 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Antik Mühle Tarnow website http://www.antikmuehle-tarnow.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.antikmuehle-tarnow.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Z+ Zahnärzte website https://www.z-plus-zahnaerzte.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.z-plus-zahnaerzte.de/": EOF

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Alpakahof am Iserberg contact:website http://www.iserbergalpaka.de 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.iserbergalpaka.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Edle Tropfen - Kräuterspezialitäten contact:website http://www.edle-tropfen.com 503 Service Unavailable

Redirect URL: https://www.edle-tropfen.com/de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hof Walden contact:website http://hof-walden.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://hof-walden.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Gärtnerei am Gutshaus contact:website https://vorpommernshop.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n image http://up.picr.de/22124630ur.jpg 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://up.picr.de/22124630ur.jpg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Neuwoges Wohnzentrale contact:website https://www.neuwoges.de/ansprechpartner/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Diaverum Stralsund website https://www.diaverum.de/de/de/clinic-container/diaverum-stralsund 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.diaverum.de:443/de/clinic-container/diaverum-stralsund

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Grundschule im Campus am Turm website https://www.grundschule-cat.de/ 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.grundschule-cat.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-21T05:16:05+01:00 is after 2021-01-19T15:13:30Z

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Nordperdhalle website http://www.nordperdhalle.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.nordperdhalle.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n image https://photos.app.goo.gl/ZvkiPWfp9qLn2YQE9 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipM_uIvfnI5iyvGH-p-TZXfthO_eEpANzK8i-SCEmnvlct5t3L116B4hAuPPOHy4…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n image https://photos.app.goo.gl/zfcBSRjf44TJbqpK8 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMYyXC-jVA3KMKIJxedCH_58YCJ1VuMArNrp1ZoDvCE0vBDBWwMSXfv8vzICvhN…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n image https://photos.app.goo.gl/HrhWY7cTjJLB8rEX6 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNFgJIuM0q-Rcll0wp1_N90sq8TTuqXG2wIECmBe7usq3eJOqy3Ud693FodYBqE…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n image https://photos.app.goo.gl/o9GzoyREMoTMYBcG8 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipM2y9Zb2_OR3ezyBvc0cR8-rnjp8nTZ2-8mm2uS5v7mbM3tJLCPHZxr2Tv1S_21…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n image https://photos.app.goo.gl/G7Z5vQ3ktJEBc2WQ7 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMAGUyypS4qFY6-7VBmqg8YNGKhYMU_FeIGSrxr_KJ6LIub9SB50v8lYfpey4VP…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n image https://photos.app.goo.gl/czdKH9Tmmi2NcrVSA 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNT-e_n86-SwwIKoY99utcF_UzOHDuzWf-3Mg6ytsKPzD8QV0LU0n-zDmPJzmEc…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Denkmal Friedrich Franz III. image https://photos.app.goo.gl/2PkpYQspoD7QPqeL7 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPFwObU1obUFxfsH38ubq3l5Ev2-ZJlTzyIEFyeaxV5OdssZuQlvLLuVCXEwE5i…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n image https://photos.app.goo.gl/d2Dkz3h2dkiGMspz7 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOvGhLJMyPngXIOarAkWdjDyWT4b5HqT5BtR1xfou1lMgVe8f4SyFKeT1iOyGSc…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Zinkgussvasen image https://photos.app.goo.gl/vhQ7Hfta7kv2FRtm7 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOS0DK7mWVV1zGXTdActozNk6THZIhZyh2jpkb9Ry0LVl7zAiAIhDYeRAz0pnDM…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Zinkgussvasen image https://photos.app.goo.gl/Thyp3PCDJAWAa9PX7 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipObqz7naWx2Vr-uEk5YDz-Os0HEYqkyHANby5v6Bl4NtZOHQVhj1xoKQKli-qfP…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n image https://photos.app.goo.gl/Ff9cnMvTpSjzjgKt5 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMulsMxQ7bmd9qoAAuKUjK2zp_y8x5KN7ex2FfCwcAPnNZKxKL9LQ3yff_ZYTyc…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Louisen-Mausoleum image https://photos.app.goo.gl/PM7y2Tv4YVvq3L91A 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOW6we6dUcFR1fcXlztVK_4NPKe14g4MUseLg6-KDewyYMN3lJp1EHwvtssp0-Z…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Johannisdam image https://photos.app.goo.gl/ujLJtWbZqMA4ouxN8 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPNOJHgh8hxJTSshOtctyTBsg0zRExMVuFztYpe7NrJf-m_VbJtQRd1YTQhtENR…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Katholiche kirche Sankt Helena image https://photos.app.goo.gl/f9UEBhQcTLHYXmXJ7 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOwC5rU0NSc2z6X0T2eezmMrB_M3xEN7IMNZouUMq4Zjl10QqLO6yoCoJNXUccA…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n image https://photos.app.goo.gl/XGzonhpzZmCUMWUc9 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMCwwAS_fjnoVxUQ6Ktnq0i7s3kmCCneYqgwPfsXbzq3Hcs6UiyD7RpshvjZDEw…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Scharenberg 1820-1890 image https://photos.app.goo.gl/JFwMScoeyVw5Mk6a8 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMqf24TdGFCDzDPcbM_msUmsu6UEzEx-0MnLxo8-ST3zu-xAj8xHeU9fkZXiWrZ…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Emil Elftener 1893-1946 image https://photos.app.goo.gl/27hJ5cdHg4MP45pk6 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMhNw-cnaGb7dCBfGKqdSxXCA84fbCcfpzVbBQGfTOZCTPn07TG1LwYH3AdPJI9…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Teepavillon image https://photos.app.goo.gl/QLkBF4hqbbu2fxY88 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNwApXm0EEGvJMQXIrxaxU8052MKL4d-MC4LMAYA6RqiP4U0vbp-2kuZiiLpjYs…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n image https://photos.app.goo.gl/VzY6y9bhyroHDXEh6 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPQAoHrhlWmi4XtfH4tBQpq3H7epVHFwV1ZiuymaEvN4Qdv3uJz1lULJcMCHOeM…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kskade image https://photos.app.goo.gl/SEqZStxYK9kfWt3o8 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNwks74Z8WHkrUgq6_v_IA2RyslnJ6-nzwQ1oiJyCj7Iz4AifiLThN8oVrUfk4y…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kaskade image https://photos.app.goo.gl/F74RXcTKNZeVu8mr9 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMK_DUIcmiHQGeMw4k3c78vJa8U0_Ftzr7_ot5CYqFFNafzNBcwpsJrC9IjzA_0…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n image https://photos.app.goo.gl/iTwdZ3X1DBmS22Ut9 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNi-irz9eX-GxTtW7KNkRjXuZWsBabB9Qydnqu3SQDXOAXjsBdlcRz9bqPSRX7-…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ludwigslust entdecken image https://photos.app.goo.gl/RK4Nnsc5Sqm7pKDFA 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipM9su5RgGQ9WejG33wgbWG4u1sb35yYs3PAjxJhX21F32vwzLWKWEDdBy6weJYX…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n image https://photos.app.goo.gl/ADoaC2HZ6PypQhdj9 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPCAH1j-EY0QFzQTsz601N5UzaT0oMjXU55t_nbWd9J21opjTRVCGxrOseKGQGs…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n image https://photos.app.goo.gl/eN3GA3bs5y3Ka1Ts6 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipN4r0L_5ejjKBumL5K7XFEeAkQ66zwPPKL6OM-sq2uEjVAMmicnxjcAxemEH90Y…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Beerdigung am 7. Mai 1945 image https://photos.app.goo.gl/Pmo2uSFQ1HmdqWg19 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMMzyQXhbghfvcWXAmtxVcHkWwKbn0Od2WvYw9tKarES8-AVcXi47NyFzmHSjq7…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ehterfriedhof für 200 Opfer des KZ Wöbbelin image https://photos.app.goo.gl/iU9v6SuMCrh9KmSSA 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipN6q5K9kFDlsk7V5zxN5jLFSnQGh6QVH8S0-99zZxMUKdEzp-9wweEZl15WPMvg…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Das Denkmal image https://photos.app.goo.gl/vKacQgDEVh8gLaLg6 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMdudLefpeiEtSVYJggBQYVu2E8PEuTLik-2W2ddOkk10eIkTNlMJiPCZz866VB…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n 2. Mai 2001 image https://photos.app.goo.gl/8VijvqfG42XGffou8 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipO1sapEzu9IP9h1FzrFbVHLUK1vCO95NkCfX0VuMsD8Oq1CFU3tBztYc2a4gbZX…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n May 2, 2001 image https://photos.app.goo.gl/UexQMqpYfWmzp4bH8 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipN3uplddvCJpzFE-9DexXDKlnyAG3boGL8xe9UlUybL9aAlSzb0frgs1tf4Qp0z…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ehterfriedhof für 200 Opfer des KZ Wöbbelin image https://photos.app.goo.gl/NkJTzucwu2vpkXqH8 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMGGsxsHz_DFRckj91Fny2umeJrSPdv0BWESVgq5nKK02jeNsEhMZbff0p7Ewzn…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n image https://photos.app.goo.gl/1ex7N3znzBtLWyxQ7 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipP29-T4GUprdSoHSs7kB3wpk9KDrqFhWiZSdwfai_0xQO7cl4Hn9vN_1zXfWELs…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n image https://photos.app.goo.gl/MuzGMyQfjiVg8RcY9 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNem9t8yDGb7_aIBL9jdDrxC5xDxZExnzP16SwKKcZKavzQYo-t8KaSxLRk7SGH…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n image https://photos.app.goo.gl/PcZKDkRGuEmKoYwn9 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMkp42yqhje4g1SVLg2uaS6dAoAb8NQfEpqJ8oaJC9wA2UXq8UASU2kaT7pxIGB…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Raseneisenstein image https://photos.app.goo.gl/QAAfTeDJvfgfBtCB8 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipN2kFAL2lnfF6BBlKobhGjQK5R19LNXMyHVwiKDCYAoLK9rwuBbKzCSqqnu7uKf…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n image https://photos.app.goo.gl/gMpfRvZrXwUZFibE6 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMihMeb_Iv2NP-aXkCRg6AUThKSHjUuR_J17zA5qF1mReSnjLI-9is-ShWNGpO_…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Stahlgussglocken image https://photos.app.goo.gl/ExKPZLaDnwPEEDdM7 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPYER4KOwHUe_9g09vlU7q0L8bIkK3YO3jRZ561VlDRRdRtdtC1lvy-yXiUBls4…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Heinsius image https://photos.app.goo.gl/bYUu1W7f5zXQYuAM8 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNFVTYh_SK1-O_ARUxp80DM_PLgJbuEhVUXKLNuerBK20WMQG-wyeq6wzq088Uv…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n image https://photos.app.goo.gl/efPn5sXvbrWS6EnB7 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPwJgfn77xrvg35UIvW8mOtpuuMLwPeULyK5TZ9ErnRgLvZbAc454fkz4ZkGiFK…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n contact:website https://www.bootscenter-mueritz.de/de/bootsservice 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n contact:website https://www.bootscenter-mueritz.de/de/bootsservice 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Taparazzi website https://www.taparazzi.de/prerow.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.taparazzi.de/prerow

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Restaurant „Blick zur Müritz“ contact:website https://www.restaurant-blick-zur-mueritz.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.restaurant-blick-zur-mueritz.de": dial tcp: lookup www.restaurant-blick-zur-mueritz.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hemmes Lange Schulz website http://anwaltskanzlei-stralsund.eu 414 Request-URI Too Long

Redirect URL: http://anwaltskanzlei-stralsund.eu/hammes-kanzlei.de/hammes-kanzlei.de/hammes-kanzlei.de/hammes-kanz…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Johans!Restaurant website https://www.johans-restaurant.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://blauer-esel-bistro.de/hanse-outlet/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Künstlerisch Kreatives Tun im Stadtteil contact:website https://www.ggp-gruppe.de/teilhabeleistungen-erwachsene/tagesstrukturierende-angebote/kuenstlerisch-… 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.ggp-gruppe.de/teilhabeleistungen-erwachsene/tagesstrukturierende-angebote/kuenstlerisch-…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Wasserstoff contact:website http://www.deinwasserstoff.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.deinwasserstoff.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n BRABANDERIE website https://www.brabanderie.de 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.brabanderie.de": remote error: tls: handshake failure

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Brabänder&Zisenis Coaching website https://brabaender-zisenis.de 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://brabaender-zisenis.de/wartung3/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ostseefrösche contact:website http://www.tagesmutter-ostseefroesche.de 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n The Black Bull contact:website https://www.facebook.com/steaksundmeer.de/ 921 Social Media URL detected

Better use contact:facebook instead of contact:website. URL status is 400 Bad Request

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n bestservice24 contact:website https://www.bestservice-rostock.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.bestservice-rostock.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.bestservice-rostock.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n homerepair contact:website https://www.homerepair-rostock.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.homerepair-rostock.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.homerepair-rostock.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Militaria-Mahnke contact:website http://www.militaria-mahnke.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.militaria-mahnke.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Asia Restaurant Nam Long website https://asia-namlong.de/asia-restaurant.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienhaus "Uns Hus" contact:website https://www.fewo-direkt.de/ferienwohnung-ferienhaus/p2050949 429 Too Many Requests

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienhaus Hornhecht contact:website https://www.ostseeurlaub-ferienwohnungen.de/objekt/ferienhaus-hornhecht.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Evangelische Gemeinschaft Demmin contact:website http://www.eg-demmin.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.eg-demmin.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Dr. med. R. Weuffen website https://www.aerztehaus-toitenwinkel.de/Weuffen.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Dipl. Med. M. Kerber website https://www.aerztehaus-toitenwinkel.de/Kerber.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fahrzeughandel und Service website https://www.toyota-fahrzeughandel-pasewalk.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.toyota-fahrzeughandel-pasewalk.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.toyota-fahrzeughandel-pasewalk.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Jugendclub Kritzmow contact:website http://schwaan.info/DRK_JSA/index.php/kontakt-jc-schwaan-3/kontakt-jc-kritzmow 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Friederikenkrug url http://kleinvielen-ev.de/?page_id=4129 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://kleinvielen-ev.de/?page_id=4129

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Landhaus Levitzow contact:website https://www.landhaus-levitzow.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.landhaus-levitzow.com/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Gut Wardow contact:website https://gutwardow.de 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Debeka contact:website https://www.debeka.de/svb/rostock3/index.html 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.debeka.de/cdn/ansprechpartnersuche/?url=https:%2F%2Fwww.debeka.de%2Fsvb%2Frostock3%2Find…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Flo's Bistro website https://flosbistro.de/ 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://flosbistro.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-21T05:18:28+01:00 is after 2025-02-17T21:02:23Z

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bürgertestzentrum Bad Doberan contact:website https://www.testzentrum-doberan.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.testzentrum-doberan.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.testzentrum-doberan.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n ehemalige Rats-Apotheke image https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:BarthLangeStrasse28.JPG 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fleischerei Zahlmann contact:website https://www.fleischerei-zahlmann.de/Kontakt/Barth 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n raum-design-66 contact:website https://www.raum-design66.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.raum-design66.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fleischerei "Zum Wilden Rudi" website https://www.zumwildenrudi.de 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Lerchenhof url http://kleinvielen-ev.de/?page_id=1133 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://kleinvielen-ev.de/?page_id=1133

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Internationales Haus Schwerin contact:website https://www.instagram.com/internationaleshausschwerin/ 921 Social Media URL detected

Better use contact:instagram instead of contact:website. URL status is 200 OK

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n LTG website https://www.tankstelle-ltg-autohof.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.tankstelle-ltg-autohof.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.tankstelle-ltg-autohof.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Pirate's Bar website https://www.pirates-bar.eu 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.pirates-bar.eu": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for 000000.ntools.de, not www.pirates-bar.eu

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Sportboot-Verleih website https://www.bootfahren.eu 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.hafendorf-mueritz.de/aufs-wasser/sport-spassboote/fuehrerscheinfreie-sportboote/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Pirate's Food website https://www.hafendorf-mueritz.de/ausgehen/pirates-bar/bar-food/ 403 Access denied

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Marina Büro website https://www.kuhnle.boats 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.kuhnle.boats": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for 000000.ntools.de, not www.kuhnle.boats

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Gesundheitsamt Landkreis Rostock contact:website https://www.landkreis-rostock.de/landkreis/kreisverwaltung/gesundheitsamt/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n fang-shop Onlineshop contact:website https://www.fang-shop.de 503 Service Unavailable

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n hackengas! contact:website http://www.standpunkt-shoes.de/galerie_hacken.html 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.standpunkt-shoes.de/galerie_hacken.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Lutter & Wegner contact:website http://lutter-wegner-heringsdorf.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://lutter-wegner-heringsdorf.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hotel Karolin contact:website http://www.hotel-karolin.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n CSI contact:website https://csi-usedom.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://csi-usedom.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.alfahosting-server.de, alfahosting-server.de, not csi-usedom.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n pretty child contact:website https://pretty-child.store/pages/ladengeschaft 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kaufhaus Stolz website https://unternehmen.kaufhaus-stolz.com/filialen/kluetz/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.kaufhaus-stolz.com/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n contact:website https://www.hmt-rostock.de/aktuelles-service/wartenummer/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n contact:website https://www.hmt-rostock.de/aktuelles-service/wartenummer/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Uhlenhof website https://www.ostsee-uhlenhof.de/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Schäferhaus website https://www.wfv-gmbh.de/Deutschland/Ostsee/Ruegen.-.Moenchgut/Schaeferhaus.1020001.-.Schaeferhaus 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.wfv-gmbh.de/Deutschland/Ostsee/Ruegen.-.Moenchgut/Schaeferhaus.Ferienwohnung.1

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Operator: Ostseesparkasse website https://www.sparkasse.de/standorte/filialen/ostseesparkasse-rostock-fahrbare-filiale-ospa-mobil-1663… 410 Gone

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bildungsladen website http://www.bildungsladen-mv.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.bildungsladen-mv.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.bildungsladen-mv.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Forsthaus Feldberger Hütte contact:website https://www.wald-mv.de/landesforst%E2%80%93mv/Ferienhaeuser/#feldberger 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Operator: Thomas Bräuer website www.zahnarzt-sternberg.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.zahnarzt-sternberg.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.zahnarzt-sternberg.de or http://www.zahnarzt-sternberg.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Happiness contact:website https://www.happiness-physio.de/ 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.happiness-physio.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-21T05:20:50+01:00 is after 2023-11-17T15:40:11Z

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Dr.med.dent. Kathrin Dargatz contact:website www.zahnartz-dargetz.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.zahnartz-dargetz.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.zahnartz-dargetz.de or http://www.zahnartz-dargetz.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n BSB Media contact:website http://www.bsb-media.de/bsb-media/index.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Förderverein Dorfkirche Buchholz/Müritz e.V. contact:website http://dorfkirche-buchholz.de/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://dorfkirche-buchholz.jimdofree.com

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Holunderhof website https://www.ostseeklar.de/stettiner-haff/vogelsang-warsin/ferienhaus-231419.html 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Room 23 contact:website www.room23.store 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.room23.store": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.room23.store or http://www.room23.store works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bavaria Feuerschutz J. Wannert GmbH website https://www.wannert-feuerschutz.de/ 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.wannert-feuerschutz.de/brandschutzsysteme-beratung-planung-uvm/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Subway website https://www.subway.com/de-DE 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.subway.com/de-DE": stream error: stream ID 1; INTERNAL_ERROR; received from peer

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Operator: Ines Reiher contact:website https://www.reiher-immobilien.de/ 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.reiher-immobilien.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Shell website https://find.shell.com/de/fuel/10026633-sassnitz-stralsunder-str-b-96 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://find.shell.com/de/fuel/10026633-sassnitz-stralsunder-str-b-96": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Schuh-Trend Buchin website https://www.schuhe.de/online-kaufen/schuh-trend-buchin-tochter-gbr/store-3000360 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n deWaal contact:website https://mdw.de/ 401 Unauthorized

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Rats-Apotheke website https://rats-apotheke-grimmen-grimmen.apotermin.online/ 503 Service Unavailable

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Politisches Bildungsforum Mecklenburg-Vorpommern website https://www.kas.de/de/web/mv 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Regionale Schule Reinberg website http://www.schule-reinberg.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Zeppelin Rental contact:website https://www.zeppelin-rental.de/ansprechpartner/standorte/neubrandenburg 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Sattlerei Manfred Hacker website https://www.sattlerei-hacker.de/ 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.sattlerei-hacker.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Zweirad Stoll website https://www.zweirad-stoll.de/ 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.zweirad-stoll.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-21T05:21:30+01:00 is after 2024-12-09T08:46:10Z

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bürostuhl Greifswald website https://www.Bürostuhl-Greifswald.de 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.B%C3%BCrostuhl-Greifswald.de": remote error: tls: unrecognized name

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Operator: Kristin Brechler website https://www.kristinbrechler.com/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.kristinbrechler.com/": dial tcp: lookup www.kristinbrechler.com on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n DDR Museum Mecklenburg contact:website http://www.ddr-museum-mecklenburg.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.ddr-museum-mecklenburg.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fahrradverleih Pank website https://www.fahrradverleih-pank-heringsdorf.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.fahrradverleih-pank-heringsdorf.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.fahrradverleih-pank-heringsdorf.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Buchhandlung am Steintor website http://www.buchhandlung-am-steintor.de 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.buchhandlung-am-steintor.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Prepernau Fahrradfachmarkt website https://www.prepernau.de 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.prepernau.de": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Gerichtskantine Stralsund website https://gerichtskantine-stralsund.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://gerichtskantine-stralsund.de": dial tcp: lookup gerichtskantine-stralsund.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Reimo Kochwatsch website https://time-to-return.jimdofree.com/ 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Stadt Barth website https://www.hotel-hafen-barth.de/home.html 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hotel Stadt Barth website https://www.hotel-hafen-barth.de/restaurant.html 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Choco Helden website https://www.chocohelden.de 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.chocohelden.de": net/http: TLS handshake timeout

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bestattungsunternehmen Bobsin & Nissen contact:website https://www.bestatter-in-rostock.de/pages/kontakt/buero-neuer-friedhof.php 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Loft auf dem Land website https://loft-auf-dem-land.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://loft-auf-dem-land.de/": dial tcp: lookup loft-auf-dem-land.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n FB-Yachtcharter contact:website https://www.fb-yachtcharter.de 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienwohnung Ostsee Speicher website https://www.ostseespeicher.de 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.ostseespeicher.de": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.alfahosting-server.de, alfahosting-server.de, not www.ostseespeicher.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Gästehaus am Fischereihafen contact:website https://rostock-gaestehaus.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://rostock-gaestehaus.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for dachdeckerei-hoffmeister.de, www.dachdeckerei-hoffmeister.de, not rostock-gaestehaus.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Institut für Kommunikation und Navigation website https://www.dlr.de/kn/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.dlr.de/de/kn/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Technologiemarketing website https://www.dlr.de/tm 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.dlr.de/de/forschung-und-transfer/innovation-und-transfer

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Deutsches Fernerkundungsdatenzentrum website https://www.dlr.de/eoc/de/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-5278/8856_read-15911/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.dlr.de/de/eoc/ueber-uns/deutsches_fernerkundungsdatenzentrum

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Institut für Solar-Terrestrische Physik website https://www.dlr.de/so/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-13420/23417_read-54014/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.dlr.de/de/so/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-13420/23417_read-54014/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Institut für Methodik der Fernerkundung website https://www.dlr.de/eoc/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-5279/8913_read-16239/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.dlr.de/de/eoc/ueber-uns/institut-fuer-methodik-der-fernerkundung

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Alte Räucherei website https://www.meerfischland.de/ferienobjekt/alte-raeucherei-01 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Weinfuzzi website https://genussreichrdg.wixsite.com/website-1 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Wohl-Lust Massage Service website http://wohllustmassageservice.com 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://wohllustmassageservice.com": dial tcp: lookup wohllustmassageservice.com on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n operator:website https://cndcomputer.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://cndcomputer.de/": http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Strandresort Rex Rugia website https://www.paradies-ruegen.de/ferienwohnungen-ferienhaeuser/middelhagen-lobbe-alt-reddevitz/strandr… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienhaus Xenia contact:website http://ostseeferienhaus-xenia-darss.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://ostseeferienhaus-xenia-darss.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kinderarztpraxis Nicolaus contact:website http://www.kinderarztpraxis-barth.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.kinderarztpraxis-barth.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Die Küstenmaler contact:website https://www.diekuestenmaler.de 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.diekuestenmaler.de": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kleiderkammer contact:website https://www.wi-barth.de/moebellager-2 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Operator: Fewo Miro contact:website https://www.fewomiro.net/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.fewomiro.net/": dial tcp: lookup www.fewomiro.net on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Quartiersmanagement Nordstadt contact:website https://quartiersmanagement-neubrandenburg.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://quartiersmanagement-neubrandenburg.de/": dial tcp: lookup quartiersmanagement-neubrandenburg.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n STR-Motorraddoc contact:website http://str-motorraddoc.de/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Datenschutz Nordost image https://www.datenschutzberater-mv.de/wp-content/themes/dsb-mv-theme/images/logo-dsbmv.svg 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n TechnikFuchs website https://technikfuchs-barth.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://technikfuchs-barth.de/": dial tcp: lookup technikfuchs-barth.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Clausohm-Software GmbH contact:website https://www.clausohm.de/home.html 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://clausohm.de/en/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Wego Systembaustoffe GmbH website https://standorte.wego-vti.de/wego-vti-rostock-7f73393dd090 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n der elektroladen contact:website https://www.elektroladen-purtz.de 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Auto-Scheune contact:website https://www.auto-scheune.de 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.auto-scheune.de": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.autrado.de, not www.auto-scheune.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kinder- und Jugendnotdienst contact:website https://www.asb-kjh.de/angebote/notdienst 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Pier 14 contact:website https://www.asb-kjh.de/angebote/wohngruppen/familienaktivierend 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Praxis für Logopädie contact:website http://logopaedie-ktv.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://logopaedie-ktv.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fischer Sicherheit website https://fischer-sicherheit.de 922 Domain is for sale: found string domainname.de in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n His Royal Highness Grande Duke Friedrich Maik, B[ro Bad Kleinen website https://www.friedrich-maik.com 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://ghz-friedrich-maik.com/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Zwergenland website https://www.zwergenland-zinnowitz.de/ 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Steffen's Cityport Tattoo contact:website https://www.cityport-tattoo.de 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.cityport-tattoo.de": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.cityport-tattoo.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Strandkorbvermietung Börgerende website http://strandkorbvermietung-boergerende.de/fe_skbe_moin.php 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://strandkorbvermietung-boergerende.de/fe_skbe_moin.php

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Fischer's Fischerbrötchen website https://www.hotelamfischerstrand.de/gastronomie/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Restaurant Fischer's website https://www.hotelamfischerstrand.de/gastronomie/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n BRETTSPIEL-PIONIERE website https://brettspiel-pioniere.de 503 Service Unavailable

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Operator: Lung MV website https://www.lung.mv-regierung.de/umwelt/luft/stat/stat45.htm 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hafenbistro Dabitz contact:website http://www.hafen-dabitz.de/bistro/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.hafen-dabitz.de/bistro/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Silbermöwe Zingst website https://silbermoewe-zingst.de/ 303 See Other

Redirect URL: https://www.strandurlaub-zingst.de/Ostsee/Fischland-Darss-Zingst/Zingst/25900.-.Silbermoewe

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Sonnenhof Bansin contact:website https://sonnenhof-bansin.net 911 Error doing request: Get "https://sonnenhof-bansin.net": dial tcp connect: connection refused

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Peene-Apotheke contact:website https://www.peeneapotheke.de 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n DÖNER CENTER website http://www.lankower-dreieck.de/nutzung.html 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.lankower-dreieck.de/nutzung.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Kosmetikzauber Zecha website https://www.kosmetik-zauber-zecha.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.kosmetik-zauber-zecha.de": dial tcp: lookup www.kosmetik-zauber-zecha.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Zuther + Hautmann website https://www.z-h.de/ 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.z-h.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Württembergische website https://www.wuerttembergische.de/versicherungen/lutz.radloff 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Braca website:menu https://www.thebreeze.de/export/sites/thebreeze2023/.galleries/restaurant/Braca-dinner.pdf 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Shell contact:website https://find.shell.com/de/fuel/10025736-samtens-bergener-str-13/de_DE 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://find.shell.com/de/fuel/10025736-samtens-bergener-str-13/de_DE": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n ILN Greifswald website http://www.iln-greifswald.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.iln-greifswald.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Christine Bock contact:website https://online-englisch.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://online-englisch.de/": dial tcp: lookup online-englisch.de on read udp> i/o timeout

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Tischlerei & Holzladen website https://www.holzwerkversand.fe 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.holzwerkversand.fe": dial tcp: lookup www.holzwerkversand.fe on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n DJ Dago website http://www.metassi.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.metassi.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Café 70 website http://www.cafe70.de/home.htm 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Chokohelden website https://www.chocohelden.de/ 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Decorela contact:website https://www.decorela.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.decorela.de": dial tcp: lookup www.decorela.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Alte Synagoge website https://www.engelscherhof.de 302 Found

Redirect URL: http://512336498.swh.strato-hosting.eu/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Usedomer Wild website https://fleischerei-usedomer-wild.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://fleischerei-usedomer-wild.de/": remote error: tls: handshake failure

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Naturcamping Saal website https://campsurf.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://campsurf.de/": dial tcp: lookup campsurf.de on server misbehaving

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n R-S-H Bike Service website https://www.rsh-bike.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.rsh-bike.de/": EOF

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Zentrale contact:website https://www.sundine.de/locations/cafe-zentrale/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.sundine.de/locations/cafe-zentrale/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for sundine.de, not www.sundine.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Boot & Mehr website http://www.bootundmehr.com 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.bootundmehr.com": dial tcp: lookup www.bootundmehr.com on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website https://www.mv-schockt.de/defi-standorte/detailanischt/show/feuerwehr-luettenmark 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.asb-schockt.de/home/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bauernstube contact:website https://www.bauernstube-russow.de/ 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Deine WaschBar website http://www.deine-waschbar.de/index.php/2-uncategorised/23-deine-waschbar-heringsdorf 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Disc-Golf Parcour contact:website https://dreesch-schwerin.de/treffs-einrichtungen/disc-golf-parcour/ 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.schwerin.de/landingpage/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n image http://kreativmanufaktur-schwerin.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/IMG-6772-scaled.jpg 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://kreativmanufaktur-schwerin.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/IMG-6772-scaled.jpg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Treibgut Kids website https://www.treibgut-kids.de/ 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Magdas Kosmetik Welt contact:website http://magdas-kosmetik-welt.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://magdas-kosmetik-welt.de/": dial tcp: lookup magdas-kosmetik-welt.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n image https://photos.app.goo.gl/XnJaixEuKpYSnCMU6 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipM9fsaEAa5DVPDfeAQtN3iB4CxvjU1xTzHmWuBc3inVCzkk7U1hVTO2yzdk4DQf…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n image https://photos.app.goo.gl/CMotFJ4xgMp1HZ67A 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMHTskGmqBSu3faW4fBn8EAZZ_a3y-rLTYH16DNyZPrcfXonI3o6pW9LnL5Vx1t…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Operator: Bike Market website https://bikemarket24.de/service/fahrradservice/fahrradreinigung.html 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Landbäckerei Lutz Blum contact:website https://www.facebook.com/people/Landb%C3%A4ckerei-Lutz-Blum/100063598146111/ 921 Social Media URL detected

Better use contact:facebook instead of contact:website. URL status is 400 Bad Request

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n K+S website https://fahrschule-kamm.de/ 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Operator: Franka Wingrat website https://www.frankawingrat.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.frankawingrat.de": dial tcp: lookup www.frankawingrat.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Greifmusic website https://greifmusic.de/i 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Raum und Form website http://www.raum-u-form.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.raum-u-form.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n English Club & Café website https://www.mortimer-english.de 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.mortimer-english.de": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.mortimer-english.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ernsting's family website https://verantwortung.ernstings-family.de 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://csr.ernstings-family.com:443/de/de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n BEGUSA contact:website https://begusa-techno.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://begusa-techno.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.pixel-punkt.de, pixel-punkt.de, not begusa-techno.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n website https://hof-alte-zeiten.de/ 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Tierarztpraxis Pampow website http://tap-zarpentin-schnoor.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://tap-zarpentin-schnoor.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Barmenia Versicherung - Hans-Peter Siedel website https://agentur.barmenia.de/hans-peter_siedel 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://agentur.barmenia.de/index.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n FBD Invest - Heiko Wernicke website https://berater.fbdd.de/heikowernicke 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Barmenia Versicherung - Luisa Jakubitz website https://agentur.barmenia.de/luisa_jakubitz 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://agentur.barmenia.de/index.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n tausendFüss contact:website https://tausendfuess.de/willkommen-im-tausendfuess 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ernsting's family website https://filialen.ernstings-family.de/ueckermuende-ueckerstr-47-49 308 Permanent Redirect

Redirect URL: https://filialen.ernstings-family.de?sq=ueckermuende%20ueckerstr%2047%2049

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n DIE LINKE contact:website https://www.die-linke-mse.de/ 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.die-linke-mse.de/nachrichten/nachrichten-aus-dem-landkreis-mecklenburgische-seenplatte/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n DIE LINKE KV Landkreis Rüstock website https://www.die-linke-landkreis-rostock.de 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.die-linke-landkreis-rostock.de/die-linke-ackert-fuer-gerechtigkeit-kreistagswahl-im-land…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n DIE LINKE KV Peene-Uecker-Ryck website https://www.die-linke-pur.de/ 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.die-linke-pur.de/politik/aktuelles/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n DIE LINKE KV Ludwigslust-Parchim website https://www.die-linke-lup.de 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.die-linke-lup.de/startseite/aktuelles/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Haus Putbus image https://images.bs.ds-srv.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_143703_014.jpg 302 Moved Temporarily

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iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienwohnung Familie Prey image https://d1pgrp37iul3tg.cloudfront.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_77921_010.jpg 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://images.bs.ds-srv.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_77921_010.jpg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n DIE LINKE KV Vorpommern-Rügen website https://www.die-linke-vorpommern-ruegen.de 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.die-linke-vorpommern-ruegen.de/politik/aktuelles/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Reetdachhaus "Landhaus Ulrich" image https://d1pgrp37iul3tg.cloudfront.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_25423_001.jpg 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://images.bs.ds-srv.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_25423_001.jpg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienwohnung Schmidt image https://cf.bstatic.com/xdata/images/hotel/max1280x900/229065869.jpg?k=d8fe0ab2a3fd36a7316b750c7a046a… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Deutsches Haus image https://d1pgrp37iul3tg.cloudfront.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_36310_001.jpg 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://images.bs.ds-srv.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_36310_001.jpg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienhaus Lohmann image https://images.bs.ds-srv.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_33320_004.jpg 302 Moved Temporarily

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iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Haus Mozart image https://d1pgrp37iul3tg.cloudfront.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_37594_001.jpg 302 Found

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iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Historisches Kapitänshaus image https://d1pgrp37iul3tg.cloudfront.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_29148_006.jpg 302 Found

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iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Bungalow am Strand image https://images.bs.ds-srv.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_153377_001.jpg 302 Moved Temporarily

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iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n DDR Bungalow am Strand image https://images.bs.ds-srv.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_143608_001.jpg 302 Moved Temporarily

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iD JOSM L0 +iL

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Redirect URL: https://images.bs.ds-srv.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_32371_006.jpg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Haus Delfs image https://d1pgrp37iul3tg.cloudfront.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_29179_011.jpg 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://images.bs.ds-srv.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_29179_011.jpg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienwohnung Kranich image https://images.bs.ds-srv.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_31877_009.jpg 302 Moved Temporarily

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iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Apartments Zicker 3b image https://d1pgrp37iul3tg.cloudfront.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_92295_013.jpg 302 Found

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iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Haus Hannes image https://images.bs.ds-srv.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_114117_001.jpg 302 Moved Temporarily

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iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Haus Lisa image https://images.bs.ds-srv.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_99402_001.jpg 302 Moved Temporarily

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iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Haus Heidelberg image https://d1pgrp37iul3tg.cloudfront.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_112153_014.jpg 302 Found

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iD JOSM L0 +iL

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iD JOSM L0 +iL

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iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Apartmentanlage Lancken-Granitz image https://images.bs.ds-srv.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_109429_011.jpg 302 Moved Temporarily

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iD JOSM L0 +iL

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iD JOSM L0 +iL

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iD JOSM L0 +iL

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Redirect URL: https://images.bs.ds-srv.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_41093_001.jpg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

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Redirect URL: https://images.bs.ds-srv.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_41064_002.jpg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Haus Vineta image https://d1pgrp37iul3tg.cloudfront.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_77175_009.jpg 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://images.bs.ds-srv.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_77175_009.jpg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Gästehaus "Svanvithe" image https://images.bs.ds-srv.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_35162_005.jpg 302 Moved Temporarily

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iD JOSM L0 +iL

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iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Barmenia Versicherung website https://agentur.barmenia.de/sandra_manthey-toppe 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienhaus Lüttig image https://d1pgrp37iul3tg.cloudfront.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_27596_023.jpg 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://images.bs.ds-srv.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_27596_023.jpg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienappartment MEERZEIT image https://images.bs.ds-srv.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_141576_003.jpg 302 Moved Temporarily

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iD JOSM L0 +iL

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iD JOSM L0 +iL

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iD JOSM L0 +iL

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Redirect URL: https://images.bs.ds-srv.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_112703_001.jpg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

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Redirect URL: https://images.bs.ds-srv.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_42688_001.jpg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienhaus "Am Schlummweg" image https://d1pgrp37iul3tg.cloudfront.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_41996_006.jpg 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://images.bs.ds-srv.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_41996_006.jpg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienbungalow Thesenvitz image https://d1pgrp37iul3tg.cloudfront.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_110782_008.jpg 302 Found

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iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Landhauswohnungen - Mitten auf Rügen image https://d1pgrp37iul3tg.cloudfront.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_12233_024.jpg 302 Found

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iD JOSM L0 +iL

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iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienhaus "Zum Südstrand" image https://images.bs.ds-srv.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_36273_021.jpg 302 Moved Temporarily

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iD JOSM L0 +iL

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iD JOSM L0 +iL

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Redirect URL: https://images.bs.ds-srv.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_113284_007.jpg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Haus Ferienglück image https://images.bs.ds-srv.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_111140_001.jpg 302 Moved Temporarily

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iD JOSM L0 +iL

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iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienwohnungen Sagard image https://images.bs.ds-srv.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_12416_005.jpg 302 Moved Temporarily

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iD JOSM L0 +iL

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Redirect URL: https://images.bs.ds-srv.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_81401_010.jpg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

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iD JOSM L0 +iL

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iD JOSM L0 +iL

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iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienwohnung Putbus image https://d1pgrp37iul3tg.cloudfront.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_108782_001.jpg 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://images.bs.ds-srv.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_108782_001.jpg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferien vom Ich - Fam. Kurth image https://d1pgrp37iul3tg.cloudfront.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_39229_007.jpg 302 Found

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iD JOSM L0 +iL

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iD JOSM L0 +iL

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iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienhaus Wolkenlos image https://images.bs.ds-srv.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_57391_007.jpg 302 Moved Temporarily

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iD JOSM L0 +iL

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iD JOSM L0 +iL

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iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienunterkünfte Villmann image https://d1pgrp37iul3tg.cloudfront.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_78026_009.jpg 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://images.bs.ds-srv.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_78026_009.jpg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienhaus Schwarz image https://d1pgrp37iul3tg.cloudfront.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_78018_011.jpg 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://images.bs.ds-srv.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_78018_011.jpg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienwohnung Freese image https://d1pgrp37iul3tg.cloudfront.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_30241_003.jpg 302 Found

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iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Gutsanlage Boldevitz image https://images.bs.ds-srv.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_33058_001.jpg 302 Moved Temporarily

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iD JOSM L0 +iL

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iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Haus Südstrand image https://images.bs.ds-srv.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_89766_014.jpg 302 Moved Temporarily

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iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Uns Wiekhus image https://d1pgrp37iul3tg.cloudfront.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_26392_008.jpg 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://images.bs.ds-srv.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_26392_008.jpg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Sol Kitchen website https://www.sol-kitchen.de/kantine_waldeck 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n GÜSTRA GmbH website http://www.guestra.de 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www.guestra.de": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n @Work Space contact:website www.atwork-space.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.atwork-space.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.atwork-space.de or http://www.atwork-space.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n SUZLON Energy contact:website https://www.suzlon.de 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.suzlon.de/Unternehmen.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Gasthof Seeblick website:menu https://ferienpension-seeblick.de/restaurant/ 924 POI without feature

Redirect URL: https://ferienpension-seeblick.de/

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Sonnenuhranlage Malchin image https://w.wiki/AmWw 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:20240727_xl_1706-Sonnenuhranlage_Malchin,_Kirchplatz,_2019_3…

URL shortener w.wiki used, status of redirect URL is 301 Moved Permanently

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n ErgoMare Praxis für Ergotherapie website ergomare.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "ergomare.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://ergomare.de or http://ergomare.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Glaserei Richert contact:website www.glas-richert.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.glas-richert.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.glas-richert.de or http://www.glas-richert.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n IMAGE Information Systems contact:website https://image-systems.biz 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.iq-image.com/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienhaus Stampe website https://www.ferien.cruize.de/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Barmenia Versicherung - Ridvan Savga website https://agentur.barmenia.de/ridvan_savga 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Landbäckerei Lutz Blum contact:website https://www.facebook.com/people/Landb%C3%A4ckerei-Lutz-Blum/100063598146111/ 921 Social Media URL detected

Better use contact:facebook instead of contact:website. URL status is 400 Bad Request

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Hafen "Am Speicher" contact:website https://www.hafen-am-speicher.de/ 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Glaserei Neumann contact:website https://luebzer-glas.business.site/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Concordia contact:website https://www.concordia.de/dirk-fleischer/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://agentur.concordia.de/dirk-fleischer/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n DRK Seniorenwohnen contact:website https://www.drk-parchim.de/unsere-angebote/pflege-senioren/betreutes-wohnen/betreutes-wohnen-luebz.h… 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.drk-parchim.de/betreutes-wohnen-luebz.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Storchenhorst image https://www.fotoreinke.de/001_Openstreetmap_Fotos/Benitz_003.JPG 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n VR Bank Mecklenburg eG. contact:website https://www.vr.de/standorte/L/vr-bank-mecklenburg-eg-regionalzentrum-luebz-5258.html 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.vr.de/standorte/L/vr-bank-mecklenburg-eg-regionalzentrum-luebz-5258.html": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Haus Arche contact:website timmendorf-strand.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "timmendorf-strand.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://timmendorf-strand.de or http://timmendorf-strand.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Rostocker Zooverein contact:website www.rostocker-zooverein.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.rostocker-zooverein.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.rostocker-zooverein.de or http://www.rostocker-zooverein.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Trinkwasserbrunnen contact:website https://www.nordwasser.de/togo 308 Permanent Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.nordwasser.de/trinkwasser/versorgung/togo-trinkbrunnen

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Operator: DRK Gesundheitsdienst website https://www.drk-msp.de/leichte-sprache/angebote/alltagshilfen/ambulante-pflege/kita-feldberg-3-1.htm… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Villa Meeresrauschen website http://meeresrauschen-usedom.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://meeresrauschen-usedom.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Trinkwasserbrunnen contact:website https://www.nordwasser.de/togo 308 Permanent Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.nordwasser.de/trinkwasser/versorgung/togo-trinkbrunnen

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n To Gao website:menu https://cdn.qr-code-generator.com/account21014120/40682473_2.pdf 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by CloudFront

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Regionalladen website https://www.schiffslaterne.com/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://pension-ueckermuende.com/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Abwassertechnik Unger contact:website http://www.rein-in-die-zukunft.de/i 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Café Lieblich website www.lieblich-greifswald.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.lieblich-greifswald.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.lieblich-greifswald.de or http://www.lieblich-greifswald.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n (Montage) Zimmer contact:website https://www.booking.com/hotel/de/zimmer-in-rom.de.html 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.booking.com/searchresults.de.html?label=gen173nr-1FCAsoO0INemltbWVyLWluLXJvbUgHWARoO4gBA…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n HUK-COBURG contact:website https://www.huk.de/vm/frank.grunenberg/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.huk.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Ferienhaus am Holzendorfer See contact:website https://ferien-fischerhof.de/i 911 Error doing request: Get "https://ferien-fischerhof.de/i": EOF

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Allianz contact:website https://vertretung.allianz.de/agentur.brenning/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Sunshine Store website https://sunshinestore-usedom.de 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Operator: Altes Reusenhus website https://www.ferienwohnung-waren.de 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.ferienwohnung-waren.de": remote error: tls: handshake failure

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Zentrum für zirkuläre Kunst url https://www.nordkurier.de/regional/parchim/so-geht-es-in-luebz-weiter-mit-dem-zzk-2425791 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: contact:website url

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n BAUKONZEPT contact:website www.baukonzept.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.baukonzept.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.baukonzept.de or http://www.baukonzept.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n sMecks Hofladen website https://www.facebook.com/smecks/?locale=de_DE 921 Social Media URL detected

Better use contact:facebook instead of website. URL status is 400 Bad Request

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Glücks-Ei website https://www.glücks-ei.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.gl%C3%BCcks-ei.de/": remote error: tls: handshake failure

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Osteopathiepraxis Otte contact:website www.osteopathie-otte.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.osteopathie-otte.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.osteopathie-otte.de or http://www.osteopathie-otte.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Brinkmann website https://autobrinkmann.de/verkauf/opel/standort-autobrinkmann-opel-malchin/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n eon Edis contact:website http://www.eon-edis.com/html/15736.htm 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.eon-edis.com/html/15736.htm": dial tcp: lookup www.eon-edis.com on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Autohaus Sachs website http://malchin.autocenter-sachs.de 404 File Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Koalino website www.koalino.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.koalino.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.koalino.de or http://www.koalino.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Urlauberdorf 30c website https://urlauberdorf.de/30c 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.ossebo.de/objekt/neues-urlauberdorf-hs-30-c.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Godewind 4 website https://ostsee-boltenhagen.com/godewind 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.ossebo.de/objekt/godewind-wohnung-4.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Operator: Karsten Fester contact:website https://www.huk.de/vm/karsten.fester/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.huk.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n image https://maps.app.goo.gl/wTdgLbduZBkVmgk29 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/105114795107574741875/photos/@54.084522,12.1333999,3a,75y,90t/da…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n image https://maps.app.goo.gl/DdKnfriEekhgJihk7 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/105114795107574741875/photos/@54.084522,12.1333999,3a,75y,90t/da…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n image https://maps.app.goo.gl/wTdgLbduZBkVmgk29 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/105114795107574741875/photos/@54.084522,12.1333999,3a,75y,90t/da…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Seecafe contact:website https://seecafe-ickert.de/#/pension 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://seecafe-ickert.de/#/pension": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Barmenia Versicherung website www.agentur.barmenia.de/phillip_schadek 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.agentur.barmenia.de/phillip_schadek": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.agentur.barmenia.de/phillip_schadek or http://www.agentur.barmenia.de/phillip_schadek works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n AMS Car service website http://www.ams-carservice.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.ams-carservice.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.ams-carservice.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Dr. med. dent. Michael Becker website https://www.zahnarzt-becker.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.zahnarzt-becker.de/": EOF

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Montessori-Grundschule "Lambert Steinwich" website https://www.stralsund.de/buerger/leben_in_stralsund/bildung/Schulen/Oeffentliche_Schulen/montessori_… 404 404

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n Schmiede Pechmann contact:website http://schmiede-pechmann.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://schmiede-pechmann.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n ZiolkowskiZEHN website www.studentenwohnen.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.studentenwohnen.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.studentenwohnen.de or http://www.studentenwohnen.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM n aetka Shop Grimmen contact:website https://www.aetka-grimmen.de/ 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.aetka-grimmen.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Flugplatz Neustadt-Glewe website http://www.edan-info.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.edan-info.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Lichtenhäger Chaussee website https://www.feuerwehr-hro.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.feuerwehr-hro.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website https://werftdreieck-rostock.de/ 303 See Other

Redirect URL: https://wohnungssuche.wiro.de/neubauten/werftdreieck-in-der-ktv.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Bootsverleih website https://www.bootfahren.eu 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.hafendorf-mueritz.de/aufs-wasser/sport-spassboote/fuehrerscheinfreie-sportboote/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Solmax Geosynthetics GmbH contact:website https://www.solmax.com 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.solmax.com/eu/en

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Seebrücke Zinnowitz website https://www.insel-usedom-wollin.de/zinnowitz/seebruecke.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Strandpromenade website https://www.insel-usedom-wollin.de/trassenheide/promenade.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Schweriner Marstall website https://www.regierung-mv.de/cms2/Regierungsportal_prod/Regierungsportal/de/bm/index.jsp 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Schelfpark website https://www.sds-schwerin.de/cp/index.php?id=86 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.sds-schwerin.de/cp/?id=86

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Operator: Wildpark MV website https://www.wildpark-mv.de/besuch-und-service/anreise.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hanshagener Bach url https://www.wbv-ryck-ziese.de/WBV-Ryck-Ziese/images/pdf/anlage2/6-07%20Kemnitz%202018%20Karte%20A3%2… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Zippendorfer Strand contact:website https://www.schwerin.de/kultur-tourismus/erlebnisse-in-schwerin/stadt-am-wasser/badestellen/zippendo… 307 307

Redirect URL: https://www.schwerin.de/landingpage/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Fähre Aalbude website https://mvvg-bus.de/?page_id=9 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Alter Friedhof website http://alterfriedhofschwerin.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://alterfriedhofschwerin.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Krankenhaus Bad Doberan website https://www.krankenhaus-doberan.de 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.krankenhaus-doberan.de": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Eikboom website http://www.gewerbegebiet-eikboom.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.gewerbegebiet-eikboom.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.gewerbegebiet-eikboom.de on server misbehaving

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wochenendsiedlung Weddeort contact:website http://www.ruegen-eins.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.ruegen-eins.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Stiftskirche zu Bützow website www.stiftskirche-buetzow.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.stiftskirche-buetzow.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.stiftskirche-buetzow.de or http://www.stiftskirche-buetzow.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Jagdschloss Hütten website http://www.kulturverein-huetten.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.kulturverein-huetten.de": dial tcp: lookup www.kulturverein-huetten.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Küstencamp 23 website https://kuestencamp.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://kuestencamp-ruegen.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Naturerlebnispfad Seeberge Verchen website https://www.mecklenburgische-schweiz.com/UrlaubsPlan/UrlaubsTipps/110613NaturerlebnislehrpfadSeeberg… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Naturerlebnispfad Seeberge Verchen website https://www.mecklenburgische-schweiz.com/UrlaubsPlan/UrlaubsTipps/110613NaturerlebnislehrpfadSeeberg… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w REPO Markt website https://www.repo-markt.de/standorte-beilagen-online/mecklenburg-vorpommern/showFiliale/Wolgast/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Natureum website https://www.natureum-darss.de/ 303 See Other

Redirect URL: https://www.deutsches-meeresmuseum.de/museumsstandorte/natureum/ihr-besuch

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Seebrücke Bansin website https://www.insel-usedom-wollin.de/bansin/seebruecke.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w PRT Rohrtechnik Rostock GmbH website http://www.prt-rohrtechnik.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.preuss-gruppe.de/de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Raumklammer website http://www.historisches-rostock.de/detail.php?kategorie=3&id=23 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.golnik.de/detail.php?kategorie=3&id=23

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website https://www.uni-rostock.de/detailseite/news-artikel/campus-suedstadt-grundsteinlegung-fuer-forschung… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Werderkaserne website https://www.kommando.streitkraeftebasis.de/portal/a/kdoskb/start/terraufg/lkdomv/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.kommando.streitkraeftebasis.de/portal/a/kdoskb/start/terraufg/lkdomv/": dial tcp connect: connection refused

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Yara Rostock website https://www.yara.de/ueber-yara/yara-global/produktions-anlagen/yara-rostock/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.yara.de:443/ueber-yara/yara-deutschland/yara-standorte-deutschland/rostock/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Brecht-Halle website https://tsg-wismar-mje.jimdo.com/infos/hallenverzeichnis/ 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w TH-Sporthalle website https://tsg-wismar-mje.jimdo.com/infos/hallenverzeichnis/ 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website https://www.wismar.de/B%C3%BCrger/Freizeit-Sport/Sport/Sportst%C3%A4tten/index.php?La=1&object=tx,26… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Refleur Nachtclub website https://www.lerefleur.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.lerefleur.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.lerefleur.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website http://www.altstaedter-stuben.de 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://notavailable.goneo.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Maria-Martha-Haus website https://rostocker-stadtmission.de/altenhilfe/pflegeeinrichtungen/maria-martha-haus/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://rostocker-stadtmission.de/pflegeeinrichtungenmaria-martha-haus/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website http://www.buchbar-hamann.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.buchbar-hamann.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.buchbar-hamann.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website http://www.buchbar-hamann.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.buchbar-hamann.de": dial tcp: lookup www.buchbar-hamann.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ingenieurbüro Architektur + Brandschutzplanug H. Turner website http://architekt-baufachmann.org/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://architekt-baufachmann.org/": dial tcp: lookup architekt-baufachmann.org on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Car Freitag KFZ-Meisterbetrieb website http://www.car-freitag.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.car-freitag.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w SAGEM Dr. Neuhaus Telekommunikation website https://www.sagemcom.com/de/smart-city/dr-neuhaus/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Teppichhof Knutzen website https://www.knutzen.de/filialen/rostock-gehlsdorf/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Haus 1 website https://www.zoll.de/DE/Karriere/Ausbildung-Studium/Zollausbildung/_akkordeon/anfahrt_rostock.html 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.zoll.de/DE/Karriere/Ausbildung-Studium/Zollausbildung/_akkordeon/anfahrt_rostock.html": net/http: TLS handshake timeout

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kantine Michaelshof website https://www.michaelshof.de/michaelservice/speiseplan/kantine-dgm.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Schwimmhalle Gehlsdorf website http://www.sportpark-gehlsdorf.de/schwimmhalle.php 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.sportpark-gehlsdorf.de/schwimmhalle.php": dial tcp: lookup www.sportpark-gehlsdorf.de on no such host

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website contact:website

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Schwimmhalle Gehlsdorf contact:website http://www.sportpark-gehlsdorf.de/schwimmhalle.php 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.sportpark-gehlsdorf.de/schwimmhalle.php": dial tcp: lookup www.sportpark-gehlsdorf.de on no such host

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website contact:website

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Haus 3 website https://www.zoll.de/DE/Karriere/Ausbildung-Studium/Zollausbildung/_akkordeon/anfahrt_rostock.html 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.zoll.de/DE/Karriere/Ausbildung-Studium/Zollausbildung/_akkordeon/anfahrt_rostock.html": net/http: TLS handshake timeout

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Schießhalle Gehlsdorf website http://www.sportpark-gehlsdorf.de/schutzencenter.php 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.sportpark-gehlsdorf.de/schutzencenter.php": dial tcp: lookup www.sportpark-gehlsdorf.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website https://neurologie.med.uni-rostock.de/patienten-und-besucher/cafeteria/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.med.uni-rostock.de/404/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website http://www.rostockerruderclub.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.rrc85.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Familienbildungsstätte website http://kjf.drk-rostock.de/?page_id=217 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://kjf.drk-rostock.de/?page_id=217": dial tcp: lookup kjf.drk-rostock.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Waldorf Kindergarten website https://www.waldorfschule-rostock.de/3 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wohnheim Erich-Schlesinger-Straße website https://www.studentenwerk-rostock.de/de/wohnen/wohnheime/rostock/rostock-suedstadt-erich-schlesinger… 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.studentenwerk-rostock.de/de/wohnen/wohnheime/rostock/rostock-suedstadt-erich-schlesinger-str-19.html": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.studentenwerk-rostock.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Psychosozialer Wohnverbund website https://awo-rostock.de/bereiche/sozialpsychiatrie/psychosozialer-wohnverbund/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w autoEUcar website https://home.mobile.de/DETSYK 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hafen- und Seemannsamt website https://rathaus.rostock.de/sixcms/detail.php?template=seite_hafenamt_de&_sid1=260&_sid2=267 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://rathaus.rostock.de/de/service/aemter/hafen_und_seemannsamt/251664

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w WIRO Jugend-Wohnheim contact:website https://www.wiro.de/mieten/wirotel-wohnen-auf-zeit/jugendwohnheime.html 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://wohnungssuche.wiro.de/wirotel/jugendwohnheime.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w St. Martin website http://thomasmorus-rostock.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://thomasmorus-rostock.de/": dial tcp: lookup thomasmorus-rostock.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Stadthalle Rostock website www.stadthalle-rostock.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.stadthalle-rostock.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.stadthalle-rostock.de or http://www.stadthalle-rostock.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Spiritanerkommunität website https://www.spiritaner.de/niederlassungen/missionshaus-rostock.php 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Amt für Schule und Sport website https://rathaus.rostock.de/sixcms/detail.php?template=seite_a40_de&_sid1=rostock_01.c.260.de&_sid2=r… 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://rathaus.rostock.de/de/service/aemter/amt_fuer_schule_und_sport/schulen/schuelerbefoerderung/…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Rudolf-Zenker-Institut für Experimentelle Chirurgie mit Zentraler Versuchstierhaltung website https://www.experimentelle-chirurgie.med.uni-rostock.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.experimentelle-chirurgie.med.uni-rostock.de/": remote error: tls: unrecognized name

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Luther-St.-Andreas-Gemeinde Reutershagen website www.luther-st-andreas-gemeinde.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.luther-st-andreas-gemeinde.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.luther-st-andreas-gemeinde.de or http://www.luther-st-andreas-gemeinde.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Internat F.C. Hansa Rostock website https://www.fc-hansa.de/internat.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w contact:website https://oekohaus-rostock.de/flucht-und-asyl/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Tennisstübchen website http://www.tennisrostock.de/gastronomie.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website https://www.auf.uni-rostock.de/professuren/h-w/phytomedizin/versuchsstation/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ärztehaus Reutershagen website http://www.gdzr.de/gdzr/anzeige.html 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.gdzr.de/gdzr/anzeige.html": dial tcp: lookup www.gdzr.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Inrega website http://www.inrega.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kita Kastanienhaus website http://www.illev.de/content/blogcategory/83/105/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string https://cdn.sedo.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Zentrum für Radiologie website https://www.med.uni-rostock.de/index.php?id=425 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.med.uni-rostock.de/404/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Frieda 23 website http://www.karo-ag.com/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.karo-ag.com/": dial tcp: lookup www.karo-ag.com on server misbehaving

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Lokschuppen website http://www.w-holz-catering.de/de/locations/lokschuppen 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website https://www.koe-rostock.de/mieten/hafenhaus.php 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ihr Tischler contact:website https://www.ihr-tischler-rostock.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.ihr-tischler-rostock.de": dial tcp: lookup www.ihr-tischler-rostock.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kirche Biestow website https://www.kirche-biestow.de/ 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.kirche-biestow.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kommunalservice Schramm website www.schramm-rostock.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.schramm-rostock.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.schramm-rostock.de or http://www.schramm-rostock.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w FSN Autohaus website https://www.fsn.de/Autohaus/index_Autohaus.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website https://www.kfz-jahnke.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website https://www.fsn.de/Autohaus/index_Autohaus.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Insa39 website http://www.wfbm.de/insa39/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hydraulik und Industrie-Technik website http://www.hit-rostock.de/hydraulik-und-industrie-technik/firmendarstellung 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.hit-rostock.de/hydraulik-und-industrie-technik/firmendarstellung

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Rehatechnik Möller website http://www.reha-möller.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.reha-möller.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w John Automobile contact:website https://home.mobile.de/home/index.html?customerId=13225228#ses 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Autohaus Brandt & Strupp contact:website https://www.brandt-rostock.de/kontakt/standorte-und-oeffnungszeiten 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.hyundai.com/de/de.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w MAN Truck & Bus website https://portal.man-mn.com/mndemucxwas/mansettlementwebapp/LimitedSearchDetailsAction.do?type=SETTLEM… 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://portal.man-mn.com/mndemucxwas/mansettlementwebapp/LimitedSearchDetailsAction.do?type=SETTLEMENT&id=40295": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for man.eu, www.man.eu, not portal.man-mn.com

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w BLAUER ESEL Bistro & Broiler website https://blauer-esel.de/bistro/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://blauer-esel-bistro.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Mühle Knull website http://www.zwillingswindmuehlen.de/muehlen/hro/motor/mhroknul/mhroknull1.htm 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Konditorei & Bio Bäckerei Nowak website https://konditorei-nowak.de/filialen.php 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w REPO contact:website https://www.repo-markt.de/standorte-beilagen-online/mecklenburg-vorpommern/showFiliale/rostock/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Grundschule am Mühlenteich website https://gs-muehlenteich.repage2.de/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://allesfragen.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Amt für Jugend, Soziales und Asyl website https://rathaus.rostock.de/sixcms/detail.php?template=seite_a50_de 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://rathaus.rostock.de/de/startseite/249136

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Auriga contact:website http://www.ars-aurigae.com 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.ars-aurigae.com

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kita Spatzennest website https://www.kita-rostock.de/spatzennest.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Siemens website https://www.siemens.de/standorte/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.siemens.com/de/de/unternehmen/standorte.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website https://www.hepa-waelzlager.de/unternehmen-hro.php 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.hepa-waelzlager.de/unternehmen-hro.php": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.hepa-waelzlager.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website https://rathaus.rostock.de/sixcms/detail.php?template=seite_flucht_fragen_de 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://rathaus.rostock.de/de/startseite/249136

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Reifen- & Kfz-Service Fischereihafen UG website https://reifenservice.webserver365.de/index.php/reifen-und-kfz-service-rostock.html 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://reifenservice.webserver365.de/index.php/reifen-und-kfz-service-rostock.html": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Rostocker Sondermaschinen- und Anlagenbau website https://www.rosoma.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Schmarler Hütte contact:website http://www.huette-ev-rostock.de/standorte/schmarl.htm 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.huette-ev-rostock.de/standorte/schmarl.htm

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Rostocker Elementdecken GmbH website https://www.thomas-gruppe.de/betonbauteile/unternehmen-aktivitaeten/rostocker-elementdecken/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Stadteil- und Begegnungszentrum Schmarl website https://www.asb-kjh.de/asb/SBZ-Schmarl.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Lasertechnologie- und Transferzentrum Rostock website http://www.lttz-rostock.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.lttz-rostock.de": dial tcp: lookup www.lttz-rostock.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Maritime Brand- und Sicherheitszentrum Ostsee website https://www.maritime-fire-safety.com/mbso.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Eikboom GmbH website http://www.eikboomgmbh.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.eikboomgmbh.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kurzzeitpflege Radloff contact:website http://typo3.pflegedienst-radloff.de/kurzzeitpflege/unsere-kurzzeitpflege/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Jugendclub "Schiene" website https://www.asb-kjh.de/angebote/sozial-vor-ort/in-schmarl.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w HanseMesse Rostock website http://www.stadthalle-rostock.de/hansemesse.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w MV Baufinanz contact:website www.mv-baufinanz.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.mv-baufinanz.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.mv-baufinanz.de or http://www.mv-baufinanz.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Eichdirektion Nord website https://www.ed-nord.de/edn/dienststellen/rostock/index.php 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://ed-nord.de/edn/dienststellen/rostock/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Institut für Rechtsmedizin website http://www.rechtsmedizin.uni-rostock.de/ 503 Service Unavailable

Redirect URL: http://rechtsmedizin.med.uni-rostock.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Stadthalle Ludwigslust website http://www.region-ludwigslust.de/portal/page?_pageid=74,40617&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.region-ludwigslust.de/portal/page?_pageid=74,40617&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL": dial tcp: lookup www.region-ludwigslust.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Gemeindehaus Sankt Jakobi website http://marienkirche-rostock.de/innenstadtgemeinde/pilger.htm 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Doberaner Hof website https://www.doberanerhof-rostock.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.doberanerhof-rostock.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.doberanerhof-rostock.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Reichenauer website http://www.kfzwerkstattreichenauer.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.kfzwerkstattreichenauer.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.kfzwerkstattreichenauer.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kinderhaus "Krup unner" contact:website https://www.asb-kjh.de/angebote/notdienst 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Toitenwinkler Zwergenhaus website http://www.zwergenhaus-rostock.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.zwergenhaus-rostock.de": dial tcp: lookup www.zwergenhaus-rostock.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wiro Sporthalle Toitenwinkel website https://www.wiro.de/freizeit/sportplaetze-und-sporthallen.html 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://sport.wiro.de/sportplaetze-und-sporthallen.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Seestern website https://www.asb-rostock.de/de/Kinderbetreuung/1/13/Kita-Seestern.html 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Uni-Sporthalle website https://www.uni-rostock.de/andere/hs/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät website https://www.wiwi.uni-rostock.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.wiwi.uni-rostock.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.wiwi.uni-rostock.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Verband der Gartenfreunde website www.kleingarten-hro.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.kleingarten-hro.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.kleingarten-hro.de or http://www.kleingarten-hro.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w WIRO Wohnheim website https://www.wiro.de/mieten/wirotel-wohnen-auf-zeit/jugendwohnheime.html 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://wohnungssuche.wiro.de/wirotel/jugendwohnheime.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Institut für Pathologie website http://www.pathologie.uni-rostock.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.pathologie.uni-rostock.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.pathologie.uni-rostock.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Recyclinghof Lütten Klein contact:website http://www.stadtentsorgung-rostock.de/leistungen/recyclinghoefe 302 Found : Moved Temporarily

Redirect URL: https://www.stadtentsorgung-rostock.de/leistungen/recyclinghoefe

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Feuerwache 2 Rostock website https://www.feuerwehr-hro.de/index.php?Feuerwache2 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.feuerwehr-hro.de/index.php?Feuerwache2": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Edeka-Center Warnow Park website http://www.edeka-center.de/warnowpark/ 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by AkamaiGHost

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Mix Markt website https://www.mixmarkt.eu/de/germany/maerkte/100-1/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Autohaus Goldbach website http://www.goldbach.fiatprofessionalpartner.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "http://www.goldbach.fiatprofessionalpartner.de/": dial tcp connect: no route to host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Operator: ill e.V. website http://www.illev.de/content/blogsection/17/480/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string https://cdn.sedo.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Toyota Autohaus Plath website https://www.toyota.de/dealer/Warnem%C3%BCnde/18119/Autohaus%20Plath%20GmbH%20&%20Co 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w DJH Jugendherberge Warnemünde website https://warnemuende.jugendherbergen-mv.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://warnemuende.jugendherbergen-mv.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for www.jugendherbergen-mv.de, jugendherbergen-mv.de, not warnemuende.jugendherbergen-mv.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website https://www.fewo-biermann.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.fewo-biermann.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for abi94oesede.de, www.abi94oesede.de, not www.fewo-biermann.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Bildungs- und. Konferenzzentrum website https://www.tpw-rostock.de/index.php?article_id=121&clang=0 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://technopark.tzw-info.de/?article_id=121&clang=0

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Freiwillige Feuerwehr Warnemünde website http://www.jugendfeuerwehr-warnemuende.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.jugendfeuerwehr-warnemuende.de": dial tcp: lookup www.jugendfeuerwehr-warnemuende.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w WIROtel Mittelmole contact:website https://www.wiro.de/wirotel-warnemuende.html 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://wohnungssuche.wiro.de/wirotel/wirotel-warnemuende.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Stadteil Begegnungs Zentrum website www.kolping-lichtenhagen.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.kolping-lichtenhagen.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.kolping-lichtenhagen.de or http://www.kolping-lichtenhagen.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Rudolf-Tarnow-Grundschule website http://www.tarnowschule.de/blog/category/home/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.tarnowschule.de/blog/category/home/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Biene Maja website https://www.asb-rostock.de/de/Kinderbetreuung/1/14/Kita-Biene-Maja.html 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Nachbarschaftstreff WG Warnow website https://www.wg-warnow.de/mitgliederservice/auf-gute-nachbarschaft/mitgliederveranstaltungen/nachbars… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Haus Sonnenblume website http://www.illev.de/content/blogcategory/81/107/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string https://cdn.sedo.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Gemeindezentrum St. Thomas Gemeinde website http://www.kirchenkreis-rostock.de/St-Thomas.102.0.html 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www.kirchenkreis-rostock.de/St-Thomas.102.0.html": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kurparkhotel Warnemünde website https://www.kur-park-hotel.de 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.kur-park-hotel.de": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for allstats-cs603.fc-server.com, cp-cs603.fc-server.com, cs603.fc-server.com, dateimanager-cs603.fc-server.com, imap-cs603.fc-server.com, mysql-cs603.fc-server.com, stats-cs603.fc-server.com, webmail-cs603.fc-server.com, not www.kur-park-hotel.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ecolea - Internationale Schule Rostock website https://www.ecolea.de/gymnasium-ecolea-rostock/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Meyers Mühle website https://www.muehlenverein-mv.de/Meyers-Muehle-Warnemuende.145.0.html 403 Forbidden

Redirect URL: https://www.muehlenverein-mv.de/index.php?id=145&type=0

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Störtebekerschule website http://www.stoertebeker-schule.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.stoertebeker-schule.de": dial tcp: lookup www.stoertebeker-schule.de on server misbehaving

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Jugendzentrum "224" website https://www.awo-rostock.de/index.php/kinder-und-familie/jugendzentrum-224 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://awo-rostock.de/kinder-und-familie/jugendzentrum-224

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Psychosoziales Zentrum Nordwest contact:website https://www.ggp-gruppe.de/teilhabeleistungen-erwachsene/wohnen/therapeutische-wohngruppen-im-teilhab… 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.ggp-gruppe.de/teilhabeleistungen-erwachsene/wohnen/gemeinschaftliches-wohnen-im-teilhabe…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Sporthalle Alte Warnemünder Chaussee contact:website https://www.koe-rostock.de/immobilien.php 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Star contact:website https://www.star.de/service/tankstellenfinder/l/rostock/grosse-rampe-1/1827875 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Roma Rollladen website http://www.nordex-online.com/de/unternehmen-karriere/adressen-deutschland/nordex-energy-gmbh-gvz.htm… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Schlau Großhandelsmarkt contact:website https://www.schlau-grosshandel.de/filialsuche/storeDetail/8030 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.schlau-grosshandel.de/filialsuche

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hotel Susewind website https://www.hotel-susewind.de 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.hotel-susewind.de": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.webspaceconfig.de, webspaceconfig.de, not www.hotel-susewind.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Schulcampus Haus 3 website https://www.schulcampus-rostock.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.schulcampus-rostock.de/": remote error: tls: unrecognized name

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Veolia Umweltservice website http://www.veolia-umweltservice.de/regionaler-service-stadt-rostock/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www.veolia-umweltservice.de/regionaler-service-stadt-rostock/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Pamis Pizzaria website http://www.pamis-pizza.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.pamis-pizza.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.pamis-pizza.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Gästehaus Evershagen website https://www.gaestehaus-evershagen.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Schulcampus Haus 1 und 2 website https://www.schulcampus-rostock.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.schulcampus-rostock.de/": remote error: tls: unrecognized name

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kita St. Thomas Morus website http://thomasmorus-rostock.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://thomasmorus-rostock.de/": dial tcp: lookup thomasmorus-rostock.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kita "Buntes Kinderhaus" website https://www.asb-rostock.de/de/Kinderbetreuung/0/2/Kinderbetreuung.html 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w WG Warnow website https://www.wg-warnow.de/kontakt/geschaeftsstelle 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website http://geburtig.homepage.t-online.de/hafen.htm 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://geburtig.hier-im-netz.de/hafen.htm

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w City-Pension website https://www.city-pension-rostock.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.city-pension-rostock.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for gcm-server.de, not www.city-pension-rostock.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hotel Denkmal 13 website http://www.krahnstoever-rostock.de 923 TLS version available

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website contact:website
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.krahnstoever-rostock.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hotel Denkmal 13 contact:website http://www.denkmal-13.de/ 923 TLS version available

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website contact:website
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.krahnstoever-rostock.de
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.denkmal-13.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Galerie Rostocker Hof contact:website http://rostocker-hof.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://rostocker-hof.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Die kleine Sonne website https://die-kleine-sonne.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://die-kleine-sonne.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.nets.de, nets.de, not die-kleine-sonne.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w HypoVereinsbank website http://www.hvb.de 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www.hvb.de": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Akademisches Auslandsamt, Universität Rostock website https://www.uni-rostock.de/index.php?id=309 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Radisson Blu website https://www.radissonhotels.com/de-de/hotels/radisson-blu-rostock 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.radissonhotels.com/de-de/hotels/radisson-blu-rostock": stream error: stream ID 1; INTERNAL_ERROR; received from peer

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Behördenzentrum am Steintor website https://www.bbl-mv.de/ 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.sbl-mv.de/neue-struktur-f%C3%BCr-die-bau-und-liegenschaftsverwaltung-des-landes-mecklenb…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Haus des Bauens und der Umwelt website https://rathaus.rostock.de/sixcms/detail.php?template=seite_kataster_de&_sid1=rostock_01.c.260.de&_s… 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://rathaus.rostock.de/de/service/aemter/kataster_vermessungs_und_liegenschaftsamt/252249

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Podologische Praxis Petra Manthey website http://www.podologie-manthey.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.podologie-manthey.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.podologie-manthey.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w RSAG Verwaltung website https://www.rsag-online.de/kontakt/impressum 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Oase für Körper Geist und Seele website http://www.oasekgs.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.oasekgs.de": dial tcp: lookup www.oasekgs.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w RSAG Betriebsrestaurant website https://www.rsag-online.de/service_und_mehr/restaurant 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Halle 207 website http://www.volkstheater-rostock.de/spielplaene/index.phtml?show-0&Ortid=41 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.volkstheater-rostock.de:443/spielplaene/index.phtml?show-0&Ortid=41

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Tischlerei Wirth website https://www.tischlerei-wirth.de/Moebel-und-Innenausbau/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Pension "Uns Eck" website http://www.pension-unseck.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.pension-unseck.de": dial tcp: lookup www.pension-unseck.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Freiwillige Feuerwehr Rostocker Heide - Abteilung Hinrichshagen website http://www.feuerwehr-rostockerheide.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.feuerwehr-rostockerheide.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.feuerwehr-rostockerheide.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Freiwillige Feuer- und Wasserwehr Rostocker Heide - Abteilung Markgrafenheide website http://www.feuerwehr-rostockerheide.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.feuerwehr-rostockerheide.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.feuerwehr-rostockerheide.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Total contact:website https://store.total.de/de_DE/ND031831 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://store.total.de/de_DE/ND031831": dial tcp: lookup store.total.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Essen im Grünen contact:website http://essen-im-gruenen.blogspot.com 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ortsamt Ost website https://rathaus.rostock.de/sixcms/detail.php?template=seite_rathaus_ortsaemter_de&_sid1=rostock_01.c… 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://rathaus.rostock.de/de/rathaus/stadtverwaltung/ortsaemter/250807

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Haus Blütenmeer contact:website https://www.asb-kjh.de/angebote/kitas 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Bio-Café website https://www.kuestenmuehle.de/biocafe.htm 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ärztehaus Dierkow website https://www.aerztehaus-dierkow.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.aerztehaus-dierkow.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.aerztehaus-dierkow.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Saunahaus Dierkow website http://www.saunahaus-dierkow.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.saunahaus-dierkow.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w LAKI'S Fahrschule website https://www.lakis-fahrschule.de/ 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Slüterhaus website http://www.sluetergemeinde.de 302 Found (Moved Temporarily)

Redirect URL: https://www.kirche-mv.de/sluetergemeinde

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Paul Friedrich Scheel Schule contact:website http://www.scheel-schule.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.scheel-schule.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Dünencamp Ostseebad Karlshagen website https://www.karlshagen.de/duenencamp/campingplatz 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Quick Reifenmarkt Schmedding website https://www.quick.de/haendler.php?referenzKZ=QROST2 404

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Clever fit contact:website http://www.clever-fit.com/fitness-studios/clever-fit-rostock-mitte.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.clever-fit.com/de/fitnessstudio/clever-fit-rostock-mitte.html/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Total website http://store.total.de/germany/store-total-de/rostock/rostock-warnowufer-53/ND034843 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://store.total.de/germany/store-total-de/rostock/rostock-warnowufer-53/ND034843": dial tcp: lookup store.total.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website http://www.borwinschule.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.borwinschule.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Villa Ahlbeck contact:website http://www.villa-bella-ahlbeck.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.villa-bella-ahlbeck.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Villa Ahlbeck II contact:website http://www.villa-bella-ahlbeck.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.villa-bella-ahlbeck.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Craftbeer Shop contact:website https://fleesensee.de/craftbeer 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://fleesensee.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w St.-Marien-Kirche website http://marienkirche-rostock.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://marienkirche-rostock.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Golfplatz Warnemünde website https://www.golf-warnemuende.de/ 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.golf-warnemuende.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-21T05:54:38+01:00 is after 2019-10-16T12:31:55Z

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ziegeleipark website https://www.wismar.de/Rathaus-Politik/B%C3%BCro-f%C3%BCr-Chancengleichheit/%C3%96ffentliche-Spiel-un… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w image https://photos.app.goo.gl/hdR4oUVt2h6eJczu6 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMXynRT8hHoA2RYu5nRVlXJ3xtyeaZ148EuMoo5KI-oQEKw2Uv2z8OxDp6vK8qw…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Alte Wache image https://photos.app.goo.gl/W85mEDxFmwwfC5er5 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPxLTjnlt_Tj8hdBWy0kyvxZDY6Bjs-iqXedWShkyesUyYiCkiEpKFc3DjGIJcx…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Jagdschloss Friedrichsmoor website https://www.jagdschloss-friedrichsmoor.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.jagdschloss-friedrichsmoor.de/": remote error: tls: handshake failure

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Steppkeland website https://www.drk-rostock.de/kfjh/adress.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hagebaumarkt contact:website https://www.hagebaucentrum-rostock.de/unternehmen/unsere-rostocker-standorte 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Renault website https://www.autowelt-gruppe.de/filialen/rostock 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.autowelt-gruppe.de/autowelt-rostock/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w John-Brinckman-Gymnasium website https://brinckman.de 922 Domain is for sale: found string elitedomains.de in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Pfauenhof Granzow website http://www.pfauenhof-granzow.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.pfauenhof-granzow.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Marienkirche website http://www.st-marien-kluetz.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.st-marien-kluetz.de": dial tcp: lookup www.st-marien-kluetz.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hanshäger Bach url https://www.wbv-ryck-ziese.de/WBV-Ryck-Ziese/images/pdf/anlage2/6-07%20Kemnitz%202018%20Karte%20A3%2… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Operator: Ev.-Luth. Kirchengemeinde Plate website http://www.kirche-plate.de/wordpress/unsere-kirchen/kirche-plate/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.kirche-plate.de/unsere-kirchen/kirche-plate/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w contact:website http://www.rostock-rangers.de/index1.htm 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.rostock-rangers.de/index1.htm": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-21T05:55:24+01:00 is after 2024-05-22T12:45:02Z

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Regionales Berufliches Bildungszentrum contact:website http://www.old.bs-guestrow.de/schule.html 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.old.bs-guestrow.de/schule.html": dial tcp: lookup www.old.bs-guestrow.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Radrennbahn Rostock website https://www.radsport-mv.de/radrennbahn-rostock 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Am Carwitzer See website https://www.campingplatz-carwitz.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.campingplatz-carwitz.de/": EOF

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w url http://www.sea-site.com/de/referenzen/marina-boltenhagen/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.sea-site.com/de/referenzen/marina-boltenhagen/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Mechowbach url http://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/HVHV-6300.pdf 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/HVHV-6300.pdf

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Haus Heinz am See website https://hausheinz.de/de/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Stadtmuseum Güstrow website https://www.guestrow.de/tourismus-kultur/kulturelle-einrichtungen/stadtmuseum/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Reichsbahnamt image https://w.wiki/Amij 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:20240727_xl_1442-ehemaliges_Reichsbahnamt_G%C3%BCstrow.jpg

URL shortener w.wiki used, status of redirect URL is 301 Moved Permanently

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w IFA Rügen Hotel & Ferienpark website https://www.ifa-ruegen-hotel.com/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://ifahotels.com/ifa-ruegen-hotel

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kindertagesstätte “Pumuckl“ website https://www.kita-ggmbh.de/pumuckl.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website https://www.kirche-mv.de/lichtenhagen-dorf/friedhof 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w HS Wismar- Bereich Seefahrt website www.sf.hs-wismar.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.sf.hs-wismar.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.sf.hs-wismar.de or http://www.sf.hs-wismar.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Festung Dömitz website https://www.festung-doemitz-museum.de/ 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.festung-doemitz-museum.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-21T05:55:55+01:00 is after 2020-10-11T11:59:59Z

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Johanneskirche website http://www.johanneskirche-doemitz.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.johanneskirche-doemitz.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.johanneskirche-doemitz.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kita "Bärenkinder" website https://www.diakoniewerk-gvm.de/kinder/kindertagesstaetten/baerenkinder-schwerin/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.diakonie-nordnordost.de/kinder/kindertagesstaetten/baerenkinder-schwerin/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Sankt Pius X. website http://www.kath-kirche-buetzow.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w BRÜGGEN Fahrzeugbau url http://www.krone-trailer.com 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Schule am Inselsee url http://www.schule-am-inselsee.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.schule-am-inselsee.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Verkehrsgarten website http://www.ovw-guestrow.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.ovw-guestrow.de": dial tcp: lookup www.ovw-guestrow.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Fachhochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung, Polizei und Rechtspflege contact:website https://www.fh-guestrow.de/ 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.fh-guestrow.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Fachhochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung, Polizei und Rechtspflege contact:website https://www.fh-guestrow.de/ 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.fh-guestrow.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Stadion Bad Kleinen website http://sv-bad-kleinen.de/ 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Verbundene Regionale Schule und Gymnasium'Tisa von der Schulenburg' website http://www.gym-dorf-mecklenburg.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.gym-dorf-mecklenburg.de": dial tcp: lookup www.gym-dorf-mecklenburg.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kanurenngemeinschaft Schwerin website http://www.krg-schwerin.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.krg-schwerin.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w ALDI nord contact:website https://www.aldi-nord.de/filialen-und-oeffnungszeiten.html/l/bad-kleinen/viechelner-chaussee-8/31807… 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Herrenhaus website https://gut-brinckmann.de/ 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Charly's Tierpension website http://www.charlys-tierpension.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.charlys-tierpension.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.charlys-tierpension.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Moto-Cross Rennstrecke Echoberg website http://www.mcctessin.de 911 Error doing request: Get "": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: cannot validate certificate for because it doesn't contain any IP SANs

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Discothek 8Eck website http://www.8eck-schwerin.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www.8eck-schwerin.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Goethe Gymnasium website http://www.goethe-gymnasium-schwerin.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.goethe-gymnasium-schwerin.de": dial tcp: lookup www.goethe-gymnasium-schwerin.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Volksschwimmhalle website http://volksschwimmhalle.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w St. Nikolairuine website https://st.marien-friedland.de/kirchen/friedland-nikolairuine/ 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://st.marien-friedland.de/kirchen/friedland-nikolairuine/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wolkower Milchhof Kussmann KG website www.wolkower-milchhof.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.wolkower-milchhof.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.wolkower-milchhof.de or http://www.wolkower-milchhof.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Schullandheim Neukloster website http://www.schullandheim-neukloster.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.schullandheim-neukloster.de": dial tcp: lookup www.schullandheim-neukloster.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w zum Aalkaten website http://www.aalkate-baabe.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w 1. Polizeirevier (Reutershagen) / Polizeiinspektion Rostock website https://rathaus.rostock.de/sixcms/detail.php?template=seite_stadt_polizei_de&_sid1=rostock_01.c.261.… 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://rathaus.rostock.de/de/startseite/249136

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w St. Georg website http://www.kirche-grabow.de/stgeorg.htm 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.kirche-grabow.de/stgeorg.htm": dial tcp: lookup www.kirche-grabow.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w St. Georg image https://photos.app.goo.gl/TLaAzpvsXAThM3Rc8 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPHa7mJyNoMJZndhlX7zZ9xpHexkg1mHAbFPA7ZOTV0Lz941FmFg_7P7xSNX--0…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Gut Vorder Bollhagen website http://www.gutvorderbollhagen.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Markthalle website http://www.markthalle-wismar.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.markthalle-wismar.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Speelhus an de Rotbäk website https://www.aufdertenne.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.aufdertenne.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for aufdertenne.de, aufdertenne.de.linux16.unixserver.org, not www.aufdertenne.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Dorfkirche website https://www.kirche-lambrechtshagen.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://linksapp.top/redirect/resources.html": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w St. Katharinenkirche website https://www.kirche-dambeck-beidendorf.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.kirche-dambeck-beidendorf.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.kirche-dambeck-beidendorf.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Erlebnisbauernhof website www.tierproduktion-haffkueste.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.tierproduktion-haffkueste.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.tierproduktion-haffkueste.de or http://www.tierproduktion-haffkueste.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wohnpark Krischanweg website http://typo3.pflegedienst-radloff.de/betreutes-wohnen/wohnobjekt-krischanweg/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wasserstraßen und Schifffahrtsamt Ostsee website https://www.wsv.de 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.gdws.wsv.bund.de/DE/startseite/startseite_node.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Regionale Schule Ehm Welk Ueckermünde contact:website https://www.regionaleschule-ueckermuende.de 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.regionaleschule-ueckermuende.de": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for regionaleschule-ueckermuende.de, haff-grundschule.de, haff-sail.de, ueckermuende.de, not www.regionaleschule-ueckermuende.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Walkenhagen website http://gewerbegebiet-walkenhagen.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://gewerbegebiet-walkenhagen.de/": dial tcp: lookup gewerbegebiet-walkenhagen.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Luzinhalle contact:website http://www.luzinfaehre.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.luzinfaehre.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Schloss Semlow url http://www.schloss-semlow.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.schloss-semlow.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Filmbühne Plau website http://www.filmbuehne-plau.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.filmbuehne-plau.de": dial tcp: lookup www.filmbuehne-plau.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Heiderose url http://www.hiddensee-heiderose.de/ 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.hiddensee-heiderose.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w url http://www.sea-site.com/de/referenzen/marina-boltenhagen/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.sea-site.com/de/referenzen/marina-boltenhagen/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Straßenbauamt Neustrelitz website https://www.strassen-mv.de/strassenbauaemter/neustrelitz/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.strassen-mv.de/de/strassenbauaemter/neustrelitz/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w HANNING ELEKTRO-WERKE GmbH & Co. KG website http://www.hanning-hew.de 911 Error doing request: Get "http://www.hanning-hew.de": dial tcp connect: no route to host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w TREFF-Erlebnisgastronomie website http://www.treffamsee.de/ 503 Service Unavailable

Redirect URL: https://www.treffamsee.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Eibe website http://www.reetdach-ferienhaus.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.reetdach-ferienhaus.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Holunder website https://www.feriendomizile-ruegen.de/puddemin/wd/ferienhaus-holunder-2 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://weibrecht-ruegen.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Sonderpädagogisches Förderzentrum "Lindenschule" website http://foerderzentrum-malchin.landkreis-demmin.de 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Schloss Wedendorf website http://www.schloss-wedendorf.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.schloss-wedendorf.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.schloss-wedendorf.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Rittergut - Schloss Preetz website http://www.schloss-preetz.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.schloss-preetz.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Schulwald website http://www.warnowschule.de/index.php/schulwald 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.warnowschule.de/index.php/schulwald

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Das Vogelhaus website http://www.vogelhaus-ruegen.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.vogelhaus-ruegen.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hammer website https://www.hammer-zuhause.de/maerkte/storeDetail/0180?storeCode=0180 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.hammer-zuhause.de/fachmaerkte

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w FLAMMAEROTEC website http://www.flamm-ag.de/go/flamm/6-flammaerotec-gmbh-co-kg.html 303 See Other

Redirect URL: http://www4.flamm-ag.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Reitverein "Hof Bohm e.V." image http://www.hof-bohm.de/images/hofbohm/hofBohmFront.jpg 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.hof-bohm.de/images/hofbohm/hofBohmFront.jpg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Seglerheim website https://www.seglerheimschwerin.com// 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.seglerheimschwerin.com//": dial tcp: lookup www.seglerheimschwerin.com on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Staatsbetrieb für Bau und Liegenschaften M-V (SBL) website https://www.bbl-mv.de/?+BBL-M-V-Geschaeftsbereich-Schwerin+&id=2500,1020750 410 Gone

Redirect URL: https://www.sbl-mv.de/neue-struktur-f%25c3%25bcr-die-bau-und-liegenschaftsverwaltung-des-landes-meck…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website http://www.anpfiff-in-bargeshagen.de.vu/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.anpfiff-in-bargeshagen.de.vu/": dial tcp: lookup www.anpfiff-in-bargeshagen.de.vu on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Regionale Schule "Am Kamp" website https://www.kampschule.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://amkamp.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Freiwillige Feuerwehr Gehlsdorf website https://rostock-feuerwache7.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://rostock-feuerwache7.de/": dial tcp: lookup rostock-feuerwache7.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w TTZF Rostock website http://www.ttzf-rostock.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.ttzf-rostock.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Fresand Wintergarten GmbH website https://www.fresand-wintergarten.de/ 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.fresand-wintergarten.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-21T06:00:39+01:00 is after 2022-10-13T23:59:59Z

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Theater der Hansestadt Wismar website https://www.wismar.de/B%C3%BCrger/Kunst-und-Kultur/Theater 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://theater.wismar.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w ITSMZ website https://www.hs-wismar.de/hochschule/einrichtungen/it-service-und-medienzentrum/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kindertagesstätte Plappersnut website https://www.kinderwelt-wismar.de/plappersnut-integrative-kindertagesstaette/kontakt.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Mehrgenerationenhaus website https://www.drk-nwm.de/angebote/mgh.html 503 Service Unavailable

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kinder- und Jugendfreizeitzentrum website https://www.drk-nwm.de/angebote/jugend/kinderjugendfreizeitzentrum-wismar.html 503 Service Unavailable

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Clermont Immobilien website https://clermont-immobilien.de 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://clermont-immobilien.de": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.kasserver.com, kasserver.com, not clermont-immobilien.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w FFW Bad Kleinen website http://www.freiwillige-feuerwehr-bad-kleinen.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.freiwillige-feuerwehr-bad-kleinen.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.freiwillige-feuerwehr-bad-kleinen.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Clear Colours website http://clear-colours.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://clear-colours.de/": dial tcp: lookup clear-colours.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Pfandleihhaus MV website http://www.pfandleihhaus-mv.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.pfandleihhaus-mv.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.pfandleihhaus-mv.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Charlottenhof website http://www.reiterhof-wulf.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Reiterhof Wulf website http://www.reiterhof-wulf.de/sites/lageplan/lageplan.html 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Repo website https://www.repo-markt.de/mecklenburg-vorpommern_demmin.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Gästeunterkunft website https://www.unterkunft-bei-rostock.de/ 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.unterkunft-bei-rostock.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-21T06:01:24+01:00 is after 2022-12-13T15:17:29Z

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w team Baucenter Stäbelow contact:website https://www.team.de/standort/bau/rostock-staebelow 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.team.de/standort/bau/rostock-staebelow": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Mariä Himmelfahrt website http://www.kath-kirche-grevesmuehlen.homepage.t-online.de/kluetz.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://kath-kirche-grevesmuehlen.hier-im-netz.de/kluetz.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w contact:website https://kluetz-mv.de/tourismus-kultur/sehenswuerdigkeiten/bothmersches-mausoleum.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w image http://antifaburg.blogsport.de/images/8.mai1945.jpg 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://antifaburg.blogsport.de/images/8.mai1945.jpg": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Bäckerei Strasser website https://www.baeckereistrasser.com/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.baeckereistrasser.com/": dial tcp: lookup www.baeckereistrasser.com on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Stern Auto website http://m.mercedes-benz-sternauto-schwerin.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://m.mercedes-benz-sternauto-schwerin.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Autohaus Sperlich website https://www.renault.de/handler/ah_sperlich 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.renault.de/handler/ah_sperlich.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Berufsbildungs- und Technologiezentrum (BTZ) website https://www.btz-schwerin.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.btz-schwerin.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Schweriner Fleischwaren Fabrikverkauf contact:website https://schweriner-fleischwaren.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://schweriner-fleischwaren.de/": dial tcp [2a03:4000:32:37f:d8c0:84ff:fea0:47ac]:443: connect: no route to host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hagebaumarkt website https://bauking.de/standort/hagebaumarkt-neubrandenburg/ 404

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website contact:website

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Prinzenpalais website http://www.prinzen-palais.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://hotel-prinzenpalais-bad-doberan.hotelfuehrung.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.kasserver.com, kasserver.com, not hotel-prinzenpalais-bad-doberan.hotelfuehrung.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Friedhof website https://www.kirche-plau.de/friedhof_index.php 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w JACOB CEMENT BAUSTOFFE website https://www.jacob-cement.de/de/standorte/schwerin.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Handelshof website https://www.handelshof.de/Maerkte/Schwerin.HTML 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Brillux website https://www.brillux.de/kontakt/niederlassungen/deutschland/details/39/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Deck Seafront Restaurant & Bar contact:website https://www.deckbeachclub.com/de/home.html 303 See Other

Redirect URL: https://www.deckbeachclub.com/de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Jugendbegegnungsstätte Am Kutzow-See Plöwen website https://www.kutzow-see.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.kutzow-see.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.kutzow-see.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kunsthof website http://www.kunsthof-mv.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.kunsthof-mv.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.kunsthof-mv.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Toxic Bikes website http://www.toxic-bikes.com 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.toxic-bikes.com": dial tcp: lookup www.toxic-bikes.com on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kreismusikschule "Friedrich von Flotow" website https://www.landkreis-rostock.de/bildung/kreismusikschule/index.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Berufliche Schule für Hauswirtschaft und Ernährung website http://www.bs-dbr.info/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.bs-dbr.info/": dial tcp: lookup www.bs-dbr.info on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Operator: Dreescher Werkstätten website https://www.dreescher-werkstaetten.de/wohnen/wohnstaetten/julius_polentz_strasse.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kreismülldeponie Rosenow website https://www.ovvd.de/home 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://ovvd.de/index

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Operator: Ev.-Luth. Kirchengemeinde Mölln website http://www.heimat-mecklenburgische-seenplatte.de/kirchen/reg-stavenhg/k-tarnow/kirche_tarnow.htm 922 Domain is for sale: found string https://cdn.sedo.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Auto-Noa website https://www.toyota.de/dealer/Schwerin/19057/AUTO-NOA GmbH 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Operator: Pflegezentrum Priepert GmbH & Co. KG contact:website https://www.pflegedienst-karin.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.pflegedienst-karin.de": dial tcp: lookup www.pflegedienst-karin.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Dorfkirche Kirchdorf auf Poel website http://www.kirchenkreis-wismar.de/Kirchdorf-auf-Poel.52.0.html 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www.kirchenkreis-wismar.de/Kirchdorf-auf-Poel.52.0.html": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Crivitzer Stadtkirche website http://www.kirchenkreis-wismar.de/Crivitz.101.0.html 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www.kirchenkreis-wismar.de/Crivitz.101.0.html": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Intercity Hotel website https://www.intercityhotel.com/Schwerin/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://hrewards.com/de/intercityhotel-Schwerin

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Flugplatz Wismar website http://www.flugplatz-wismar.de 922 Domain is for sale: found string mydomaincontact.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Schwalbennest contact:website http://www.schwaan.info/DRK_Kitas/index.php/schwalbennest 503 Service Unavailable

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Autohaus Sachs website https://www.autohaus-sachs.eu/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://fsn-autozentrum.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kindertagesstätte Kreatives Spielhaus website https://www.wismar.de/B%C3%BCrger/Bildung/Freizeitangebote-f%C3%BCr-Sch%C3%BCler/index.php?ModID=9&o… 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.wismar.de/B%C3%BCrger/Adressen-Kontakte/Kindertagesst%C3%A4tte-Kreatives-Spielhaus-.php?…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Evangelische Integrative KiTa "Bärenkinder" website https://www.diakoniewerk-gvm.de/kinder/kindertagesstaetten/baerenkinder-schwerin/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.diakonie-nordnordost.de/kinder/kindertagesstaetten/baerenkinder-schwerin/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Cafe Zander website https://www.baeckerei-zander.de/ 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Auto Reparatur Röllig website http://www.kfz-werkstatt-roellig.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.kfz-werkstatt-roellig.de": dial tcp: lookup www.kfz-werkstatt-roellig.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Eisenbahn-Bundesamt Schwerin website https://www.eba.bund.de/DE/EBA/Standorte/Swn/swn__node.html?__nnn=true 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Bürgerpark website https://www.wismar.de/index.php?object=tx,2634.1&ModID=9&FID=136.575.1 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.wismar.de/B%C3%BCrger/Adressen-Kontakte/B%C3%BCrgerpark.php?ModID=9&FID=136.575.1

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w SONNHOTEL Maja website http://www.sonnhotel-maja.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.sonnhotel-maja.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.sonnhotel-maja.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Bowling-, Beach- und Freizeitcenter website http://www.bbf-wismar.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.bbf-wismar.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.bbf-wismar.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Volkshochschule website https://www.wismar.de/index.phtml?mNavID=1800.173&sNavID=1800.173&La=1 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.wismar.de/index.php?mNavID=1800.173&sNavID=1800.173&La=1

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Musikschule website https://www.wismar.de/index.phtml?mNavID=1800.173&sNavID=1800.474&La=1 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.wismar.de/index.php?mNavID=1800.173&sNavID=1800.474&La=1

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Vermessungsbüro Stechert contact:website www.vermessungsbuero-stechert.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.vermessungsbuero-stechert.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.vermessungsbuero-stechert.de or http://www.vermessungsbuero-stechert.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Koppermann Automobile website http://www.renault-koppermann.de/unsere-standorte/ueckerm%C3%BCnde/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.renault-koppermann.de/unsere-standorte/ueckerm%c3%bcnde/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w UPS contact:website https://www.ups.com/smallbusiness/home/locations?loc=de_DE&tx=4621252326308331 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.ups.com/smallbusiness/home/locations?loc=de_DE&tx=4621252326308331": stream error: stream ID 1; INTERNAL_ERROR; received from peer

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Sankt Andreas website https://www.katholische-kirche-schwerin.de/cms/kirchen/andreas.php 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.pfarrei-sankt-anna.de/cms/kirchen/andreas.php

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Russisch-Orthodoxen Gemeinde Schwerin website http://schwerin.ortox.ru/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://ortox.ru/404/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w MVZ am Fernsehturm website https://www.helios-gesundheit.de/ambulant/schwerin-mvz-am-fernsehturm/ 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Akamai (key)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Astrid-Lindgren-Schule website http://astrid-lindgren-schule-schwerin.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://astrid-lindgren-schule-schwerin.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Landesamt für zentrale Aufgaben und Technik der Polizei, Brand- und Katastrophenschutz M-V website https://www.brand-kats-mv.de/Katastrophenschutz/ 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.brand-kats-mv.de/Katastrophenschutz/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hotel und Restaurant Rabennest website http://www.restaurant-rabennest.de/ 302 302

Redirect URL: https://www.restaurant-rabennest.de/index.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w LMS Agrarberatung website http://www.lms-beratung.de/index.phtml?view-46&SpecialTop=2 404 404

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website http://www.ostsee-lotse.de/objekt.php?objekt=60 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.ostsee-lotse.de/objekt.php?objekt=60": dial tcp: lookup www.ostsee-lotse.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Schule Lübstorf "Werner Lindemann" website http://www.schule-luebstorf.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.schule-luebstorf.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Tennisverein Lübstorf MSV website http://www.msv-luebstorf.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.msv-luebstorf.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Zum Angler website https://zumangler.beepworld.de/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Pension am See website http://www.m-vp.de/1299/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.mvp.de/1299/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w St. Trinitates website http://barockkirchewarlitz.de/ 401 Unauthorized

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hof Medewege Bistro Cafe website https://www.hof-medewege.de/hofcafe.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Elektro-Dallmann website http://www.elektro-dallmann.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.elektro-dallmann.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.elektro-dallmann.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Landeskriminalamt website https://www.polizei.mvnet.de/cms2/Polizei_prod/Polizei/de/ipvo/Die_Kriminalpolizei/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Rumpf Galabau website https://www.rumpf-galabau.de/rampe/html/home.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website https://www.neues-ufer.de/index.php?id=76 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.diakonie-wmsn.de/ueber-uns/gruendungsunternehmen/diakoniewerk-neues-uferindex.php?id=76

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Gästehaus Kleiner Wacholder website https://www.ostseegaestehaus.com/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.ostseegaestehaus.com/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Leezener Hof website http://www.m-vp.de/1766/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.mvp.de/1766/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Verlagsgrosso Nord GmbH & Co.KG website https://www.pmw-online.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.pmw-online.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Cafe Sonntagsgrün website https://www.sonntagsgruen.de/ 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Gartencafé Sonntagsgrün website https://www.sonntagsgruen.de/ 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Haus Jona contact:website https://www.diakonie-wmsn.de/wohnen-mit-assistenz/wohnhaeuser/haus-jona 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kirche Görslow website http://www.kirchenkreis-wismar.de/Pinnow.68.0.html 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www.kirchenkreis-wismar.de/Pinnow.68.0.html": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hertasee website http://www.dive-links.com/de/showtplatz.php?id=1110 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w KITA SEEBAD WENDORF - Perspektive Wismar gGmbH website https://www.wismar.de/B%C3%BCrger/Kinder/index.php?ModID=9&object=tx%7C2634.1&FID=125.954.1&NavID=26… 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.wismar.de/B%C3%BCrger/Adressen-Kontakte/Integrative-Kindertagesst%C3%A4tte-Seebad-Wendor…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Sprint contact:website https://go-sprint.de/tankstelle.html?--w4_sprintstations-joblist[@package]=w4.sprintstations&--w4_sp… 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://go-sprint.de/tankstelle.html?--w4_sprintstations-joblist[@package]=w4.sprintstations&--w4_sprintstations-joblist[@controller]=station&--w4_sprintstations-joblist[@action]=show&--w4_sprintstations-joblist[@format]=html&--w4_sprintstations-joblist[s": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Operator: Sozius website https://www.sozius-schwerin.de/index.php?id=13 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Arzneimittelüberwachungs- und -prüfstelle website https://www.lagus.mv-regierung.de/land-mv/LAGuS_prod/LAGuS/Gesundheit/Arzneimittelueberwachungs-_und… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Müritz-Sparkasse website https://banking.mueritz-sparkasse.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://banking.mueritz-sparkasse.de": dial tcp: lookup banking.mueritz-sparkasse.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Müritzeum website https://www.mueritzeum.de/de/natur_erleben/sammlungen1 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w DRK Tagespflege "Haus zur Elbbrücke" website http://www.drk-sb-lwl.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.drk-sb-lwl.de": dial tcp: lookup www.drk-sb-lwl.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Dharmazentrum Bliesekow website http://www.dharmazentrum-bliesekow.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.dharmazentrum-bliesekow.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.dharmazentrum-bliesekow.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Korl Loitz contact:website https://www.restaurant-loitz.de 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.restaurant-loitz.de": EOF

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Mecklenburg-Vorpommern website http://www.kvmv.info 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.kvmv.info": dial tcp: lookup www.kvmv.info on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Uwe Friedrichs website http://www.friedrichs-kfz.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.friedrichs-kfz.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w neue friedländer gesamtschule website https://www.nfg24.de/kgs/index.html 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Diakoniezentrum am Mühlenholz contact:website https://www.diakonie-mse.de/einrichtungen/wohnstaette-am-muehlenholz 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w St. Bartholomaei website http://www.ev-kirche-demmin.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string elitedomains.de in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Fahrschule Jandt website http://www.fahrschule-jandt.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.fahrschule-jandt.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Pfarrkirche St. Marien website https://st.marien-friedland.de/ 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://st.marien-friedland.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Katholisches Alten- und Pflegeheim „St. Ansgar“ contact:website http://www.caritas-mecklenburg.de/54265.html 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.caritas-im-norden.de/region

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Maria Rosenkranzkönigin website https://www.katholische-kirche-ludwigslust.de/cms5/Kirchen/doemitz.php 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.katholische-kirche-ludwigslust.de/cms5/Kirchen/doemitz.php": dial tcp: lookup www.katholische-kirche-ludwigslust.de on server misbehaving

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website https://regionale-schule-neukloster.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://regionale-schule-neukloster.de/": remote error: tls: internal error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Bäckerei Mirr Mühlen-Café contact:website http://www.baeckerei-mirr.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.baeckerei-mirr.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.baeckerei-mirr.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Roberts's Restaurant website:menu https://www.roberts-restaurant.de/download/speisekarte-marz-22.pdf 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Paletten Tews OHG image http://paletten-tews.de/img/IMG_0017a.jpg 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.paletten-tews.de/img/IMG_0017a.jpg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w MC Prisannewitz contact:website https://mc-prisannewitz.jimdofree.com/ 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w MEGAZOO website https://www.www.megazoo.de/d-nord/filialen/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.www.megazoo.de/d-nord/filialen/": dial tcp: lookup www.www.megazoo.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Boels Rental website https://www.boels.com/de-de/branches/mecklenburg-vorpommern 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.boels.com/de-de/branches/mecklenburg-vorpommern": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Fahrschule Venz website http://www.fahrschule-venz.de/kontakt-1/bentwisch/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Peter Jensen GmbH website https://www.peterjensen.de/de/unternehmen/standorte/terminals/terminal-ro2 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Medienhaus Druckatelier Bertholdt website http://www.medienhaus-bertholdt.de 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w team baucenter Bentwisch contact:website https://www.team.de/standort/bau/rostock-bentwisch 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.team.de/standort/bau/rostock-bentwisch": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Weber Dachdeckerei website http://www.weber-dachdeckerei.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.weber-dachdeckerei.de": dial tcp: lookup www.weber-dachdeckerei.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w McDonald's website https://www.mcdonalds.de/restaurant?url=bentwisch-hansestr-49&/de 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.mcdonalds.com/de/de-de/restaurant-suche.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w ANKER Sozialarbeit Gemeinnützige GmbH website http://anker-sozialarbeit.de/kontakt.php 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Dorfkirche Sukow website http://www.kirchenkreis-guestrow.de/pfarrkirche_guestrow.html 302 Found (Moved Temporarily)

Redirect URL: https://www.kirche-mv.de/index.php?id=21415&type=0

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Dorfkirche Bentwisch website http://www.kirchenkreis-rostock.de/Bentwisch.81.0.html 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www.kirchenkreis-rostock.de/Bentwisch.81.0.html": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Praxis für Naturheilkunde Eva Strehl website http://www.praxis-evastrehl.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.praxis-evastrehl.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Bildungszentrum Nordost website https://www.bildungszentrum-nordost.de/index.php?id=64 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website https://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/HVHV-4600.pdf 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wetterstation Schwerin website https://www.dwd.de/DE/derdwd/standorte/wetterwarten/wetterwarten_node.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Party-Haus Reddelich website https://www.fleischerei-hackendahl.de/party-haus_reddelich.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Salzmuseum website https://www.salzmuseum-badsuelze.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.salzmuseum-mecklenburg.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kegelpub website https://www.sv-einheit-schwerin.de/kegelbahn-kegelpub/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Schlossbucht 19 Cafe & Restaurant image https://schlossbucht19.com/wp-content/uploads/schlossbucht-terrasse.jpg 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Invest in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern GmbH website https://www.invest-in-mv.de/de 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Bundeswehr Karrierecenter website https://www.personal.bundeswehr.de/portal/a/pers/start/dststellen/bapersbw/karrcbw/#par13 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.personal.bundeswehr.de/portal/a/pers/start/dststellen/bapersbw/karrcbw/#par13": dial tcp connect: connection refused

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Orangerie website https://schweriner-schloss-localitaeten.de/orangerie/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://schweriner-schloss-restaurant.de/orangerie/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Psychosoziales Wohnheim Waren website https://www.diakonie-baden.de/hilfe/hilfe_vor_ort/psychosoziales-wohnheim-waren-17192-waren-mueritz/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w MEGA Schwerin website https://www.mega.de/unternehmen/mega-standorte/standort/mega-schwerin/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w DRK Sozialstation website http://drklwl2.drkcms.de/einrichtungen/drk-sozialstationen/sozialstation-pampow.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Matthies Autoteile Schwerin website https://www.matthies.de/standorte/standort/verkaufshaus-schwerin.html 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.matthies.de/aktuelle-nachrichten.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Bessersprecher Pampow website http://www.sprachgut.com/sprachtherapie-pampow.html 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.sprachgut.com/sprachtherapie-pampow.html": dial tcp: lookup www.sprachgut.com on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w NDB website https://www.ndb.de/unternehmen/standorte/schwerin/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.ndb.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Spieloase Pampow website http://www.spieloase.de/sedato/index.php?id=1198 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.spieloase.de/sedato/index.php?id=1198

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Stadtarchiv contact:website https://www.schwerin.de/kultur-tourismus/kunst-kultur/volkshochschule-literatur-bibliotheken-archive… 307 307

Redirect URL: https://www.schwerin.de/landingpage/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kirche Prestin website http://www.kirchenkreis-wismar.de/Demen.94.0.html 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www.kirchenkreis-wismar.de/Demen.94.0.html": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Zollamt Laage website https://www.zoll.de 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.zoll.de": net/http: TLS handshake timeout

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Altenpflegeheim "Haus Elbtalaue" contact:website http://www.drk-sb-lwl.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.drk-sb-lwl.de": dial tcp: lookup www.drk-sb-lwl.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Speedykart-Kartbahn website http://www.kart-nb.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Biomarkt KaRo website https://www.biomarkt-karo.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.biomarkt-karo.de/": remote error: tls: unrecognized name

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Studio 4 website http://wp.studio4-schwerin.de 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://config.abster.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Satower Mosterei contact:website https://www.satower-mosterei.de/ 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Güstrow Flugplatz website https://www.segelflug.sport-in-guestrow.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.segelflug.sport-in-guestrow.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for sport-in-guestrow.de, www.sport-in-guestrow.de, not www.segelflug.sport-in-guestrow.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Nahverkehr Nordwestmecklenburg website https://www.nordwestmecklenburg.de/buerger/verwaltung/kreisverwaltung/eb_nahverkehr/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Das Kittchen (Ehm. JAA Wismar) website http://www-mvnet.mvnet.de/inmv/land-mv/jm_jaa_wismar/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www-mvnet.mvnet.de/inmv/land-mv/jm_jaa_wismar/": dial tcp: lookup www-mvnet.mvnet.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ökohaus - GUK Asyl contact:website https://oekohaus-rostock.de/flucht-und-asyl/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kraftverkehr Nagel GmbH & Co. KG Niederlassung Güstrow website https://www.nagel-group.com/de/lokale_seiten/de/guestrow/laage.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.nagel-group.com/lokale_seiten/de/guestrow/laage.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Tyrexpert website https://www.tyrexpert.de/standorte/detail/22-tyrexpert-neubrandenburg-sued.html 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.tyrexpert.de/standorte/detail/22-tyrexpert-neubrandenburg-sued.html/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website https://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/UNPE-1350.pdf 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w HEM website https://www.hem-tankstelle.de/partner/HEM/Schwerin-Wuestmark/Schweriner-Str-3c 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.hem-tankstelle.de/Error/OperatorNotFound

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Rettungswache Waren (Müritz) Ost contact:website https://www.drk-msp.de/unsere-dienstleistungen/rettungsdienst/rettungswache-waren-mueritz-ost.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kaufhaus Stolz website https://unternehmen.kaufhaus-stolz.com 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.kaufhaus-stolz.com

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w St.Marien website https://www.kirche-mv.de/Strasburg.29052.0.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.kirche-mv.de/index.php?id=29052&type=0

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w AWO website https://www.awo-nb.de/gesch%C3%A4ftsstelle/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.awo-nb.de/gesch%C3%A4ftsstelle/": EOF

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ingenieurbüro Dipl.-Ing. A. Hofmann website http://www.ib-a-hofmann.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.ib-a-hofmann.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w SD GmbH Klaus Hirsch website http://www.sdhirsch.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.sdhirsch.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w SchulCampus Rostock Evershagen website https://www.schulcampus-rostock.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.schulcampus-rostock.de/": remote error: tls: unrecognized name

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Landhof zur Meierei website https://www.reiterhof-mallin.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.reiterhof-mallin.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.1blu.de, 1blu.de, not www.reiterhof-mallin.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ibis Budget Hotel Rostock Broderstorf website https://all.accor.com/hotel/2671/index.de.shtml 410 Gone

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wohnmobilhafen Pepelow website https://www.ostseecamping-am-salzhaff.de/ 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.ostseecamping-am-salzhaff.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Tierwelt Rostock e.V. website http://www.tierwelt-rostock-ev.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.tierwelt-rostock-ev.de": dial tcp: lookup www.tierwelt-rostock-ev.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w KiTa Spatzennest website https://www.aufdertenne.de/index.php/kitas-2/papendorf.html 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.aufdertenne.de/index.php/kitas-2/papendorf.html": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for aufdertenne.de, aufdertenne.de.linux16.unixserver.org, not www.aufdertenne.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Grundschule website http://www.warnowschule.de/index.php/unsere-schule/grundschule 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.warnowschule.de/index.php/unsere-schule/grundschule

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website https://www.putbus.de/verzeichnis/mandat.php?mandat=204190&kategorie=6454 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Seniorenzentrum An der Warnow website https://www.kervita.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.kervita.de/de/startseite.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w DRK Zentrum website https://www.drk-msp.de/unser-kreisverband/unsere-geschaeftsstellen.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website http://www.waren-mueritz.de/de/buergerservice-verwaltung/buergerbuero/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.waren-mueritz.de/de/buergerservice-verwaltung/buergerbuero/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w DW Hotel zur Sonne contact:website http://www.dwhotels.de/hotels/de-zursonne 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.dwhotels.de/hotels/de-zursonne": dial tcp: lookup www.dwhotels.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w KiTa "Haus Sonnenschein" website https://www.drk-msp.de/unsere-dienstleistungen/kindertagesstaetten/kita-waren-mueritz.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w teenotel website http://www.ueaz-zukunft-gestalten.de/cms/servicemanagement/_2025701467 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.ueaz-zukunft-gestalten.de/cms/servicemanagement/_2025701467

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Stadtverwaltung website http://www.waren-mueritz.de/de/buergerservice-verwaltung/buergerbuero/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.waren-mueritz.de/de/buergerservice-verwaltung/buergerbuero/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Am Sinnesgarten website https://www.drk-msp.de/unsere-dienstleistungen/seniorenpflegeheime/seniorenpflegeheim-waren-mueritz-… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Klosterkirche Neukloster website http://www.neukloster-kirche.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website http://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/MEEO-0450.pdf Wasserkörper "Elde zwischen den oberen Müritzs… 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/MEEO-0450.pdf%20Wasserk%C3%B6rper%20%22Elde%20zwischen%20de…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Stadtbauhof website http://www.waren-mueritz.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.waren-mueritz.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Uwe - Futtern wie bei Muttern website https://www.sb-gaststaette-uwe.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.sb-gaststaette-uwe.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.sb-gaststaette-uwe.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Tannen Suite contact:website http://www.tannensuite.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.tannensuite.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Auto Algie website https://www.auto-algie.de/ 401 Unauthorized

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Verlagsgrosso Nord GmbH & Co.KG website https://www.pmw-online.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.pmw-online.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Autohaus Sachs website https://www.autohaus-sachs.eu/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://fsn-autozentrum.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Beauty & Nails website http://www.beautyandnails-studio.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.beautyandnails-studio.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Sport- & Kongresshalle website https://www.guestrow.de/tourismus-kultur/freizeitangebote/sportvereine/sport-und-kongresshalle/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Audi Zentrum Rostock website https://www.audi-zentrum-rostock.audi/de.html 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.audi-zentrum-rostock.audi/de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Fischländer Friedhof image https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/File:2014_Fischl%C3%A4nder_Friedhof_im_Ostseebad_Wustrow.jpg 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Möve "ABA" website http://www.moeve-aba.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.moeve-aba.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Prof.-Franz-Bunke-Schule Schwaan website http://www.schule-schwaan.de/ 303 See Other

Redirect URL: https://schuleschwaan.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Betreutes Wohnen Rövershagen website http://drk-doberan.de/was-wir-tun/senioren/betreutes-wohnen.html 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.drk-dbr.dewas-wir-tun/senioren/betreutes-wohnen.html": dial tcp: lookup www.drk-dbr.dewas-wir-tun on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kaufhaus Stolz website https://unternehmen.kaufhaus-stolz.com/filialen/roevershagen/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.kaufhaus-stolz.com/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Stadtforstamt Rostock website https://rathaus.rostock.de/sixcms/detail.php?template=seite_stadtforstamt_de&_sid1=rostock_01.c.260.… 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://rathaus.rostock.de/de/startseite/249136

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Heidehummeln website https://www.aufdertenne.de/index.php/kitas-2/roevershagen.html 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.aufdertenne.de/index.php/kitas-2/roevershagen.html": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for aufdertenne.de, aufdertenne.de.linux16.unixserver.org, not www.aufdertenne.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w PTS-precision website http://www.pts-precision.eu/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.pts-precision.eu/": dial tcp: lookup www.pts-precision.eu on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w JACOB CEMENT BAUSTOFFE website https://www.jacob-cement.de/standorte/neukloster.html 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.jacob-cement.de/standorte

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Strandhaus 1 contact:website https://www.strandhaus1.de/index.php?id=235 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Schloss Hasenwinkel website https://www.hasenwinkel.com/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.hasenwinkel.com/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.hasenwinkel.com

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Renault website https://home.mobile.de/seo/regional/mecklenburg-vorpommern/renault-haendler-0.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w BMW website http://bmw-partner.bmw.de/autohaus-wigger-guestrow/de_DE/gebrauchte-automobile.html 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.bmw-wigger.de/de/home

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Agrar-Shop website http://agrarshopgüstrow.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://agrarshopg%C3%BCstrow.de": dial tcp: lookup xn--agrarshopgstrow-8vb.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Warnowkrümel contact:website http://www.schwaan.info/DRK_Kitas/index.php/warnowkruemel 503 Service Unavailable

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Sankt Josef website http://www.kath-kirche-buetzow.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w St. Paulus website http://www.kirchenkreis-guestrow.de/schwaan.html 302 Found (Moved Temporarily)

Redirect URL: https://www.kirche-mv.de/index.php?id=21415&type=0

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Freiwillige Feuerwehr Schwaan website http://www.schwaan.info/undefined/FFW_Schwaan 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Johann-Pogge-Schule website http://www.schule-lalendorf.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.schule-lalendorf.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.schule-lalendorf.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Katholische Pfarrkirche St. Antonius von Padua website http://www.kath-kirche-buetzow.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Gut Körchow website http://www.gut-koerchow.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.gut-koerchow.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.gut-koerchow.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Pension "Am Stadtpark" website www.pension-buetzow.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.pension-buetzow.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.pension-buetzow.de or http://www.pension-buetzow.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kirche Neuenkirchen website https://neuenkirchen.kirche-rotenburg.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://neuenkirchen.kirche-rotenburg.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for linux04.rw.serviceprovider.de, not neuenkirchen.kirche-rotenburg.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Zollamt Neubrandenburg contact:website https://www.zoll.de/SharedDocs/Dienststellen/DE/1_DSSD_Importer/Hauptzollamt/HZA_Stralsund/ZA/ZA_Neu… 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.zoll.de/SharedDocs/Dienststellen/DE/1_DSSD_Importer/Hauptzollamt/HZA_Stralsund/ZA/ZA_Neubrandenburg_9030/ZA_Neubrandenburg_9030.html": net/http: TLS handshake timeout

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kaufhaus Stolz website https://unternehmen.kaufhaus-stolz.com/filialen/buetzow/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.kaufhaus-stolz.com/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Pflegeheim am Schloß website https://www.hefftler-buetzow.de/pflegeheim/ 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Seeadler website https://www.hundeurlaub.net/Haus_Seeadler/haus_seeadler.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Haus am Meer website https://www.hundeurlaub.net/Ferienwohnungen/ferienwohnungen.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Warnow Klinik website http://www.warnowklinik-buetzow.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://warnowklinik.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Total contact:website https://store.total.de/de_DE/ND029645 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://store.total.de/de_DE/ND029645": dial tcp: lookup store.total.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Solarkirche Zernin website https://www.kirche-mv.de/buetzow/unsere-kirchen/zernin-solarkirche 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Friedhof Schönberg Meckl. website https://www.kirche-mv.de/Schoenberg-Friedhof.7672.0.html 403 Forbidden

Redirect URL: https://www.kirche-mv.de/index.php?id=7672&type=0

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Freiwillige Feuerwehr Zernin website http://www.feuerwehr-zernin.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.feuerwehr-zernin.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.feuerwehr-zernin.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Stadion website https://sport-in-guestrow.de/ 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://sport-in-guestrow.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kirche Eikelberg website https://www.kirche-baumgarten.de/eickelberg.htm 922 Domain is for sale: found string www.denic.de in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w team baucenter contact:website https://www.team.de/standort/bau/parchim 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.team.de/standort/bau/parchim": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Autohaus Wahl website https://www.toyota-wahl-parchim.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.toyota-wahl-parchim.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.toyota-wahl-parchim.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Sportschule Parchim website www.sportschule-parchim.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.sportschule-parchim.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.sportschule-parchim.de or http://www.sportschule-parchim.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w C15 Bolter Ufer contact:website https://www.camping-bolter-ufer.de/willkommen-c15 404 Not Found

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website contact:website

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Finanzamt contact:website http://cms.mvnet.de/cms2/Steuerportal_prod/Steuerportal/content/de/Finanzaemter/Finanzamt_Pasewalk/i… 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://cms.mvnet.de/cms2/Steuerportal_prod/Steuerportal/content/de/Finanzaemter/Finanzamt_Pasewalk/index.jsp": dial tcp: lookup cms.mvnet.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Landeshauptarchiv website https://www.kulturwerte-mv.de/cms2/LAKD1_prod/LAKD1/de/Landesarchiv/Landeshauptarchiv_Schwerin/index… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Bundespolizeiaus- und Fortbildungszentrum Neustrelitz contact:website https://www.bundespolizei.de/SharedDocs/Webs/Web/Organisationseinheiten/Akademie/BPOLAFZ/Neustrelitz… 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.bundespolizei.de/SharedDocs/Webs/Web/Organisationseinheiten/Akademie/BPOLAFZ/Neustrelitz.html": net/http: TLS handshake timeout

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Parchimer Innovations u.Technolgie Zentrum website http://www.pitz-parchim.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.pitz-parchim.de": dial tcp: lookup www.pitz-parchim.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Grundschule Adolf Diesterweg website https://www.parchim.de/wohnenleben/schulen.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Marienkirche website http://www.kirchenkreis-parchim.de/Parchim-St-Marien.256.0.html 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www.kirchenkreis-parchim.de/Parchim-St-Marien.256.0.html": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Regionale Schule "Fritz Reuter" website https://www.parchim.de/wohnenleben/schulen.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Neuapostolische Kirche Parchim website https://parchim.nak-nordost.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://ludwigslust.nak-nordost.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Sparkasse Parchim-Lübz website https://www.sparkasse-parchim.de/module/ihre_sparkasse/filialfinder/index.php?n=%2Fmodule%2Fihre_spa… 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.sparkasse-parchim.de/module/ihre_sparkasse/filialfinder/index.php?n=%2Fmodule%2Fihre_sparkasse%2Ffilialfinder%2F&IFLBSERVERID=IF@@031@@IF": dial tcp connect: connection refused

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w "Radlon" Fahrrad-Komfort-Hotel website https://radlon.chayns.net/ 308 Permanent Redirect

Redirect URL: https://chayns.site/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Medizinisch-Pflegerisches Versorgungszentrum Tiefwarensee website http://www.awo-mueritz.de/index.php/pflegeheim-mpvz-tiefwarensee.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: http://www.awo-mueritz.de/pflegeheim-mpvz-tiefwarensee.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w schuh eggers website https://schaufenster.schuheggers.de/virtuelles_schaufenster/schuh-eggers-ribnitz-damgarten 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://schaufenster.schuheggers.de/virtuelles_schaufenster/schuh-eggers-ribnitz-damgarten": dial tcp: lookup schaufenster.schuheggers.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kläranlage Grevesmühlen website https://www.zweckverband-gvm.de/page/klaeranlagen/klaeranlage-grevesmuehlen.php 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ferienwohnung Giertz website http://www.ferienwohnung-giertz-wustrow.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.ferienwohnung-giertz-wustrow.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.ferienwohnung-giertz-wustrow.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Laden Wustrow website http://www.einkaufen-in-wustrow.de/39994.html 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.einkaufen-in-wustrow.de/39994.html": dial tcp: lookup www.einkaufen-in-wustrow.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w AUTO-MOBILE GMBH RIBNITZ-DAMGARTEN website https://www.toyota.de/retailers/auto-mobile_gmbhribnitz-damgarten 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Luna Filmtheater website http://www.lunafilmtheater.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.lunafilmtheater.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Motodrom Ludwigslust website https://www.mc-ludwigslust.de/termine/training/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Oldtimer-Museum website http://www.oldtimermuseum-grossraden.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.oldtimermuseum-grossraden.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w KiTa "Regenbogenland" website http://www.drk-sb-lwl.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.drk-sb-lwl.de": dial tcp: lookup www.drk-sb-lwl.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Agentur für Arbeit website https://www.arbeitsagentur.de/nn_8344/Partner/RD-N/Neubrandenburg/03129-Geschaeftsstelle-Roebel.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website https://www.kirche-mv.de/lichtenhagen-dorf/friedhof 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Dorfkirche website https://www.kirche-mv.de/lichtenhagen-dorf 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.kirche-mv.de/lichtenhagen-friedensgemeinde

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Boreus Rechenzentrum GmbH website https://www.boreus.de/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.wiit.cloud/de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Berufsschule - Abteilung Wirtschaft und Verwaltung contact:website http://www.berufliche-schule-stralsund.de 400 Bad Request

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wiesenpension website http://www.wiesenpension.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w 1A-Hotel website http://www.hotel-anklam.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.hotel-anklam.de": dial tcp: lookup www.hotel-anklam.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Pension Hohen Sprenz Am See website http://www.pension-hohensprenz-exler.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Autohaus Eberhardt Goldbach website https://www.goldbach24.de/index.php/standorte/roevershagen/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.goldbach24.de/standorte/roevershagen/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Villa Seebaer - Ferienwohnungen website https://meermitbaer.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://meermitbaer.de/": dial tcp: lookup meermitbaer.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Berufsschulzentrum website http://www.berufliche-schule-stralsund.de 400 Bad Request

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Nordkurier Logistik website https://www.nordkurier-briefdienst.de/nordkurier-logistik-stralsund.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Blockheizkraftwerk Altstadt website https://www.sw-greifswald.de/Energie/Erzeugung/Erzeugerstaetten 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Medigreif Gesundheits- und Sozialzentrum website https://www.medigreif.de/standort-mecklenburg-vorpommern/medigreif-gesundheits-und-sozialzentrum-gre… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Haus am Ryck website https://www.drk-ovp-hgw.de/hansestadt-greifswald.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Haus der Kultur und Bildung contact:website https://gemeinsinn-greifswald.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://gemeinsinn-greifswald.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for web9.greensta.de, not gemeinsinn-greifswald.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Flugplatz Purkshof website http://www.fcrostock.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.fcrostock.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w WM Fahrzeugteile website https://www.wm.de/de/unternehmen/standorte.html#18437 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Bockholdt website https://www.bockholdt.de/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.strabag-pfs.com/de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Globus Baumarkt website https://www.globus-baumarkt.de/info/markt/stralsund/ 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Natur Camping Usedom website https://www.natur-camping-usedom.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.natur-camping-usedom.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ärztehaus Toitenwinkel website http://www.aerztehaus-toitenwinkel.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.aerztehaus-toitenwinkel.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Agentur für Arbeit website https://con.arbeitsagentur.de/prod/apok/service-vor-ort/agentur-fuer-arbeit-malchin-malchin.html 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://con.arbeitsagentur.de/prod/apok/service-vor-ort/agentur-fuer-arbeit-malchin-malchin.html": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Audi/VW Tolzin website https://www.vw-tolzin-malchin.de/de.html 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.volkswagen.de/de/haendler-werkstatt/autohaus-tolzin-malchin.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w NSP website www.nsp-qualitaet.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.nsp-qualitaet.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.nsp-qualitaet.de or http://www.nsp-qualitaet.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Waldgut Rosenhagen website http://waldgut-rosenhagen.de/index.html 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://waldgut-rosenhagen.de/index.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Dorfkirche Cramon website http://www.kirche-cramon.de/Cramon/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.kirche-cramon.de/Cramon/": dial tcp: lookup www.kirche-cramon.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Bettenhaus website https://www.bettenhaus-shop.de/ 503 Service Unavailable

Redirect URL: https://www.bettenhaus-shop.de/index.php?main_page=down_for_maintenance&zenid=q10kr6gq21nogaf3ch01dj…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w EDEKA Schlicht website https://www.edeka-horsch.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.edeka-horsch.de": dial tcp: lookup www.edeka-horsch.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Reitverein Güstrow e.V. website http://www.reitverein-guestrow.de 303 See Other

Redirect URL: http://www4.reitverein-guestrow.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hotel Strandhaus Mönchgut website http://www.strandhaus-moenchgut.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.paradies-ruegen.de/ferienwohnungen-ferienhaeuser/lobbe/strandhaus-moenchgut/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w ehemaliges Schloß Grabow image https://photos.app.goo.gl/JwUv4EyJVJ574PE67 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipM31h4yihwNfBooOKPIlAsPBL99Iruqg1LPYXFoAb7nTE6UvfJWEwBtrKFZ-UZM…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w St. Bartholomäus website https://kirche-wittenburg.de/inhaltsverzeichnis.html 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://kirche-wittenburg.de/inhaltsverzeichnis.html": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.toaserver.de, toaserver.de, not kirche-wittenburg.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Operator: David Touristik website https://www.david-touristik.de/ferienwohnung/beach-house 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Niels-Stensen-Kirche website http://www.kath-kirche-grevesmuehlen.homepage.t-online.de/gvm.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://kath-kirche-grevesmuehlen.hier-im-netz.de/gvm.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hotel bei der Malzfabrik website http://www.hotel-malzfabrik.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.hotel-malzfabrik.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.hotel-malzfabrik.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w St. Georg-Stift website https://www.diakoniewerk-gvm.de/erwachsene/menschen-mit-behinderungen/wohnen/st-georg-stift-grevesmu… 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.diakonie-nordnordost.de/erwachsene/menschen-mit-behinderungen/wohnen/st-georg-stift-grev…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website http://www.altes-rathaus-grevesmühlen.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.altes-rathaus-grevesm%C3%BChlen.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.xn--altes-rathaus-grevesmhlen-zwc.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Städtisches Museum Grevesmühlen website http://www.grevesmuehlen.de/Museum.102.0.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.grevesmuehlen.de/Museum.102.0.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Pension & Hofladencafe Fachwerk website https://www.pension-fachwerk.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.pension-fachwerk.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.pension-fachwerk.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ferienhaus Seepferdchen website http://ostseeurlaub-seepferdchen.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://ostseeurlaub-seepferdchen.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ferienhaus Steck website http://www.ostseeferien-ahrenshagen.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.ostseeferien-ahrenshagen.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Agentur für Arbeit website https://www3.arbeitsagentur.de/web/content/DE/dienststellen/rdn/schwerin/Agentur/Detail/index.htm?df… 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.arbeitsagentur.de/wir-sind-umgezogen?dfContentId=L6019022DSTBAI422530

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Psychosoziales Wohnheim website https://www.diakoniewerk-gvm.de/erwachsene/menschen-mit-psychischen-beeintraechtigungen/wohnen/psych… 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.diakonie-nordnordost.de/erwachsene/menschen-mit-psychischen-beeintraechtigungen/wohnen/p…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w BürgerBahnhof website https://www.bahnhof-grevesmuehlen.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.bahnhof-grevesmuehlen.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.bahnhof-grevesmuehlen.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Allgemeine Förderschule "An den Linden" website https://www.grevesmuehlen.eu/bildung/schulen/f%C3%B6rderschulen/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.grevesmuehlen.de/bildung/schulen/f%C3%B6rderschulen

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Polizei Grevesmühlen website https://www.polizei.mvnet.de/Polizei/PPHRO/PP-Rostock-PI-Wismar/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Autohaus Freytag website http://www.autohausfreytag.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.autohausfreytag.de": dial tcp: lookup www.autohausfreytag.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Autoservice Wohlert website https://wohlert.go1a.de/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kunstscheune Rethwisch website http://kunstscheune-rethwisch.meinatelier.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://kunstscheune-rethwisch.meinatelier.de/": dial tcp: lookup kunstscheune-rethwisch.meinatelier.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ostseeperle website https://www.kaisers-ostseeperle.de/ 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Reifenservice Moses website https://www.moses-reifenservice.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.moses-reifenservice.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.moses-reifenservice.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kita Am Tannenberg website https://www.diakoniewerk-gvm.de/kinder/kindertagesstaetten/am-tannenberg-grevesmuehlen/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.diakonie-nordnordost.de/kinder/kindertagesstaetten/am-tannenberg-grevesmuehlen/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Seniorenwohnheim "Haus am Tannenberg" website https://www.diakoniewerk-gvm.de/erwachsene/menschen-mit-behinderungen/spezielle-wohnangebote/haus-am… 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.diakonie-nordnordost.de/erwachsene/menschen-mit-behinderungen/spezielle-wohnangebote/hau…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kreisstraßenmeisterei website http://www.praevention-nwm.de/index.phtml?view-463&SpecialTop=1 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website https://www.am-tannenberg.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.am-tannenberg.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.am-tannenberg.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Quartier 11 website https://www.quartier11.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.quartier11.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.quartier11.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w IKK website https://www.ikk-nord.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.die-ik.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w St. Michael website http://www.kirchenkreis-stargard.de/Nbg-Michael.68.0.html 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www.kirchenkreis-stargard.de/Nbg-Michael.68.0.html": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hanse Metallbau GmbH contact:website http://hansemetallbau.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Waldgeister website http://www.ostseebad-nienhagen.de/gemeinde/kindertagesstaette-waldgeister/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.ostseebad-nienhagen.de/gemeinde/kindertagesstaette-waldgeister/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ferienidyll Seepferdchen website http://www.ferienidyll-seepferdchen.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Minigolf Touristinfo website https://www.gemeinde-boergerende-rethwisch.de/tourismus_angebote.php 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Freiwillige Feuerwehr Laage website http://www.feuerwehr-laage.de 308 Permanent Redirect

Redirect URL: https://fflaage.chayns.site/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Seniorenheim Laage website http://www.drk-guestrow.de/leisten062.php 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.drk-guestrow.de/leisten062.php

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Blumenhof Griem website https://www.blumenhof-griem.de/home/fillialen/ribnitz-damgarten-ii/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Seniorenpflege Strandperle website http://www.spg-strandperle.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.spg-strandperle.de": dial tcp: lookup www.spg-strandperle.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w IFA Graal-Müritz Hotel, Spa & Tagungen website https://www.ifa-graal-mueritz-hotel.com/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://ifahotels.com/ifa-graal-mueritz-hotel

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Strandhotel Deichgraf website http://www.strandhoteldeichgraf.com/ 302 Object moved

Redirect URL: https://www.strandhoteldeichgraf.com/default.asp

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w AKG Mutter-Kind-Klinik Schwarzheide website https://www.akg-rehazentrum.de/mutter-kind-klinik-schwarzheide/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wohnpark Schmiedestraße website https://www.fischland.de/willkommen-auf-fischland-darss.html 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.fischland.de/indexpage

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wohnpark Schmiedestraße website https://www.fischland.de/willkommen-auf-fischland-darss.html 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.fischland.de/indexpage

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wohnpark Schmiedestraße website https://www.fischland.de/willkommen-auf-fischland-darss.html 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.fischland.de/indexpage

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Amt Darß / Fischland website https://www.sitzungsdienst-darss-fischland.de/ 401 Unauthorized

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Aparthotel Saatmann website https://www.saatmann.net/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.saatmann.net/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.saatmann.net

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Waldstraße website https://www.kuehlungsborn.de/kuehlungsborn/ueber-kuehlungsborn/stadtplan/detail/parkplatz-waldstrass… 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.kuehlungsborn.de/kuehlungsborn/ueber-kuehlungsborn/stadtplan/detail/parkplatz-waldstrass…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hotel Fischerwiege website https://hotel-namenlos.de/hotel-fischerwiege-2/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Schifferkirche website http://www.schifferkirche.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string domainmarkt.de in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Lehrgebäude Institut für Physik website https://www.physik.uni-rostock.de/das-institut/neubau/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Forschungsgebäude Department Life, Light and Matter website https://www.physik.uni-rostock.de/das-institut/neubau/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Baufuchs website https://www.baufuchs-wittenburg.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.baufuchs-wittenburg.de/": EOF

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kapelle Vorbein url http://www.kirche-loitz.de/menschen-orte/kapelle-in-vorbein.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.kirche-loitz.de/menschen-orte/kapelle-in-vorbein.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Feuerwehrhaus West website http://www.feuerwehr-guestrow.de/feuerwehrhaus-west.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Reitverein Güstrow e.V. website http://www.reitverein-guestrow.de/verein/ueberuns.php 303 See Other

Redirect URL: http://www4.reitverein-guestrow.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kavaliershaus Barth website http://www.kavaliershaus-barth.de/ 503 Service Unavailable

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Call-Center-Barth website http://www.bkp-marketing.de 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Weihnachtsbaum- und Schnittgrünplantage Stove website www.plantage-stove.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.plantage-stove.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.plantage-stove.de or http://www.plantage-stove.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ferienwohnungen Steinhäuser website https://www.fewo-steinhaeuser.de/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w FFW Ludwigslust website http://www.ffw-ludwigslust.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ozeaneum contact:website https://www.ozeaneum.de/ 303 See Other

Redirect URL: https://www.deutsches-meeresmuseum.de/museumsstandorte/ozeaneum/ihr-besuch

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Psychosoziale Tagesstätte "Am Park" website www.volkssolidaritaet-hagenow.de/tagesstaette-hagenow.php 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.volkssolidaritaet-hagenow.de/tagesstaette-hagenow.php": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.volkssolidaritaet-hagenow.de/tagesstaette-hagenow.php or http://www.volkssolidaritaet-hagenow.de/tagesstaette-hagenow.php works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kultur-Klub-Hagenow e.V. website http://www.kultur-klub-hagenow.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.kultur-klub-hagenow.de": dial tcp: lookup www.kultur-klub-hagenow.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ev.-Luth. Kirchengemeinde Cammin-Petschow website https://www.kirche-mv.de/Cammin-Petschow.cammin.0.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Gisela Kümmels Dorfladen website https://www.feriengutdalwitz.de/gutshof/einkaufsmoeglichkeiten/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hofrestaurant "Remise" website https://www.feriengutdalwitz.de/gutshof/hofrestaurant-remise/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Division Global Notes contact:website https://www.globalnotes.com/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.officeproducts.upmraflatac.com/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Boutique am Ring website http://boutique-am-ring.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://boutique-am-ring.de/": dial tcp: lookup boutique-am-ring.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w St.-Georg-Grundschule website http://stgeorg-grundschule.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://stgeorg-grundschule.de/": dial tcp: lookup stgeorg-grundschule.de on server misbehaving

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website contact:website

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w St.-Georg-Grundschule contact:website http://stgeorg-grundschule.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://stgeorg-grundschule.de/": dial tcp: lookup stgeorg-grundschule.de on server misbehaving

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website contact:website

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Reit-, Fahr- und Pensionsstall Indian Village website http://www.indian-village.eu/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.indian-village.eu/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Haus am Meer website https://www.aw-kur.de/haus-am-meer 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://aktiv-gesund.awo-ww.de/haus-am-meer

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w url http://haus-uem-de-eck.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://haus-uem-de-eck.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Evangelischer Kindergarten website http://marienkirche-rostock.de/innenstadtgemeinde/kita.htm 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ferienwohnung Schneider website https://prerow-schneider.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Blaues Haus contact:website https://www.blaueshauszingst.de 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.blaueshauszingst.de": remote error: tls: handshake failure

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Stift Bethlehem website https://www.stift-bethlehem.de/kontakt.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w image https://photos.app.goo.gl/eZCwp7BE9dyGL8LLA 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNJgEEI4SxMFoRxUIxkdvp9s0MRFPDeyUHyQSrOuKK6-6i0tRDayInf6IwxjI8W…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w image https://photos.app.goo.gl/eZCwp7BE9dyGL8LLA 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNJgEEI4SxMFoRxUIxkdvp9s0MRFPDeyUHyQSrOuKK6-6i0tRDayInf6IwxjI8W…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w image https://photos.app.goo.gl/CGfWPVmoFpJsL8D2A 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNPK6_vUKY6RXm3KTepcUqGGTnl9jXYXemLfeA4kQhJoSV9GkAHHIp95XUJtmRs…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w image https://photos.app.goo.gl/qzsCamURvz2vAfVW7 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOMsxfW2elIvuZzlEsJsxNLWu7CJZfj6TcbrSC47_ooyFLpoymO9DfHpN_Nt4uL…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w image https://photos.app.goo.gl/HNm3KnCPtAemnNKr6 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMMvxWXJ-Qc7qHOocSD9SAQvqTtqRS9w2bIhP6DWMcNWoueMxlIRVLkeXen8tYz…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w image https://photos.app.goo.gl/Ky7dwFSL3F6UdzAv7 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPg2lmRj-jXrOX18Yq4DBbrZtWtulSSPL3X264aEjQWTtPjh-EFFHHvjtL_uJ9x…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Schlagsdorfer Kirche website www.kirchgemeinde-schlagsdorf.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.kirchgemeinde-schlagsdorf.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.kirchgemeinde-schlagsdorf.de or http://www.kirchgemeinde-schlagsdorf.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kirche Stralendorf website http://www.kirchenkreis-wismar.de/Parum.127.0.html 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www.kirchenkreis-wismar.de/Parum.127.0.html": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kirche Pokrent website http://www.kirchenkreis-wismar.de/Pokrent.78.0.html 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www.kirchenkreis-wismar.de/Pokrent.78.0.html": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w VSP - Versand Service Plate website https://www.vsp-lettershop.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://vsp-direktmarketing.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Operator: Ev.-Luth. Kirchengemeinde Plate website http://plate.kirche-schwerin.de/Kirch.354.0.html 912 Timeout doing request: Get "": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Dorfkirche Neuburg website http://www.kirchenkreis-wismar.de/Neuburg.125.0.html 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www.kirchenkreis-wismar.de/Neuburg.125.0.html": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Operator: Ev.-Luth. Kirchengemeinde Lübow website http://www.kirchenkreis-wismar.de/Die-Kirche-in-Luebow.131.0.html 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www.kirchenkreis-wismar.de/Die-Kirche-in-Luebow.131.0.html": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Dargen website https://www.insel-usedom-wollin.de/dargen/hafen.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Feldsteinkirche Laase website http://www.kirchenkreis-guestrow.de/baumgarten.html 302 Found (Moved Temporarily)

Redirect URL: https://www.kirche-mv.de/index.php?id=21415&type=0

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kirche Witzin website http://www.kirchenkreis-wismar.de/Witzin.98.0.html 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www.kirchenkreis-wismar.de/Witzin.98.0.html": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kirche Woserin website http://www.kirchenkreis-wismar.de/Dabel.31.0.html 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www.kirchenkreis-wismar.de/Dabel.31.0.html": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Feldsteinkirche Baumgarten website https://www.kirche-baumgarten.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string www.denic.de in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kirche Moisall website http://www.kirche-bernitt.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.kirche-bernitt.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.kirche-bernitt.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Peter- und Paul-Kirche website https://kirche-neubukow.de/kirchgem_neubukow/neubukow.html 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Operator: Ev.-Luth. Kirchengemeinde Baumgarten website https://www.qualitz.de/kirche.htm 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Rathaus Neubukow website https://www.neubukow.de/oeffnungszeiten-rathaus.php 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Drees Hanse Farm Machines GmbH website http://dreesruegen.jd-partner.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://dreesruegen.jd-partner.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ev. Johannes Kita contact:website http://www.johanneskita.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.johanneskita.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hotel Weide website https://www.hotel-weide.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.hotel-weide.de/": remote error: tls: unrecognized name

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Bundespolizeirevier Neubrandenburg website https://www.bundespolizei.de/Web/DE/_Home/_home_node.html 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.bundespolizei.de/Web/DE/_Home/_home_node.html": net/http: TLS handshake timeout

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Steffenshof website http://www.steffenshof.de 922 Domain is for sale: found string domainname.de in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Zahnarztpraxis Nicole Cyliax-Laubinger contact:website www.zahnarztpraxis-cyliax.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.zahnarztpraxis-cyliax.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.zahnarztpraxis-cyliax.de or http://www.zahnarztpraxis-cyliax.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Operator: Ev.-Luth. Kirchengemeinde Lohmen website http://www.kirchgemeinde-lohmen.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Festscheune contact:website https://www.lohmen-mv.de/tourist-information 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Modehaus Petronella url http://www.modehaus-petronella.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.modehaus-petronella.de": dial tcp: lookup www.modehaus-petronella.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Rudolf-Tarnow-Schule website http://rts-boizenburg.de/Impressum/Kontakt/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://rts-boizenburg.de/Impressum/Kontakt/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Förderschule mit den Förderschwerpunkten Lernen und geistige Entwicklung Boizenburg website https://schule-bzbg.de/index.html 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Seniorenwohnanlage "Elbetal" website http://www.drk-sb-lwl.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.drk-sb-lwl.de": dial tcp: lookup www.drk-sb-lwl.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ferienhof Walla contact:website https://www.komm-an-die-see.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.komm-an-die-see.de": dial tcp: lookup www.komm-an-die-see.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Rathaus Grabow image https://photos.app.goo.gl/gGLAiFF9bxtNeyaX6 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPvgk-thxr3Qf5qySlMh4ILYCgiRd5vjmgQTZUHh-XmAr4fqYIeIP-NrO6gsSmp…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Checkpoint Harry website https://www.checkpointharry.de/ 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Gärtnerei am Elbberg website https://www.gaertnerei-boizenburg.de/ 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Am Salzhaff website https://www.ostseecamping-am-salzhaff.de/ 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.ostseecamping-am-salzhaff.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Autohaus Stüben & Ortmann website https://www.toyota-stueben-ortmann-anklam.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.toyota-stueben-ortmann-anklam.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.toyota-stueben-ortmann-anklam.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hotel Schwarz website http://www.hotel-schwarz.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.hotel-schwarz.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w St. Salvator website https://www.salvator-anklam.de/1.html 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.salvator-anklam.de/1.html": dial tcp: lookup www.salvator-anklam.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w KS Wohnresidenz Anklam website https://www.gbw-anklam.de/pflegeheim/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Pflegeheim Anklam website https://www.gbw-anklam.de/pflegeheim/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Am Stadtwall website http://hotel-am-stadtwall.de/index.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kita „Wiesenkinder“ website http://drklwl2.drkcms.de/einrichtungen/drk-kindertagesstaetten/boizenburg-wiesenkinder.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Bistro "Am Goldberger See" website https://www.campingplatz-goldberger-see.de/seite/325037/bistro.html 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.campingplatz-goldberger-see.de/seite/325037/bistro.html": dial tcp: lookup www.campingplatz-goldberger-see.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Rad Shop Tietz website http://www.rad-shop-tietz.de 303 See Other

Redirect URL: https://www.promo-radshoptietz.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Internat website http://berufsschule.landkreis-demmin.de/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Spedition Mittag & Söhne website http://www.spedition-mittag.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.spedition-mittag.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Heilige Familie website http://www.kath-kirche-goldberg.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.kath-kirche-goldberg.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.kath-kirche-goldberg.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w TMW Hübner Raumdesign contact:website https://www.tmw-huebner.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.tmw-huebner.de/": EOF

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website https://www.arbeitsagentur.de/nn_8344/Dienststellen/RD-N/Neubrandenburg/AA/05-Ueber-uns/02-Wegweiser… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Landratsamt Mecklenburgische Seenplatte, Dezernat IV website https://www.lk-mecklenburgische-seenplatte.de/Landkreis/Landratsamt 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.lk-mecklenburgische-seenplatte.de/Landkreis/Landratsamt/Fach%C3%A4mter/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w ehemaliges Kreis-Heimatmuseum Demmin website http://museen.kulturportal-mv.de/de/museen_von_a_bis_z/kreisheimatmuseum.html 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://museen.kulturportal-mv.de/de/museen_von_a_bis_z/kreisheimatmuseum.html": dial tcp: lookup museen.kulturportal-mv.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Integrierte Gesamtschule "Walter Karbe" Neustrelitz website http://www.gesamtschule-neustrelitz.de/ 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website https://www.drk-parchim.de/unsere-angebote/kitas/bewegungskita-pfiffikus-luebz.html 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.drk-parchim.de/bewegungskita-pfiffikus-luebz.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Easycarwash contact:website https://easycarwash.de/standorte-luebz/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w NoHotel website http://www.ostseehautnah.de/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website http://www.helene-weigel-haus.de/ 924 POI without feature

Redirect URL: http://www4.helene-weigel-haus.de/

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w GS Kiefernheide website https://www.neustrelitz.de/885-unsere_schule-891-1-601.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kita "Brüderchen und Schwesterchen" contact:website https://www.drk-ruegen-stralsund.de/kita-bergen-sued.html 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.drk-ruegen-stralsund.de/kita-bergen-sued.html": net/http: TLS handshake timeout

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Zur Post website http://www.ruegen-gasthaus-zur-post.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.ruegen-gasthaus-zur-post.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hotel Gesellschaftshaus website http://www.hotel-gesellschaftshaus.de/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.hotel-gesellschaftshaus.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Zweirad Kresse website https://www.zweirad-kresse.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.zweirad-kresse.de/": remote error: tls: unrecognized name

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Fleischerei Druckrey seit 1929 website https://ruegenfleischer.de/ 303 See Other

Redirect URL: http://www4.ruegenfleischer.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ferienhaus Marie website http://emden.homeip.net/bloh/ferienhaus_marie/index.html 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://emden.homeip.net/bloh/ferienhaus_marie/index.html": dial tcp: lookup emden.homeip.net on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Glammseehaus Ulla website http://www.urlaub-anbieter.com/glammseehaus-ulla.htm 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ferienhaus Seenland website https://www.ferienhaus-seenland.de 303 See Other

Redirect URL: http://www4.ferienhaus-seenland.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hotel Lauterbach am See website https://www.hotel-lauterbach.com/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.hotel-lauterbach.com/": dial tcp: lookup www.hotel-lauterbach.com on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Bräsel & Sohn website http://baeckerei-braesel.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://baeckerei-braesel.de/": dial tcp: lookup baeckerei-braesel.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Forstamt Schlemmin, Revier Warin contact:website http://www.wald-mv.de/1604-personen_details-1611-309-1-8-9-11-149.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.wald-mv.de/1604-personen_details-1611-309-1-8-9-11-149.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Pommersche Volksbank website https://www.pommerschevb.de/Bank_und_Region/filialen-ansprechpartner/filialen/uebersicht-filialen/ge… 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.vbvorpommern.de/Bank_und_Region/filialen-ansprechpartner/filialen/uebersicht-filialen/ge…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Grützmann's website http://www.restaurant-samtens.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.restaurant-samtens.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Euromaster website https://filiale.euromaster.de/23241-euromaster-neustrelitz 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.euromaster.de/filiale

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Freiwillige Feuerwehr Strelitz-Alt contact:website http://www.stadt-neustrelitz.de/loeschabteilung_altstrelitz-1276-17-243-253-279-533.html 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.neustrelitz.de/de/home

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Pension Forsthaus Garz contact:website http://www.forsthaus-garz.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.forsthaus-garz.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Das Blaue Haus contact:website https://www.blaues-haus-ruegen.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.blaues-haus-ruegen.de/": dial tcp connect: connection refused

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w St. Georg website http://www.heimat-mecklenburgische-seenplatte.de/kirchen/reg-ntz/k-ntz-alt/kirche_ntz-alt.htm 922 Domain is for sale: found string https://cdn.sedo.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Schleiferei Wonderlitschke website http://www.schleiferei-neustrelitz.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.schleiferei-neustrelitz.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.schleiferei-neustrelitz.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Motocross Ueckermünde contact:website http://www.mc-ueckermünde.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.mc-ueckerm%C3%BCnde.de": dial tcp: lookup www.xn--mc-ueckermnde-5ob.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Malie-Matratzen website https://www.malie-matratzen.de/ 503 Service Unavailable

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Zwei-Seen-Center url http://www.zweiseencenter.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.zweiseencenter.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Auto Center Göllin website http://www.auto-center-goellin.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.auto-center-goellin.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.auto-center-goellin.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ferienhaus Eichenkaten image https://images.bs.ds-srv.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_10293_012.jpg 302 Moved Temporarily

Redirect URL: https://images.bs.ds-srv.net/properties/10293/39c608a9-a0d3-442f-9b4d-ef0d26291b5b/1280.jpg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Johanneskirche Greifswald url http://johannes.better-than.tv/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://johannes.better-than.tv/": dial tcp: lookup johannes.better-than.tv on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Herrenhaus Bohlendorf image https://d1pgrp37iul3tg.cloudfront.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_90246_001.jpg 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://images.bs.ds-srv.net/properties/90246/b67dbf8e-4be6-4c34-8a4f-60876140543d/1280.jpg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Getränkeland website https://www.getraenkeland.com/index.php?id=62&marketid=674 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Regionale Schule Ferdinandshof website https://www.schule-ferdinandshof.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.schule-ferdinandshof.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for plesk.uer-media.de, not www.schule-ferdinandshof.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Zum Goldenen Anker website https://www.gasthof-vitt.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Konny's Autoservice website https://www.konnis-autoservice.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.konnis-autoservice.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.konnis-autoservice.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website https://kuestencamp.de/ferienwohnungen/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://kuestencamp-ruegen.de/ferienwohnungen/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Haus am Spyker See website https://www.ferien-haus-spykersee.de/ferienwohnungen/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Schlichting Boote website www.schlichting-boote.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.schlichting-boote.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.schlichting-boote.de or http://www.schlichting-boote.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kloster- und Stadtinformation Rehna website https://www.rehna.de/index.phtml?view-230&SpecialTop=214 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Betriebshof Grünamt website https://rathaus.rostock.de/sixcms/detail.php?id=18191&_sid1=rostock_01.c.260.de&_sid2=rostock_01.c.2… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w tedox contact:website https://www.tedox.de/shoplist/index/detail/?id=28 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.tedox.de/standorte/sagard-ruegen

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Schmetterlingspark Klütz contact:website http://www.schmetterlingszoo.de 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.schmetterlingswelt.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Sandkrug contact:website http://www.restaurant-sandkrug.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.restaurant-sandkrug.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w 211 DLR_School_Lab website https://www.dlr.de/schoollab/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-13997/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.dlr.de/de/schoollab/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-13997

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Thüringer Handels - GmbH Forst- & Gartentechnik website http://www.thg-forst-gartentechnik.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.thg-forst-gartentechnik.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w image http://www.drk-msp.de/files/media/images/Rettungswachen/RW_Gebaeude_Feldberg.jpg 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.drk-msp.de/files/media/images/Rettungswachen/RW_Gebaeude_Feldberg.jpg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Sonderpädagogischer Hort "Regenbogen" website https://www.internationaler-bund.de/standort/206369/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Dambecker Kirchruine website https://www.meckpomm.de/schweriner-land/was-war-da-los-romantische-ruine-am-see-huetet-so-manches-ge… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Sonnen- und Naturfreunde e.V. Hügelland contact:website http://www.hügelland-camping.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.hügelland-camping.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Grundschule Lütte Nordlichter website http://www.grundschule-lütte-nordlichter.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.grundschule-l%C3%BCtte-nordlichter.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.xn--grundschule-ltte-nordlichter-e7c.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w sysTECH contact:website https://systech-online.de/ 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Appartmenthaus Hanseatic website https://ostseeinsel-ruegen.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://ostseeinsel-ruegen.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match ostseeinsel-ruegen.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ferienhaus Hoth contact:website http://ferienwohnungen-goehren-ruegen.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://ferienwohnungen-goehren-ruegen.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Naturerlebniscamp Rügen contact:website http://www.naturerlebniscamp-ruegen.de/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.naturerlebniscamp-ruegen.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Freiwillige Feuerwehr Groß Plasten url http://www.feuerwehr-plasten.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.feuerwehr-plasten.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.feuerwehr-plasten.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Europcar website https://www.europcar.de/Rostock 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Fischstübchen Neeberg website:menu https://fischstuebchen.de/speisekarte 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Findeisen Tierbedarf und Landhandel website http://www.landhandel-findeisen.de/aktuelles/2-findeisen-landhandel.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://landhandel-findeisen.de/aktuelles/2-findeisen-landhandel.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Freiwillige Feuerwehr Lübberstorf url http://www.ffwluebberstorf.de 922 Domain is for sale: found string www.denic.de in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Gadebuscher Schützenzunft von 1583 e.V. website http://www.schuetzen-gadebusch.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.schuetzen-gadebusch.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.schuetzen-gadebusch.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w chalet nautique website http://www.chaletnautique.com/ 911 Error doing request: Get "http://www.chaletnautique.com/": EOF

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Landhaus website http://www.landhaus-moenkebude.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.landhaus-moenkebude.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Straßenmeisterei Börzow website http://strassenbauverwaltung.mvnet.de/cms2/LSBV_prod/LSBV/de/oz/Strassenbauamt_Schwerin/Strassenmeis… 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://strassenbauverwaltung.mvnet.de/cms2/LSBV_prod/LSBV/de/oz/Strassenbauamt_Schwerin/Strassenmeistereien_/index.jsp": dial tcp: lookup strassenbauverwaltung.mvnet.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Landhaus Wilhelmsburg website http://www.landhaus-wilhelmsburg.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.landhaus-wilhelmsburg.de": dial tcp: lookup www.landhaus-wilhelmsburg.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Lackiercenter Gerd Handel website https://www.lackiercenter-handel.de/ 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.lackiercenter-handel.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-21T06:35:15+01:00 is after 2024-07-17T23:59:59Z

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Autohaus Sachs website https://www.autohaus-sachs.eu/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://fsn-autozentrum.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Regattahaus website http://www.raeucherkahn.de/regattahaus-roebel.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Autohaus Wahl website https://www.toyota-wahl-guestrow.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.toyota-wahl-guestrow.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.toyota-wahl-guestrow.de on no such host

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website contact:website

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Autohaus Wahl contact:website https://toyota-wahl-guestrow.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://toyota-wahl-guestrow.de/": dial tcp: lookup toyota-wahl-guestrow.de on no such host

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website contact:website

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Polizeihauptrevier Güstrow website https://www.polizei.mvnet.de/Polizei/PPHRO/PP-Rostock-PI-G%C3%BCstrow/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kriminalkommissariat Güstrow website https://www.polizei.mvnet.de/Polizei/PPHRO/PP-Rostock-PI-G%C3%BCstrow/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Avia website https://www.avia.de/nc/privatkunden/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w El Dorado website http://www.eldorado-guestrow.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w El Dorado website:menu http://www.eldorado-guestrow.de/index_htm_files/Speisekarte.pdf 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Villa Daheim website https://www.myusedom24.de/ferienwohnung-usedom-buchen/klpingsee/villa-daheim.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Karl's Burg website http://www.koelpinsee.com/deutsch/menuenavigation/willkommen/willkommen.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.hotelkarlsburg.de/deutsch/menuenavigation/willkommen/willkommen.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Jobcenter Güstrow website https://www3.arbeitsagentur.de/web/content/DE/dienststellen/rdn/rostock/JobcenterGuestrow/index.htm 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.arbeitsagentur.de/wir-sind-umgezogen

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kaufhaus website http://www.doemitz.eu 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.doemitz.eu": dial tcp: lookup www.doemitz.eu on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Villa Wiking Hall url https://www.wiking-hall.de 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.wiking-hall.de": remote error: tls: unrecognized name

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wildpark-MV contact:website http://www.wildpark-mv.de 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.wildpark-mv.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Evangelisch-Freikirchliche Gemeinde (Baptisten) website https://www.baptisten-guestrow.de 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.baptisten-guestrow.de": remote error: tls: handshake failure

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w THW Ortsverband Pasewalk contact:website https://thw-pasewalk.de/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Freiwillige Feuerwehr Ueckermünde website http://bad-grizzly.npage.de/ 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://bad-grizzly.hpage.com/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Traumhaus in Mecklenburg website http://www.traumhaus-in-mecklenburg.de/de/willkommen_familienurlaub_reiturlaub_ferienhaus.html 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.traumhaus-in-mecklenburg.de/de/willkommen_familienurlaub_reiturlaub_ferienhaus.html": dial tcp: lookup www.traumhaus-in-mecklenburg.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Meereseck website http://www.meereseck.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.meereseck.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Markant website https://www.markant-online.de/markt/roebel/ 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Moritzhof website http://www.moritzhof-hanshagen.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.moritzhof-hanshagen.de": dial tcp: lookup www.moritzhof-hanshagen.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hochseilgarten website http://www.schullandheim-neukloster.de/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=133&catid=9 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.schullandheim-neukloster.de/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=133&catid=9": dial tcp: lookup www.schullandheim-neukloster.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wassermühle Lassan website http://www.museum-lassaner-muehle.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.museum-lassaner-muehle.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hof Lüttkevitz website http://www.heu-herberge.com 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.heu-herberge.com

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w DLRG Wasserrettungsstation Kühlungsborn - Hauptwache website https://zwrd-k.dlrg.de/index.php?doc=stationInfos&ext=1&id=325 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://zwrd-k.dlrg.de/index.php/login

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website http://www.schmidt-thuermer.de/10-0-Neubrandenburg.html 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.schmidt-thuermer.de10-0-Neubrandenburg.html": dial tcp: lookup www.schmidt-thuermer.de10-0-Neubrandenburg.html on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w DiveCenter Rostock website http://www.divecenter-rostock.de 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Darwineum website http://www.darwineum-zoo-rostock.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.darwineum-zoo-rostock.de": dial tcp: lookup www.darwineum-zoo-rostock.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Regenbogenkinder-Grundschule contact:website https://regenbogenkinder.grundschule-kritzmow.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://grundschule-kritzmow.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Sohnix AG website https://www.sohnix.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.sohnix.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.sohnix.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kunsthaus website https://www.kunsthaus-usedom.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.kunsthaus-usedom.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for autodiscover.usedom-4u.de, cpanel.usedom-4u.de, cpcalendars.usedom-4u.de, cpcontacts.usedom-4u.de, usedom-4u.de, webdisk.usedom-4u.de, webmail.usedom-4u.de, www.usedom-4u.de, not www.kunsthaus-usedom.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wasserburg Müggenburg website http://www.bohse-burg.de/unserschloss.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.holz-bohse.de/unserschloss.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Brust und Keule website http://brust-und-keule-nz.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://brust-und-keule-nz.de/": dial tcp: lookup brust-und-keule-nz.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Bundespolizeiinspektion Rostock website https://www.bundespolizei.de/DE/06Die-Bundespolizei/Organisation/Direktionen/BadBramstedt/badbramste… 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.bundespolizei.de/DE/06Die-Bundespolizei/Organisation/Direktionen/BadBramstedt/badbramstedt_node.html": net/http: TLS handshake timeout

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website https://www.golf-warnemuende.de/ 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.golf-warnemuende.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-21T06:38:28+01:00 is after 2019-10-16T12:31:55Z

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Forstamt Neu Pudagla contact:website https://www.wald-mv.de/Forstaemter/Neu-Pudagla/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w darßtour - Kajak-Touren Ostsee website http://www.darsstour.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.darsstour.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w url http://haus-uem-de-eck.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://haus-uem-de-eck.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w url http://haus-uem-de-eck.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://haus-uem-de-eck.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w url http://haus-uem-de-eck.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://haus-uem-de-eck.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w St. Nicolai website https://www.kirche-mv.de/Roebel.roebel.0.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w DRK-Wohnanlage Zingst website https://www.drk-wohnanlagen-mv.de/standorte/zingst/bernsteinblick/wohnanlage.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w team baucenter Barth contact:website https://www.team.de/standort/bau/barth 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.team.de/standort/bau/barth": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Maehlmann website http://www.ostseeurlaub-barth.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.ostseeurlaub-barth.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Greifswalder Thermoinsel website https://www.sw-greifswald.de/Energie/Erzeugung/Erzeugerstaetten/BHKW_Greifswalder_Thermoinsel 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Luratec AG website https://www.luratec.com 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.luratec.com": dial tcp: lookup www.luratec.com on server misbehaving

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Evangelisches Alten- und Pflegeheim Marienhaus contact:website https://www.diakonie-mse.de/einrichtungen/marienhaus-feldberg 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Diedrichshäger Moor website https://www.rostock-port.de/hafen-rostock/hero/projekte/diedrichshaeger-moor/flyer.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Bike Market website https://bikemarket24.de/ 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w moccavino contact:website http://www.moccavino.com/index.php 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://notavailable.goneo.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w SP Fischer Elektronik website http://www.spfischer.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://sp-fischer.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Vorpommersches Kartoffelmuseum website http://stadt-tribsees.de/index.php/chronik/kartoffelmuseum 400 Bad Request

Redirect URL: https://www.stadt-tribsees.com/index.php/chronik/kartoffelmuseum

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Reiterhof Dalberg website http://www.reiterhof-dalberg.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.reiterhof-dalberg.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Christus König website https://www.katholische-kirche-wittenburg.de/kirchen/christus-koenig/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://pfarrei-edith-stein.de/kirchen/christus-koenig/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kita Plapperschnut website https://www.internationaler-bund.de/angebote/angebot/147/108/8410/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w VLP Verkehrsgesellschaft Ludwigslust - Parchim mbH website http://www.vl-p.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.vlp-lup.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w image https://photos.app.goo.gl/DL5oaxfxVdRv4Rdg9 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOLPv04xZs9F7XwSrbmmTeOeRpI8yutea0BvKrknKuqzAyB8dULTiqpneH2rafh…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Teepavillon image https://photos.app.goo.gl/e1XuLZ9cUMEtVbsx6 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipO67E3zIdgAEkR5Hb9lVEVflxKkXwrcJI3Y6hg6KCRFTAlYZ6GEPAbxeAiYR4TB…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Operator: Pommersche Diakonieverein e.V. website https://www.pommerscher-diakonieverein.de/inklusiv-leben/wohnen-fuer-menschen-mit-beeintraechtigunge… 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.pommerscher-diakonieverein.de/inklusiv-leben/wohnen-fuer-menschen-mit-beeintraechtigunge…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Freizeitanlage Kaspelwerder website http://www.freizeitanlage-kaspelwerder.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.freizeitanlage-kaspelwerder.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Möbelbörse Anker website http://anker-sozialarbeit.de/moebel.php 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Rational Technische Lösungen GmbH website http://www.rational-tl.de. 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Jugend - und Kommunikationszentrum website http://www.schule-pta.de/index.php?id=6275 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.internationaler-bund.de/index.php?id=6275

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Gemeinnützige Wohnungsbaugesellschaft mbH Grimmen GWG website https://www.gwg-grimmen.de/start/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.wohnen-in-grimmen.comstart/": dial tcp: lookup www.wohnen-in-grimmen.comstart on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Rathaus Grimmen website https://www.grimmen.de/cgi-bin/homepage/grimmen.pl 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Zum Löwen website http://www.hotel-restaurant-zum-loewen-strasen.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.hotel-restaurant-zum-loewen-strasen.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.hotel-restaurant-zum-loewen-strasen.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Schwarzer Hof website https://www.diakoniewerk-gvm.de/leben-im-alter/pflegeangebote/seniorenpflegeeinrichtungen/schwarzes-… 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.diakonie-nordnordost.de/leben-im-alter/pflegeangebote/seniorenpflegeeinrichtungen/schwar…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Marienkirche website http://www.kirche-gnoien-wasdow.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.kirche-gnoien-wasdow.de": dial tcp: lookup www.kirche-gnoien-wasdow.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w ELWA website https://elwa-sassnitz.de/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Heidekrug contact:website http://www.hotel-heidekrug-gruenplan.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.hotel-heidekrug-gruenplan.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Riemser Pharma website https://www.riemser.com/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.riemser.com/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Blumen und Meer. website http://www.blumenundmeer.de/ 303 See Other

Redirect URL: http://www4.blumenundmeer.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Haus am Hövt contact:website https://www.haus-hoevt.de/startseite.html 503 Service Unavailable

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Haus Seewind contact:website https://www.moenchguter-zimmervermittlung.de/haus-seewind.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Zimmer-Vermietung-Normann contact:website https://ruegen-zimmer-normann.hpage.com/ 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://ruegen-zimmer-normann.hpage.com/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w contact:website https://www.urlaub-goehren.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.urlaub-goehren.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w contact:website https://www.urlaub-goehren.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.urlaub-goehren.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hotel Stranddistel website https://goehren-hotel.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://goehren-hotel.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hof Schaffrin website https://www.bauernhof-schaffrin.de/weihnachtsbaumverkauf/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Gästehaus Altstadtidylle website http://www.gaestehaus-altstadtidylle.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.gaestehaus-altstadtidylle.de": dial tcp: lookup www.gaestehaus-altstadtidylle.de on server misbehaving

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Eispavillon contact:website https://www.eispavillon-neubrandenburg.de/ 303 See Other

Redirect URL: https://forsaledomain.net/?id=10016200

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Feriencamp Gnitz website http://www.feriencamp-gnitz.de/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.feriencamp-gnitz.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Freiwillige Feuerwehr Hornstorf website https://www.fvfh.de/ 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.fvfh.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ferienhaus Boddenschatz website:booking https://www.fewo-direkt.de/ferienwohnung-ferienhaus/p2190192 429 Too Many Requests

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Reit- und Fahrverein Pommersche Pferdefreunde e. V. website http://www.rfv-pommersche-pferdefreunde.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.rfv-pommersche-pferdefreunde.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Alter Friedhof website https://www.kirche-mv.de/Schoenberg-Friedhof.7672.0.html 403 Forbidden

Redirect URL: https://www.kirche-mv.de/index.php?id=7672&type=0

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w St.-Georgen-Kirche website https://www.wismar.de/Tourismus-Welterbe/Wismar-Stadtkirchen/St-Georgen-Kirche-Besichtigung-und-Auss… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Rathaus Dargun website https://www.dargun.de/verwaltung/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Traumstrand Dargun website http://www.traumstrand-dargun.de.vu/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.traumstrand-dargun.de.vu/": dial tcp: lookup www.traumstrand-dargun.de.vu on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Getränkeland website https://www.getraenkeland.com/index.php?id=62&marketid=731 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Operator: Landesforst, Forstamt Bad Doberan, Revier Neukloster website https://www.wald-mv.de/static/Wald-mv/Inhalte/Landesforst/Waldbesucher/Waldweihnachten/Weihnachtsb%C… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Fahrschule Bode website http://www.fahrschule-bode.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string www.denic.de in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Seniorenzentrum Rechlin website https://www.convivo-gruppe.de/wohnen/einrichtung/seniorenzentrum-rechlin/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.convivo-gruppe.de/wohnen/einrichtung/seniorenzentrum-rechlin/": EOF

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w image https://photos.app.goo.gl/Xc9BMeFwbaxy1g2QA 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMkJwn_0XDX3JWQf_pGKldsVRntp55l_ss0UqgiPl7yDA_nDWmaAuihGZYZL9-T…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w image https://photos.app.goo.gl/HgodUuhu3eas4ezF6 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOJpIt66yd_5oS_PRIjgWdxdU_hp_Wt3Hzs2eZa0uqBP2eNsdnueyKFrUGauMAW…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w image https://photos.app.goo.gl/EVGLfrtwEdzT3Yd28 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOeZB13iByXwPz8HRX4Ly-S3P_TG7Qm0rXw8LAPmwphzXIVXe-TBspjmc0zcKha…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w image https://photos.app.goo.gl/fNcPXAyaAbTyzssPA 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipO-Kh_8RwgH-7Kip8KPIwysAkjoQnjoMn7JopzWaUXg5pCCzmVj8cuyUOxuQ3Fw…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w image https://photos.app.goo.gl/FbjLDg64o73V273S9 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPX2s_ghQwqbyWz0x-yGzRMfQXx_vkL4y7X2U4SGifxsDI7bCiWQ0DbPoqB3fhv…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w image https://photos.app.goo.gl/v8bQLQXQt9GCZBtq8 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMOfZeEUENoOVfWTKi8G380ixqhoYQ2IiGKFL6cPXvdoxd0oDBsp4QvBskc8LnY…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w image https://photos.app.goo.gl/36jinKYgszQLCcCo7 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipP0Nvs14ySZ1yOACCpviGOsxoQs94jTvglVK97-u8ui45FeaSVaNM2CIQ-uulYz…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w image https://photos.app.goo.gl/DxTh4jc8uV3PPxcM6 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipM0Kxu3oZ1b0aRfzGr_9ITVuASGB3ihwYd4phNz4dDOk_wmRWy7JuEiVP-bWX6e…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Forstamt Radelübbe website https://www.wald-mv.de/1604-radeluebbe-1594-2-1-8-9-11-145.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website https://www.neustadt-glewe.de/verzeichnis/visitenkarte.php?mandat=42177 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Tackmannshof website http://tackmannshof.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://tackmannshof.de/": dial tcp: lookup tackmannshof.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Rügenpark website http://www.ruegenpark.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.ruegenpark.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kapelle zum guten Hirten contact:website http://www.heimat-mecklenburgische-seenplatte.de/kirchen/reg-ntz/rk-kap-prillwitz/rkkap-prillwitz.ht… 922 Domain is for sale: found string https://cdn.sedo.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Dorfkirche website http://www.heimat-mecklenburgische-seenplatte.de/kirchen/reg-ntz/k-hohenzieritz/kirche_hohenzieritz.… 922 Domain is for sale: found string https://cdn.sedo.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Fischmarkt 3 website http://www.fischmarkt3.de 303 See Other

Redirect URL: http://www4.fischmarkt3.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kapelle Boitin-Resdorf image https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:KircheBoitinResdorf.JPG#file 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ferienhaus Harmonie website http://dranske-ferienhaus.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://dranske-ferienhaus.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Villa Strandrose contact:website https://www.strandrose.info/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.strandrose.info/": dial tcp: lookup www.strandrose.info on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Möbelmanufaktur Weiher website https://www.moebelmanufaktur-weiher.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://weiher-interior.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Operator: Ev.-Luth. Kirchengemeinde Woldegk website https://www.kirche-mv.de/Kirche-Goehren.4741.0.html 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.kirche-mv.de/index.php?id=4741&type=0

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w KiTa Rastow website https://www.schule-rastow.de/Kooperation/kitarastow.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w FF Neustadt-Glewe website https://www.neustadt-glewe.de/verzeichnis/visitenkarte.php?mandat=42219 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w KiTa "Kinderland" website https://www.neustadt-glewe.de/verzeichnis/visitenkarte.php?mandat=42082 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Nordleder GmbH website https://www.neustadt-glewe.de/verzeichnis/mandat.php?mandat=22876&kategorie=667 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Thiel Baugesellschaft website https://www.thiel-bau-gmbh.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.thiel-bau-gmbh.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.thiel-bau-gmbh.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Omnibusbetrieb & Reisebüro Kröger GmbH website https://www.busbetrieb-kroeger.de/index.php?id=8 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Rathaus Neustadt-Glewe website https://www.neustadt-glewe.de/texte/seite.php?id=5192 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Seniorenresidenz "Am Schloss" website http://www.patria-residenzen.de/seniorenresidenz-am-schloss-neustadt-glewe/kontakt.html 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website https://www.familienbotschaft-mv.de/index.php?id=252 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.familienbotschaft-mv.de/index.php?id=252": dial tcp connect: connection refused

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Freiwillige Feuerwehr Zickhusen website http://www.ff-zickhusen.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.ff-zickhusen.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.ff-zickhusen.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hoffnungskirche am Datzeberg website http://www.neubrandenburg-efg.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.neubrandenburg-efg.de": dial tcp: lookup www.neubrandenburg-efg.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hotel Sandbank website https://www.hotel-sandbank.de/ 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Gasthaus & Pension Ex website http://www.m-vp.de/2523/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.mvp.de/2523/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Sozialtherapeutische Wohngruppe " Oase" contact:website http://www.dieinsel-ev.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.dieinsel-ev.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.dieinsel-ev.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hoth-Tiefbau website https://hoth-tiefbau.de/standorte.html#standort-goldenbow 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.hoth-tiefbau.de/standorte.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w contact:website https://www.hafen-am-speicher.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.hafen-am-speicher.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.hafen-am-speicher.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Servitex Nord contact:website http://www.servitexnord.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.servitexnord.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.servitexnord.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Neues Gebäude website https://www.facebook.com/saeulengebaeude.de 921 Social Media URL detected

Better use contact:facebook instead of website. URL status is 400 Bad Request

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w image https://photos.app.goo.gl/qzsCamURvz2vAfVW7 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOMsxfW2elIvuZzlEsJsxNLWu7CJZfj6TcbrSC47_ooyFLpoymO9DfHpN_Nt4uL…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Eichen-Apotheke website https://www.eichen-apo-app.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.eichen-apo-app.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.eichen-apo-app.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Pension Rotfuchs website http://www.pension-rotfuchs.de/barth.html 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.pension-rotfuchs.de/barth.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kita "Die jungen Weltentdecker" website http://drk-nwm.de/angebote/kinderbetreuung-fruehe-hilfen/kita/drk-kita-die-jungen-weltentdecker.html 503 Service Unavailable

Redirect URL: https://www.drk-nwm.de/angebote/kinderbetreuung-fruehe-hilfen/kita/drk-kita-die-jungen-weltentdecker…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w DRK Seniorenzentrum Sternberg contact:website https://www.drk-parchim.de/unsere-angebote/senioren-soziales/seniorenzentrum-sternberg.html 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.drk-parchim.de/seniorenzentrum-sternberg.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w image https://maps.app.goo.gl/xeSTpzGXhCcjxx5h7 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/105114795107574741875/photos/@54.084522,12.1333999,3a,75y,90t/da…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w image https://maps.app.goo.gl/wTdgLbduZBkVmgk29 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/105114795107574741875/photos/@54.084522,12.1333999,3a,75y,90t/da…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Mauer des ehemaligen Stasi-Gefängnisses image https://maps.app.goo.gl/XZpguTpTgac2YgQGA 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/105114795107574741875/photos/@54.084522,12.1333999,3a,75y,90t/da…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Mauer des ehemaligen Stasi-Gefängnisses image https://maps.app.goo.gl/DdKnfriEekhgJihk7 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/105114795107574741875/photos/@54.084522,12.1333999,3a,75y,90t/da…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Shell contact:website https://find.shell.com/de/fuel/10027731-luebz-an-der-brucke/de_DE 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://find.shell.com/de/fuel/10027731-luebz-an-der-brucke/de_DE": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Blue Line Charter url https://www.auf-nach-mv.de/reiseziele/a-blue-line-charter 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ev.-Luth. Stadtkirche website http://www.kirche-luebz.de/Kirchen.html 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.kirche-luebz.de/Kirchen.html": dial tcp: lookup www.kirche-luebz.de on no such host

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website contact:website

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Eldenburg-Gymnasium website https://www.gymnasium-luebz.de/ 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://www.gymnasium-luebz.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-21T06:46:41+01:00 is after 2021-02-16T10:46:52Z

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Mehrgenerationenhaus contact:website https://jfv-pch.de/mehrgenerationenhaus-luebz.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Sparkasse website https://www.sparkasse-parchim.de/de/home/service/filiale-finden.html?n=true&stref=service_links#deta… 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.sparkasse-parchim.de/de/home/service/filiale-finden.html?n=true&stref=service_links#details/4688": dial tcp connect: connection refused

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Autohaus Rohde website http://www.rohde-auto.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.rohde-auto.de": dial tcp: lookup www.rohde-auto.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kastell Hotel website http://www.kastell-usedom.de 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www.kastell-usedom.de": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kantor-Erich-Grundschule website http://www.gs-kantor-carl-ehrich.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.gs-kantor-carl-ehrich.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.gs-kantor-carl-ehrich.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Pension und Gaststätte "Alte Stadtmauer" website https://www.gasthof-plau.de/ 303 See Other

Redirect URL: http://www4.gasthof-plau.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Seehotel website https://www.falk-seehotels.de/seehotel-plau-am-see/lage-anfahrt/ 404 404

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Rathaus Röbel website https://www.stadt-roebel.de/rathaus.htm 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Stadtbibliothek website http://www.fachstelle-mv.de/wDeutsch/oeffentliche_bibliotheken/alphabetisches_verzeichnis/bibliothek… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Tourist-Information Röbel website https://www.stadt-roebel.de/wirueberuns.htm 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Seglerheim website http://www.seglerheim.de 303 See Other

Redirect URL: http://www4.seglerheim.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Seelust website https://www.hotel-seelust.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.hotel-seelust.de/": dial tcp connect: connection refused

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ferienhaus Müritzufer website http://www.ferienhaus-mueritzufer.de/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ferienhaus Müritzufer website http://www.ferienhaus-mueritzufer.de/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ferienhaus Müritzufer website http://www.ferienhaus-mueritzufer.de/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Genussbo(o)tschaft 615 website https://carlo615.de/kochschule/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Patchwork Center website http://www.patchworkcenter.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.patchworkcenter.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website http://www.amt-moenchgut.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.amt-moenchgut.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Amt Mecklenburgische Kleinseenplatte website http://www.amt-mecklenburgische-kleinseenplatte.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.amt-mecklenburgische-kleinseenplatte.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Restaurant & Café Hotel Seepromenade website http://www.hotelseepromenade.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w OIL! Station website https://www.oil-tankstellen.de/index.php?con=tsfinder_details&login=&id=215 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Fischereihof Mirow website https://www.fischerei-wesenberg.de/fischereihof-mirow/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website http://www.5wok6.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.5wok6.de": dial tcp: lookup www.5wok6.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website http://www.5wok6.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.5wok6.de": dial tcp: lookup www.5wok6.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Fenster- & Türenbau Edwin Kubasch GmbH website https://www.kubasch-fensterbau.de/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.kubasch-gmbh.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Jugendherberge Mirow contact:website https://mirow.jugendherbergen-mv.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://mirow.jugendherbergen-mv.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for www.jugendherbergen-mv.de, jugendherbergen-mv.de, not mirow.jugendherbergen-mv.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Koppermann Automobile website https://www.renault-koppermann.de/unsere-standorte/strasburg/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w BT Heizungsbau website http://www.brechmann-baeder-waerme.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.brechmann-baeder-waerme.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.brechmann-baeder-waerme.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Fenster- und Systembautechnik website http://www.fst-online.com 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.fst-online.com": dial tcp: lookup www.fst-online.com on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Nagels Grünmarkt contact:website http://www.nagels-gruenmarkt.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.nagels-gruenmarkt.de": dial tcp: lookup www.nagels-gruenmarkt.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Volker Oettle GmbH & Co. KG - Feinmechanik-/Elektromontagen contact:website http://www.volker-oettle.de/voindex.html 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www.volker-oettle.de/voindex.html": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website https://www.taun-hoevt.de/ 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wasserwanderrastplatz Aalbude website https://www.verchen.de/wasserwanderrastplatz.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Miniaturenpark "Lütt Schwerin" website http://www.luett-schwerin.de 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Naturerlebnispfad Seeberge Verchen website https://www.mecklenburgische-schweiz.com/UrlaubsPlan/UrlaubsTipps/110613NaturerlebnislehrpfadSeeberg… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Naturerlebnispfad Seeberge Verchen website https://www.mecklenburgische-schweiz.com/UrlaubsPlan/UrlaubsTipps/110613NaturerlebnislehrpfadSeeberg… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Radlerherberge website http://www.ferienhaus-liste.de/liste_detail.php?idanzeige=1335 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.ferienhaus-liste.de/liste_detail.php?idanzeige=1335

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Roland Automobile website https://home.mobile.de/ROLAND-AUTOMOBILE 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Haus Mecklenburg website https://www.neues-ufer.de/index.php/haus-mecklenburg-216.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.diakonie-wmsn.de/ueber-uns/gruendungsunternehmen/diakoniewerk-neues-uferindex.php/haus-m…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w ecolea - Internationale Schule Schwerin website https://www.ecolea.de/gymnasium-ecolea-schwerin/ecolea-schwerin.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w SP Regenbogen Camp website http://www.regenbogen-camp.de/camping_boltenhagen.html 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.regenbogen-camp.de/camping_boltenhagen.html": dial tcp: lookup www.regenbogen-camp.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Industriepark Görries website http://www.industrieparkschwerin.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.industrieparkschwerin.de": dial tcp: lookup www.industrieparkschwerin.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Haus Mellin url https://www.ferienwohnland.de/gaestehaus/62558/pension-gaestehaus-haus-mellin-in-neubrandenburg-meck… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ferienhof Arkadia website https://arkadia-ruegen.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Gutshaus Zahren url https://smart-doerp.de/gutshaus-zahren/ 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://smart-doerp.de/gutshaus-zahren/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-21T06:49:04+01:00 is after 2024-01-19T14:06:28Z

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kindergarten "Pusteblume" website http://www.awo-uer.de/html/penkun.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w DLRG Wasserrettungsstation Rerik - Hauptwache website https://zwrd-k.dlrg.de/index.php?doc=stationInfos&ext=1&id=327 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://zwrd-k.dlrg.de/index.php/login

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w DLRG Wasserrettungsstation Trassenheide website https://insel-usedom-nord.dlrg.de/mitmachen/wasserrettungsdienst/ 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://insel-usedom-nord.dlrg.de/wasserrettungsdienst-koserow/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Eltern-Kind-Garten website https://www.lebensweltnatur.de/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Operator: Ev. Pfarramt Liepen website https://www.kirche-mv.de/Gruettow.5802.0.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.kirche-mv.de/index.php?id=5802&type=0

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Operator: Stadtbau GmbH website https://www.stag-stadtbau.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.stag-stadtbau.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.stag-stadtbau.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Haubentaucher contact:website https://www.haubentaucher-ruegen.de/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Strandkiesel website https://strandkiesel-rügen.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://strandkiesel-r%C3%BCgen.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match xn--strandkiesel-rgen-g3b.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Seniorenpflegeeinrichtung "St. Martin" website https://www.diakoniewerk-gvm.de/leben-im-alter/pflegeangebote/seniorenpflegeeinrichtungen/st-martin-… 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.diakonie-nordnordost.de/leben-im-alter/pflegeangebote/seniorenpflegeeinrichtungen/st-mar…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Jacob Cement Baustoffe website https://www.jacob-cement.de/standorte/standort/neubrandenburg-1 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.jacob-cement.de/standorte/neubrandenburg-1

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Otto-Intze-Geburtshaus website https://www.oih.rwth-aachen.de/WOHNHEIM/otto_intze.html 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.oih.rwth-aachen.de/WOHNHEIM/otto_intze.html": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for oih.rwth-aachen.de, not www.oih.rwth-aachen.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Tagespflege Laage website http://www.drk-guestrow.de/leisten081.php 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.drk-guestrow.de/leisten081.php

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Haus 6b website https://www.auf.uni-rostock.de/professuren/h-w/tiergesundheit-und-tierschutz/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Schloss Neetzow website https://www.schloss-neetzow.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.schloss-neetzow.de/": remote error: tls: unrecognized name

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Villa Asta website http://ferienwohnung-binz-asta.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://ferienwohnung-binz-asta.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hotel Getreuer Eckart website https://www.glasner.de/getreuer-eckart/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Zeltplatz Krugsdorf website http://www.krugsdorf-zeltplatz.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.krugsdorf-zeltplatz.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.krugsdorf-zeltplatz.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Parkresidenz Klünderberg website http://www.kluenderberg.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.kluenderberg.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Villa Hygge image https://d1pgrp37iul3tg.cloudfront.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_97885_008.jpg 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://images.bs.ds-srv.net/objekt_pics/obj_1280x960_97885_008.jpg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Haus Loreley website https://hausloreley.de/index.html 429 Too Many Requests

Redirect URL: https://www.fewo-direkt.de/ferienwohnung-ferienhaus/p2628116

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Haus Karoline website http://hauskaroline.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://hauskaroline.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Motodrom Plate website http://www.psvschwerin.de/seite20.html 300 Multiple Choices

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Gutshaus Alt Necheln website https://www.meingutshaus.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.meingutshaus.de/": EOF

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Alte Buchenwälder und Buchenurwälder der Karpaten und anderer Regionen Europas url https://www.weltnaturerbe-buchenwaelder.de/welterbe-buchenwaelder/deutschland/serrahn 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.weltnaturerbe-buchenwaelder.de/teilgebiete/deutschland/serrahn

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website url

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website http://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/MEEO-0450.pdf Wasserkörper "Elde zwischen den oberen Müritzs… 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/MEEO-0450.pdf%20Wasserk%C3%B6rper%20%22Elde%20zwischen%20de…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Elde (Nebearm) website http://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/MEEO-4000.pdf Wasserkörper "Priborner Elde", Gewässername: "… 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/MEEO-4000.pdf%20Wasserk%C3%B6rper%20%22Priborner%20Elde%22,…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Vietschower Käsehof website http://www.schafscheune.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.schafscheune.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w image https://photos.app.goo.gl/JqZ3Cfm5m7af6J538 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPzrlUY4ViJLkkePhIYD8RiphwqNfn5N_X1mBbGMuZe3lvmhT4dmle4DaGB1-Wp…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Freiwillige Feuerwehr Dassow website https://www.feuerwehr-dassow.de/ 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w St. Nikolai website http://www.kirchenkreis-wismar.de/Dassow.27.0.html 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www.kirchenkreis-wismar.de/Dassow.27.0.html": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website https://www.paulsen-partyservice.de/ 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Möckel Most website http://www.moeckelmost.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.moeckelmost.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Freiwillige Feuerwehr website https://www.dargun.de/verwaltung/behoerdliche-einrichtungen/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Fishaquaristikshop Schwerin David Neils website https://www.fishaquaristikshop.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Weinhandlung Wöhler website www.weinhaus-woehler.com 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.weinhaus-woehler.com": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.weinhaus-woehler.com or http://www.weinhaus-woehler.com works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Laufhalle website https://ssc-leichtathletik.de/neues-zur-laufhalle.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Stadtinformation Gadebusch website https://www.mecklenburg-schwerin.de/index.phtml?showdata-153&Instanz=337&Datensatz=15&SpecialTop=153 404 404

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Logenhaus Ueckermünde website https://www.logenhaus-ueckermuende.de 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.logenhaus-ueckermuende.de": dial tcp connect: connection refused

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Altersgerechtes Wohnen DRK KV Güstrow website http://drk-guestrow.de/angebote/senioren/betreutes-wohnen/in-krakow-am-see.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.drk-guestrow.de/angebote/senioren/betreutes-wohnen/in-krakow-am-see.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website https://www.kg-buelow.de/kirche_buelow.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Miniaturstadt website https://buetzow-schwaan.de/ministadt.htm 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Seniorenheim website https://www.awogue.de/index.php/awo-pflege-ggmbh-mainmenu-538/seniorenpflegeheim-krakow-am-see-mainm… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Freiwillige Feuerwehr Sanitz website http://www.ff-sanitz.de/ 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Operator: Lebenshilfe Güstrow e.V. website https://www.lebenshilfe-guestrow.de/index.php/einrichtungen/wohnstaetten/wohnstaette-krakow-am-see 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://lebenshilfe-guestrow.com/einrichtungen/wohnstaetten/wohnstaette-krakow-am-see/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Gentas GmbH contact:website http://gentas.com/Home.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w image https://photos.app.goo.gl/AumNwph5LNc1AsKUA 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNtyORrY8REgkXe3Qy_BC1TVvoaxomExi6mxBlZvbNm0A6ZhhAT4ZVFx5eYarTU…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w KiTa Seepferdchen website http://www.duemmer-mv.de/kita/kita.html 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Operator: Ev.-Luth. Kirchengemeinde Gammelin-Warsow website http://www.gemeinde-warsow.de/kirche.htm 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kunstscheune Karow website http://www.kunstscheune-karow.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.kunstscheune-karow.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Reitcamp Börgerende website http://www.reitcamp-boergerende.com 302 Found

Redirect URL: http://www.reitcamp-boergerende.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ferienwohnung "Ankerplatz 1" website https://www.fewo-direkt.de/d/34691/boergerende-rethwisch 429 Too Many Requests

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w DRK Rettungswache Waren (Müritz) Nord website https://www.drk-msp.de/unsere-dienstleistungen/rettungsdienst/rettungswache-waren-mueritz.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Autohaus Brandt website https://www.autohaus-brandt-und-strupp-rostock.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Aparthotel Yachthafenresidenz website http://yachthafenresidenz.com 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.kuehlungsborn-travel.de/haeuser/426/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Waldeck 19 website https://www.waldeck-ruegen.de 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Restaurant & Cafe "Seeschlösschen" website www.seeschlösschen.m-vp.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.seeschl%C3%B6sschen.m-vp.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.seeschlösschen.m-vp.de or http://www.seeschlösschen.m-vp.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ferienhaus Kliffkieker website http://www.kliffkieker.info 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.kliffkieker.info

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ferienhaus Kliffkieker image http://kliffkieker.info/Diashow/Bilder_aussen/images/atsc00000.jpg 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.kliffkieker.info
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://kliffkieker.info/Diashow/Bilder_aussen/images/atsc00000.jpg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kath. Kirche Mariä Geburt website https://www.katholische-gemeinde-pasewalk-hoppenwalde.de/kirchen/mari%C3%A4-geburt-viereck/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Commercial Fishing Club Ltd. website http://www.angelparadies-nord.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Haus des Gastes contact:website https://www.karlshagen.de/ostseebad/haus-des-gastes 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Rudolf Peters Landhandel GmbH & Co. KG website https://www.rudolfpeters.de/ 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.rudolfpeters.de/home-rp-lh/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Gesundheit am Tulpenbaum website http://www.gesundheit-am-tulpenbaum.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.gesundheit-am-tulpenbaum.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.gesundheit-am-tulpenbaum.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kluks Backstube contact:website https://www.klugs-backstube-gadebusch.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.klugs-backstube.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Gläserne Molkerei Dechow contact:website http://www.glaeserne-meierei.de/ 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w MAM Nord Besitz - Blücher eG website https://www.gemeindebesitz.de/unternehmen/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.gemeindebesitz.de/unternehmen/": remote error: tls: handshake failure

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w FFW Rehna website http://www.feuerwehr-rehna.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.feuerwehr-rehna.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.feuerwehr-rehna.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Jugendhilfezentrum "Käthe Kollwitz" website https://www.rehna.de/index.phtml?showdata-215&Instanz=110&Datensatz=11 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kita Rehna website https://www.jhz-rehna.de/kindertagesstaetten/kindertagestaette-rehna.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Dimmer contact:website https://www.daniela-dimmer.de 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.daniela-dimmer.de": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Montessori-Kinderhaus "Arche Noah" website https://www.gadebusch.de/index.phtml?Aktion=showdata&ID=92&Instanz=1321&Datensatz=26&SpecialTop=2 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w KiTa "Am Burgsee" website https://www.jhz-rehna.de/kindertagesstaetten/kindertagesstaette-gadebusch/51-kindertagesstaette-gede… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Restaurant Goldener Löwe website www.loewe-gadebusch.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.loewe-gadebusch.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.loewe-gadebusch.de or http://www.loewe-gadebusch.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Die Buchhandlung Schnürl & Müller GbR contact:website http://www.buch-mv.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.buch-mv.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.buch-mv.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Klugs Backstube website https://www.klugs-backstube-gadebusch.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.klugs-backstube.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w image https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Blick_in_den_Innenhof_des_Stargarder_Tores.jpg 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kriminalkommissariat - Außenstelle Gadebusch website https://www.polizei.mvnet.de/cms2/Polizei_prod/Polizei/de/ipvo/Die_Kriminalpolizei/Kriminalkommissar… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Solarkompetenzzentrum Wismar website http://www.g-e-n-e.de/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=22&Itemid=39 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wohnmobilpark Westhafen Wismar contact:website https://www.wohnmobilpark-wismar.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: http://www.wohnmobilpark-wismar.de/home.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Gutshaus Braunsberg website https://www.gutshaus-braunsberg.de/ 303 See Other

Redirect URL: http://www4.gutshaus-braunsberg.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Feriendorf Dümmer See contact:website http://www.feriendorf-mv.de 303 See Other

Redirect URL: http://www3.feriendorf-mv.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Villa Bella contact:website http://www.villa-bella-ahlbeck.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.villa-bella-ahlbeck.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Baufuchs Gartencentrum website https://www.baufuchs-wittenburg.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.baufuchs-wittenburg.de/": EOF

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Backstübchen Kühlungsborn contact:website https://www.backstuebchen-kuehlungsborn.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.backstuebchen-kuehlungsborn.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.backstuebchen-kuehlungsborn.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Landhaus website https://www.landhaus-wittenburg.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.landhaus-wittenburg.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for akademie-schwerin.de, www.akademie-schwerin.de, not www.landhaus-wittenburg.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kita Plapperschnut website https://ib-kitas.de/index.php?id=15136&catID=15&ptype=p_d&l=1&pID=8410 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Schwanenhof website http://www.hotel-a24.de/de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website https://www.boltenhagen-reiterhof.de/index.htm 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w DLRG Wasserrettungsstation Rerik - Nebenturm website https://zwrd-k.dlrg.de/index.php?doc=stationInfos&ext=1&id=327 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://zwrd-k.dlrg.de/index.php/login

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w DLRG Wasserrettungsstation Rerik - Nebenturm website https://zwrd-k.dlrg.de/index.php?doc=stationInfos&ext=1&id=327 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://zwrd-k.dlrg.de/index.php/login

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Chalet Vineta website https://www.vineta-hotels.de/de/chalet-vineta.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ferienhaus Gießler website https://www.schlafkoje.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.schlafkoje.de": dial tcp: lookup www.schlafkoje.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Nordeuropäische Erdgasleitung website http://www.nel-pipeline.de/public/nel/projekt/geplanter-verlauf.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://thw-unternehmensberatung.de/public/nel/projekt/geplanter-verlauf.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Naturfreibad „Tessiner Südsee“ website https://stadt-tessin.de/kultur-tourismus/freizeitangebote/badesee/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://stadt-tessin.de/kultur-tourismus/freizeitangebote/badesee/": remote error: tls: handshake failure

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w City-Fahrschule contact:website http://cityfahrschule-nb.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "http://cityfahrschule-nb.de/": dial tcp connect: connection refused

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Opel Autohaus Utpott website https://www.utpott.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.utpott.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for cdn.opd-dws.de, www.cdn.opd-dws.de, not www.utpott.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Brunnenhof website http://brunnenhof-rostock.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://brunnenhof-rostock.de": dial tcp: lookup brunnenhof-rostock.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website https://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/HVHV-4600.pdf 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Serrahner Haustechnik contact:website http://www.serrahner-haustechnik.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.serrahner-haustechnik.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.serrahner-haustechnik.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ev. Kita Christophorus contact:website https://www.diakonie-mse.de/einrichtungen/christophoruskindergarten-feldberg 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kita "Spiel & Spaß" contact:website https://www.drk-msp.de/nc/kinder-jugend-familie/kindertagesstaetten/kita-feldberg.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ferienwohnung Klaus Ströming website https://www.ruegen-ferienhaus-stroeming.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.ruegen-ferienhaus-stroeming.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.ruegen-ferienhaus-stroeming.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Fewo Apfelgarten website http://www.ostsee-ferienhaus-im-apfelgarten.de/1.html 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.ostsee-ferienhaus-im-apfelgarten.de/1.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Dorfkirche Vipperow contact:website http://www.kirchengemeinden-rechlin-und-vipperow.de 922 Domain is for sale: found string https://cdn.sedo.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Institut für Anatomie website https://www.uni-rostock.de/fakult/medfak/anatomie/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Burg Großenhof website https://www.burg-grossenhof.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.burg-grossenhof.de": dial tcp: lookup www.burg-grossenhof.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Gutshaus Thorstorf website https://www.www.gutshaus-thorstorf.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.www.gutshaus-thorstorf.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.www.gutshaus-thorstorf.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Mini-Golf contact:website http://www.tgv-lubmin.de/26-0-Minigolf+in+Lubmin.html 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.tgv-lubmin.de/26-0-Minigolf+in+Lubmin.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website http://www.org-nord.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Villa Heimkehr contact:website https://www.ruegen-abc.de/ferienwohnung/goehren/villa_heimkehr.php 400 Bad Request

Redirect URL: https://www.ruegen-abc.de/REDIRECT/?r=ObjID empty oder false&id=0

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Villa Rheinschlößchen contact:website http://www.extraklasse-ruegen.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.extraklasse-ruegen.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Strandresidenz Brandenburg contact:website https://www.paradies-ruegen.de/ferienwohnungen-ferienhaeuser/goehren/strandresidenz-brandenburg/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Freibad am Ploggensee website https://www.unser-freibad.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: http://www.unser-freibad.de/startseite.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Fähre Freest - Peenemünde website https://www.schifffahrt-usedom.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.schifffahrt-usedom.de/": dial tcp connect: connection refused

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Villa Mona-Lisa website https://www.ruegen-phoenix-appartements.de/unterkunft/villa-mona-lisa/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Grundschule Mitte Pasewalk website http://www.gs-mitte-pasewalk.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.gs-mitte-pasewalk.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Tannhof website http://tannhof-ruegen.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://tannhof-ruegen.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Binzer Baumarkt website http://www.binzer-baumarkt.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.binzer-baumarkt.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Min Hüsung Apartments website http://www.minhuesung-binz.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.minhuesung-binz.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.minhuesung-binz.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Operator: Ev.-Luth. Kirchengemeinde Woldegk website https://www.kirche-mv.de/Kirche-Kreckow.4742.0.html 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.kirche-mv.de/index.php?id=4742&type=0

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Sankt Helena und Andreas image https://photos.app.goo.gl/eh3dBQcBahe4134N7 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMzZ0iKrVgO8ZTtH6J4w98xK6gohMMkaDKpsS5oQCU-MT9bJEWl76vUNZT13YJD…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w CJD Christophorusschule website http://rostock.cjd.de/rostock 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://rostock.cjd.de/rostock": dial tcp: lookup rostock.cjd.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kartbahn Dargelin website http://www.kartbahn-mv.de/Dargelin/home.html 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.kartbahn-mv.de/Dargelin/home.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Metallbau Muskowitz GmbH website http://www.metallbau-muskowitz.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.metallbau-muskowitz.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Poeler Hafen-Pavillion website http://www.poeler-hafen-pavillon.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.poeler-hafen-pavillon.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Garten-Therapie website https://www.garten.uni-rostock.de/gartentherapie/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hochschulgarten website https://www.garten.uni-rostock.de/freigelaende/hochschulgarten/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Deutsch-Polnische Kindertagesstätte "Die Randow-Spatzen" website http://www.randow-spatzen.de/ 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Auto Algie website http://www.peugeot-auto-algie-wismar-kritzow.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.peugeot-auto-algie-wismar-kritzow.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.peugeot-auto-algie-wismar-kritzow.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Gästehaus Hopp website https://www.gaestehaus-hopp-binz.de 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.gaestehaus-hopp-binz.de/ruegen/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Operator: CAROLINCHEN Boltenhagener Bäder Bahn website http://www.carolinchen.net 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.carolinchen.net

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Segelverein Schwanenhalbinsel e.V. website https://www.ssh-schwerin.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.ssh-schwerin.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.ssh-schwerin.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Schaf & Ziegenhof-Palmzin website https://dorfschaeferei-palmzin.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://dorfschaeferei-palmzin.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.alfahosting-server.de, alfahosting-server.de, not dorfschaeferei-palmzin.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Gutshaus Alt Sammit website http://www.lerchenhof.com 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.lerchenhof.com": dial tcp: lookup www.lerchenhof.com on server misbehaving

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Mien lüttes Glück website https://mieten.jetzt 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.traum-ferienwohnungen.de/481949/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w COP Porcher Software + Services website http://www.copps-porcher.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "http://www.copps-porcher.de/": failed to parse Location header "https://www.copps-porcher.de%{REQUEST_URI}": parse "https://www.copps-porcher.de%{REQUEST_URI}": invalid URL escape "%{R"

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Haus Waldesruh contact:website https://hotelhauswaldesruh.de/bowling.php 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Grundschule Lassan website https://lassan.eu/grundschule-lassan/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Adler-Apotheke website https://www.adler-apotheke-usedom.de/adler-apotheke-lassan/index.html 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.adler-apotheke-usedom.de/adler-apotheke-lassan/index.html": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.adler-apotheke-usedom.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Sparkasse website https://banking.spk-vorpommern.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://banking.spk-vorpommern.de/": dial tcp: lookup banking.spk-vorpommern.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Norbert Keller website https://lassan.eu/kfz-werkstatt-norbert-keller/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w DRK Pflegeheim Sternberg contact:website https://www.drk-parchim.de/unsere-angebote/senioren-soziales/pflegeheim-sternberg.html 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.drk-parchim.de/pflegeheim-sternberg.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Jugendherberge Murchin mit Zeltplatz website https://www.jh-murchin.de/index.htm/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Boutique Hotel Lenz website https://www.boutiquehotel-lenz.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.boutiquehotel-lenz.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.boutiquehotel-lenz.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Vereinsheim FSV Blau-Weiß Greifswald e. V. contact:website http://www.fsvblauweiss.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.fsvblauweiss.de": dial tcp: lookup www.fsvblauweiss.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kläranlage Malchow website https://www.stadtwerke-malchow.de/Abwasser/Die_Klaeranlage_in_der_Lindenallee 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Uns Goren website http://www.uns-goren.de 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Gut Häven website http://guthaeven.blogspot.de/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: http://guthaeven.blogspot.com/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Klärwerk Greifswald-Ladebow website https://www.sw-greifswald.de/Energie/Abwasser/Technische_Anlagen 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Solarpark Deponie Gribow website https://www.moehring-energie.de/referenzen_gribow.htm 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.moehring-energie.com/referenzen_gribow.htm

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Rettungswache Walsmühlen contact:website https://www.drk-rettungsdienst-swm.de/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.lup-rd.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Spezialreinigungs- und Oberflächentechnik Nord website http://www.srt-hgw.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.srt-hgw.de": dial tcp: lookup www.srt-hgw.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Reutershäger Tagespflege website https://www.reutershaeger-tagespflege.de/61 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Stadt Berlin website https://www.hotel-stadtberlin.de/ 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Coach House website https.//www.pineblue.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "https.//www.pineblue.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://https.//www.pineblue.de or http://https.//www.pineblue.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kath. Kirche St. Otto website https://www.katholische-gemeinde-pasewalk-hoppenwalde.de/kirchen/st-otto-ueckerm%C3%BCnde/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Zur Schiffslaterne website https://www.schiffslaterne.com 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://pension-ueckermuende.com/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Zur Hufe website https://www.kleingarten-wismar.de/das-gartenlokal.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Barther Drachenboot Verein Pommernexpress 1996 e.V. website http://www.pommernexpress.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.pommernexpress.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hundesportverein Schwerin e.V. website https://hundesportverein-schwerin.simigos.com 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://hundesportverein-schwerin.simigos.com": dial tcp: lookup hundesportverein-schwerin.simigos.com on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Waldschradskraut contact:website https://www.waldschradskraut.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.waldschradskraut.de": dial tcp: lookup www.waldschradskraut.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kapelle Meetzen website http://www.kirche-rehna.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Lichtenhäger Chaussee website https://www.feuerwehr-hro.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.feuerwehr-hro.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Alter Speicher website http://www.speicher-gramkow.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Bürgerhaus Groß Molzahn website http://www.gross-molzahn.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.gross-molzahn.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Gartencafé website https://www.schlossgaertnerei-wiligrad.de/cafe.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Motorradshop Kuhlow website https://www.motorradshop-kuhlow.de/ 302 Moved Temporarily

Redirect URL: https://motorrad-mv.com/de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Landhotel "Die Arche" website https://www.diearche.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.diearche.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for diearche.de, not www.diearche.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Jugendzentrum JOO! website http://www.waren-mueritz.de/de/leben-in-waren-mueritz/jugendeinrichtungen/jugendzentrum-joo/index.ht… 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.waren-mueritz.de/de/leben-in-waren-mueritz/jugendeinrichtungen/jugendzentrum-joo/index.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website http://www.jagdschlossgranitz.de 911 Error doing request: Get "http://www.jagdschlossgranitz.de": dial tcp connect: connection refused

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w T contact:website http://store.total.de/de_DE/ND037085 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://store.total.de/de_DE/ND037085": dial tcp: lookup store.total.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w "Landhaus" Sportverein Christophorus Ueckermünde e.V. website www.sv-christophotus.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.sv-christophotus.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.sv-christophotus.de or http://www.sv-christophotus.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Pension "Usedomer Blick" website:menu https://usedomerblick.de/speisekarte/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://usedomerblick.de/wp-content/uploads/Speisekarte.pdf

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Tierheim Berndshof website www.tierheim-berndshof.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.tierheim-berndshof.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.tierheim-berndshof.de or http://www.tierheim-berndshof.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Freiwillige Feuerwehr Wusterhusen website http://ffw-wusterhusen.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://ffw-wusterhusen.de/": dial tcp: lookup ffw-wusterhusen.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Segeln und Rudern im PSV 90 Neubrandenburg e.V. contact:website https://www.psv90-neubrandenburg.de/sportarten/segeln-rudern/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wertstoffhof Penzlin website https://lk-mecklenburgische-seenplatte.de/?object=tx%7C2761.2&ModID=10&FID=2037.392.1 404 Not Found

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website contact:website

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Operator: Ev. Pfarramt Hohenmocker url http://www.heimat-mecklenburgische-seenplatte.de/kirchen/reg-demmin/k-gnevkow/kirche-gnevkow.htm 922 Domain is for sale: found string https://cdn.sedo.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Pension Zum Kleinen Urlaub website http://zum-kleinen-urlaub.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://zum-kleinen-urlaub.de/": dial tcp: lookup zum-kleinen-urlaub.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Institut für Landnutzung Versuchsstation website https://www.auf.uni-rostock.de/professuren/h-w/phytomedizin/versuchsstation/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Warnow Valley website http://www.warnow-valley.de 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Blockhaus direkt am Vilzsee website http://www.ferienhauspruetz.de/ 503 Service Unavailable

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Centogene website https://www.centogene.com/about-centogene/news/article/centogenes-new-headquarter-in-rostock-groundb… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w St. Michael website http://kulinarische-portraits.de/kirche/?site=detail&ID=123 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://kulinarische-portraits.de/kirche/?site=detail&ID=123

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Operator: Ev.-Luth. Kirchengemeinde Strelitzer Land website http://www.heimat-mecklenburgische-seenplatte.de/kirchen/reg-ntz/k-kl-trebbow/kirche_trebbow.htm 922 Domain is for sale: found string https://cdn.sedo.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Modellflieger Verein Schwerin e.V. website www.mfv-schwerin.org 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.mfv-schwerin.org": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.mfv-schwerin.org or http://www.mfv-schwerin.org works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Sternwarte contact:website http://www.mobile-sternwarte-hanshagen.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www.mobile-sternwarte-hanshagen.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Paintball Stützpunkt website https://paintballrostock.de/index_6.htm 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Haus Wendorf contact:website https://www.altenheim-wismar.de/index.php/haus-wendorf.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ferienhaus Fam. Gießler website https://www.schlafkoje.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.schlafkoje.de": dial tcp: lookup www.schlafkoje.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Tauchgondel Zinnowitz website http://www.tauchgondel.de 923 TLS version available

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website url
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.tauchgondel.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Tauchgondel Zinnowitz url http://www.tauchgondel.de 923 TLS version available

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website url
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.tauchgondel.de
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.tauchgondel.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Peenecamp Neukalen website http://peenecamp.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://peenecamp.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kita Unternehmungsgeister website https://unternehmensgeister.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://unternehmensgeister.de/": remote error: tls: handshake failure

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Auszeit im Glas contact:website http://www.auszeitimglas.de 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://auszeitimglas.business.site/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Europaschule Arnold Zweig website http://www.regs-arnold-zweig-pasewalk.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.regs-arnold-zweig-pasewalk.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Tierstation Plau am See website https://www.tierheim-plau.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.tierheim-plau.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.tierheim-plau.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Grundschule Techentin website http://www.grundschule-techentin.com 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.grundschule-techentin.com": dial tcp: lookup www.grundschule-techentin.com on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Freiwillige Feuerwehr Banskow website http://www.ff-banzkow.de/3.html 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.ff-banzkow.de/3.html": dial tcp: lookup www.ff-banzkow.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Günters Bierstübchen website http://www.penkun.de/bierstube.htm 922 Domain is for sale: found string www.denic.de in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kirche Zepellin contact:website https://www.kirche-mv.de/buetzow/unsere-kirchen/zepelin 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kapelle Oettelin contact:website https://www.kirche-mv.de/luessow 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Louisen-Mausoleum image https://photos.app.goo.gl/kXKVFMAY8K5Tb5N3A 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOjlyOY7DBIMgPKZicOJsMvCkreMTcUEzcdp4Y1CDvpHFop65k2ZAP6xfN-yXN2…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w heritage:website https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Liste_der_Baudenkmale_in_Rögnitz 400 Bad Request

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w JU-PRO website http://www.ju-pro-nordvorpommern.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.ju-pro-nordvorpommern.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Haus der Zukunft - Haus der Jugend website https://www.felicitas-wismar.de/de/kinder_jugendarbeit/jugendfreizeitarbeit 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Fuhrunternehmen Rüdiger Lange contact:website http://www.transport-lange.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.transport-lange.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Operator: Ev.-Luth. Kirchengemeinde Woldegk website https://www.kirche-mv.de/Kirche-Mildenitz.4743.0.html 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.kirche-mv.de/index.php?id=4743&type=0

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Operator: Ev.-Luth. Kirchengemeinde Woldegk website https://www.kirche-mv.de/Kirche-Pasenow.4744.0.html 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.kirche-mv.de/index.php?id=4744&type=0

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w St. Moritz website http://www.landgasthof-st-moritz.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.landgasthof-st-moritz.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.landgasthof-st-moritz.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Slawendorf Passentin contact:website http://www.slawendorf-passentin.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.slawendorf-passentin.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Elde (Nebenarm) website http://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/MEEO-4000.pdf Wasserkörper "Priborner Elde", Gewässername: "… 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/MEEO-4000.pdf%20Wasserk%C3%B6rper%20%22Priborner%20Elde%22,…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Gesundheitszentrum Südstadt website https://www.gesundheitszentrum-suedstadt.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.gesundheitszentrum-suedstadt.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.gesundheitszentrum-suedstadt.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Dorfkirche Zielow contact:website http://www.kirchengemeinden-rechlin-und-vipperow.de 922 Domain is for sale: found string https://cdn.sedo.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website http://warnemuenderbau.de/neues-wohngebaeude-an-der-hundertmaennerbruecke/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://warnemuenderbau.de/neues-wohngebaeude-an-der-hundertmaennerbruecke/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w image http://gutshaus-wietzow.de/files/Gutshaus/content/fotos/Gebaeude/Kapelle.jpg 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Gaststätte Lütt Hus website https://www.luetthus-neuhof.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.luetthus-neuhof.de/": remote error: tls: handshake failure

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Operator: Ev. Kirchengemeinde Steinhagen website https://www.kirche-mv.de/steinhagen 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Autohaus Wagner website https://www.toyota-wagner-ludwigslust.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.toyota-wagner-ludwigslust.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.toyota-wagner-ludwigslust.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Markant website https://www.markant-online.de/markt/grevesmuehlen/ 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kemnitzer Bach website http://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/RYZI-1500.pdf Hanshagener Bach 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/RYZI-1500.pdf%20Hanshagener%20Bach

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kemnitzer Bach website https://www.wbv-ryck-ziese.de/WBV-Ryck-Ziese/images/pdf/anlage2/6-07%20Kemnitz%202018%20Karte%20A3%2… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kemnitzer Bach url https://www.wbv-ryck-ziese.de/WBV-Ryck-Ziese/images/pdf/anlage2/6-07%20Kemnitz%202018%20Karte%20A3%2… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hanshagener Bach url https://www.wbv-ryck-ziese.de/WBV-Ryck-Ziese/images/pdf/anlage2/6-07%20Kemnitz%202018%20Karte%20A3%2… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Landstuben website http://landstuben.de.to/ 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://schdie.hpage.com/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Tine's Handwebereien website http://www.pulloverschweinchen.com 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.pulloverschweinchen.com": dial tcp: lookup www.pulloverschweinchen.com on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Laborneubau Zoologie/Botanik website https://www.mnf.uni-greifswald.de/institute/fr-biologie/institute-und-forschung/zool-institut-museum… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Dorfkirche Altkalen website https://altkalenboddin.wordpress.com/ 410 Gone

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Baumhaus website https://www.hotel-baumhaus.de/ 303 See Other

Redirect URL: http://www3.hotel-baumhaus.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w ALBA Metall Nord GmbH website https://metall-nord.alba.info/unternehmen/standorte/greifswald.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Waldsiedlung am Waschsee contact:website http://www.waldsiedlung-am-waschsee.com/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.waldsiedlung-am-waschsee.com/": dial tcp: lookup www.waldsiedlung-am-waschsee.com on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kindertagesstätte Friedrich Wolf website https://hanse-kinder.de/kitas/kindertagesstaette-friedrich-wolf/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w AlexA Seniorenresidenz website https://alexa-seniorendienste.de/residenzen/rostock/residenz-/residenz-.html 302 Found

Redirect URL: http://alexa-pflege.de/rostock/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Range-Sportplatz contact:website https://sport.uni-greifswald.de/sportstaetten/uni/sportplatz/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ahlbecker Gören contact:website https://vs-nordost.de/leistungsangebot/kita-und-hort/ahlbeck-ahlbecker-goeren/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Jugendferienpark Ahlbeck contact:website http://www.sportjugend-berlin.de/angebote/gaestehauser-gruppenunterkuenfte/jugendferienpark-ahlbeck/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.sportjugend-berlin.de/angebote/gaestehauser-gruppenunterkuenfte/jugendferienpark-ahlbeck/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for www.lsb-berlin.de, lsb-berlin.de, lsb-berlin.net, familiensportfest-berlin.de, landessportbund.berlin, sportjugend-berlin.de, sportbunt.de, not www.sportjugend-berlin.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Auto-Center Hübner, Schultz & Franz website http://www.auto-center-huebner-schultz-franz.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.auto-center-huebner-schultz-franz.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.auto-center-huebner-schultz-franz.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Dorfkirche Buchholz contact:website http://www.kirchengemeinden-rechlin-und-vipperow.de 922 Domain is for sale: found string https://cdn.sedo.com in it

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website contact:website

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Operator: Ev.-Luth. Kirchengemeinde Vipperow contact:website http://www.kirchengemeinden-rechlin-und-vipperow.de 922 Domain is for sale: found string https://cdn.sedo.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Abels Strandkoje website https://www.ostseebad-wustrow.de/de/gastgeber-waehlen/privatvermietung/ferienwohnung/abels-strandkoj… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kita Salto Vitale contact:website https://awo-nb.de/awo-neubrandenburg/kinderdienste-und-jugenddienste-neubrandenburg/kindertagesstaet… 911 Error doing request: Get "https://awo-nb.de/awo-neubrandenburg/kinderdienste-und-jugenddienste-neubrandenburg/kindertagesstaetten-awo-neubrandenburg/kita-salto-vitale-wukenzin": EOF

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kita Kunterbunt website http://www.kita-kunterbunt-heidhof.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.kita-kunterbunt-heidhof.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.kita-kunterbunt-heidhof.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Floßgraben website https://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/HVHV-4400.pdf 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Schießplatz website http://www.hanshagen.de/svweb.htm 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Schloss Neuhof website http://www.schloss-neuhof.de/geschichte.htm 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Alexander-von-Humboldt Gymnasium contact:website https://www.humboldt-greifswald.de/ALEX/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Smykala Fisch website https://www.smykalafisch.de/ 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kindertagesstätte „A. S. Makarenko“ website https://www.greifswald.de/de/familie-wohnen/familie/kinderbetreuung/eigenbetrieb-hanse-kinder/kita-m… 404 404

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Gutshaus Westenbrügge contact:website http://www.gut-westenbruegge.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.gut-westenbruegge.de": dial tcp: lookup www.gut-westenbruegge.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Artenschutzturm Radepohl url https://www.stiftung-pro-artenvielfalt.org/seiten/artenschutztuerme/wessin.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Grundschule Friedrich Wilhelm Wander website https://www.grimmen.de/cgi-bin/homepage/grimmen.pl/GS_Fr_W_Wander 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Evangelisches Krankenhaus Bethanien website http://www.odebrecht-stiftung.de/krankenhaus/startseite 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://odebrecht-stiftung.de/krankenhaus/krankenhaus/startseite

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Villa Margot website https://usedomer-fewo-vermietung.de/villa-margot/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://usedomer-fewo-vermietung.de/villa-margot/": dial tcp: lookup usedomer-fewo-vermietung.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Berufliche Schule des Landkreises Vorpommern-Greifswald website http://www.bs-greifswald.de 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Schloss Tessin website https://www.schloss-tessin.de/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.suchthilfe-mv.de/magnus-huss-rehabilitationszentrum.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Feriencamp Cammin am See website http://www.cammin-am-see.de 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Lichtenhäger Chaussee website https://www.feuerwehr-hro.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.feuerwehr-hro.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Regionale Schule mit Grundschule "Johann-Heinrich-Voss" Penzlin contact:website https://www.voss-schule-penzlin.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.voss-schule-penzlin.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.voss-schule-penzlin.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Regionale Schule mit Grundschule "Johann-Heinrich-Voss" Penzlin contact:website https://www.voss-schule-penzlin.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.voss-schule-penzlin.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.voss-schule-penzlin.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Campingpark Seedorf website http://www.campingpark-seedorf.de/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.campingpark-seedorf.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Werner-Lindemann-Grundschule website http://borwinschule.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://borwinschule.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w SB-Tank contact:website https://www.sb-tankstellen.de/neubrandenburg-sued/ 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Grundschule Datzeberg contact:website http://www.gs-datzeberg.de/Joomla_344/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.gs-datzeberg.de/Joomla_344/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Operator: Ev.-Luth. Kirchengemeinde Bredenfelde website https://www.kirchengemeinde-bredenfelde.de/kirchengemeinde/wrechen/15-wrechen 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w SB-Tank website https://www.sb-tankstellen.de/neubrandenburg-nord/ 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Carpe Diem contact:website https://www.ferienwohnung-zingst-pik.de/ferienwohnungen/carpe-diem:::2.html 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.ferienwohnung-zingst-pik.de/Deutschland/Mecklenburg-Vorpommern/Fischland-Darss-Zingst/Os…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kinderland website http://www.usedom-kinderland.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.usedom-kinderland.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kindertagesstätte Spurensucher website https://vs-hro.de/kitas/hansa-viertel-spurensucher/uebersicht-herzlich-willkommen/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Operator: Ev.-Luth. Kirchengemeinde Zapel url https://www.amt-crivitz.de/tramm/kirchliche-einrichtungen.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.amt-crivitz.de/tramm/kirchliche-einrichtungen/index.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Arbeitsstätte "In der Lehmkuhl" website https://www.ggp-gruppe.de/teilhabeleistungen-erwachsene/tagesstrukturierende-angebote/arbeitstagesst… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Orangerie website http://www.schweriner-schloss-localitaeten.de/orangerie/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://schweriner-schloss-restaurant.de/orangerie/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kinderstadt Rostock website http://www.rfz-online.de/rfz2008/rfz.htm 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Operator: Ev. Kirchengemeinde Beggerow url https://www.kirche-mv.de/Beggerow.1093.0.html 403 Forbidden

Redirect URL: https://www.kirche-mv.de/index.php?id=1093&type=0

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Operator: Ev. Kirchengemeinde Beggerow url https://www.kirche-mv.de/Beggerow.1093.0.html 403 Forbidden

Redirect URL: https://www.kirche-mv.de/index.php?id=1093&type=0

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kapelle Rustow url http://www.kirche-loitz.de/menschen-orte/kapelle-in-rustow.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.kirche-loitz.de/menschen-orte/kapelle-in-rustow.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Neuapostolische Kirche Hagenow website https://hagenow.nak-nordost.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://bezirk-luebeck-schwerin.nak-nordost.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Longa Indago (privater Spielplatz) website http://www.ostseeklinik-boltenhagen.de/ 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Longa Indago (privater Spielplatz) website http://www.ostseeklinik-boltenhagen.de/ 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Longa Indago (privater Spielplatz) website http://www.ostseeklinik-boltenhagen.de/ 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Magellan contact:website https://www.urlaub-in-boltenhagen.de/urlaub/boltenhagen/Magellan.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Darßer Mühle website https://darsser-muehle.de/ 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://darsser-muehle.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-21T07:08:15+01:00 is after 2021-09-15T12:00:00Z

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hundesportverein "Hansestadt Rostock" e.V. website http://www.hundesport-rostock.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.hundesport-rostock.de": dial tcp: lookup www.hundesport-rostock.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hansehof contact:website http://www.hansehof-greifswald.de 401 Unauthorized

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w image https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Wiekh%C3%A4user_(1).jpg 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Operator: Semmelhaack Wohnungsunternehmen website https://semmelhaack.de/references/rostock-lagerlofstrasse/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w DLRG Wasserrettungsstation Boltenhagen - Hauptwache website https://zwrd-k.dlrg.de/index.php?doc=stationInfos&ext=1&id=323 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://zwrd-k.dlrg.de/index.php/login

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Tierhäuschen website https://www.asb-kjh.de/angebote/kitas.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Friedrich-Petersen-Klinik website https://www.suchthilfe-mv.de/friedrich-petersen-klinik 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Reit & Fahrhof Gabriel-Vogt contact:website http://www.boltenhagen-reiterhof.de/index.htm 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Volksbad website http://www.waren-mueritz.de/de/leben-in-waren-mueritz/familie-kinder-jugend-senioren/sport/badeb/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.waren-mueritz.de/de/leben-in-waren-mueritz/familie-kinder-jugend-senioren/sport/badeb/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Jugendgarten "Alte Schmiede" website http://www.vbtev.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.vbtev.de": dial tcp: lookup www.vbtev.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Motorsportclub Klein Krams e.V. contact:website http://www.mc-klein-krams.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.mc-klein-krams.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Betriebslogistikzentrum WG Warnow contact:website https://www.wg-warnow.de/aktuell/neues-betriebslogistizentrum 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.wg-warnow.de/aktuell/neues-betriebslogistikzentrum

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Lagunenstadt Ueckermünde image http://www.lagunenstadt.de/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Luft1_resized.jpg 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://lagunenstadt-ueckermuende.de/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Luft1_resized.jpg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Löwenhof website https://www.derloewenhof.de/ 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.derloewenhof.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Biohof-Kröger website http://www.biohof-kroeger.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.biohof-kroeger.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Biohof-Kröger image http://www.biohof-kroeger.de/.cm4all/iproc.php/Lutz_Bilder/IMG_4974.JPG/scale_800_600%3Bdonotenlarge… 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.biohof-kroeger.de/
TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.biohof-kroeger.de/.cm4all/iproc.php/Lutz_Bilder/IMG_4974.JPG/scale_800_600%3Bdonotenlarge/IMG_4974.JPG

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Johannes-Schule website https://www.johannes-schule.net/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.johannes-schule.net/": dial tcp: lookup www.johannes-schule.net on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Obsthof Schönemeyer Eschenhörn website http://www.obstbau-mv.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.obstbau-mv.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website http://www.abwasserzweckverband-marlow-bad-suelze.de/klaeranlagen-und-technische-anlagen.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w contact:website https://villahanna.de/index.php/zurueck.html 911 Error doing request: Get "https://villahanna.de/index.php/zurueck.html": EOF

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Residenz Haffkante contact:website http://haffkante.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://haffkante.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Gerhart Hauptmann Schule contact:website http://www.gs-hauptmann-stralsund.de/ 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Sternberg Fischerhof Ferien website https://fischerhofferien.de/ 916 Certificate expired: Get "https://fischerhofferien.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-02-21T07:09:23+01:00 is after 2023-05-16T15:29:10Z

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Eis-Café website https://www.wildpark-mv.de/besuch-und-service/essen-und-trinken.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Förderschule geistige Entwicklung website https://www.mikado-hagenow.de/about/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Evangelische Schule "Dr. Eckhart Schwerin" website http://www.ev-schule-hagenow.de 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website https://www.amatec-industrial.com/de/aktuelles-detailansicht/solarpark-perdoehl.html 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wohn- und Pflegezentrum website http://www.awo-mueritz.de/index.php/stationaere-pflege.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: http://www.awo-mueritz.de/stationaere-pflege.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Euro-P LUZ GmbH website http://www.europ-luz.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.europ-luz.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Getränkeland website https://www.getraenkeland.com/index.php?id=62&marketid=657 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Operator: Studentenwerk Rostock website https://www.studentenwerk-rostock.de/de/wohnen/wohnheime/rostock/rostock-suedstadt-albert-einstein-s… 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.studentenwerk-rostock.de/de/wohnen/wohnheime/rostock/rostock-suedstadt-albert-einstein-str-2829.html": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.studentenwerk-rostock.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Basepohler PS-Hölle contact:website http://www.stockcar-mv.com 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Studentenwohnheim Lütten Klein website https://www.studentenwerk-rostock.de/de/wohnen/wohnheime/rostock/rostock-lichtenhagen-moellner-str-1… 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.studentenwerk-rostock.de/de/wohnen/wohnheime/rostock/rostock-lichtenhagen-moellner-str-11-haus-1-2.html": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.studentenwerk-rostock.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Bundespolizeirevier Pomellen website https://www.bundespolizei.de/Web/DE/_Home/_home_node.html 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.bundespolizei.de/Web/DE/_Home/_home_node.html": net/http: TLS handshake timeout

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Bundespolizeirevier Pomellen website https://www.bundespolizei.de/Web/DE/_Home/_home_node.html 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.bundespolizei.de/Web/DE/_Home/_home_node.html": net/http: TLS handshake timeout

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Luisendomizil contact:website https://www.drk-msp.de/angebote/alltagshilfen/ambulante-pflege/kita-feldberg-3.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Unsere Bauernhofkita contact:website http://www.unsere-bauernhofkita.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://unsere-bauernhofkita.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Sägewerk Rödlin website http://www.saegewerk-roedlin.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.saegewerk-roedlin.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.saegewerk-roedlin.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hunde Sport Verein Blankensee website http://www.hundesportverein-blankensee.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.hundesportverein-blankensee.de": dial tcp: lookup www.hundesportverein-blankensee.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Küchen Frank website http://www.kuechenfrank-blankensee.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.kuechenfrank-blankensee.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.kuechenfrank-blankensee.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w HERZ Nutzfahrzeugteile GmbH website https://www.herz-nutzfahrzeugteile.de/filialen#store-19061 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.herz-nutzfahrzeugteile.de/filialen#store-19061": EOF

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Außenwohngruppe Selmsdorf website https://www.jhz-rehna.de/hilfen-zur-erziehung/stationaerer-bereich/aussenwohngruppe-selmsdorf.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kindertagesstätte Selmsdorf website https://www.jhz-rehna.de/kindertagesstaetten/kindertagesstaette-selmsdorf.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Grundschule Selmsdorf website http://www.grundschule-selmsdorf.de 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://www.grundschule-selmsdorf.de": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hort Selmsdorf website https://www.jhz-rehna.de/kita-horte/hort-selmsdorf.de 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kapelle Siechenhaus website https://www.kirche-mv.de/Siechenkapelle-Schwanbeck.7788.0.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.kirche-mv.de/index.php?id=7788&type=0

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Total contact:website https://store.totalenergies.de/de_DE/ND031807 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://store.totalenergies.de/de_DE/ND031807": dial tcp: lookup store.totalenergies.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Stadtarchiv Grevesmühlen website https://www.grevesmuehlen.info/historisches/stadtarchiv/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.grevesmuehlen.de/historisches/stadtarchiv

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Garnelen Farm Grevesmühlen website https://www.cara-royal.de/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Lenzen-MillTech website http://www.lenzen-milltech.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.lenzen-milltech.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Findeisen Klauenpflege website https://findeisenklauenpflege.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://findeisenklauenpflege.de/": dial tcp: lookup findeisenklauenpflege.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Warnowschule Papendorf website http://www.warnowschule.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.warnowschule.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Warnowschule Papendorf image http://www.warnowschule.de/assets/images/WS_09_kl.jpg 404 Not Found

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.warnowschule.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wertstoffhof Woldegk website https://lk-mecklenburgische-seenplatte.de/?object=tx%7C2761.2&ModID=10&FID=2037.392.1 404 Not Found

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website contact:website

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w image https://photos.app.goo.gl/EK5z46eVnFtGwGDt7 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPx8zXogC4311k1TWwRYmVDcyQ1m0GH1TfWy6VhiY4beC-CLAumw8iA72_6iK4a…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w SIXT website https://www.sixt.de/php/reservation/start?uci=180 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.sixt.de/?uci=180

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Paint Park Wöbbelin website http://paint-park.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://paint-park.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Campusgarten website https://stadtgestalten.org/campusgarten-rostock/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Stadtschule am Mühlenteich website www.stadtschule-hagenow.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.stadtschule-hagenow.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.stadtschule-hagenow.de or http://www.stadtschule-hagenow.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w contact:website https://www.seehotel-lichtenberg.de/strandhaus-lichtenberg/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Polizeiwache Bützow website https://www.polizei.mvnet.de/Polizei/PPHRO/PP-Rostock-PI-G%C3%BCstrow/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w DLRG Wasserrettungsstation Kühlungsborn - Turm 6 website https://zwrd-k.dlrg.de/index.php?doc=stationInfos&ext=1&id=325 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://zwrd-k.dlrg.de/index.php/login

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Semcoglas Glastechnik GmbH website https://www.semcoglas.com/unternehmen/standorte/neubrandenburg.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Freiwillige Feuerwehr Neu Schlagsdorf website https://feuerwehrliessow.hpage.com/ 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://feuerwehrliessow.hpage.com/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Biogasanlage Rechlin website https://www.stadtwerke-neustrelitz.de/privatkunden/energiespektrum/biogas-anlage/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kita "Flotte Waldkäfer" website https://www.drk-rostock.de/angebote/kinder-jugend-und-familie/kindertagesstaetten/kita-flotte-waldka… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Agentur für Arbeit website https://www3.arbeitsagentur.de/web/content/DE/dienststellen/rdn/schwerin/Agentur/Detail/index.htm?df… 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.arbeitsagentur.de/wir-sind-umgezogen?dfContentId=L6019022DSTBAI428245

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Shell website http://www.shell-tankstelle.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.shell-tankstelle.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.shell-tankstelle.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Apotheke im Elisen Park contact:website http://www.elisenpark.de/einkaufswelt/geschaefte/apotheke-im-elisen-park.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.elisenpark.de/einkaufswelt/geschaefte/apotheke-im-elisen-park

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Avia Tankstelle website http://www.avia.de/cms/index.php?page=817 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.avia.de//cms/index.php?page=817

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Fisch & mehr contact:website http://www.fischundmehr-usedom.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.fischundmehr-usedom.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.fischundmehr-usedom.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Stresemann's website https://www.stresemann-juwelier.de/ 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Terchnologie- und Gewerbezentrum e.V. Schwerin/Wismar website https://www.tgz-mv.de/invest-wismar/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ferien am See website http://www.ferienhaus-doerband.de/index2.html 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.ferienhaus-doerband.de/index2.html": dial tcp: lookup www.ferienhaus-doerband.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wismarer Werkstätten website http://wismarer-werkstaetten-gmbh.de/wohnen_ww.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.wismarer-werkstaetten.de/wohnen_ww.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Grundschule Lankow website http://grundschule-lankow.de/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w HKW Helmshäger Berg website https://www.sw-greifswald.de/Energie/Erzeugung/Erzeugerstaetten/HKW_Helmshaeger_Berg 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Feriendorf Groß Zicker contact:website https://www.ferienhaus-ferienwohnung-ruegen.de 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.ferienhaus-ferienwohnung-ruegen.de": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Gutscafé Pohnstorf contact:website https://gutscafe.com/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Zollamt Rostock website http://www.zoll.de/DE/Der-Zoll/Beruf-und-Karriere/Ausbildung/Zollausbildung/_functions/anfahrt_rosto… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Fussballgolf Usedom website https://www.fussballgolf-usedom.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.fussballgolf-usedom.de": dial tcp: lookup www.fussballgolf-usedom.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Naturerlebnispfad Seeberge Verchen website https://www.mecklenburgische-schweiz.com/UrlaubsPlan/UrlaubsTipps/110613NaturerlebnislehrpfadSeeberg… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Naturerlebnispfad Seeberge Verchen website https://www.mecklenburgische-schweiz.com/UrlaubsPlan/UrlaubsTipps/110613NaturerlebnislehrpfadSeeberg… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Naturerlebnispfad Seeberge Verchen website https://www.mecklenburgische-schweiz.com/UrlaubsPlan/UrlaubsTipps/110613NaturerlebnislehrpfadSeeberg… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Berufliche Schule Bautechnik Rostock website http://www.bsbau-hro.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.bsbau-hro.de": dial tcp: lookup www.bsbau-hro.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Schloß Vietgest website http://www.schloss-vietgest.com 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hunde-Halter-Hilfe website https://www.hunde-halter-hilfe.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.hunde-halter-hilfe.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.hunde-halter-hilfe.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kita Zwergenland website http://www.kita-zwergenland-hgw.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.kita-zwergenland-hgw.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.kita-zwergenland-hgw.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Klinikum Altentreptow contact:website https://dbknb.de/altentreptow 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Raiffeisen Technik HSL GmbH contact:website http://www.rt-hsl.de/home/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.rw.net/rt-hsl

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w contact:website https://www.stralsund.de/shared/Nachrichtenportal/Aktuelles/Brueckenoeffnungszeiten-der-Kanalbruecke… 404 404

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w SMV Transporte GmbH website https://www.smv-transporte.de/ 502 Bad Gateway

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Reethaus Meermuschel url https://www.lawieka.de/ferienwohnung/reethaus-inselblick-zierow.html 404 Not Found

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website url

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Katholische Jugendbildungsstätte Bischof-Theissing-Haus website http://jugendhaus-mv.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://jugendhaus-mv.de": dial tcp: lookup jugendhaus-mv.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Operator: Erste Bioenergie Fürstenhagen GmbH & Co. KG website https://www.baukonzept-nb.de/leistungen/details/news/detail/News/biogasanlage-fuerstenhagen/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Heinrich-Schütz-Schule website www.schuetz-schule-rostock.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.schuetz-schule-rostock.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.schuetz-schule-rostock.de or http://www.schuetz-schule-rostock.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Klaukschieter website http://www.dierkow.info/index.php/kindertagesstaetten/klaukschieter.html 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.dierkow.info/index.php/kindertagesstaetten/klaukschieter.html": dial tcp: lookup www.dierkow.info on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Autohaus Willert website https://home.mobile.de/AUTOHAUS-WILLERT 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Erdhof Seewalde website http://www.erdhof.de/wordpress/ 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w 3-Möwen-Halle contact:website http://www.spasskuehlungsborn.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.spasskuehlungsborn.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w AnDi's Hütte contact:website https://andishuette.de/ 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kita "Maja & Willi" contact:website https://behindertenverband-nb.de/index.php/taetigkeitsfelder/kindertagesstaetten/kita-maja-willi/38-… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w WIRO Sporthallen website https://www.wiro.de/freizeit/sportplaetze-und-sporthallen.html 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://sport.wiro.de/sportplaetze-und-sporthallen.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w MC Mecklenburg-Strelitz contact:website https://motocrossheroes.de/motocross-strecken/mc-mecklenburg-strelitz/ 401 Unauthorized

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wertstoffhof Neverin website https://www.nehlsen.com/infothek/wertstoffhoefe/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.nehlsen.com/standorte/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Rettungswache Feldberg website https://www.drk-msp.de/unsere-dienstleistungen/rettungsdienst/rettungswache-feldberg.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Stäbelower Hofladen website https://agrarproduktionstaebelow.jimdo.com/ 403 Forbidden

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Röcknitzbach (Nord) / Finkenbach website www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/TREB-3200.pdf (Finkenbach) https://sg.geodatenzentrum.de/web_bkg_we… 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/TREB-3200.pdf%20%28Finkenbach%29%20https://sg.geodatenzentrum.de/web_bkg_webmap/applications/webatlasde/webatlasde.html?zoom=10&lat=5982990.70138&lon=751483.8961&layers=B0T (Röcknitzbach topografisch)": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/TREB-3200.pdf (Finkenbach) https://sg.geodatenzentrum.de/web_bkg_webmap/applications/webatlasde/webatlasde.html?zoom=10&lat=5982990.70138&lon=751483.8961&layers=B0T (Röcknitzbach topografisch) or http://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/TREB-3200.pdf (Finkenbach) https://sg.geodatenzentrum.de/web_bkg_webmap/applications/webatlasde/webatlasde.html?zoom=10&lat=5982990.70138&lon=751483.8961&layers=B0T (Röcknitzbach topografisch) works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/TREB-3200.pdf (Finkenbach) https://sg.geodatenzentrum.de/web_bkg_we… 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/TREB-3200.pdf%20%28Finkenbach%29%20https://sg.geodatenzentrum.de/web_bkg_webmap/applications/webatlasde/webatlasde.html?zoom=10&lat=5982990.70138&lon=751483.8961&layers=B0T (Röcknitzbach topografisch)": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/TREB-3200.pdf (Finkenbach) https://sg.geodatenzentrum.de/web_bkg_webmap/applications/webatlasde/webatlasde.html?zoom=10&lat=5982990.70138&lon=751483.8961&layers=B0T (Röcknitzbach topografisch) or http://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/TREB-3200.pdf (Finkenbach) https://sg.geodatenzentrum.de/web_bkg_webmap/applications/webatlasde/webatlasde.html?zoom=10&lat=5982990.70138&lon=751483.8961&layers=B0T (Röcknitzbach topografisch) works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Finkenbach website www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/TREB-3200.pdf (Finkenbach) https://sg.geodatenzentrum.de/web_bkg_we… 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/TREB-3200.pdf%20%28Finkenbach%29%20https://sg.geodatenzentrum.de/web_bkg_webmap/applications/webatlasde/webatlasde.html?zoom=10&lat=5982990.70138&lon=751483.8961&layers=B0T (Röcknitzbach topografisch)": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/TREB-3200.pdf (Finkenbach) https://sg.geodatenzentrum.de/web_bkg_webmap/applications/webatlasde/webatlasde.html?zoom=10&lat=5982990.70138&lon=751483.8961&layers=B0T (Röcknitzbach topografisch) or http://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/TREB-3200.pdf (Finkenbach) https://sg.geodatenzentrum.de/web_bkg_webmap/applications/webatlasde/webatlasde.html?zoom=10&lat=5982990.70138&lon=751483.8961&layers=B0T (Röcknitzbach topografisch) works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kreisschullandheim Rügen url http://www.kreisschulheim.dataxp.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.kreisschulheim.dataxp.de": dial tcp: lookup www.kreisschulheim.dataxp.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Berendt Natursteine website https://www.natursteine-berendt.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.natursteine-berendt.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.natursteine-berendt.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Senioren-Tages-Residenz Johnke website http://www.senioren-tagespflege-ludwigslust.de 303 See Other

Redirect URL: https://www.tagespflege-johnke.info/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Feuer- und Rettungswache 1 Rostock website https://www.feuerwehr-hro.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.feuerwehr-hro.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Biologische Station Faule Ort website https://www2.biologie.uni-halle.de/zool/station/index.html 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.zoologie.uni-halle.de/?/station/index.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website https://www.heiliger-bernhard.de/page/101/katholischer-friedhof-stralsund 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Evangelisches Altenpflegeheim contact:website https://www.diakonie-mse.de/einrichtungen/neubrandenburg-broda 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.diakonie-mse.de/karriere/jobs/neubrandenburg-broda-pflegefachkraft-m-w-d-fuer-30-35-woch…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hortzentrum Waren-West website http://www.waren-mueritz.de/de/leben-in-waren-mueritz/familie-kinder-jugend-senioren/kinderbetreuung… 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.waren-mueritz.de/de/leben-in-waren-mueritz/familie-kinder-jugend-senioren/kinderbetreuung/hortzentrum_waren-west/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kleine Strolche website https://www.amt-hagenow-land.de/amt-gemeinden/Hoort/kindertagesstaette/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Pelsiner Graben website https://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/UNPE-1350.pdf 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Pelsiner Graben website https://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/UNPE-1350.pdf 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Pelsiner Graben website https://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/UNPE-1350.pdf 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website https://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/UNPE-1350.pdf 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website https://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/UNPE-1350.pdf 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website https://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/UNPE-1350.pdf 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website https://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/UNPE-1350.pdf 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website https://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/UNPE-1350.pdf 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website https://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/UNPE-1350.pdf 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Pelsiner Graben website https://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/UNPE-1350.pdf 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Pelsiner Graben website https://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/UNPE-1350.pdf 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Pelsiner Graben website https://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/UNPE-1350.pdf 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Pelsiner Graben website https://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/UNPE-1350.pdf 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Villa Traumland website http://www.drk-sn.de/angebote/kinder-jugend-und-familie/kita/kita-villa-traumland.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.drk-sn.de/angebote/kinder-jugend-und-familie/kita/kita-villa-traumland.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wertstoffhof Mirow website https://lk-mecklenburgische-seenplatte.de/?object=tx%7C2761.2&ModID=10&FID=2037.392.1 404 Not Found

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website contact:website

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w AKG Reha-Zentrum website https://www.akg-rehazentrum.de/reha-zentrum/index.php 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ivenacker Eichen website https://www.wald-mv.de/Forstaemter/Stavenhagen/Nationales-Naturmonument-Ivenacker-Eichen/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Goethe Gymnasium Aula website http://www.goethe-gymnasium-schwerin.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.goethe-gymnasium-schwerin.de": dial tcp: lookup www.goethe-gymnasium-schwerin.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Graben aus dem Weutschsee url http://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/HVHV-6300.pdf 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/HVHV-6300.pdf

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Naturcamping Bolter Kanal website https://www.mueritz-camping.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.mueritz-camping.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.your-server.de, your-server.de, not www.mueritz-camping.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Tagespflege Penzlin contact:website http://www.awo-mueritz.de/index.php/awo-tagespflege-penzlin.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: http://www.awo-mueritz.de/awo-tagespflege-penzlin.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w image https://photos.app.goo.gl/zCtmqPxX28JG8qDU7 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipP8nX8M66f-q4pLYJaiB8U2Jsz-RoxBO6kVrqUrRVwt22mUDcqlY3h0wR_KoG_G…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w image https://photos.app.goo.gl/RDF11P9rnjAr8o2S6 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNp-Jjh6Z5s01-PV2V4nhtzadH8AgOIXPKuGDWWBwzovEmf_DiD1r9pKS5-8er4…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Sternwarte & Planetarium website https://www.schweriner-see.de/sternwarte.htm 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Handwerkerpark Schwerin website http://hwp-schwerin.com 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://hwp-schwerin.com

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Grundschule "Europaschule John Brinkmann" website http://europa-brinckman.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://europa-brinckman.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Operator: DRK contact:website http://drklwl3.drk-hosting.de/angebote/fuer-senioren/betreutes-wohnen/swa-pampow-i.html 912 Timeout doing request: Get "http://drklwl3.drk-hosting.de/angebote/fuer-senioren/betreutes-wohnen/swa-pampow-i.html": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Töpferfantasien contact:website http://toepferfantasien.de/tp/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://toepferfantasien.de/tp/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Operator: Diakonie contact:website https://www.dreescher-werkstaetten.de/wohnen/wohnstaetten/bosselmannstrasse.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Jet contact:website https://www.jet-tankstellen.de/tankstellen/schwerin/ratzeburger-str-2-b/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.jet.de/tankstellen/schwerin/ratzeburger-str-2-b

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Tamila Beach Club website http://www.tamila-beach.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.tamila-beach.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Heinrich Schröder Landmaschinen website https://www.schroeder-gruppe.de/heinrichsh%C3%B6h 303 See Other

Redirect URL: https://www.schroeder-gruppe.de/home

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Parkhaus Altstadt contact:website https://www.wiro.de/mieten/parken.html 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://wohnungssuche.wiro.de/park-und-liegeplaetze/parken.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ferienhaus Sehnsucht website https://www.sehnsucht-zingst.de/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ferienhaus Silbermöve website http://ferien-auf-ruegen.de/ 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w contact:website https://ksd.rostock.de/bi/vo020.asp?VOLFDNR=1015538 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://ksd.rostock.de/bi/vo020?VOLFDNR=1015538

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Park Inn website https://www.radissonhotels.com/de-de/hotels/park-inn-wismar 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.radissonhotels.com/de-de/hotels/park-inn-wismar": stream error: stream ID 1; INTERNAL_ERROR; received from peer

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wohnen mit Service Seniorenwohnanlage contact:website https://www.awo-schwerin.de/seniorenwohnanlage-mit-bunsen-u-riesner-gbr.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Artenschutzturm Barnin url https://www.stiftung-pro-artenvielfalt.org/seiten/artenschutztuerme/barnin.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Historische Badeanstalt Krakow am See contact:website http://www.krakow-am-see.de/de/urlaubsthemen/wasserwelt/badeanstalt.php 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.krakow-am-see.de/de/urlaubsthemen/wasserwelt/badeanstalt.php

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website http://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/MEEO-0450.pdf Wasserkörper "Elde zwischen den oberen Müritzs… 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/MEEO-0450.pdf%20Wasserk%C3%B6rper%20%22Elde%20zwischen%20de…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website https://www.volkssolidaritaet-parchim.de/index.php/kindereinrichtungen/kita-broock 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wohnanlage für betreutes Wohnen url https://vs-hro.de/newsansicht/35fb6d31b0f6441c9cc66c4871de15ca/?tx_news_pi1%5Bnews%5D=74&tx_news_pi1… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Waldorfschule Seewalde contact:website http://www.waldorf-seewalde.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://seewalde.de/schule

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kita Peenefüchse website https://www.jugendundsozialwerk.de/kitas/mecklenburg-vorpommern/kita-peenefuechse/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Gutshaus Danneborth contact:website https://www.ag-gutsanlagen.de/gutsanlagen/danneborth/ 404 Not Found

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: contact:website url

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w ehem. Wurstfabrik contact:website https://www.immobilienscout24.de/expose/108538861 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by CloudFront

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: contact:website url

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kita Butzemannhaus website http://drk-rostock.de/angebote/kinder-jugend-und-familie/kindertagesstaetten/kita-butzemannhaus.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.drk-rostock.de/angebote/kinder-jugend-und-familie/kindertagesstaetten/kita-butzemannhaus…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Regionale Schule Mitte "Fritz Reuter" website https://www.myfritz-reuter-schule.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.myfritz-reuter-schule.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.myfritz-reuter-schule.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Orangerie Semlow url http://www.schloss-semlow.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.schloss-semlow.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Autohaus Rekewitsch contact:website https://renault-autohausrekewitsch-ruegen.de/ 503 Backend fetch failed

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w contact:website https://www.stralsund.de/shared/Nachrichtenportal/Aktuelles/Brueckenoeffnungszeiten-der-Kanalbruecke… 404 404

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Freie Grundschule Glowe contact:website http://www.freie-schule-glowe.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.freie-schule-glowe.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Islandpferdehof Wittower Heide website http://islandpferdehof-wittower-heide.de 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://islandpferdehof-wittower-heide.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Artenschutzturm Augustenhof url https://www.stiftung-pro-artenvielfalt.org/seiten/artenschutztuerme/crivitz.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Eisarena Insel Usedom website http://www.eisarena-insel-usedom.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.eisarena-insel-usedom.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Freiwillige Feuerwehr Hohen Viecheln contact:website http://www.ff-hohen-viecheln.de/ 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ferienwohnanlage Schwabe website https://www.fewo-schwabe-rerik.de/ 303 See Other

Redirect URL: http://www4.fewo-schwabe-rerik.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w image https://photos.app.goo.gl/HFBiNfi5V7o9ochJ6 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMSknYL0IgQFDBVTyUM8uW8iYvwbsRdPhvpc4CcRjvJIJElLdhdz7jog4DO3wqB…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w image https://photos.app.goo.gl/Mv5RXxiDqjWmF1we6 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNWI5O55phl9QL6Y-P6XOLq3pyQjKpIB3s_qrhWp79jq-vfEExFrP_nSfgZJRHA…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Nautineum Stralsund website https://www.nautineum.de/ 303 See Other

Redirect URL: https://www.deutsches-meeresmuseum.de/nautineum

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Marinemuseum website https://www.stralsund-museum.de/Museen/Marinemuseum/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ferienanlage Waldeck website https://www.waldeck-ruegen.de/ 303 See Other

Redirect URL: http://www4.waldeck-ruegen.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Seeschwalbe website https://www.seeschwalbe-im-küstenwald.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.seeschwalbe-im-k%C3%BCstenwald.de/": EOF

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hotel Zur Linde website https://www.zur-linde-ruegen.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.zur-linde-ruegen.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Operator: Caritas Mecklenburg e.V. contact:website https://www.caritas-mecklenburg.de/caritas-vor-ort/region-neubrandenburg/umbau-pferdemarkt 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.caritas-im-norden.de/region

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Partylocation Bengs contact:website https://www.bengs-muelltonnenreinigung.de/veranstaltungen.htm 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Music-Town contact:website https://shop.music-town.de/de 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://music-town.de/de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kita "Morgenstern" contact:website https://www.diakonie-mse.de/einrichtungen/morgenstern-neubrandenburg 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wasserwerk Wotenitz contact:website https://www.zweckverband-gvm.de/page/wasserwerke/wasserwerk-wotenitz.php 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kita Grashüpfer website https://www.volkssolidaritaet-parchim.de/index.php/kindertagestaetten/kita-gross-godems 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hotel Schäfereck website https://www.phoenixhotelbetriebe.de/phoenix-hotel-schaefereck/ 922 Domain is for sale: found string parkingcrew.net in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Evangelische Grundschule Neustrelitz contact:website http://s381411799.website-start.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://s381411799.website-start.de/": dial tcp: lookup s381411799.website-start.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Owe Gluth contact:website https://www.owegluth.de/home/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.owegluth.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w contact:website https://www.fleether-muehle.de/zimmer 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.fleethermuehle.info:/zimmer

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w image https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Nigen_Bramborg_-Raathuuspassage_un_Hotel.jpg 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Total contact:website https://store.total.de/de_DE/ND032581 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://store.total.de/de_DE/ND032581": dial tcp: lookup store.total.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Waterkant Kitchen website https://nordicbowls.azurewebsites.net/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://nordicbowls.azurewebsites.net/": dial tcp: lookup nordicbowls.azurewebsites.net on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Stadthafen Waren website http://www.mueritz-digital.de/m_waren1.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.mueritz-digital.de/m_waren1.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Neubau Kita Seehof contact:website https://gemeinde-seehof.de/projekte/kita/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://gemeinde-seehof.de/projekte/kita/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w easycarwash website https://easycarwash.de/standorte-parchim/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wohnheime Max-Planck-Straße website https://www.studentenwerk-rostock.de/de/wohnen/wohnheime/rostock/rostock-suedstadt-max-planck-str-ha… 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.studentenwerk-rostock.de/de/wohnen/wohnheime/rostock/rostock-suedstadt-max-planck-str-haus-1-5.html": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.studentenwerk-rostock.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Aquadrom website https://www.aquadrom.net/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Seniorenzentrum Dr. Hans Heydemann website http://www.seniorenzentrum-malchow.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.seniorenzentrum-malchow.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Robinson Club Fleesensee contact:website https://www.robinson-fleesensee.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.robinson-fleesensee.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for *.saj.live, not www.robinson-fleesensee.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Operator: Setzkorn GmbH & Co. KG contact:website https://www.autohaus-setzkorn.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.autohaus-setzkorn.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.autohaus-setzkorn.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Autobahnmeisterei Malchow contact:website http://www.strassenbauverwaltung.mvnet.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.strassenbauverwaltung.mvnet.de": dial tcp: lookup www.strassenbauverwaltung.mvnet.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Veterinär- und Lebensmittelüberwachungsamt contact:website https://www.lk-mecklenburgische-seenplatte.de/Kontakt/Anschriften/Fach%C3%A4mter/Veterin%C3%A4r-und-… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ev. Kita "Regenbogenhaus" contact:website https://www.diakonie-mse.de/einrichtungen/regenbogenhaus-neubrandenburg 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kita "Knirpsenland" contact:website https://awo-nb.de/awo-neubrandenburg/kinderdienste-und-jugenddienste-neubrandenburg/kindertagesstaet… 911 Error doing request: Get "https://awo-nb.de/awo-neubrandenburg/kinderdienste-und-jugenddienste-neubrandenburg/kindertagesstaetten-awo-neubrandenburg/kita-knirpsenland-neubrandenburg": remote error: tls: internal error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kita "Monckeshof" contact:website https://awo-nb.de/awo-neubrandenburg/kinderdienste-und-jugenddienste-neubrandenburg/kindertagesstaet… 911 Error doing request: Get "https://awo-nb.de/awo-neubrandenburg/kinderdienste-und-jugenddienste-neubrandenburg/kindertagesstaetten-awo-neubrandenburg/kindertagesstaette-monckeshof-neubrandenburg": remote error: tls: internal error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Neubau Edith-Stein-Schule Ludwigslust website https://www.edith-stein-schule-lwl.de 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.diakonie-wmsn.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w GV Nordost Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH contact:website http://www.gvnordost.de/ 500 Internal Server Error

Redirect URL: https://www.elgetibrothers.com/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Evangelische Integrative KiTa "Bärenkinder" website https://www.diakoniewerk-gvm.de/kinder/kindertagesstaetten/baerenkinder-schwerin/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.diakonie-nordnordost.de/kinder/kindertagesstaetten/baerenkinder-schwerin/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Betreutes Wohnen Jan-Maat-Weg contact:website http://www.asb-rostock.de/de/Betreutes_Wohnen/0/3/Betreutes_Wohnen.html 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Pflanzenschutzdienst des LALLF M-V website https://www.lallf.de/Schwerin.401.0.html?&L=0&no_cache=1&sword_list%5B0%5D=schwerin 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kita "Am Sattelplatz" contact:website https://awo-nb.de/awo-neubrandenburg/kinderdienste-und-jugenddienste-neubrandenburg/kindertagesstaet… 911 Error doing request: Get "https://awo-nb.de/awo-neubrandenburg/kinderdienste-und-jugenddienste-neubrandenburg/kindertagesstaetten-awo-neubrandenburg/kita-am-sattelplatz-neubrandenburg": EOF

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Neuapostolische Kirche Neustrelitz website https://neustrelitz.nak-nordost.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://neubrandenburg.nak-nordost.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Noahs Kleine Strolche website https://www.diakonie-mse.de/einrichtungen/kleine-strolche-waren 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Evangelischer Kindergarten Marienkäfer website https://www.diakonie-mse.de/einrichtungen/marienkaefer-neustrelitz 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Suchtklinik website https://dreesch-schwerin.de/evangelische-suchtkrankenhilfe-baut-im-muesser-holz-eine-klinik-mit-64-p… 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://www.schwerin.de/landingpage/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Shell contact:website https://find.shell.com/de/fuel/10026657-neustrelitz-strelitzer-ch 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://find.shell.com/de/fuel/10026657-neustrelitz-strelitzer-ch": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Universitätsklinikum Greifswald website http://klinikum.uni-greifswald.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://klinikum.uni-greifswald.de/": dial tcp: lookup klinikum.uni-greifswald.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w brandtgrün contact:website https://www.brandtgruen.de/index.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Berufliche Schule des Landkreises Vorpommern-Greifswald contact:website http://www.bs-greifswald.de/bshgw00a/hausordnung/informationen.htm 922 Domain is for sale: found string sedoparking.com in it

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wertstoffhof Feldberg website https://lk-mecklenburgische-seenplatte.de/?object=tx%7C2761.2&ModID=10&FID=2037.392.1 404 Not Found

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website contact:website

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w contact:website https://jh-holding.ag/warnowufer-rostock/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w KITA Schwaanenkinder website http://www.schwaan.info/DRK_Kitas/index.php/schwaanenkinder 503 Service Unavailable

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Grundschule Röbel contact:website https://www.grundschuleroebel.de 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.grundschuleroebel.de": remote error: tls: handshake failure

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Waldsaumgarten Steinfurth contact:website https://kunstundnatur-steinfurth.de/waldsaumgarten/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://kunstundnatur-steinfurth.de/waldsaumgarten/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match kunstundnatur-steinfurth.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hildebrandt Equipment GmbH website https://www.hildebrandt.equipment 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.hildebrandt.equipment": dial tcp: lookup www.hildebrandt.equipment on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w KiTa Piporello contact:website https://www.drk-guestrow.de/angebote/kinder-jugend-und-familie/kindertageseinrichtung/piporello-buet… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Haus "Silvana" contact:website https://www.der-anfang-ist-gemacht.com/haus-silvana 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kita Uns lütt Kinnerhus contact:website https://www.twsd-mv.de/angebote-und-leistungen/foerder-und-bildungsangebote/kindertagesstaetten/kita… 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.twsd-mv.de/angebote-und-leistungen/foerder-und-bildungsangebote/kindertagesstaetten/kita-uns-luett-kinnerhus/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Fahrradverleih website https://www.reisen-in-mv.de/serviceangebote-fahrradvermietung.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wertstoffhof Malchow website https://lk-mecklenburgische-seenplatte.de/?object=tx%7C2761.2&ModID=10&FID=2037.392.1 404 Not Found

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website contact:website

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Förderschule Bützow contact:website http://foerderschule.bilse.de/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Dähn contact:website https://www.autohausdaehn.de/autohaus-daehn-neubrandenburg/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Lebendiger Landbau contact:website https://www.lebendiger-landbau.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://solawi.lebendiger-landbau.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Johannisdamm image https://photos.app.goo.gl/mHRvwXfCkbQ7FiwZA 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNPUv2kjPFnfPeaHZv0prVxEhIV1cNRqCkkOR_uEVF7QeJcZwWEekQY8JMIJ3E1…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w image https://photos.app.goo.gl/kUXtz6tP9S4Lp33S8 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipO_7cUhkcgj_K5KolNd15MtGynUldAX3DozDl9LBo5vk1KpSVgQHRheZum7mmDK…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w image https://photos.app.goo.gl/Ky7dwFSL3F6UdzAv7 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPg2lmRj-jXrOX18Yq4DBbrZtWtulSSPL3X264aEjQWTtPjh-EFFHHvjtL_uJ9x…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w image https://photos.app.goo.gl/ME7C5kczraVxdJko9 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNNOj1IALBy3L80yoFd1_U07lV73lSdwOCKiBmHxRzdlUzfyDD6pHH-vxfAnCtn…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w image https://photos.app.goo.gl/u5cPpuhmCbdtZopPA 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPaeOob6l-VZLl9PrSaKYLXfuh6g_j0hjvb-4En_iEBY44-u63kFaUaXF2zypmb…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w image https://photos.app.goo.gl/kdmzMbgLGE9wQjcL6 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPle1Yu515S_eRMxTvdSAepZvV3yRdXMfSsk2PoafEqqB4xTSufFVqj2wsIn2N_…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wohngebiet Am Mühlenbruch website https://www.stag-stadtbau.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.stag-stadtbau.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.stag-stadtbau.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website https://share.mailbox.org/ajax/share/03ee36120554c86036c9bba554c8407e815342635550a0dc/1/8/NjQ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://share.mailbox.org/appsuite/ui#!&session=d04317e806644cca99cea7860ed7d647&user_id=32&context_…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Piahowiak contact:website https://piahowiak.de/standorte/renault-neubrandenburg/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://renault-piahowiak-neubrandenburg.de/standorte/renault-neubrandenburg/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w website https://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/HVHV-4400.pdf 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w MSVT Mecklenburg-Strelitzer-Verkehrstechnik GmbH contact:website http://www.msvt-verkehrstechnik.de 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Schießplatz "Friedländer Schützenzunft e.V." website http://friedländer-schützenzunft.org/startseite.html 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://friedl%C3%A4nder-sch%C3%BCtzenzunft.org/startseite.html": dial tcp: lookup xn--friedlnder-schtzenzunft-07b22d.org on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Autoforum contact:website https://www.autoforum-neubrandenburg.audi/de.html 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.autoforum-neubrandenburg.audi/de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Boels contact:website https://www.boels.com/de-de/branches/mecklenburg-vorpommern/neubrandenburg 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.boels.com/de-de/branches/mecklenburg-vorpommern/neubrandenburg": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Metallbau Heppner GmbH contact:website http://heppner-metallbau.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://heppner-metallbau.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Marinabüro website https://www.kuhnle.boats 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.kuhnle.boats": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for 000000.ntools.de, not www.kuhnle.boats

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wertstoffhof Altentreptow website https://lk-mecklenburgische-seenplatte.de/?object=tx%7C2761.2&ModID=10&FID=2037.392.1 404 Not Found

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website contact:website

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Kreisverwaltung contact:website https://www.landkreis-rostock.de/landkreis/kreisverwaltung/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hideaway website https.//www.pineblue.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "https.//www.pineblue.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://https.//www.pineblue.de or http://https.//www.pineblue.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Beach House website https.//www.pineblue.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "https.//www.pineblue.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://https.//www.pineblue.de or http://https.//www.pineblue.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wertstoffhof Friedland website https://lk-mecklenburgische-seenplatte.de/?object=tx%7C2761.2&ModID=10&FID=2037.392.1 404 Not Found

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website contact:website

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wertstoffhof Malchin website https://lk-mecklenburgische-seenplatte.de/?object=tx%7C2761.2&ModID=10&FID=2037.392.1 404 Not Found

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website contact:website

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Schützenverein Mirow e.V. contact:website http://www.schuetzenverein-mirow.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.schuetzenverein-mirow.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.schuetzenverein-mirow.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wertstoffhof Neubrandenburg website https://lk-mecklenburgische-seenplatte.de/?object=tx%7C2761.2&ModID=10&FID=2037.392.1 404 Not Found

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website contact:website

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wertstoffhof Röbel/Müritz website https://lk-mecklenburgische-seenplatte.de/?object=tx%7C2761.2&ModID=10&FID=2037.392.1 404 Not Found

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website contact:website

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wertstoffhof Waren (Müritz) website https://lk-mecklenburgische-seenplatte.de/?object=tx%7C2761.2&ModID=10&FID=2037.392.1 404 Not Found

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website contact:website

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w team contact:website https://www.team.de/standort/tankstellen/waren-warendorfer-strasse 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.team.de/standort/tankstellen/waren-warendorfer-strasse": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Rad-Safe am Bahnhof Hagenow Land website https://www.rad-safe.de/order/booking 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.rad-safe.de/order/booking": dial tcp connect: connection refused

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Vom Hexenkeller contact:website https://www.vom-hexenkeller.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.vom-hexenkeller.de": dial tcp: lookup www.vom-hexenkeller.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w BGA Wolkow website https://www.gut-kerkow.de/Biogasanlage.html 918 Unable to analyze URL because a CDN is used: website hosted by Cloudflare

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hauptgenossenschaft Nord AG contact:website https://www.team.de/produkte-und-services/agrar 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://www.team.de/produkte-und-services/agrar": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Reithof Guido Lange website http://reiterhof-lange.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://reiterhof-lange.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w GILDHORN Haarsysteme website https://www.gildhorn-haarsysteme.de/ 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.gildhorn-haarsysteme.de/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Falkencamp Pepelow website https://www.falken-mv.de/wir-uber-uns/falkencamp-pepelow/ 500 Internal Server Error

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wertstoffhof Demmin website https://lk-mecklenburgische-seenplatte.de/?object=tx%7C2761.2&ModID=10&FID=2037.392.1 404 Not Found

Object uses the following 2 different tags for URLs: website contact:website

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Klinikum contact:website https://dbknb.de/malchin 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ferienpark am Wangnitzsee contact:website https://www.ferienpark-wangnitzsee.de/ 303 See Other

Redirect URL: http://www4.ferienpark-wangnitzsee.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Lewitz Mühle website https://lewitzmuehle.travdo-hotels.de 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://travdo-hotels.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Solarpark Tramm-Göhten website https://belectric.com/tramm-goethen-site-journal/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Heizwerk Malchin contact:website http://www.niedermoor-nutzen.de/das-heizwerk.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.niedermoor-nutzen.de/das-heizwerk.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hort in der Bernsteinstadt website https://ill-ev.de/hortbernsteinstadt 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://ill-ev.de/startseite

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Bebauungsplan Nr. 21 - Wohngebiet nördlich der Hermann-Burmeister-Straße website https://bauleitplaene-mv.de/download/B21_Wohngebiet%20Burmeister%20Schule%20Plan%20Scan-815442.pdf 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Total contact:website https://store.totalenergies.de/de_DE/ND029876 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://store.totalenergies.de/de_DE/ND029876": dial tcp: lookup store.totalenergies.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ameos Klinikum Anklam website https://www.ameos.eu/klinikum-anklam.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w ZahrenQuartier contact:website https://zahrenquartier.de/tinyhouse-wagen 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w ZahrenQuartier contact:website https://zahrenquartier.de/tinyhouse-wagen 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w ZahrenQuartier contact:website http://zahrenquartier.de/womo-stellplatz 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://zahrenquartier.de/womo-stellplatz

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Inselschule Hiddensee website http://www.schule-hiddensee.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.schule-hiddensee.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Operator: Bike + Ride Box website https://www.bikeandridebox.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.bikeandridebox.de/": dial tcp connect: connection refused

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Immanuel Haus Ecktannen contact:website https://waren.immanuel.de/immanuel-haus-ecktannen/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://waren.immanuel.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Freiwillige Feuerwehr Bansin Heringsdorf contact:website https://www.kaiserwehr.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.kaiserwehr.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.kaiserwehr.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Neustrelitzer Hundefreunde contact:website http://www.hundefreunde-neustrelitz.de/ 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.hundefreunde-neustrelitz.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for hundefreunde-neustrelitz.de, not www.hundefreunde-neustrelitz.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Rudolf-Tarnow-Schule website http://www.rudolf-tarnow-grundschule.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.rudolf-tarnow-grundschule.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Evangelische Pflegeeinrichtung "Kurt Winkelmann" website https://www.diakonie-mse.de/einrichtungen/kurt-winkelmann-neustrelitz 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Schmitz contact:website https://www.schmitz-motorradzentrum.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.schmitz-motorradzentrum.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.schmitz-motorradzentrum.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ferienhaus Hanni website https://www.zimmerboerse-prerow.de/ferienhaeuser/Buhne35-Hanni.html 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.zimmerboerse-prerow.de/Fischland-Darss-Zingst/Ostseebad.Prerow/306.Hanni

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ferienhaus Meerliebe website https://www.zimmerboerse-prerow.de/ferienhaeuser/Meerliebe-Meerliebe.html 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.zimmerboerse-prerow.de/Fischland-Darss-Zingst/Ostseebad.Prerow/332.Meerliebe

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Ferienhaus Ostseeperle website https://www.zimmerboerse-prerow.de/ferienhaeuser/Ostseeperl-Ostseeperle.html 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.zimmerboerse-prerow.de/Fischland-Darss-Zingst/Ostseebad.Prerow/335.Ostseeperle

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Fenster Schröder website https://www.fenster-schroeder-gmbh.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.fenster-schroeder-gmbh.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.fenster-schroeder-gmbh.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Druckluftdienst Walz & Sohn GmbH website http://www.walz-druckluftdienst.de/ 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.walz-druckluftdienst.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wohnen an den Gärten website https://www.wohnen-wittenburg.de/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Wertstoffhof Rosenow website https://www.ovvd.de/home 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://ovvd.de/index

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Vogelwäldchen website https://www.drk-lwl.de/angebote/fuer-kinder-und-jugend/kindertagesbetreuung/grabow-vogelwaeldchen-sb… 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.drk-lwl.de/angebote/fuer-kinder-und-jugend/kindertagesbetreuung/grabow-vogelwaeldchen-sb.html": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Operator: Institut Lernen und Leben e.V. website https://ill-ev.de/schulstandorte/rostock/kreativcampus-evershagen 307 Temporary Redirect

Redirect URL: https://ill-ev.de/schulstandorte/rostock/kreativcampus-evershagen/reformpaedagogik-trifft-architektu…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Autohaus Sachs website https://www.autohaus-sachs.eu/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://fsn-autozentrum.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Gasthof Seeblick website https://ferienpension-seeblick.de/ 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hafen am Speicher contact:website https://www.hafen-am-speicher.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.hafen-am-speicher.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.hafen-am-speicher.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hafen Am Speicher contact:website https://www.hafen-am-speicher.de/ 924 POI without feature

POI has a disused:* main feature

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w CERAVIS contact:website https://ceravis.de/ueber-uns/standorte 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hilly-Billy-Town Reiterhof website http://www.hilly-billy-town.de/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.hilly-billy-town.de/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Hotel Baltic Stralsund website https://www.viennahouse.com/de.html 503 Service Unavailable

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w image https://maps.app.goo.gl/27sEa27vDfzmVX6z5 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/105114795107574741875/photos/@54.084522,12.1333999,3a,75y,90t/da…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w image https://maps.app.goo.gl/27sEa27vDfzmVX6z5 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/105114795107574741875/photos/@54.084522,12.1333999,3a,75y,90t/da…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Mauer des ehemaligen Stasi-Gefängnisses image https://maps.app.goo.gl/SwJxHoD17Z3qj7BK6 919 URL shortener used

Redirect URL: https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/105114795107574741875/photos/@54.084522,12.1333999,3a,75y,90t/da…

URL shortener goo.gl used, status of redirect URL is 302 Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w DRK Tagespflege "Haus zur Elbbrücke" website http://www.drk-sb-lwl.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.drk-sb-lwl.de": dial tcp: lookup www.drk-sb-lwl.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM w Gewerbegebiet Grüner Weg website https://www.grevesmuehlen.eu/wirtschaft/gewerbegebiete/gr%C3%BCner-weg/ 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.grevesmuehlen.de/wirtschaft/gewerbegebiete/gr%C3%BCner-weg

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r Nordwestmecklenburg Radwanderweg R1 "Schwerin - Grevesmühlen - Boltenhagen" url http://www.nordwestmecklenburg.de/index.phtml?Aktion=showdata&ID=215&Instanz=833&Datensatz=18 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r Nordwestmecklenburg Radtour T2 "Klützer Winkel - Schlösser und Meer" url http://www.nordwestmecklenburg.de/index.phtml?Aktion=showdata&ID=215&Instanz=833&Datensatz=7 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r 35 Bergen-Trent-Schaprode website https://www.vvr-bus.de/media/download/fahrplaene/fahrplaene-ab101223/l35_ab101223.pdf 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r 37 Gingst–Vieregge website https://www.vvr-bus.de/media/download/fahrplaene/fahrplaene-ab101223/l37_ab101223.pdf 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r 38 Bergen-Gingst-Waase (Ummanz) website https://www.vvr-bus.de/media/download/fahrplaene/fahrplaene-ab101223/l38_ab101223.pdf 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r Uckermärkischer Radrundweg website https://www.tourismus-uckermark.de/angebote/rad/uckermaerkischer-radrundweg.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r A10 Zentrum für Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde contact:website https://www.dental.uni-greifswald.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "https://www.dental.uni-greifswald.de/": dial tcp: lookup www.dental.uni-greifswald.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r Sprachheilpädagogisches Förderzentrum website www.sprachheilschule-schwerin.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.sprachheilschule-schwerin.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.sprachheilschule-schwerin.de or http://www.sprachheilschule-schwerin.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r Ärztehaus website http://aerztehaus-greifswald.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://aerztehaus-greifswald.de/": dial tcp: lookup aerztehaus-greifswald.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r Ärztehaus website http://aerztehaus-greifswald.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://aerztehaus-greifswald.de/": dial tcp: lookup aerztehaus-greifswald.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r Pilgerweg Mecklenburgische-Seenplatte (gesamt) website https://pilgerweg-mecklenburgische-seenplatte.de/ 915 Certificate authority: Get "https://pilgerweg-mecklenburgische-seenplatte.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r Nordwestmecklenburg Radroute R3 "Sievershagen – Schönberg" url http://www.nordwestmecklenburg.de/index.phtml?Aktion=showdata&ID=215&Instanz=833&Datensatz=20&Specia… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r Tour 7: Zwischen Grevesmühlen und Rehna url http://www.nordwestmecklenburg.de/index.phtml?Aktion=showdata&ID=215&Instanz=833&Datensatz=11&Specia… 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r Rundwanderweg Hoppenrade website http://regionalmanagement-mv.de/index.php/projekte/10-projekte/30 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://regionalmanagement-mv.de/index.php/projekte/10-projekte/30": dial tcp: lookup regionalmanagement-mv.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r Regionalschule Schlagsdorf website http://schule.schlagsdorf.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://schule.schlagsdorf.de": dial tcp: lookup schule.schlagsdorf.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r Regionale Schule "Otto Lilienthal" website http://www.lilienthalschule-rostock.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://www.lilienthalschule-rostock.de": dial tcp: lookup www.lilienthalschule-rostock.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r Grundschule Lankow - V-E Klassen website http://ve-klassen-lankow.de/ 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://ve-klassen-lankow.de/": dial tcp: lookup ve-klassen-lankow.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r Gewerbegebiet Glienholzweg website https://www.stadt-roebel.de/industriegebiet.htm 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r website http://regionalschule-banzkow.de 913 DNS Error doing request: Get "http://regionalschule-banzkow.de": dial tcp: lookup regionalschule-banzkow.de on no such host

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r Wasserwanderrastplatz Sanzkow website https://www.vorpommern.de/reiseziele/details/stamm/show/wasserwanderrastplatz-einsetzstelle-sanzkow/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r Denkmalweg contact:website http://www.auf-nach-mv.de/files/original/galerie_vom_27.03.2009_16.03.26/wanderwege_denkmalsweg.pdf 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.auf-nach-mv.de/files/original/galerie_vom_27.03.2009_16.03.26/wanderwege_denkmalsweg.pdf

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r Tour Brandenburg 6 website https://www.reiseland-brandenburg.de/poi/prignitz/radtouren/6-etappe-tour-brandenburg-wittstock-fuer… 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.reiseland-brandenburg.de/poi/prignitz/radtouren/6-etappe-tour-brandenburg-wittstock-fuerstenberg-havel/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r Heinrich-Heine-Schule (Grundschulteil) website https://www.gadebusch.de/index.phtml?Aktion=showdata&ID=92&Instanz=1326&Datensatz=11 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r Renaissanceschloss Gadebusch website www.schloss-gadebusch.de 914 Protocol Error doing request: Get "www.schloss-gadebusch.de": unsupported protocol scheme "". Maybe the URL https://www.schloss-gadebusch.de or http://www.schloss-gadebusch.de works.

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r Industriepark Schwerin website https://www.industriepark.schwerin.de/wirtschaft/wirtschaftsstandort/industriepark-schwerin/index.ht… 917 Certificate domain: Get "https://www.industriepark.schwerin.de/wirtschaft/wirtschaftsstandort/industriepark-schwerin/index.html": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for schwerin.de, *.schwerin.de, konservatorium-schwerin.de, www.konservatorium-schwerin.de, not www.industriepark.schwerin.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r Jugendhilfeverbund "Blinkfeuer" website http://drk-rostock.de/angebote/kinder-jugend-und-familie/jugendhilfe.html 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.drk-rostock.de/angebote/kinder-jugend-und-familie/jugendhilfe.html

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r Gestütsweg website https://www.pferdeland-brandenburg.de/erlebniswelt/wanderreiten/regionen-routen/prignitz/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://www.pferdeland-brandenburg.de/erlebniswelt/wanderreiten/regionen-routen/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r Fähre Aalbude website https://mvvg-bus.de/?page_id=9 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r Institut für Physik website https://www.physik.uni-rostock.de/das-institut/neubau/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r Warnow Geschäftszentrum website https://warnowgeschaeftszentrum.de/ 301 Moved Permanently

Redirect URL: https://unternehmen.11880.com/website-erstellung

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r Polizeiinspektion Wismar website https://www.polizei.mvnet.de/Polizei/PPHRO/PP-Rostock-PI-Wismar/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r ehem. Röggeliner Burg website https://www.burgenland-mv.de/html/dechow.html 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r Hanshäger Bach website http://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/RYZI-1500.pdf UND http://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/RY… 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/RYZI-1500.pdf%20UND%20http://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbri…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r Rosenhäger Beck url http://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/UNPE-4300.pdf UND http://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/UN… 404 Not Found

Redirect URL: https://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbrief/UNPE-4300.pdf%20UND%20http://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/wksteckbri…

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r AWO Sportinternat und Mensa website https://www.sportgymnasium-schwerin.de/?page_id=96 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r 35 Gingst Schulhof - Wittower Fähre website https://www.vvr-bus.de/media/download/fahrplaene/fahrplaene-ab101223/l35_ab101223.pdf 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r Burg an der Tollense image http://gutshaus-wietzow.de/assets/images/1/Tollense-Burg-392f1b21.jpg 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r Jugendwaldheim Dümmer website https://www.wald-mv.de/Forstaemter/Radeluebbe/Jugendwaldheim-Duemmer/ 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r Parafia bł. Michała Kozala Biskupa i Męczennika w Świnoujściu website http://www.michalkozal.swi.pl/ 923 TLS version available

TLS secured version of the website is available: https://www.michalkozal.swi.pl/

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r Räuber Röpke Sagenpfad website https://www.sagen-erlebnis-pfad.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.sagen-erlebnis-pfad.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.sagen-erlebnis-pfad.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r Räuber Röpke Sagenpfad website https://www.sagen-erlebnis-pfad.de/ 911 Error doing request: Get "https://www.sagen-erlebnis-pfad.de/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match www.sagen-erlebnis-pfad.de

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r Eiszeitroute (Rundroute 1) website https://www.mecklenburgische-seenplatte.de/radtour-eiszeit-rundroute-1 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.mecklenburgische-seenplatte.de/radtour-eiszeit-rundroute-1": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r Eiszeitroute (Rundroute 3) website https://www.mecklenburgische-seenplatte.de/radtour-eiszeit-rundroute-3 912 Timeout doing request: Get "https://www.mecklenburgische-seenplatte.de/radtour-eiszeit-rundroute-3": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r 41 Gingst - Samtens - Altefähr website https://www.vvr-bus.de/media/download/fahrplaene/fahrplaene-ab101223/l41_ab101223.pdf 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r 41 Altefähr - Samtens - Gingst website https://www.vvr-bus.de/media/download/fahrplaene/fahrplaene-ab101223/l41_ab101223.pdf 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r 41 Gingst - Samtens - Altefähr website https://www.vvr-bus.de/media/download/fahrplaene/fahrplaene-ab101223/l41_ab101223.pdf 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r 41 Altefähr - Samtens - Gingst website https://www.vvr-bus.de/media/download/fahrplaene/fahrplaene-ab101223/l41_ab101223.pdf 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r 41 Altefähr - Samtens - Gingst website https://www.vvr-bus.de/media/download/fahrplaene/fahrplaene-ab101223/l41_ab101223.pdf 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r 41 Altefähr - Samtens - Gingst website https://www.vvr-bus.de/media/download/fahrplaene/fahrplaene-ab101223/l41_ab101223.pdf 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r 41 Altefähr - Samtens - Gingst website https://www.vvr-bus.de/media/download/fahrplaene/fahrplaene-ab101223/l41_ab101223.pdf 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r 41 Gingst - Samtens - Altefähr website https://www.vvr-bus.de/media/download/fahrplaene/fahrplaene-ab101223/l41_ab101223.pdf 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r 41 Gingst - Samtens - Altefähr website https://www.vvr-bus.de/media/download/fahrplaene/fahrplaene-ab101223/l41_ab101223.pdf 404 Not Found

iD JOSM L0 +iL

OSM r Rügener Bodden-Panoramaweg website https://www.wanderverband.de/wege/alle-wege/ruegener-bodden-panoramaweg-0c1e6ed853 302 Found

Redirect URL: https://www.wanderverband.de/404

iD JOSM L0 +iL

ID Type Name Tag type URL Status Analysis Edit Links